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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. Fixed it for you.


    Really?  All those guys I listed are white?  I had no clue.


    Next thing your gonna tell me is that "great route runner, great hands, heady player, deceptively fast" are all things that people seem to say only about good white wide receivers.

  2. Whalen kind of reminds me of a mixture of Steve Largent, Don Beebe, Wayne Chrebet, Bill Schroeder, Ed McCaffrey and Joe Jurevicious.


    Great route runner, great hands, heady player, deceptively fast.

  3. Thats true, but I've seen quite a few posters here that continually talk as if the Texans are just this awesome team that are just waiting to pounce on the rest of the football world and take over the league. A couple here even said they had a top 5 roster, they are just short a QB. Thats laughable and absurd! Top 5 rosters don't lose 12 games in a row, I don't care if Curtis Painter was their QB, if they were top 5 talent, they would still win games. That team is a mess and is much worse off than just being short a QB.


    You're preaching to the choir here, brother.


    I find it utterly baffling that there are still those on here that tout the Texans high talent level, despite the mountains of evidence that has proven otherwise.


    As i've said before, i'm not sure what more it would take to convince these people that the Texans are marginally talented.  1-13 record?  0-14 record?

  4. First off, it was nice to get the win yesterday. I was happy to see Trent rip off a couple of nice runs. Hopefully Donald's injury is not too serious. I thought the offensive line had a nice game as well. Unfortunately, we have to lead the league in dropped passes. It is unreal.


    That being said, it is clear that Houston has packed it in this season. Their playcalling was horrendous. All year we have gotten burned by teams going deep, yet Houston went deep all of 2 or 3 times. The protection was good enough for them to go deep, and the running game was good enough to work the play action. Case Keenum is a capable quarterback, but he is being set up to fail. It is too bad. I just think it is bad for the game when that sort of thing happens.


    That being said, Houston could be scary on defense next year. ESPN was reporting that Bridgewater is wavering and may go back to school next year. I imagine the Texans will go with Clowney in the draft, and that is downright terrifying to thing of Watt and Clowney coming off the edge together.


    One final tidbit for all the posts I have seen praising Pep Hamilton. I was disappointed yesterday, and really have been disappointed with him all season. We run more 3rd down plays short of the first down than any team in the league. You want to know how you lose football games in the NFL? Settle for field goals!


    You mean scary at DE.


    Their NT still sucks, and they are still weak at LB and DB.  That's why they lose every week.  One offseason won't shore all of those holes.....especially considering their cap situation.

  5. Wouldn't it be crazy if Houston beat the Colts in Indy, thus ending the 'never lost back to back games under Luck', all while having their worst season record wise?

    I could see it happen


    I could see it happening too.


    A horrible team playing a bad team.....anything can happen.

  6. Texans have one of the top 5 most talented rosters just don't have a good coach or Qb, they'll be our biggest challenge next year. Jags and Titans will be around 5-7 wins i think the entire division will improve.




    Wrong.  The Texans have 2 elite players:  JJ Watt and Dre Johnson.  The rest of their roster is made up of decent, ordinary, pedestrian and/or below average players.  You compare their roster to stacked rosters like Seattle or Denver or SF & they aren't in the same galaxy.  That is why they are 2-11 with all 3 units being generally poor outfits.


    Bizarre is this fascination on a Colts forum for people to, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, perpetuate the myth that the Texans have some stacked roster.  It confuses and frightens me.

  7. The Texans have so much talent; they're a head coach and a franchise QB away from really competing again. And the Titans probably will threaten as well (though I did hear they're not keeping Jake Locker).


    The Jags have looked good in the past few weeks, but they're still a ways off in my opinion.


    Ah....my favorite myth.  Right there ahead of unicorns, sasquatch and the chucacabra.


    I always wonder what more it would take for people to realize the Texans aren't really that talented. 

  8. I never commented whether it was a easy or hard fix. Although you should check out their cap situation; like last year, they don't have the $ to sign FA. Their upgrades will have to come from the draft. Although I should point out that they have a couple of promising OL sitting on IR right now that could make an impact next year.

    I simply said they have a lot of holes, right now. Which they do.

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