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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. Or they could just get him when he walks after this season. When your rebuilding and your the new coach you have a little time before your on the hot seat. I doubt Mallett has a lot of suiters next offseason.


    With the dead money Texans aren't shipping him anywhere. He is a great guy...good in the community..not a trouble maker. So what he doesn't come to camp...he won't miss a paycheck I assure you that. The Texans aren't going to pay to have him play for someone else...they aren't that desperate. Andre will be in uniform day 1.


    I understand where Andre is coming from....thats tough to go back to a losing team but if he is patient...maybe he talks to Reggie and realizes it can still work out. A couple years and Houston could be competing for championships if that defense gels.


    That's the Texans for you:  always a few seasons away from being good....lol


    Unless one of the Colts key players gets injured or suspended, of course.

  2. Truly sad how you all have given up cause of one player

    Just sad


    Agreed.  From reading all the doom and gloomers, you'd think we found out that he's missing the entire season due to a blown knee.  Freeney's injury before the Superbowl was 5x more crippling than this, yet I don't remember 1/10 the negativity that this has brought.


    I'm just checking here, but you people do realize he's only been suspended for 4 weeks and will be back in late September, perfectly healthy I might add.....right?

  3. Well, for one, all but 2 of our ILB's are completely unproven as legit NFL players.


    Same as the OLB's, if you want to go as far as calling Walden "proven".

  4. For a moment I thought I was the only one willing to admit it. 


    I am not a Debbie Downer by any stretch of the imagination. Usually I am the one putting a positive spin on things around here, but WOW!


    Thanks man.


    I mean, of our 7 picks, 3 didn't make the roster.  2 weren't good enough even to see the field even though the opportunity was there.  And the 2 that saw the field were very underwhelming.


    Of course there is still time for it to be salvaged, but i'm not getting that vibe after year 1.  My gut tells me that Werner, Thornton and Holmes all end up being mediocre at best, and Hughes gets cut before this season even starts.

  5. I always hoped Houston would finally get it together. Until they actually did, and then went and crowned themselves kings of the division. I mean, come on. They've only beaten us straight up ONE year. The first year they beat us Peyton was injured, and they acted like they slayed a monster. 


    They've become rather fond of themselves. 


    When did they ever beat us straight up?  They've managed nothing better than a split.  Ever.


    Even the season we had a 4th string QB picked off the trash heap we still handled them.  In the entire history of their pathetic franchise, the only time period they've been better than us would be September of 2011 to about sometime in December of 2012.  Only reason for that being the Peyton Manning injury.


    For Christ's sake.....we blew up our entire team in April of 2012, and it took us less than a season to become better than the team they had spent over a decade building....lol

  6. Didn't Clowney play in the SEC against the best college players in the country? Didn't they double and triple team him all last year? How many of the NFL linemen have seen a 6'5" 265 pound player as fast and strong as Clowney? Our left tackle will need lots of help to stop this bad boy.


    Yep.  I watched him every week.  I saw a guy who has a limited arsenal of moves & who depends solely on his physical gifts, which are extraordinary.  But that's why he recorded 3 sacks the entire year.  Opposing coaches simply needed to double team him to take him out of the picture, cause that's all he has in his bag of tools.  What.....you don't think people get double teamed in the NFL?  Great pass rushers get double teamed all the time in the NFL.  They have to tools to deal with it though.


    Not to mention it's been documented that he has work ethic issues and takes plays off.  And why wouldn't he?  He simply hasn't needed to work as hard as everyone else to be better.  That lack of work ethic, drive, motor and focus won't work in the NFL, though.  And don't think that his lack of coverage skills won't be exploited every game, either.

  7. Nope. Texans will be no worse than 9-7. I look for them to go 5-1 in the South. I would not be surprised to see them at 11-5 or even better.


    Nope.  9-7 is their ceiling.  Way too many holes.  There is a reason they lost 14 games last year, and it's not because they were weak at only 1 position.  I'd be beyond surprised if they finished better than 11-5, as that's something they've managed to do one time ever.

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