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Posts posted by BleedBlu8792

  1. I absolutely hated the Richardson trade and made it know from the beginning, however, I have tried my best to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance...unfortunately, he has done nothing to make me change my mind so far. I still root for him to show me he was worth giving up a 1st rd. pick for him. My hatred for the trade has nothing at all to do with Richardson himself, I just hate the idea of using or trading a 1st rd. pick on any RB. They are a dime a dozen and IMO we could have snagged a RB off somebodies PS or signed one off the street and gotten every bit the amount of production we've got from Richardson. I know some that love the guy and will come up with something to try and tell me I'm wrong, but I'm not.

    You must REALLY hate the interior of our O-line then.

  2. Go back and watch Anthony Castonzo if you can, he is consistently opening up wide holes for Richardson to run through f Richardson sees them open, Cherilus is doing pretty good with that to, we wouldn't be tied for 9th in the league in yards rushing a game if we weren't opening holes

    Yep, Luck's contribution has no bearing on the Colts ranking... /sarcasm

  3. Saunders is a good blocker, and should help mask the run plays some with his catching abilities, which were overlooked last year. Hopefully, they use him more and less of the 6OL/TE sets with Reitz. I thought Saunders did well for us last year given his role.

  4. TRich needs to be a 1st round talent by the time we get to the postseason. And once we are in the playoffs, we will need him to go AP all over everybody.

    Until the offensive scheme changes and gets him into less predictable plays he's going to be a grind it out - body blow type of back. Expectations are too high for him in this offense especially with Satele/McGlynn playing together.

  5. Wrong, we're a bit questionable at RB..despite my man Donald Brown

    You take no chances..be conservative defensive and don't dare Andrew to beat you..

    ,,.,..Without Reggie and Bradshaw and D. Allen...we're not going to be that hard to defend going forward

    Did you miss the part about Wade Phillips?

  6. After watching the performance of Wilson (getting stopped twice in a row by Rams defense) tonight and RG3 yesterday. It shows that they are capable of being stopped with the right team.

    As for Andrew Luck, we learned that once again, pocket quarterbacks are the most successful in the NFL.

    What is your take?

    Based off of a bad game or two? What has Luck really done yet? Way to early for this homers....

  7. He lines up in the slot sometimes. Not often cause of all the weapons that New Orleans has, but sometimes.

    Bottomline, dude is 5'5. Way harder for your average defender who's 6'0 to bring down than Wes Welker is. Our very own Darius Butler held Mr. Wes Welker in check last week. Wasn't so shifty then lol

    Sometimes? I'd venture to say less than handful of times a game. Again, not enough to justify over someone who runs routes all game.

    7 receptions for 96 yards says otherwise, and Butler and Welker are VERY close in size. Besides, are you really debating that there is a huge difference in ~3", the difference between Sproles and Welker?

  8. I'd still say Sproles. Chasing Sproles is like chasing a toddler around that doesn't wanna leave the playground yet.

    Sproles hardly, if ever, is asked to run an actual route. Catching screens and dumpoffs just don't equate, so there isn't much of a case to put him on the same level as Welker.

  9. He's starting over Conner and the staff seems to like him.

    That's not really saying a whole lot. Freeman is on a whole different level entirely, and the rest are pretty much about the same with the exception of Sheppard who is even worse. So, to say any one of those guys is better than the other isn't saying a whole lot. Angerer may be brought back for depth/ST next year, but I doubt he will ever have a significant role on the team anymore after this year. I look for Justin Hickman to be given another chance if his Lisfranc injury heals completely. I look for the Colts to target a couple ILB's in FA and in the draft, all but ending the Angerer/Conner era in Indy.

  10. I'm on my android phone. Pretty sure I'm not the only one experiencing the slow loading problem. Could be a lot faster than it is if the videos stopped

    I'm pretty sure it's you. I'm on here with my phone all the time and have zero loading issues, and that's without wifi. Give Andrew Luck his flip phone back and go upgrade TK haha...

  11. Fair enough. The Fins game was the first one I haven't been able to attend (or watch) in the past decade. Even so, that means he's had 2 good games this year. Out of 7.

    Once DHB went out of the game, TY basically disappeared. Miami started rolling the safety over on TY and he was taken out of the game fairly quickly. DHB helps TY more than TY helps DHB.

  12. Richardson has been ran from different formations as well, Maybe if he figured out Anthony Castonzo is easily our best blocker (all around this year) and not go looking for contact (jump cutting directly into a pile vs the Broncos that led to his fumble instead of showing patience and reading 1 of 2 holes that were open on that play....1 by Castonzo........The other by Linkenbach and Thornton which Richardson stopped and looked at but continued on turned his back to the pile and tried to churn out yards with his legs before fumbling

    He's MAYBE had 10 runs that weren't in the power/jumbo set. I don't think there's any coincidence that those have been his best runs. Again, its no coincidence that Brown can't even make it back to the line of scrimmage when in the same power formations that Trent has had to run out of. People are COMPLETELY naive if they think he's going to be a 5+ ypc guy running from those formations. I'd take ANY 8-man front against our 8 man lines. Its actually quite impressive that Richardson is getting the yards he is getting when the A gap between Satele/McGlynn is completely busted from the time Luck takes the exchange from Satele.

    What's funny is you talking about him having "patience". "Patience" takes time, which this line seems to continue to struggle with giving. Richardson is doing exactly what this scheme asks for, which is to grind. I absolutely hate it, as its giving him virtually no opportunity to get head on with a DB/S. Again, I'd take ANY defensive 8-man front against our 8-man line. Look at Lacy with the Packers, do you think McCarthy is going to run power/jumbo formations inside the 20's with the respect Rodgers gets from other teams? Lacy is the EXACT same runner that Richardson is and their O-line is as bad as ours, yet they still make Rodgers the focal point of the play keeping the defense guessing. They aren't telegraphing anything and Lacy has really started taking off now that he's healthy. To add, Richardson will never be a guy whose goimg to bounce outside and take off, he's not that type of runner. It's clear to see his lateral movement is limited, but I believe a play like the Colts old stretch play would be very valuable for a guy like Trent. Let him get that one cut between the guard/tackle and let him go. Play action would be absolutely lethal as well.

    This isn't a fire Pep rant or our offense stinks rant, but more to the "stat sheet" guys who obviously are incompetent to what they are actually seeing amd want to lay blame on the guy who is working the best he can with the handicapped offense he's in.

    I think there is WAY too much overreaction due to the fact that people are looking for these gaudy stats that perhaps th coaches don't really care about. Again, perhaps they want the "grind it/body blow" type runs instead.

  13. I dont have numbers to back it up but I watch plenty of film, I'd say one of the best blocking Backs in the NFL is a stretch, He is bigger then Brown and (thicker) stronger but Brown still is a better blocker at this point, Brown dont miss assignments very often, His problem comes from being smaller of build and that makes it harderr for him, Richardson has missed a few

    Hmm must be why Brown couldn't make it back to the line of scrimmage when he was running out of those power formations. He just doesn't have the size or strength to get defenders off of him and gain anything. Its amazing what he can do when he has a hole the size of a bus to run through.

  14. I know a heck of a lot more football than you troll!


    haha... Says the guy who said this:


    "Who cares if he's a good blocker, I'm sure you could find someone off the practice squad who is a good blocker, that's not what we need"


    Umm no, no sir, you don't know very much about football with the statement YOU made above...

  15. trade Richardson for a decent wide receiver.........Donald Brown can handle the running.....Richardson has tunnel vision when he is running....he can't see left or right and thusly missing the openings......he follows the lead blocker no matter what....even if he gets backed up right in front of him.....he just can't do lateral movement.....sadly

    If he could've shouldered the load the Colts wouldn't have traded for Richardson. Brown has had 4 years to prove himself and the feature role isn't for him. Its obvious defenses don't respect him when he's in because very rarely do defenses bring a safety up when he's in. However, he's been VERY GOOD, and I'm very far from a D. Brown fan, at playing the change of pace role/receiver role. I know its a beaten horse, but once they reduce the amount of power formation runs, which it looks highly unlikely, the running game will take off.

    Keep letting Vaughn do kickoffs, release Reed, and bring up Rodgers/Whalen. Luck has to start utilizing Fleener more. Being at the game last night I got to see how defenses don't really respect Fleener either. Fleener for the most part seems to be way down the list in terms of what option he is to Luck. That's got to change now. As much as I was in favor of goinGoing after Richardson, I won't be in favor of using another pick in trying to get another receiver in. Let's give the guys we have a chance. The sky is far from falling. The Colts will be fine.

  16. Blitzing Peyton Manning isn't a good idea.

    It HAS to be up the middle. Just the outsides won't work. Freeman and Angerer are going to have to get in his face and not allow him to step up. I actually look for the Broncos to run the ball a little more than usual, at least early on.

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