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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. Yes, definitely.


    Props to our defense for making it so that our starting QB scored more points for our opponent than our opponent did....lmao


    Glad we were victorius, yet again, in this years version of "biggest game in Texan franchise history"....lol



  2. Houston is a "pretty good team"' ...   


    I am really interested to see how this game unfolds...   With DALLAS on the horizon..   


    Like I said...         lets see .......        oh nevermind..   ;)


    Houston is a spectacularly average team, and the Colts are slightly above average at best.


    We will get curbstomped by the first good team we play in the playoffs.

  3. lol at Luck scoring more points for the Texans than the Texans did.


    This will be a delicious week listening to local Houston sports radio.  Did you all know that if the Texans would've gotten every break in every game this year like they deserve to, while there opponents get none, then by golly they would be like 14-0 right now!

  4. They have my respect, let me say that. They disrupt. Give them a short field, it's going to be a long day cause that offense has picked it up a notch as well. I have been pretty content in the past to dismiss the Texans, but I don't like the way the Colts have been playing as of late. 


    Complete agreement.  Continued sloppy play and a slow start will result in us getting a nice L this weekend.

  5. The Texans have every right to feel optimistic about this game. The Colts have looked erratic and rattled offensively over, really, the majority of the season. Yes, we have generated big plays. Many. That is not the point. How consistent have we been? Look at the Texans defensively and how they are built to disrupt with their front seven. A few miscues or tipped passes to start this game and you can easily see this getting ugly in a hurry. It would be easy to say "Just eliminate the turnovers". Sure. Well, we don't have a respectable run game, so, the ball is going to the air 50+ times a game. This has to change.


    I don't agree with this at all.


    Minus Watt, the best defensive player to come along in a long time, their front 7 is very pedestrian.


    I suppose they're effective when they play the Titans, Jaguars, Raiders, Redskins or whichever sorry teams the Texans have gotten their wins against this year, but against good teams?  Not so much.

  6. I feel this will be a very close game.


    We have alot of issues and glaring holes, and overall we're not much better than a slightly above average football team, so it wouldn't really surprise me if this were the year they take us at home. 


    Especially if Luck continues to fork the ball over at such an alarming rate.

  7. What's really crazy is that it moves the Colts past 10 teams but only moves the texans past I think 3 teams.


    But as you say , you can't rate a defense on total yards given up. It's just a stat with some meaning but it for sure is limited. No question Houston has some really good talent of the defensive side of the ball. Maybe the coaching needs to be a hair better , maybe they've had a few injuries at the wrong time , etc etc. It's also how you match up and who you've played. On and on and on. Bottom line it's crazy to use such a small sample size and make a judgment on just yards given up. You're much better off trusting what you see on the playing field .


    Yeah.  What it means is that teams move the ball very easily against you.  It's not a good thing to give up the most yards in the NFL, and certainly is not a sign of an "excellent" team.


    I mean, say something at least plausible, like if they had the right QB they might be a wildcard contendor.  But to say a 4-5 team with numerous, obvious holes that are harped on every single day by local media such as Nick Wright, John Lopez, Rich Lord, Seth Payne, Ted Johnson, etc, is "excellent" is ignorant, irresponsible, inaccurate and deserves mockery.

  8. I agree the timing is right to make the change. And the Texans are an excellent team that isjust short a QB. If they find a QB...watch out.


    Yep.  Defense is dead last in the NFL in total yards allowed, special teams are rated the 6th worst in the NFL by football outsiders, and an offensive line rated near the bottom 1/3rd of the league by football outsiders.  Those are all hallmarks of an "excellent" team.....lol

  9. To the bolded, no. I don't agree with the premise in it's entirety. I think we need some young corners, as Darius Butler is a free agent after this year, and Greg Toler is a free agent after 2015. I think we need as many pass rushers as our roster can handle. And even at RB, I think we need some different talent in the backfield.


    Now, to the actual topic, I definitely think we need a new safety. Maybe two. It's one of our biggest needs, IMO, and one point of criticism I have with the staff is that many of our biggest needs, especially on defense, seem to still be our biggest weak spots. Maybe some of the young guys develop, but I don't think we should be counting on guys like McDonald and Purifoy and Muamba to be starters or big time contributors moving forward. If those guys get shots and perform well, then great, but I'd like to bring in some blue-chip defensive prospects, particularly at those positions.


    Gruden made a comment during the Monday night game that we have ONE drafted defensive starter right now, and that's Werner. He wouldn't be a starter if not for Mathis' being out, and this staff didn't draft Mathis, so he really wouldn't count. Now, no one knows better than me that this defense -- and the entire roster, really -- has been overhauled in the past three years. But we have a TON of drafted starters on offense, but only one on defense. We need to change that, especially with our cap situation getting ready to change. 


    Josh Chapman?

  10. Remember when people said Texans were favorites to win the AFC South. 


    I can't fathom how anyone can watch that Texan team, look at their talent level, and think they could ever be anything more than an 8-9 win team, max.

  11. Lol, whatever you say.


    He's gonna get votes, though. He's that good.


    History and precedence are on my side, not yours.  If Watt gets numerous MVP votes, then you can come on here and crow about it. 


    But he won't.  Because, again, a great DE on a 7-9 loss team isn't the most valuable player in the NFL. 

  12. The 1st QTR was spectacular! I still wasn't happy about that illegal formation that gave the Texans 6 points as opposed to 3 points which swung momentum in Houston's favor. 


    It was nice to see Nicks making crucial completion contributions. Woo Hoo! 


    JJ...Worth every penny in his new contract. Darn baby, just think where Houston be without him...Ryan Fitzpatrick played much better in the 2nd half. Kudos to him for hanging tough & still fighting all game long.


    Colts are 4-2. Nice! 


    Yep.....the 17 points we handed them was very disconcerting and made a close game out of one that should have been a blowout.

  13. Meh.....Luck torched that team.  They have some serious issues in their secondary that Luck exploited.  Can't believe we pounded them like that in the first quarter with 2 second string OG's and a 3rd string C.  Would've won that game by 3-4 touchdowns had we not handed them 14 points on a silver platter.

  14. Houston fans will be insane tonite.


    We absolutely cannot spot them 10-14 points, via turnovers or huge busted plays (like that ridiculous TD from Keenum to Dre last year) or whatever, and allow them to utilize Foster to manage the lead. 


    We need a fast start, we need to get up on them and to force Fitzpatrick to have to make plays.

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