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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. What they do at NT and ILB depends on whether they stay a 3-4 front. And as a 1-gap front, NT can be masked over. They do need better secondary play, and the line needs help.


    I'm not sure they need as much help at special teams as you say; they have returners. Keshawn Martin is a home run threat. Shane Lechler is older, but he's still punting well. Randy Bullock has a couple rough games, but he's back on track. Even if you need a new punter or kicker, that's not a major issue. They probably need a good gunner, but again, these are fringe issues. Special teams isn't the reason they've lost 11 games in a row.


    The offensive line can be upgraded, but a lot of teams can say that. They still have two or three really good linemen.


    To me, they're just like any other NFL roster right now. They have a handful of really good players, another 5-10 solid, dependable guys, they have a half dozen up and comers that any team would love to have. And they have some holes, but that's any team. 


    It's definitely more than just QB. But nothing a strong offseason can't cure.


    When I say special teams, i'm referring to the coverage teams.  The Texans have one of the worst, if not the worst, coverage units in the NFL.

  2. I disagree very much. I went back and forth with SkyBane about this a couple weeks ago. Not that they don't need fixes beyond QB, but they aren't littered with holes.


    And I'm not blind, stupid or ignorant. I might be a homer, but not for the Texans, so it's not relevant.


    I feel they need to significanlty upgrade NT, ILB opposite Cushing, #2 & #3 CB's, at least one S position, at least 2 OL positions.  They need huge upgrades on special teams, which means there are depth players need to be upgraded.  Whether you want to consider that "littered" is semantics, I suppose.  I think they have numerous holes and have thought that for a long time.  Though never did I think they would be 2-11 in the midst of an 11 game losing streak.  Alot of that is on Kubiak, who was rightly fired today.  I thought this was no better than a .500 team going into this season. 


    I think we can all agree that they need to upgrade at more than just the quarterback position, though.

  3. Praytell, what pieces do the Texans have?

    Dont say a runningback, Arian Foster is 29 years old and had major back surgery, plus hes got a ton of miles. Ben Tate will not be back next year.

    Dont say Offensive line, its been a sieve and the right side of the line has been particularly bad with the talent they bled there.

    Dont say defense, Brian Cushing may never be the same again after all those shots to his knee, and they rank among the worst defenses in the league in everything but raw passing yardage, which is rapidly dropping as teamsactually bother to throw against them now.

    So outside of an aging wide reciever and soon to be free agent defensive lineman, what pieces do Houston realistically have?


    Well said, as usual.  The Texans are littered with holes.


    At this point, anyone who says otherwise is either blind, stupid & ignorant or a homer who's living in complete denial.


    I can't fathom how anyone can watch that team play football & think the only upgrade in personnel they need is a new quarterback.....lol

  4. So sign some linemen and re-sign the other RB.  


    The Texans don't have half the holes in it that the Colts do.  All around their team is more talented, we just have the better quarterback and it makes up for that.


    And I'd rather take the growing pains of Bridgewater then try to ride Case Keenum or go through more Schaub pains.  


    Why would they need to sign any OL?  You said their OL is good.  Check out the Texans cap situation, though.....they won't be signing any OL, they won't be resigning Ben Tate, they won't be signing anyone except their draft picks this offseason.  That's a big reason they are in the situation they are in now:  poor cap management & having to let alot of their talent walk.....starting with losing the right side of their once good but now very poor OL 2 years ago.


    And who says that the Colts have more holes?  You?  Well, I say they don't.  A fully healthy Colts roster was weak at 1 ILB position, 2 OL positions, another pass rusher, and lacked WR depth.  A not even fully healthy Colts roster kicked the crap out of San Francisco at San Francisco.   I say the Texans, at full health, are very weak at QB, OL, NT, OLB, ILB besides Cushing, # 2 & #3 CB and both S.  Everyone here in Houston seems to know and aknowledge this, I hear people like Seth Payne, Mike Meltzer, Rich Lord, Josh Innis discuss this ad nauseum every day;  i'm not sure why anyone is still parroting this outdated "Houston has alot of talent" nonsense like this is still 2009 and they actually did have alot of young talent.  Theres just no basis for it & nothing to quantify saying it.  And the standings certainly back my position way more than it backs yours.  The Texans remind of of late Bill Polian era Colts: 5-6 really good players and the rest interchangeable pedestrian players.


    You should listen to local Houston media sometime.  It is a near consensus that the Texans window with this current core is completely closed, and given their current cap situation, a complete rebuild, with a new coach & QB, and possible a new GM, is more than likely in the works.  That doesn't happen if a team is merely a decent qb away from being right back in the thick of things.

  5. As much as I hate to say it but I think it will be better next year.  


    If I where a Texans fan I'd be pumped about the draft and next year.  They get to pick the top rookie QB and they have a good O-line, 2 good RB's, a pro bowl WR, a pro bowl TE and a good rookie WR who will probably be better next year and that could be one scary looking offense.  Look at the Seahawks last year, they had all the pieces to ease Wilson into the NFL for the first half of the season and then they took off.


    Houston has those pieces as well. 


    Even if your defense was a bunch of no talent clowns (which they clearly arn't), the offense is reason enough to be excited about next year.  


    Plus remember you'll have high 2nd and 3rd rounders to fill in any holes outside of QB.


    Their OLine sucks and needs 3 new starters.


    Even if they draft a qb with an early first rounder, there will be growing pains as there almost always is with rookie qb's.


    One of their 2 great rb's is a free agent, the other is injruy prone with a ton of miles on him.


    Their Pro Bowl TE only made the pro bowl because several better TE's were not able to play in the game.  Kind of like Schaub: h e made the pro bowl last year too.  Is he also reason for excitement next year? 


    Dre is a stud and will be next year.


    Hopkins i expect to be much improved.

  6. Their defense is awful. Their stas are inflated by heir offenses turnovers and special team gaffes giving opponents short fields.

    Make no mistake, the Texans are the worst football team in the NFL.

    Still a quality win for the Patriots though.


    Exactly right, Dustin.  Opponents don't need alot of yards to score against the Texans (which they do very easily) because they often the ball in great field position.


    Look at the Texans Red Zone efficiency in allowing opponents touchdowns:  it's 31st in the league.




    Overall, I would describe their defense as below average.

  7. Happy to get out with a win. Houston is a tough team. Lots of talent but can't see to pull out close games. Not sure how you can not keep Case as the guy for this season and let him compete for next season as well. Guy can make all the throws and is great under pressure and on the run.


    Great under pressure?  He's hurrendous under pressure.

  8. So you feel good about the Colts coaches this season and beyond?


    Don't know, but my opinion of the Colts coaching staff has nothing to do with the sad state of affairs that the Texans are in, which is the topic here.


    The Colts could be 11-0 or 0-11, really isn't material at all;  the same myriad of problems that reside within the Texans franchise will still exist regardless.

  9. True, so very, very true.


    I call it like I see it, and living here in Houston - I am bombarded with the blindness of so many fans. It does hurt to see that the reality of the Texans performances this year are simply a carry-over of the decline of the team since the last four games from the 2012 season.


    I'd have to attribute the fan ignorance to the fact that they are overly-enthusiastic victims of an Oilers team that was pulled from them in a flash. Many Texans fans are so happy to just have a team, that they are blinded by their own enthusiasm. It's really sad, but I haven't bought into the rhetoric of these same fans who were believing that the team was headed to post-season playoffs and eventually the Super Bowl.


    I hate to see this happen to any NFL city...it's not good for the sport at all, and for this epic collapse of what was once a promising team is now a shell of what it was the past few years. The blame for this collapse goes from the top to the bottom, and everyone who cannot see this is only prolonging their suffering. 


    Amen.  A-freaking-men.


    You bring up a valid point in regards to the Oiler deal.  My opinion is that they are so desperate for success here, that they can't admit that they have any problems on their team, because it shatters their ideal that they've created for themselves that they have some Super Bowl caliber team.  I've been saying since middle 2012 that this team has significant holes, and that their window is starting to close.  Weaknesses at QB, OL, NT, ILB, DB and special teams have been very obvious to me for a while now.  Texan fans would rather stick their heads in the ground and tell themselves that everything is okay, though.  Until the bottom finally fell out and even the blindest of the blind can't delude themselves into thinking things are okay.....lol  It is not until they have the worst team in the NFL now that i'm actually hearing them admit they have problems.  It is an absolutely delicious time to be in Houston right now, let me tell you.


    Colts fans are different.  We've experienced way, way more success than them, so we have no problems admitting that our team has holes.  We are overly negative in that regard, actually.  But that's the different mindset that winner franchises have, in comparison to insecure, loser franchises like the Houston Texans.

  10. Majority of Texans fans have been livid with Kubiak and Schaub for about 2-3 years now. No accountability/ wont bench underperformers. Offensive playbook thats too run heavy/outdated. Sticking to "noodle arm Schaub".

    Basically if its said by Colts fans about Pep/Trent, Texans fans have said it about Kubiak/Schaub for years. The complaints are completely identical, honestly.


    Maybe on message boards.


    I live in Houston & these people thought they had all the pieces to win a Super Bowl the last 3 years, including the head coach & quarterback.  Had they been livid with Kubiak & Schaub, there is no way to reconcile the (unfounded) arrogance they've displayed since 2011.    I've listened to it EVERY day up until late September of this year. 


    It's been nothing short of hilarious seeing them pick up the pieces of their shattered season, as well as seeing all the Texan car window flags completely disappear....lol

  11. Interesting how the same Texan fans that apparently loved Kubiak before about mid October of 2013, as they couldn't stop running their mouths about making a Super Bowl this year, meaning they must have been real believers in him.......now blame the entire downfall of the organization on Kubiak (who's the same person today as he was when they first hired him).  How come he is just now "holding you back"?


    Nevermind that you're weak at QB, OL, NT, ILB, DB & you have no depth anywhere.  Not to mention the worst special teams in the league.  It's all Kubiak's fault.

  12. Their defense is #1 in yards allowed, because the offense and special teams are so abysmal they are always in short yardage. They also are one of the worst scoring defenses, worst run defenses, and worst at getting turnovers. Theyb literally do nothing well but rush the passer, and even then thats all J.J. Watt.

    The Texans are one of the worst special teams units, have a turnover prone offense that drops off dramaticaly in the second half and has poor red zone play, and a defense that is incapable of stopping people late because it relies on one player dominating for an entire 60 minutes.

    The Texans may be one of the least talented rosters in football thia year.


    Once again, spot on analysis. 

  13. 6-8 years?!? look here man, the texans roster is fantastic. They have a star running back, a new star WR in hopkins, offensive line can improve but is solid, their D line is frightening, and their secondary isn't too shabby. I swear these guys are just a QB and a coaching staff away from being right back in it with us. I say they will be back in 2 or 3 years, once they've found their answer at QB. But by then, we will be an elite AFC team.


    What on earth are you watching that would compel you to say their roster is "fantastic"?  They have holes all over;  that's why they suck.


    They need to, and probably will, start fresh:  New GM, New Head Coach, New QB

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