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Posts posted by MacDee1975

  1. I think you are being rough on the Texans. Graham would start for a lot of teams and Hopkins emergence made Johnson available. Yes, Hoyer, if he is the starter, is the weak link. Blue can be a very good running back. So, I think Hoyer and Shorts would not start for most teams.


    Why do you think the way you do about the 2 bolded items?

  2. I'm optimistic.


    I think the line was ranked 17th overall last year, meaning they were average, not horrible or terrible or any of the other overly negative assessments sometimes thrown their way, just simply average. To me, average, with Richardson behind them is actually better than average. They also had a lot of first year play in the middle with Holmes, Harrison & Mewhort getting their feet wet.


    So why wouldn't I be optimistic? Gore will be behind them now, all of the first year players will come back stronger and more experienced and a good quality veteran in Herremans has been added at right guard.  I see them around10th overall at this point. No, they won't be the best in the league, but they'll be a good line.


    Finally, Reitz will service the #3 tackle position wonderfully, as he always does, and will allow Denzelle Good to develop as the #4 tackle, Harrison will be ready behind Holmes, while Thornton, Thomas, Louis & Arkin battle for the 3 remaining guard spots, starter and 2's.


    I am allowed to be optimistic, right?


    Exactly.  People act like we had the worst line in the league last year, which isn't even close to being true.


    It was average last year, and the weakest link, Cherilus, is gone.  I expect us to be slightly above average this year, which is fine.

  3. I'd trade Dwayne Allen and Donte Moncrief for a 7th and a 5th respectively once they show some production as the year begins.


    That is the most we are going to get, likely. Moncrief may get a 4th with the right team but that is the most I expect. Look at the rookie wide outs contributing around the league, it is easier to get another Moncrief than you think. We are not keeping Dwayne Allen, either he plays well and leaves because we have enough play makers to pay or he does not get enough touches and wants to leave anyway.


    Boom Herron, I doubt he even gets a pick, IMO, given the RB situation in the NFL.


    If that is not acceptable, we are better off riding with the horses we got as long as we can ride them :).



  4. I know we are early into training camp, but it seems like we have the potential to make a couple of trades similar to the Marcus Burley trade last season, where we could add a couple of draft choices in 2016. 


    A couple of thoughts: 


    Dan Herron: 5th round pick

    We have Frank Gore as our work horse. I really like Josh Robinson. I am also really high on Zurlon Tipton (really reminds me a lot of Arian Foster). It will be interesting to see what Vick Ballard and Tyler Varga bring to the table. Overall, we have nice depth at running back. Herron showed last year that he can make plays. I feel he is a solid running back, but not a long-term component of our backfield. I think a RB needy team would be willing to part with a 5th rounder for him. 


    Donte Moncrief: 2nd round pick

    I realize mentioning this possibility is akin to heresy, but I could see Moncrief drawing a lot of attention. He is one year into his 4 year rookie deal as a 3rd round pick (lower cost than 2nd rounder). He has shown a great deal of potential. However, he is stuck as the 3rd or 4th WR on a team loaded with offensive playmakers. We have Dorsett, Carter, Brown at WR, as well as Fleener, Allen, and Doyle. An extra second rounder next year would be more valuable, in my opinion, than having Moncrief patrolling the sidelines. 



    Obviously, I am sure some guys will stand out in pre-season and enhance their value. Injuries can also factor in to the decision. We'll see what happens. 


    Brown and Carter are hardly established commodities;  they will be the one's patrolling the sidelines next year, if they even make the team.....not Moncrief.  Andre Johnson has 2 years left max.  If we are lucky enough to resign Hilton, we will need Dorsett and Moncrief to fill the 2-3 WR positions.  If Hilton leaves, that makes Moncrief all the more valuable.


    Also, one of Allen or Fleener is gone next year.  And Doyle's a mediocre layman who's name shouldn't ever occupy the same paragraph as phrases such as "loaded" and "offensive playmakers".

  5. Yeah. I mean the Colts are better just how much better is the question if the Texans actually find a decent QB among their brood.


    What are you talking about?  They had a decent QB last year, and still finished barely above .500 against one of the easiest schedules in the league.  Do you people not even realize that Fitzpatrick was the 9th rated passer in the NFL last year?  lol.  Hoyer was the 31st rated QB in the league last year, so how on God's green earth is he in any way, shape or form an upgrade from a top ten QB?  And if Mallet hasn't established himself above one of the worst QB's in the league, what does that say about him? 


    Houston had numerous other areas last year that were worse than the QB position, and many of those same weaknesses exist on this years team.  8-8 would be doing well for that spectacularly mediocre roster.

  6. can the colts o-line protect luck against the Texans front 7? clowney , wilfork and watts are a force of elite players who scare me


    You listed one elite player.

  7. I'm more worried about good Mallet can be.  They won 9 games with Ryan Fitzpatrick at quarterback.  They have just improved their defense even more then it was.


    Honestly Mallet doesn't have to be very good to make them a threat.  


    We really can't afford to sleep on the Texans guys.  


    Yes.  You guys on this message board really need to take the Texans more seriously, else the Colts risk losing both games to them next year and maybe the division.

  8. And you would know this.......     how?


    Ever hear him talk?  Compare it to when you hear Belichek talk.  There are many college coaches with higher football IQ's than Pagano.  Saban is smarter.  As is Meyer.  As is Malzahn.  As are many others.  In Pagano's 3 years as coach, have you ever heard him demonstrate any kind of technical, x's and o's knowledge?  I sure haven't.


    Pagano's football accumen sounds like it's at the same level as your everyday, run of the mill high school coach.  Great cheerleader and clapper though, as i've said before.

  9. Werner is average at everything in this 3-4 D...he was effective as a DE with his hand in the dirt in college.

    Coach Chuck gets his man again...I wish Chuck knew what he was doing. 

    And we can't blame Grigson for Werner...Chuck would have the major say on D players.


    What do you mean?  He's real good at clapping his hands and pumping his fists at the same time.


    Pagano doesn't strike me as someone who possesses a high football IQ at all.  Kind of like when IU employed Mike Davis the village * as their basketball coach.  The one thing Pagano was supposed to be good at, coaching defense, is a complete pile of garbage, so i'm not exactly sure what this guy brings to the table.

  10. Why hasn't people been bashing Werner like Trent?  Werner was a 1st round pick that wasn't traded for!!  It seems that when people have an eye on him he shows up for 2 games to get the monkey off his back, then the bear goes back into hibernation.  It's funny how that works huh.  He has even been on the team longer than Richardson... OK I'm on it, time to make a bash Werner thread lol


    Why would they?  Werner is a good player who shows promise.


    Trent Richardson, on the other hand, simply isn't good at football, and would be outperformed by any of a few dozen rb's that are on various practice squads throughout the league.

  11. The Texans defense is rated #16 with Watts according to ESPN website. Most valuable player does not mean the best player IMO. Watt is the defensive player of the year, not the most valuable. Most valuable IMO means they help take their team to the playoffs and without them they wouldn't stand a chance. Rogers, Brady and a couple of other players fit that bill more than Watts. That's just my opinion and it really don't mean much to those who vote.


    He isn't that valuable.  He plays DE, for Christ's sake.  If he was that valuable, he would've been able to put his team on his back and carry them to 11-12 wins, like Aaron Rodgers did.  But he didn't, because you can't as a friggen DE.  The defensive unit he spearheaded was average, and they won 9 games against a last place schedule.  Whoop-dee-do.


    Those 3 one-yard TD catches were a pathetic gimmick in order to garner him votes, and should count against him, in my opinion.

  12. Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing


    You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss


    Unfortunately, the Colts are just a pass rusher away (and a few other pieces) from being an elite Super Bowl contendoer, let alone taking the division.


    You are aware that other teams get to add draft picks and free agents this offseason, just like the Texans do, right?

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