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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. He has to get away with simply relying on his god-given talents - and learn what hard work and dedication to his art really mean. He may, and if he does - and only if he does - he could be a dominating player in this league.


    Anyone taking any bets?



    This is exactly right.  He's like the 7 foot basketball player in high school who plays against people who are 6'3.  We'll see how good Jadaveon is now that he's playing against other 7 footers.


    Also, you never hear of any other franchise cornerstone defensive players having "work ethic" issues tied to them as you do with this guy.  Quite the opposite, actually.  I'm sure it's just 100% unfounded, though, and they just randomly picked Clowney to appy that tag to, for no reason whatsoever.

  2. Oh, that's what made the texans secondary get burnt by TY.....thanks for the education.


    Loser Texan logic for you:


    Starting around week 3, after the Texans got manhandled by Baltimore, all you hear about is how bad of a coach Kubiak is, and how much he is holding back the Texan franchise.....blah blah blah.  Except in this one case against the Colts during week 9.  During week 9, and only during week 9, Kubiak is a great coach, and this week only, his NOT being able to coach the second half is actually the reason they LOST the game.  Then, of course, the next 5 losses before he got fired, those losses went back to being completely Kubiak's fault and attributed to his lack of coaching.


    So, to summarize loser Texan fan's coping mechanism logic to themselves:


    Offseason, Preseason - Kubiak is a great coach that will be leading us to the Super Bowl

    Weeks 1 - 8: We're 2-5.  Kubiak sucks and needs to be fired.

    Week 9, first half of Colt game:  We're up 21-3.  Kubiak is a great coach.

    Week 9, second half of Colt game:  We lost the game because Kubiak wasn't here to coach the second half.

    Weeks 10 - 14:  We're 0-5.  Kubiak sucks and needs to be fired.

    Right after Week 14 - Kubiak gets fired.

  3. Well, he would fit right in with the Texans fans.....always yapping before they have actually accomplished anything.


    So true.


    Unaccomplished, loser franchises like Houston love to celebrate accolades they get off the field:  like being picked by some to goto the Super Bowl last year (lololololol), being merely scheduled for a prime time game (even if they get manhandled in said game, which they almost always do) or, in this case, a guy who's not even on their team that they might pick in the draft talking trash about a franchise that absolutely owns Houston.


    Inferiority complex 101.....lmao

  4. Good things will eventually come to an end. It doesn't mean we should overlook his successes. 


    Nope.  As I said, he was at the top of his game until 2007.  Likely it was because Chris started making the decisions at that point, but who knows.  Hard for me to believe that Bill went from being that good to that bad in one offseason.

  5. Check the rest of my posts and you will see that I have already said that. I also gave several reasons as to why I believe it happened. 


    When we look at Bill Polian's entire career; it was stellar.


    Up until 2007 it was stellar.


    His last 5 years were so embarrassingly bad he should have been fired for breach of contract.

  6. Love him or hate him - It is easier for people to hate him now that he is gone; his track record of drafting players is as good as any in the history of the NFL.


    Check out Polian's drafts from 2007 to 2011 sometime. 


    Early on he was as good as it gets.  His last 5 years were atrocious;  we all saw how good his roster was in 2011 when we lost our best player and the rest of the squad looked like a pop warner team and finished with the worst record in the league.

  7. What does race have to do with his ability to play the position? (BTW im Black, no offense just though that was an ignorant comment)


    Absolutely nothing.....it's just pure coincidence that every single CB in the NFL is black and a prime example of the NFL holding the white man down.

  8. Wrong. It's not about Costa it's about the lack of effort to improve the Offensive Line SO FAR that concerns a lot of people. If your Offensive Line is one of your major problems and you did virtually nothing to solve this problem and rely on a guy that only played a few snaps and another guy coming back after spending a whole season on IR that's a bit scary.


    What am I "wrong" about?  Your bone to pick is with Ryan Grigson and has nothing to do with my response.  My comment pertained to people in this very thread acting like we now have some gaping hole on the OL directly due to Costa's retirment.  We don't.  We are no better or worse at OL as a result of this news.  What had been done (or what hasn't been done) to the OL prior to this Costa incident is a discussion for a different day and not anything I commented about.


    I happen to agree with you, though.  Our OL sucked last year, and all Grigson has done so far is sign an average at best player who then retired inexplicably.  Absolutely unacceptable in year 3 of his regime.....especially when he was considered to be some sort of OL guru.

  9. Well, stay with me here... there is a year's more of a sample size to make a determination on the 2012 class and as Schwamm said - Fleener is a good case study.


    More on the overreaction of fans - the standard of what makes a successful draft is wildly innaccurate.  Take a guy like Thornton - if he is a decent starter (not terrible but not close to great either) for the length of his rookie contract and then walks in free agency is that failed pick?  I would say not close.  In fact I would say the team got out of him exactly what they hoped for.  But by the standard you are assigning to the 2013 draft, it is already deemed a bust.  What if Holmes starts for a few years along side Thornton.  What is Werner plays at a decent level and what if Hughes improves (gasp) over his rookie season?  You know what you have then - a pretty good draft.


    Yeah.....you both have a point about Fleener.  I hated it when he was labeled as a bust after only one year, and it bothers me even more that Holmes is being sold out, as he wasn't even healthy last year and barely played.  He has not established himself as a bust by any means.

  10. 100% pure bovine excrement.


    Your assertions are just simply wrong on so many levels.  But here is the one I like the best - deciding after one year there is only 1 keeper from the group is comical. 


    I guess we can't surmise that anyone from the 2012 class are keepers either then.  Too early.  I'm sure if I look back in the archives, there weren't any conclusions drawn towards the positive in regards to anyone from our 2012 class after one year of play.

  11. This is classic fan-view analysis.


    2012 was a great draft, but it's skewed by 2 elements.  Those guys throw, catch and run with the balll, and they came into a roster set up for them to play day 1.  They played well and we are right to call it a success.  


    2013 players chase the ball and block for the ball - and there was no place for them to play day 1 on a revamped roster.  2 of those guys will start on the O-line in 2014, 1 will play a prominent pass rushing role, and yet another will get snaps on the D-line rotation.  It was a great draft for where we were and where we are headed.


    You won't impress fans by drafting players at positions that take time to develop in roles that fans really don't understand how to measure the impact of.  I'm very grateful that Grigson doesn't draft with the goal to impress us, and so will we all be when 2 of those guys are solid starters on an improved O-line in 2014.


    No....its pretty much based on the fact that the Colts drafted 7 players in 2013:  3 of them didn't make the team, 1 is an injured, unknown center, 1 is an OG who played and graded out very poorly, 1 is a passrusher who has promise, 1 is a DL who, even though was perfectly healthy being active for 15/16 games and our defense sucking balls, couldn't play his way onto the field.  So there's 1 keeper from this draft, Werner, or possibly 2, as Holmes hasn't had a shot yet to prove he can play at this level.

  12. PSU needed someone with a pulse and no connections to the prior regime and who could win a decent number of games. He met those standards but didn't exactly set the world on fire with the product on the field, especially considering the B1G was pathetic. I don't understand the excitement over this hire.


    Exactly.  He has 2 years of experience at being a head coach in his entire life, in college, where he went 15-9.  Hardly a worldbeater.


    I'll always remember him for making the strange decision of going for it on 4th and 2 on their own 33, with essentially an entire quarter left in a game in which they were down 11 points to Indiana.  Of course, they didn't make it, Indiana scored 2 TD's in the next 3.5 minutes to put the game away and beat Penn State for the first time ever in 16 attempts. 


    Head scratching in-game decision, to be sure, not to mention that Penn State really wasn't an impressive outfit in either of the 2 years he coached them.  Never thought that same guy would end up being an NFL head coach a few months later.

  13. Smart move.


    There are no franchise qb's in this years draft.  Not by a long shot.  So don't reach by picking a quarterback with the first pick just because you need a quarterback.  Bridgewater, Bortles, Manzeil.....none of those guys are even close to being worthy of being the top overall pick.


    Sign a smart, decent, veteran quarterback, and either trade that pick, or draft Clowney to pair with Watt.

  14. I really like this mindset:


    “When I took this job, Jim wanted me to have a dynasty-type mindset to win championships, plural. You can’t just put all of your eggs in one basket one year—and then after a year those guys are gone or are too old. Then your roster gets blown back to the Stone Age. You want to continue to infuse the team with draft picks and young players that can grow together and be great together.’’


    — Indianapolis GM Ryan Grigson, talking about his team-building philosophy and referencing team owner Jim Irsay, who is now undergoing substance-abuse rehab after his arrest a week ago.


    2012 Draft - most definitely

    2013 Draft - not so much

  15. I don't think Schaub was all of the problem last year. He actually did play pretty good in those last few games they barely lost. He was not the cause of all their problems. He's an easy scapegoat, but I don't think it was all him, I really don't.


    Hell no he wasn't all the problem.  Delusional Texan fans who actually thought they were a Super Bowl contender didn't want to admit that their sorry team had as many holes as it did, so they laid it all at Schaub's feet.  The same Schaub that, before the season, they thought was good enough to take them to a Super Bowl, I might add.

  16. I can't believe how many of you people hang your hat on Holmes. You knock Thornton, cry for Holmes, damn he couldn't get on the field with our center position being the worst in the nfl last year. What can you possibly see in him the coaching staff don't? Grigs says well he's our future....what else would he say....well he's another big mistake? Wake up!


    And I can't believe how many of you have written him off.  He was injured last year & barely even played, and yet most on here act as though he has this huge sample size of playing time that we can draw from to determine he isn't a starting caliber center.

  17. For starters they have a more efficient QB now, and no matter what moves a divisional team makes they always tend to compete with people within the division. 


    They have a ton of question marks, starting with their head coach.

  18. I think Houston could potentially give the Colts a run for their money, last year was just an off year for them in my opinion. 


    Why is that?  They have like 20 free agents or people that they've cut.  The team that takes the field in 2014 will look nothing like the one that took the field in 2013 and had an "off" year according to you.

  19. I'd predict the Texans they look like they are a QB shy from being pretty good.  


    I have a hard time thinking the Browns are gonna be good. . . ever.  They seemingly invent ways to screw it up.  


    What are you basing that on?


    I live in Houston, and it's pretty much a consensus that they have numerous holes to fill.


    Seth Payne & Mike Meltzer just today remarked that they have significant holes and need starter level talent at:  QB, RT, TE, DE, NT, ILB, Nickle CB and S.  Why do you think differently than everyone who follows the team for a living?

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