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Posts posted by BleedBlu8792

  1. One thing I noticed, when Richardson was in the game, they seemed to bring another guy up in the box. They didn't do it every time, but they looked to have done it more than they did when Bradshaw was in the backfield. I did like seeing how the 49'ers put A LOT of effort in trying to tackle him. Even the short runs he had it looked like they needed 3-4 guys to help get him down. He's going to get his, I have no doubts, but this is kind of rediculous in the fact the guy was traded on Wednesday and absorbed enough of the playbook to play on Sunday. Give the kid some time... geesh.

  2. Stop,...Brown helped us make the playoffs in 2010..big runs in that last 4-game win streak...

    Don't pretend like you don't remember.

    Big runs helped us win the 2 we did in 2011....hurt in 2012

    Trent Richardson has a career average of 3.7....Tell me that's going to be okay for you..going forward for our No.1

    Well if Brown could avg. over 4ypc with this offense this year, without tripping over himself, I can only imagine what Richardson is going to do.

    haha.. Brown carried the Colts to the playoffs?? Mind telling me who the QB was..?

  3. Let me ask you, was RB a position of need? This year or going forward with Ballard coming back? I can think of several positions that would be better for the Colts to have spent a number one on.

    Second, it is interesting that the Browns who are rebuilding and in the same position the Colts were a season ago have let him go to get two first rounders next year to rebuild the team. If not for Luck, the Colts would have the same outlook as the Browns right now. I think building the lines is of utmost importance but then again the Colts have always had a penchant for wanting the skill guys first.

    1. Bradshaw is only here for a year, more than likely, so tell me, who on this squad is better than Richardson? How about in the draft next year?

    2. The Colts have new faces all the way across the D-line. Its probably the most talented front we've had in YEARS. There are A LOT of new faces working together. It's going to take a couple of weeks to get them to gel, but I'm more pointing to our DC for a portion of the issues as well.

    3. Grigson could very well have went about trying to upgrade the O-line but came back with nothing that he felt he could invest in. So, back to #1, with Bradshaw probably leaving next year and Ballard coming off an ACL injury, who would the Colts look to? Brown? God no.. Williams? Yes, lets give our undersized 7th round pick from this year the starting gig /sarcasm. So yes, Richardson would fill a need, a future need. On top of that the Colts are getting him for a 1/3 of what Cleveland paid for him. 2 of the top 3 offensive players from last year are now on the Colts, for pretty much peanuts, for the next 3 years.

    Sorry, but where did the Colts go wrong in this???

  4. cant post links..never could

    They just discussed it on the NFL Net....Thursday morning.

    Cleveland took him off the field on 3rd and long...

    Its no secret....its no shame either..if he gains 1,000 yards ...we wont care,

    But you sound smart enough to know that nobody trades you a perfect young, star player at a low salary who no flaws...They'll work with him, I'm sure

    For the time being, they still have Brown and Bradshaw to go in on third down

    There are A LOT of grown *ss fools out there and just because they have money it doesn't make them intelligent. The Colts practically stole Richardson from the Browns. Polian even called out the Browns management for what little the Colts had to give up for him.

  5. I like our players who gave us good service.....no apologies......

    Just remember what you've said here. You never use a high No.1 on a RB

    haha... what service has Brown given the Colts besides mediocre play, or being injured?

    And where is the rule or law that states you never use a 1st rounder on a RB? And what makes you think it will be a "high" 1st?

  6. Thanks BB;

    And you keep on believing that Cleveland sent us a superstar 2nd year player because they wanted our mid-round 1st round pick..

    There is euphoria here among younger fans that we got a young Adrian Peterson ....but if you check with the Cleveland media and some players comments....they didn't think R picked up blitzes ...they mention that he wanst on the field on 3rd down...

    They did not think the running back was playing up to the level of a No.1 pick......sound familiar????

    Want to go back and quote me on where I said Richardson was this "great" RB. My direct comments to you were about Donald Brown and your obvious bro-mance for the guy, however keep backpedaling buddy...

  7. You mean the OLine that lost its best interior lineman and is manned in the middle by Satele and McGlynn??? Yeah I won't hold my breath.

    So adding a second RB who has similar talent to Bradshaw turned the season around in your mind? I can see that; Richardson totally changes the team ... makes the OL better, makes the pass rush better, and negates the loss of Thomas and Allen.

    You are right we are SB bound now.

    That same O-line that's allowed our RB's to average 4.4 yards per carry. The o-line has been doing its job for the most, however its our QB who can't seem to get the ball out of his hands quicker, nor has he consistently been able to read and recognize the blitz and check out of plays, that he knows the O-line can't withstand. Yes, lets not blame our golden boy here for his faults, lets blame everyone and everything else.

  8. And neither is the Colds secondary.  Seattle played the SF receivers exclusively man on man.  No other defensive back field can do that and expect the same results. 


    Bolden and Vernon Davis are the real deal.  They won't be shut out like they were last week until they play Seattle again.  


    Based off what? We have yet to play tight man coverage with this secondary, so we don't really know what they are capable of. I don't understand why we are playing the secondary so soft. I get the whole "lets keep everything in front of us" idea, but I DON'T get letting a team just dink-and-dunk and you to death down the field.   

  9. From reading this is what a lot of college teams have turned to to counter the read option. So sorry if I'm being stupid here for not getting it out from the above but what's your personel line up for this? 


    DEs of Matthis and Werner (Playing the weakside)? 


    LBs of Conner/Sheppard and Freeman?

    CBs as stated of Davis/Toler with a Nickel back of Vaughan? 

    S's Bethea and Landry


    I'd like to see us use 3 S's instead and have Landry in the hybrid LB/S role as I think we're stronger overall at S than CB if that makes sense 


    I believe there was one point in the game last week that Bethea, Landry, and Legfeged were all on the field at the same time. I think it was only one play, but I'm pretty sure I seen all 3 out there.

  10. he had 950 total yards, 63 ypg, and 3.6 ypc. those are not statistics you want from the third pick of the draft.


    He also had 51 receptions for close to 370 yards last year as well. His 12 total TD's were close to being more than our RB's and WR's combined. So what's the issue? He's not going to see 8 guys in the box here. It should be a dream come true for us and him.

  11. To the topic, I'm excited about getting Richardson. Very few RB's excel at all 3 phases of the position, and not only do we have one now, we just gained another. Play-action should be even deadlier now, because you just can't assume, with either back, that we are going to do one specific thing. The O-line has actually done quite well in run blocking and I look for Richardson to fully take advantage of not seeing a stacked box like he did in Cleveland. Bradshaw/Richardson look to be a lethal combo.

  12. The only problem I see is that it will tip off that we are running. That said, we could bring him in to be a great decoy.


    I don't necessarily agree that it tips our hand at what we are doing if Trent is out there. Trent is a very good receiver out of the backfield having caught 51 balls last year. Our play action game should be DEADLY now with Bradshaw/Richardson, as both are very good at receiving out of the backfield. The LB's just can't jump the gaps in thinking its an automatic run because they will leave the middle of the field exposed.

  13. Except for a handful members complaining in many posts it seems to me the majority are not really that upset over it.  Many saying wish they had gotten more or he was never going to perform behind their Oline anyway ... good thing he came to a team with a much better Oline ... Oh wait ?!?!


    Not to say that I take there posts as gospel but a few there weren't to happy with their O-line, specifically their OG's.

  14. Just for hypothetical fan talk, and it may be a possibility that this is our game plan. It is a copy-cat league and Seattle gave the NFL the blueprint Sunday Night. 


    Seattle proved that Kaepernick does not make great decisions when he is pressured. I can’t think of a better place for Landry to be than in Kaepernick’s grill all day. Our corners can cover for at least a few seconds. We might give up a few big plays throughout the game, but it would speed up Kaepenick’s internal clock and make him think twice about running. I believe the worst thing we can do is allow him to feel comfortable by dropping into zone coverage all day long. We may not have the same personnel as Seattle, but we can mix enough nine man fronts in to throw him off his game. 


    Just some random thoughts. 


    Just to comment on the bold part; I think we can do it as Seattle did it, HOWEVER, Manusky/Pagano need to play our corners much more aggressively than they have the past 2 weeks. Playing soft man/zone coverage against Kap will get us lit up, much like Tannehll did to us. They need to put these guys in position to make plays, because they are more than capable. There is no reason that Toler is playing 10 yards off the ball nor Davis either. Let these guys get physical with the receivers. IF they do that I think we have a great shot, if not, we better hope the offense doesn't sputter.

  15. Brown is a good blocker....nobody makes blocks all the time...in passing situations.

    he's been in a lot in the last 5 years and its ignored when he is successful...

    I don't want to say 'You're wrong'...but you are.

    I hope TR is as good as you think he is


    He's missed more than he's made, and that * poor attempt he made Sunday with the game on the line spoke volumes.



    The reason its ingnored is because he's only shown flashes of being successful. For one, the guy couldn't stay healthy, and two, his skills as a RB are seriously flawed; ZERO vision, obviously isn't a good blocker, and gets tackled with very little contact.


    So, I'm wrong? Then please tell me how Donald lost his job to a 5th round rookie last year, and this year, and why the coaching staff felt it was necessary in the offseason to bring in another veteran RB? OR lets talk about todays trade....


    But hey, keep telling yourself Donald Brown is good, because you REALLY seem to believe it.. :thmup:

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