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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. I don't hate any of them but if you go over to the other boards you will see them sipping on the hateraid. Just browsing the Texan's forum this week and it's over there in the giant Colts thread.


    Can't blame them.


    If we got owned by a team as badly as the Texans have by the Colts over the years, i'd sip on the hateraid as well.

  2. I think the Irony is that Luck has carried your team for the last 3 years. TY's cool & all that, but that's Andrew Luck's show. 


    Not really ironic, because Luck doesn't play DE.


    You can get pretty far with an elite QB "carrying" you.  Peyton Manning carried a garbage Colts roster to the Super Bowl in 2009-10.

  3. Actually your opinion that Dallas wouldn't be able to run on Houston's subpar run defense was 100% foolish.  And proven wrong beyond any shadow of doubt, as we all saw Dallas easily move the ball on the ground against Houston.  


    Your feeble attempts to save face after the fact, just absolutely failing miserably at convincing yourself or anyone otherwise, are pathetic, laughable and kind of sad.  I mean, just own up to being wrong, you senile old fool.....there's no shame in it.


    I do have one question for you though.....what color is the sky in your world?

  4. We do have the running game and they're solid on defense.  They have the best d-lineman in football. If we can get JJ blocked in passing situations, Luck should be able to find openings in the secondary.


    31-17, Colts.


    Unfortunately for them, there are 2 other spots on the DL besides the one that Watt occupies, and both of them are manned by subpar NFL players.  In fact, I bet 95% of the people on here couldn't name the Texans starting NT and starting DE oppositte Watt.


    They are easy to run against.  26th in the NFL in opponents YPC, 25th in the NFL in opponents rushing YPG.  On the other side of the token, if Foster runs like he did against Dallas, our run defense will certainly be tested.  We are no stallwarts against the run either:  24 in the NFL in opponents YPC.


    Hope you're right about that score!  With that raucous crowd, I think it will be tough sleddin.

  5. Yep.....to the surprise of nobody (except one message board poster who lives in lalaland amongst the fairies and unicorns), Dallas easily ran the ball against Houston's poor run defense.  If you're keeping track, and I am, Houston has given up 5.7, 5.9, 4.6, 4.2 and 4.2 ypc to their first 5 opponents, which is God awful.  I'm mildy surprised that Romo lit them up in the air today, as well.  But not really.


    Houston has a number of guys among their front 7 that simply aren't NFL starting-caliber players.  But I think they know that already.  Seth Payne, Ted Johnson, Rich Lord, and other local media-types down here certainly know that, so I have to think most guys within the organization know it, too.

  6. You know this is the Dallas Cowboys we're talking about?

    The 'Dallas 8-8's

    You must be new to the sport


    You're argument is baseless and weak.


    Most people above the age of 8 who have watched even a single minute of NFL football wouldn't be as befuddled as you are at the concept of a superior offensive unit having an advantage over an inferior defensive unit.  I guess i've overestimated you and you're one of the rare exceptions.  Or you're 7.  Either way, you aren't worth any more effort.


    Have fun in your fantasyland where the Cowboys can't run the ball and the Texans have a stellar run D......lol

  7. You think they're running on Houston....really?


    You don't watch much football, I guess.


    You're asking if the top running offense in the league will be able to run against one of the worst run defenses in the league?  lol


    Did you wonder if Luck would be able to throw effectively against Jacksonville too?

  8. 6 tough games coming up in a row, ravens,texans,cincy,steelers,giants and pats. given the shape of our pass rush and safety mess, can we win any of these games? can our offense bail us out?


    No.  We can't win any of those games.

  9. Chuck Pagano announces that the Colts have released WR Da'Rick Rogers and promoted S Dewey McDonald from PS to active roster. #Colts


    Yippee!  Another below-par safety to add to the gaggle of below-par safeties we already have on the roster!  Always a great sign when your 5 active-roster safeties consist of a 1st round bust on his third different team who can't cover a tupperware bowl, and 4 undrafted free agents.


    Thanks again for refusing to upgrade this blatantly obvious position-of-need during the offseason, Grigs!

  10. I would not worry about that at all. The Texans were much better than the 2-14 record last year. You all just needed a decent quarterback. Texans defense is outstanding. 


    Texans will be in it, late in the season, and are a formidable opponent for our Colts. 


    Nope.....very far away from being an outstanding defense.  They have serious issues defending the run (in addition to having serious issues at QB and OL).  Washington put 131 yards on them at 5.7 ypc, Oakland put 101 yards on them at 5.9 ypc, and New York put 193 yards on them at 4.6 ypc.  On what planet do you live on where 3 garbage teams run that easily on the same team, where you say that team has an "outstanding defense"? 


    The front 7, outside of Watt obviously, is poor.  Poe is a servicable NT I guess, Cushing, as predicted, is a shadow of his former self, and the rest of that group are simply below par football players.  Clowney should improve the pass rush when he comes back of course, but he is a liability in coverage, and still just a rookie.


    Fortunately for Houston, Cousins did not start that first game, else they'd be 1-2 right now.  However, for no reason other than their incredibly weak schedule, I see Houston winning 7-9 games.

  11. Let me help you with that. I know Pete had been the NFL before. I think Houston's coach is much better and will be much better than the Colts coach. I like the Chuck Strong stuff but I think he is limited as a head coach. Yes, Ariens got him to one 11-5 season and he got another last year but that is more Andrew Luck that it is Pagano. I think there are some flaws in is game coaching and I am not a big fan of his overall vision for the team. This team lives or dies with Andrew Luck because there is not a lot of talent on the team outside of him and his receivers. So, why shackle Andrew with a pitiful attempt to be a power running team and let him be what he is, one of the best QBs in the NFL. Turn him loose ala Brees and Manning. At least that is how I see it.


    Again.....to your original point, which nothing in the above paragraph has anything to do with whatsoever:    Bill O'Brien is not a great coach.  He's never won an NFL game.  He's coached one NFL preseason game, where he lost 32-0.

  12. No, it isn't. Clowney is just a part of it. Their coach is very well respected anywhere in football. That defense was never as bad as it looked last year. They will rebound bit time this year and Clowney will be a major factor in it. They added a stud to that Dline too.


    Look at the stats Dustin cited above.  That defense was poor last year.  They looked poor because they were poor.


    And you aren't a great coach by any metric if you've never so much as won a single game, ever, in the NFL.

  13. Don't worry, they have a great coach, a great defense and some playmakers on offense. They just need an adequate QB to get the job done. Fitz can do that until someone else is ready.


    How do they have a great coach?


    And their defense sucked balls last year.  It's not "great" just because they added Clowney.

  14. The roster is pretty solid, I'll be surprised if two of those guys make it. Kerr has the best shot IMHO. One of the three DBs you listed may make it.

    Got to love the preseason, it's the best reality show out there.


    This happens every year.  People always have this love affair with 8-10 undrafted free agents and inevitably completely overvalue them.

  15. I'm honestly not expecting much beside Cherlius and Thorton to produce. Thorton will be in his natural position at RG. Lance Louis and Donald Thomas aren't staying healthy. Holmes at center is a mystery. A.C. can't block. I know we picked up the 5th yr option, but I don't see anymore years after that. You can't just be an average left tackle. You have to be elite and handle one on one which Castanzo can't do. Mewhort is a rookie and he'll struggle.


    Costanzo can't block?  I'm stunned.  How did he ever become a starting LT in the NFL if he can't block?

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