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Posts posted by BleedBlu8792

  1. If Redding (a-la Kyle Williams) has had 10,5 sack, Franklin (a-la Dareus) has had 7,5 sacks, Freeman (a-la Alonso) has had 4 sacks and Mathis has had his 16,5 sacks, Walden would be a 10-sacks player also. It's not about how good Hughes is. It's about how good Hughes' teammates are.


    I think Hughes did show the potential to be a good player, to which he's showing now, but he does have a lot of "inside" help the Colts don't really have right now. Think about what Mathis' number may be with Dareus and Williams on this line. 

  2. Hughes would have gotten more snaps for us than Sheppard has. And with Werner being injured and Walden missing a game, Hughes would have had a few chances to really step in. He wouldn't be a starter for us, but we would have used him plenty. Even if we only used him as much as we did last year, he'd still have done more for us than Sheppard has.


    There's no question the Bills got the better player, and there's no question they've gotten the most production. It's not a hard conclusion to reach.


    Walden and Mathis were and are playing a high percentage of the snaps regardless of the situation. I don't think Hughes would have been given enough time to produce half as much as he has in Buffalo. Absolutely, Sheppard has been bad, and I'm not denying that, but I don't think Hughes would have given us some "huge" increase in production over what Sheppard has done to warrant saying "Grigs screwed the pooch" with this trade. I guess I just look at it as great for Jerry, oh well for Sheppard. The trade didn't make or break the Colts, no where close, and that's the important thing. 

  3. The bills kicked us on that trade...almost as bad as the T-RICH failure.

    Hughes' playing time would have been probably half if not less than he's getting at Buffalo. HE wasn't going to play ahead of Mathis and he can't play the run like Walden or even Werner can, so how did we lose so bad to Buffalo in this trade when he wasn't going to play anyways?

  4. The thing with Hughes was that he was a raw, prototypical 34 OLB who needed time to develop and was drafted out of position.

    He played DE at TCU. I think you're trying to say his skill set and abilities were more suited for a 34 OLB opposed to playing DE in the NFL? To which I agree. I remember Mathis talking about Hughes last year, when Pagano was getting the players up to speed in his system, and Mathis raved about how natural and good Hughes looked playing the position.

    I guess you could say it was a win for Buffalo, but would he have been as good here? That we will never know. Sheppard will more than likely be gone next year or a special teamer at most. Freeman and Mcnary will be the horses inside next year, and I would keep a watchful eye on Justin Hickman, I think he might be another star in the making if he can get healthy next year and continue his transition inside because he looked very promising. The Colts could actually have 3 stud ILB's if all goes well.

  5. He's been much better than i previously projected him to be. But i still don't really want him. I favor sliding AC over to his natural position of RT and bringing in a real LT. But that's just me.

    Why would RT be his natural position? He has been a career LT in college and the pro's. AC is an above average LT that's not going to damage the Colts salary cap nor Luck. Sure a Joe Thomas or Ryan Clady would be nice but the price for a marginal upgrade isn't worth it in my opinion.

  6. Cut Satelle, Toler

    Resign Brown, Reitz, McAfee, Moala

    Sign OC Alex Mack, OLB Brian Orakpo, CB Tracy Porter,


    2- WR Allen Robinson or Jarvis Landry

    3- NT Daquan Jones

    4(via trade)- DE Anthony Johnson

    5- FS Kenny Ladler

    Great list with the exception of two things. 1) I think Vontae needs to be resigned. He's had two toilet bowl games, while the rest have been great. He is the cornerstone to the secondary. 2) As much as I like Porter, he can't stay healthy any more than Toler. I look for the Colts to draft another corner and stay away from them in FA. I will say, I wish the Colts had went after Brent Grimes as opposed to Toler. Grimes has quietly had a decent season and was cheaper.

  7. McGlynn should be a center and only a center. It's kind of baffling how much better he is at center than guard.

    He went head on with Derrick Johnson in the first play of the game and got de-cleated by him.. A guy probably 70lbs lighter than him, and all I could do was shake my head. One position over and he's a completely different player.

  8. If you're trying to make me look stupid, you will fail. The only thing that matters is brown is greatly exceeding Richardson's production. You act like the coaching staff hasn't ever made a mistake. (Dhb starting)

    2.8 ypc on the 10 carries before that 51 yard run. He wasn't doing anything either beforehand.

  9. It was Houston, who lost 11 games in a row prior to this and who just fired their coach. They quit before the game started. This will will show if there is really any imporvment at all! Buckle up, I suspect it's going to be a rough ride....

    Explain the Frisco' game then. Same unit, roughly, with McGlynn at Center and a nobody at RG, and we abuse the 49ers. There is definitely a trend going on here.

  10. They actually do switch:

    “We both know each position,” said Landry. “It’s wherever we wind up, right or left safety. There’s no real set free or strong (safety).”

    That is the rub for teams preparing for Indianapolis.

    “From a quarterback’s perspective, you’d like to know if it’s going to be one or the other, ‘Okay, the blitz is 30 (Landry),’ ” said Gannon. “If it’s 30 (Landry) and 41 (Bethea), then you get the seed of certainty because you don’t know if it’s coming from either side.

    “In the running game, you have run game roles. You may work away from the down safety, ‘In the game this week, we want to run opposite 30.’ Now you have to ask, ‘Is it 30 or 41, is it both, who’s the down player who can kill you?’ They can show you 30 being down and roll 41 down the other side and 30 goes back to the middle.”

    A checklist at the line always involves the ‘mike’ linebacker, but noting the safeties is high priority.

    “It clouds the judgment of the quarterback, ‘Who’s doing what? What’s happening and when is it happening?’ You want to create a little doubt and slow down the process for the quarterback at the line. That’s what it gives you. A quarterback would rather have one or the other, not both. That fact it’s interchangeable allows you to do a lot of things defensively.”

    Bethea said the team had talked before Landry arrived about creating such confusion in the past, and he loves the inability opponents now have in drawing a bead on the defense.

    “Bethea can do a lot of things Landry can do, but with a different body type,” said Gannon. “You can press one or both. You can feel good about one being in the middle of the field and being a deep third defender. Both play the halves very well, have good range and play the ball well in the air.

    “That’s become a position of strength with those two guys. It’s really going to free up from a scheme standpoint because of their versatility and flexibility back there.” -Colts.com

    Thank you HTown... I know Pagano was quoted to having said similar things as well.

  11. Oh, I see. If that were truly the case then why put the modifier in there about his job as a FS? And actually he and Landry do not "swap back forth throughout the game." But let's not be petty and let facts get in the way.

    I don't think Bethea's coverage skills have been any more lacking the last couple of years than they have his entire career. He has also been okay at coverage, not great. He can cover most TEs and backs but he has always struggled covering receivers. When you look at real game analysises (what in the world is the plural for analysis?) not knee jerk reactions of fans based on what the announcers say, he consistently grades in the top 4 on the Colts D and often times in the top 2. Bottom line, Bethea has been a big part of the Colts D both under Dungy and Pagano, even with his lack of cover skills.

    Pagano has mentioned I know of two times where they rotate Landry and Bethea at the safety spots, which was specifically mentioned by Pagano during preseason about how they were going to use Landry when they acquired him. He said they didn't want teams to get comfortable with where those two were playing on the field and wanted to interchange them so offenses couldn't dictate who was doing what. The second, was when Landry went down the game before the 49er game and how the flexibility of the safety spot was lessened due to Landry's injury and the insertion of Howell. So, I'm just going by what Pagano has stated and also it's pretty obvious to see the roles/responsibilities vary throughout the game between the two. But hey, what do I know...

    Bethea's coverage skills, I thought, were pretty good about 3-4 years ago, to the point that people, including myself, thought we were finally getting a safety who could help against the deep middle of the field. Mike Doss was nice but couldn't cover to save his life either, and Bethea must have shown them something that Mike hadn't. Granted Mike got hurt, but Bethea easily made Mike expendable. Bethea has shown the ability, and to a high level in my opinion, but over the last couple of years, granted the support has been bad, but Bethea hasn't stood out anymore than the cast around him. Sad, because I like Toine', but we need help more on the backend than a safety to come up and make a couple of tackles here and there.

  12. You do realize Bethea is the SS not the FS don't you?

    Actually him and Landry swap back forth throughout the game, and that's why they liked Landry because they could disguise who was doing what. Regardless, Bethea's coverage skills have severely lacked these past couple of years, which was my point.

  13. Well, maybe not Angerer. We'll see I suppose. Bethea is a hard hitter safety and isn't injury prone at all. I can see Pagano and Grigs taking that into consideration to keep him.

    As a FS, his strong suit should be coverage, and he's been absolutely abysmal the last 2 or 3 years. I agree he's a good tackler still, but he looks to have lost a step and routinely finds himself out of position. This is where I wish Boyett would have kept himself out of trouble because he would have been a good stop-gap/replacement for the time being.

  14. I want zero parts of the Broncos at LOS, Mile High or in my backyard.

    This guy gets it... There is no way in hell I want Peyton playing here in a comfy environmenyt. I would have ZERO problems playing him in Denver, where his passing game would be much harder to come by there rather than here. KC here or Denver there is all good to me.

  15. The Browns have the most Cap room of any team in the NFL. I have a hard time believing Mack goes anywhere.

    Depends... Does he want to get paid, or does he want to win AND get paid, albeit a little less than what the Browns offer. Cleveland is still a few important positions away from even being good, namely the QB position. They will probably crap the bed again and draft Bridgewater who, if you thought Geno was struggling, would make Geno look like he could actually be good someday.

    Sometimes its not just about the money. New England proved that a couple years ago with the plethora of veterans going there looking for a ring and taking less money. Granted it didn't work, but the point remains they wanted to win and didn't care about the money. Did Lebron not teach you Clevelander's anythng?

  16. Most people who have been around for a while know that I am not one to blame the refs for a loss but I do think the refs cost the Colts this game.

    Not only on this call. But on Green's TD catch in the 2nd half, Butler was with him, Green pushes off to create separation. Then on 2 and 8, Dalton drops straight back is under pressure from Bethea and throws the ball away, Tripphead says he was out of the pocket, the Colts held on the next play but who know what the extra time and yards may have meant. On Dalton's TD run, Franklin blew through there and was in position to make a play or at worst redirect Dalton, the TE (at least I think it was the TE) comes over and tackles Franklin and Dalton walks into the endzone. Not to mention that I counted 5 times where the OT had his arm wrapped around Mathis' head and pulling back on his neck.

    There is a reason he, Tripp, had been considered the worst referee for years.

    To your comment on Green's second TD, you're totally right. He stiff armed Butler out of the play and they even stopped it at that moment during the replay and all I could do was shake my head. The Colts killed themselves on a couple 3rd down opportunities, but there were a few others that were completely aided by unnecessary calls, especially the late call on PI when, I believe Butler, had great position on Green and Green throws up his hands looking for a call and they give it to him a good 5-7 seconds after the play is over.

  17. Are you kidding? Brown had 2 rushes yesterday. He has been much more reliable than Richardson and can at least run past the line of scrimmage(most of the time) when he gets the chance.


    Umm no, no I wasn't. Much more reliable in the fact that he gets the majority of his plays from draw and trap plays which Richardson rarely sees? Hmm odd, even in the screen game Trent has performed just as well. The coincidental thing is that when Trent has been able to run out of those formations he's ran well, HOWEVER when Donald has been asked to run out of the power formations Trent has to endure, he can't even sniff the line of scrimmage. If you really believe Donald is getting the same respect as Trent, in the running game, from opposing defenses then we are watching completely different games.

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