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Posts posted by BleedBlu8792

  1. I'd be all for it, but I doubt anything goes down until the end of the season. You can never have enough talent but there is only one football. I'd wait until the end of the season once Bey's deal is done, and if Gordon is still with the Browns, make an offer then. I'm still interested in Da'Rick Rogers' development throughout the season and into next season barring he's still with the team. Rogers *could* be our Gordon and would have cost the Colts next to nothing. (major emphasis on could)

  2. This video was much better. Showcases his elusiveness and cutting ability, at least. He looks like another "dancer" though, at first look. Hope that isn't the case

    As a Buckeye fan that's just a small sample of what he can do. As Smonroe said, that was one of Ohio State's worst years in a LONG time, and even being out for the first 5 games he finished the season pretty well. Is he a top tier talent? No, but he's a good stop gap for the year and runs hard every play. He'll be fine given his role and what's asked of him.

  3. Is Hughes considered a DE or Nose Tackle or what? Im not even sure what role we drafted him for.... Possible future replacement for Redding?

    DE from what I understand. From all the raving about his agility, I don't think they are wanting to waste it with him playing NT. Now he can play NT if needed but it looks like DE will be his position.

  4. For him being a deep threat, why is he averaging 10 yards a catch?

    I'd go ahead and give up now because either you're not reading the other posts or just being completely incompetent to the other posts. The answers you are looking for are in this thread and have been stated more than once.

    He's being asked to do A LOT more than just run GO routes.

  5. You seriously have no idea what you are talking about if you think RG3 should have won the Heisman by a large margin.  He lost more games than Luck and played a cupcake schedule, against the worst defenses in the country.  And yes Luck did deserve rookie of the year, because he was entire team last year.  It's completely *ic to think otherwise.  You either have no clue what you are talking about, or you are just trying to be "that guy"  Get over yourself...


    I think you need to go and research who Stanford played and their defensive rankings that year. 8 of the first 9 defenses Luck played against were against teams who were ranked in the 100's in scoring defense. The Pac-12 has been and always will be a cupcake conference. Sure, Luck exploited it for the most part but its not like he was racking up numbers against top-tier talent either. I believe Griffin faced 5 or 6 teams with defenses that ranked in the 100's in scoring, so neither really had it that hard. To say that Griffin had a cupcake schedule without acknowledging Luck had one too is pretty homerish.

  6. IN FA go defense for cryin out loud !! 3-4 DE ? ILB ? CB? Let resign bethea Davis macaffee

    TOP NAMES : Brandon Browner CB

    Sam Shields CB

    Arthur Jones DE

    Ryan pickett NT

    I'd much rather resign Moala than sign Jones. He'd be cheaper and to me they are fairly equal in terms of talent.

    I highly doubt DB gets looked at with Butler and Toler both getting deals and with Grigson spending a 2nd rounder on Vontae, I would almost bet Vontae is going to be re-upped. If any DB's are added it will be later in the draft for added depth.

    The same thing goes with NT. Chapman has shown he's going to be the "guy" next year so depth at NT can be added later in the draft next year.

    I don't look for Grigson to go bananas again next year in FA. He will spend a good amount on our guys. However, I do like the thought of what someone said earlier and that's taking a look at Brian Orakpo. With his past injuries he may be a cheap addition and it would give us another pass rusher along with Werner. I think with the way Walden has been playing he may end up being here the next couple of years.

    Speaking of linebackers, I wouldn't be surprised if Grigson doesn't take a hard look at a top tier ILB to go with Freeman. I honestly feel that's the only spot that could be heavily upgraded. Angerer and Sheppard aren't the answer, however I still like Conner for depth. I can only imagine how much better this front 7 can be with a true run defending thumper at ILB.

    Grigson's work this year made next offseason much easier to manage and build upon I believe. The man is good..

  7. I don't think there is anything factual that I know of, of any communication between  Irsay and Manning since the press conference. As I've said, Irsay made the right long term move, however if Manning wins a Super Bowl or two in Denver, he could be opened to criticism, but that deal was a very hard choice. If the Colts win a Super Bowl or two in the next four years, Irsay and Grigson will look like genius's, especially if Manning keeps losing in the playoffs after unbelievable regular seasons. 


    I think that is the crux of all this. Maybe there is no overt anger, but both Irsay and Manning want to prove something. In Irsay's case, he wants to put a stamp on this current team as his own creation, and not Polian's and Manning's team. This is what drove Jerry Jones crazy, not getting the credit for the Cowboy's successes, as most of the credit went to Jimmie Johnson. Winning without Manning and Polian, would show the NFL that Irsay is a genius. His tweeting like a loon, shows how much he wants this.


    For Manning, it would be vindication against Irsay . He could truthfully say that he made the Indianapolis Colts a successful organization , after the Colt's had been the laughingstock of the league under Irsay ownership and management from 1972-1997. It was Peyton's arrival that turned the Colt's into a winning organization. As Peyton is a huge competitor, would you believe he wouldn't be hurt by what happened, and eager to show Irsay and Grigson they made a mistake ? It's just human nature. He is too public relations oriented to ever say that, but you could see how he might believe it. 


    Should be a very interesting game coming up. 


    Two completely different teams in that Denver was being built to win now and so was San Fran as opposed to the Colts. Irsay knew, at that time, this was going to be a multi-year restructuring before we got to solid grounds in terms of getting a more complete roster. I whole heartedly believe Irsay wasn't going to allow Peyton to sit through this when his playing time left was very limited. Irsay wants to see him succeed and you can bet your bank account that if the Colts aren't playing for the SuperBowl he's rooting for the Broncos.


    I think your true Colts fans are perfectly ok with what happened as we looked at it from a business perspective, however your "Peyton Manning" fans are a whole different breed. You would have thought Irsay exiled a family member with the way they talk and reacted. Had the Colts had a more complete team, I have no doubts that Peyton would still be here, but the team as a whole just wasn't there to help Peyton. Irsay gave him the ability to go and solidify his legacy and the guy, right now, is on a mission. I wish the guy all the luck in the world, however all bets are off when he's lined up against the Colts.

  8. When is this guy ever gonna be held accountable for being an overhyped, middle of the road running back? I've never seen so many excuses made for a single player in all my life. First it was because he was hurt most of last year, then it was the Brown's o-line, then it was the ineptitude of Weeden causing him to face stacked boxes, and now it's Pep Hamilton's fault? Give me a break. Richardson just needs to man up and play like a number 3 overall pick, regardless of circumstance. How bout that?

    Would it be better for Luck to just yell out to the defense "hey we going to run the ball, and oh by the way when you see these 6OL/2TE/FB sets we are running every time". Now, I really hope you aren't that incompetent to the game to notice that the majority of Trent's carries have come from this formation. Our OL isn't consistent enough to play that type of football and win every time. There is no coincidence that Trent gets a 12 yard gain on a run when the formation goes to a 4 wide set.

    As I stated in another thread I'm all for running the ball, however I'm not all for telegraphing it and pretty much doing it just to prove a point. All I'm saying is that they could do A LOT better in mixing their running plays up out of multiple formations with Trent. Stop just running him out of the power/jumbo formations.

  9. Dude seriously, 3 carries and over 50 yards vs 20 carries for 60 yards, whos not doing there job?...This is not up for debate who is doing there job,

    I SERIOUSLY question how much you really watched the game. You don't think Trent could have done the same thing that Donald did with 15ft hole the Oline gave him on the draw play? Trent is doing his job, he's just not getting much help in terms of play calling getting him into space.

  10. I did like what I heard from Trent today on 1070 am.

    He said:

    1. The100 yard games will come, he emphasized the plural sense.

    2. He stated himself the teams have "stacked the box," contrary to what some posters think the opposite of. I'll go with his words on this one, sorry guys. He also said that when teams stack the box, it gets the passing game going w Luck.

    3. Bob Lamey said its very hard for Trent learn the playbook. This makes sense considering some other players aren't even used to it yet and they had camp, preseason, and plenty of time to study it.

    I really like this kid.


    To the bolded part...


    I have stated this numerous times now and if people watched the game, and not just Richardson, they would notice that the majority of the run plays that are called are in a power/jumbo formation. The Colts Pep just isn't helping Trent get into space. The defenses have this figured out and they are stacking the box when these formations are used. I don't think its any coincidence that when the Colts, towards the end of the game Sunday, went with a 4 wide - single back set, with Richardson, he rips off a 12 yard gain. I have no issues with the Colts wanting to run the football, but that doesn't mean they need to telegraph it just to prove a point. Once they start mixing Richardson in to the spread formations, or at least running out of them, he's going to be hard to stop. I highly doubt the guy would have been tackled on the draw play that Brown had. I just don't see a DB or the majority of safety's being able to tackle him on their own. Frsutrating to watch, however the job is mostly getting done  and that's all that really matters.

  11. The Pats, they can test our TE/middle of field coverage with Gronk and Amendola back.

    Its totally possible, but I like our chances with Landry being able to run with Gronk if needed. Amendola is good but I don't see him as Wes Welker good though. I still believe Miami is going to win that division.

  12. haha

    Not a super bowl preview. We're not there yet imo. We're good; but not that good. Gotta beat teams like New England & Denver before we can say we're a super bowl team

    Sorry, but I agree with BC. This team has gotten better every week and I think by week 10 this team, if they can stay marginally healthy, will be a serious contender for the AFC. This stretch of games for the next 4 weeks will have them more than ready for what they will see in the playoffs, yes playoffs. This team hasn't scratched the surface as to how good they can be.

    Outside of Denver and maybe Houston, I don't really see anyone else who matches up with us all that well.

  13. True, MJD is always fun to watch. Has he even seen a playoff game? I can't remember.

    I believe the Jags went 11-5 or 12-4 in 07 and lost to the Patriots in the divisional round. MJD will be on a better team next year I believe, as I think the Jags will unload him for picks or cut him next year.

  14. I haven't really seen Bridgewater play, but is he really that good?

    Not even close to being good. He's going to struggle badly when he makes the jump to the NFL. No more FCS teams for you homie... He's never had to play against a great defense and never will having played in C-USA/AAC. If Bridgewater goes before Aaron Murray or Manziel, and they are on the board at the time, that GM should be fired IMMEDIATELY.

    Florida wasn't that great on D last year and he did decent against them in the bowl game but that's the toughest he's faced.

  15. He wouldn't get as many yards lol

    Get Trent to the second/third level like that and its OVER for any DB. Once they quit running him in those power formations all of the time and keep the safety out of the box his ypc will go up a ton. Its no coincidence that when they went 4 wide with him as the single back he had a 12 yard gain. They are telegraphing when he runs WAY too much.

  16. I don't buy the "Only 2nd game" stuff for Trich.

    He's not bad, not by any means. He's really good in short yardage.

    But there is nothing special about him. He's so incredibly average. Things that 6th and 6th round picks can do.

    Again, he fits well with the rotation, especially with Bradshaw. But he's just nothing special

    They keep wanting to run him in power formations and the one time they spread the defense out he runs for a 12 yard gain. Our offensive line still isn't consistent at taking on 8 man boxes. Get the safety out of the box with all these dumb power formations and let Trent get to the second level.

  17. If Brown gets some significant carries (10+) I think he could have a very good game. I have long stated that Brown needs to play behind a man blocking scheme, not a zone blocking scheme... he just does not have the ability to anticipate where the hole is going to open but in a man blocking scheme where the 4 hole is between the RG and RT, if the hole is there he will hit it and hit it hard and 5+ yards, if it's not there he will plow into the back of his blocker and be stopped right there.

    We ran a man blocking scheme last year. We are about half and half this year it seems.

  18. This should be a total and utter destruction, division foes or not. Teddy Bridgewater vs Andrew Luck should be interesting for years to come. This team is the absolute worst in the NFL and makes several european football teams look worthy as a replacement.

    Bridgewater is a joke.. Another Geno Smith at most. He will be a deer in headlights when he gets to playing with the big boys and not FCS schools.

  19. When teams do that it is on Luck to read the D and audible. If they stack the box and we still run, then it is usually a win for the defense. We have to make them pay for stacking the box with pass plays. Keeps the defense honest.


    I completely agree. I still think Luck is having issues with this as it was very evident in the Raiders game and later in the Miami game. He will get it figured out, and once he does, this offense will be on a whole new level.

  20. I think had Hickman not got hurt, we'd be golden on the inside with a rotation of him, Conner, and Freeman. He looked very promising in preseason. Another ILB, or two, are going to need to be looked at in the off-season.

  21. I am utterly astonished at some of the utter astonishment displayed here. As far as I'm concerned what he did was appropriate and normal. Part of it is that people are different. Part of it is that he's paid an enormous amount of money for what he does during three hours on Sunday. His grandmother wasn't hanging off the edge of a building waiting for him to rescue her, she's gone. The family will obviously wait for him before performing any services. In the meantime you honor her by fulfilling your responsibilities to the best of your ability. Different perhaps if the sudden death of younger person, or if a survivor desperately needs your comfort to keep themselves from a breakdown, but that's unlikely to be the case when talking about a grandmother.


    Personally I don't like discussing something so personal with co-workers. I consider barely sincere sympathies offered by work "friends" (who completely forget about the conversation by the time they get back to their offices) to be more uncomfortable than helpful. Responding to them just becomes another burden. Put your head down, do your job, and then go mourn at the appropriate time in the appropriate place.


    Well said...

  22. This site is comical...  they ranked the Jets and BROWNS in the top 5 OL's last season.   


    really?   Does Gavin run this site?   hehee..


    I might Add..    that Andrew L was ranked in the 20's last season by this site.   BUT his team won 11 games.


    Go figure  


    The were ranked there because they WERE that good. Just because Sanchez and Weeden haven't succeeded, doesn't mean their O-lines are at fault. Its like the blame the gets passed on to the O-line here when Luck wants to hold on to the ball forever, or fail to recognize where the blitz comes from and gets sacked. Not to say that our O-line has been great, but it has been decent. Luck holding on to the ball to long last week in the second half against Miami, and his lapses on adapting to Oaklands blitzes were way more on him than the O-line.

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