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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. If we pick around 20 he would be a great pick. Would love to have him, plus he is young and is going to get

    better. He is a space heater who frees up everyone else. If we lose to Houston though, and our pick is higher, I would love to take Jaylon Smith. I think beside Bosa, the best defensive player on the board. We could build around him, and have a true stud LB.

  2. Problem with Nkemdeche is he has incredible measurables, but it does not seem to come out on the field. He is nicked up a lot of the time, and he seems more of the Clowney syndrome, which scares the crap out of me. Many articles I have read questions how much he wants it, how much desire he has, because his athletic ability you cannot debate. Those kind of players, I tend to worry about. You think Houston wishes they drafted Mack now, I do.

    The other question is this. If Charlie Whitehurst starts this week, I don't know what happens, but I give the edge to Houston due to defense. Hopefully I am wrong, but there is a small voice inside of me, which I hate, that says if we lose this week, we are probably out of the playoffs, and only win 6 or 7 games. That would place us in the 10-15 spot which improves who we can draft immeasurably, which we really need. There are some really good FA's like Osemele who will be out there in FA. I would like to bolster the line first in FA, which lets us go almost all defense in the draft, especially the line. I think regardless of where we pick, we will have a shot A'Shawn Robinson from Alabama who is a space eater, or Adolphus Washington who decided to pick up an escort, why I have no idea, but he will drop also. So there will be some quality DL to bolster the line. The only caveat I have is if we do not win any more games, and are close to the top 10, I would really love to get Jaylon Smith. I think he could be a cornerstone for us for the next decade, like Kuechly for the Panthers. He would be my pick if  possible. It is going to come down to can we win with a 3rd string QB, and if we lost this week, should we even risk bringing Luck back, since Houston's last two games should be wins.

  3. After reading Pep's comments in the Star, one would hope we would adopt the plan he used so well with Hasselback, and worked so well in the first half against Patriots. If you want to take the pressure off Andrew, get it out quick. Receivers are not getting separation, so deep ball is not working anyway. He needs to think West Coast and rolling him out, and then let that set up the down the field. The OL and Pep's playcalling have lead to Andrew going backward as far as development. He is hearing footsteps now, and I don't blame him!


    It seems such a simple concept, and even though fans are usually wrong when they complain, this one is easy to spot what they should do.

  4. It has been a long time since I have posted. I have been so disqusted by the OL, and imho the regression of Andrew, along with Pep's playcalling, I can barely take reading the sports section. Plus, once someone is considered elite, boy do they waste no time ripping them to shreds, although it is deserved.


    Ok, why did I post. Andrew is not able to carry the team this year. I posted above my reasons, he is not taking the time to read the field and locking in since he knows what is coming, and I don't see it changing, unless we start calling games to get it out of his hands quickly, and that is not our MO.


    So if things continue, we could actually have an early pick, which with a new GM and probably new coach who is going to want to buy his own groceries, I can only see an OL or DL. There is a lot more quality OL unless we pick really high than DL, so I am guessing OL. I would love Tunsil, but I would be very happy with Conklin.


    So, although it took awhile to get here, all the players which I believe are going to be released after the year is going to give us some cap space. I don't want to waste it like we have in the last few years, since free agency has not exactly worked out. I would prefer quality over quantity.


    Alex Mack is going to want to leave Cleveland. It is the reason he put a clause in his contract after this year they could not franchise him, so he will be on the open market. He is 30, but good centers can play awhile, and he still has some good years left in him. If we could get an OL, one who could take over the RT spot, keep Mewhort at RG, and have Mack at Center. Conklin at RT, and maybe draft or look for a RG, we could really upgrade the line, and still have some draft picks starting in the second to go after DL.

    So when Mack becomes available because there is no way he is going to stay with Cleveland after all the losing he has seen, do we go after him?


    To bad the Joe Thomas contract does not run out and just bring them in as a pair. As I said, whoever the next buyer of groceries is, quality over quantity please!

  5. Just remember the first four weeks of the season are completely different from the last 3 quarters of the season. Teams are fresh, and this is when changes in personnel, strategy from new coaches really come into play. Once you get into October, and especially November is when you will see the teams who truly are superior.


    Right now everyone loves the Jets, because the off season moves. When is the last time you saw free agency actually work really well. The Jets have completely changed the chemistry of that team from last year. Chemistry takes time, especially on the offense, and in the defensive backfield. Yes Revis is still great, but Cromartie before he went to Arizona for one year had really declined. Do you think the safeties are really good, and will mesh?


    Also when I look at the Jets, especially on offense, who is going to stretch the field for them. Smith is a rookie and hurt. The team is going to have to have long drives to score, which is difficult for a journey QB.


    Buffalo is the same. New coach, totally new schemes. The defense should be very good, but once again chemistry. Also, Tyrod Taylor. He fits what the Bills want to do, but has thrown 36 passes in the league, no TD's and 2 interceptions I believe. He will get some nice plays out of his legs, but do you think he has mastered the progression of receivers, and staying in the pocket. Just think about what he was like in College. I can't believe he even made it to the NFL. Yes players get better with time, but once again, no QB will be a problem I believe.


    Just some thoughts about how I approach what look to be locks.


    One caveat: Miami is a lock. Washingtons OL, and Miami's defensive line. Cousins is going to be running for his life. I will agree fully with Miami over Washington. It would be my choice in a suicide pool.

  6. Washington plans to keep Griffin as their 2nd string, backing up Cousins. Makes absolutely no sense due to the injury clause. After seeing some preseason and their offensive line, if RGIII ends up playing he may get killed. After watching the Detroit game, where he was bloodied every snap, and then the Baltimore game where Cousins had good protection, it makes me wonder what will happen if he does play, and I do believe he will. 16.2M for next year if injured. Team said Snyder, McCloughan and Gruden agreed to keep him. I don't believe that for a second. Gruden got overruled, and Griffin just does not fit Gruden's system.


    Link below:




  7. I remember the board liked him before the draft a couple years back, out of UConn if I remember correctly. He looked really good at times with the Raiders when I saw him play, although admittedly I don't watch the Raiders a lot. Still if only a 5-7, well worth it. Especially if it means dumping Werner, since it would be a big talent upgrade!

  8. I agree with the bolded.


    Collins was a sure-fire first rounder, until. Now they got him at 10% of the cost, and without using a pick. Why, in the name of everything wonderful, would they trade him for a 7th rounder and a waiver wire WR?

    I know I am knit picking, but the Cowboys really did not get him at the reduced cost mentioned, since Collins was able to shop his services after teams knew he would not be arrested. He was a 1st rounder who was highly sought after, and got good money! If Collins went late in the first round he would have made around 2M/yr, with 4 yr. contract. Dallas gave him a 2 yr. deal, at I believe 1.55M, and it was fully guaranteed. So he really did not lose too much unless he had gone in the top 15. I would love to trade for him as a guard, and the fact the Cowboys only have him for two years, and still have to extend Frederick, and their RG from ND who's name escapes me, and have already given a huge contract to their LT makes me wonder about Collins Long term for them. You can only pay so many offensive limeman. With just their LT, LG, and C, once all the extensions are done, which is a few years off, you are talking 30-35M minimum a year for the three players!

  9. We paid him too much, but I would like him for next year at a reduced cost. Silver lining, I love Anderson, and Parry I believe is going to be a very good NT for us. Plus they already have communication down from Stanford. I wanted Jones in there, and I believe he will be back second part of season, but it gives Parry and Anderson more time to develop!

  10. I don't get the hype of carter. The only thing we 'hear' is that he has a great training camp and impressing. But he hasn't done a thing come game time. I'm not sold.


    Carter can play, and that out to the sideline Luck released before Duran even came out of his break was beautiful. I belive it is a little mental, and he needs some time. He is a physical speciman, and if he does not make the 5-6 man squad, I believe he will be on the PS. His potential is just too much to ignore. His problem is he has not adjusted to the speed of the NFL players. On Mike and Mike today, Carter said his son told him "the players and the games are so much faster than I thought". WR's even though lately many have done really well in the first year usually need a year and the biggest leap is from Year one to the second. He got hyped because of how good he is in practice. I believe we stash him, and when AJ is gone, he will step up and fill that role.


    The NFL and fans have been spoiled the last few years by WR's and their quick transition. That used to never be the case. Give him time. If Eric Swoop from Miami deserved time to develop, then Carter, with his ceiling definitely does!

  11. Andy Levitre has been demoted to second string playing RG for the Titans. They would have to eat 6.5M this year if they release him, but get back cap space next year. Everyone on this board wanted him, he signed for big money and has been a bust in Tenn. If he is released, he will only get the veterans minimum. He was bad last year, and bad in camp, thus the demotion. Would it be worth bringing him in and seeing if a new team could restart the career? Still relatively young, 29-30 I believe. Sometimes playing on a losing team just saps players performance. It should not happen, but I have seen many players who went for the money, played poorly on a losing team they went to, cut and then rejuvenated their career. He was really good in Buffalo. What do you think if he cut which I do believe will happen. Grigson is going to be looking for a guard and tackle on the Saturday cutdown day.

  12. Berry made the comment Monday on Mike and Mike after CCarter asked him if it mattered about their age. Berry said he felt Gore had at least two good seasons in him.


    Another thing which stood out though was when Chris asked about AJ. Berry said if you looked at last season, AJ has not really lost a step, it was purely the QB. He also said Wayne was targeted 112 or 117 times last year, and much of this came after the injury. If AJ is targeted as much as Reggie has been as the go to guy on third down to move the chains, AJ is going to have a real monster year. Berry said he liked AJ just as much, and with Luck throwing him the ball, it is a perfect match.

  13. A definite No Thanks!


    Shows you how important the locker room is, and although it was out on the field the other day, why Pagano does not want fights. When Cam Newton's helmet came off the other day, if Norman would have had a clean shot, it could have been him. As far as Geno, many of the Jets blame him also for the altercation. The 6-10 weeks is a best case scenario, and if loses his job this year to Fitzpatrick, he will be looking for a new team next year.


    Back to the locker room, and its importance. The Jets drafted him in the 6th round last year, and he had a police battery charge, assaulting an officer. Anyone who would do that, I would never want drafted, and keep him far away from our locker room. Shows you what character can do good and bad to a locker room. Now the Jets have to deal with this for the next few weeks.

  14. We have AJ for two years. After that, we will be set at WR with TY, Dorsett, Montcrief, and Duron, plus our tight ends, Fleener and Allen. Given the age of all four of those receivers, all under 25 I believe, we could be deadly for a long time going forward. Additionally we have  a nice blend of speed and height. Speed with TY, Dorsett, Montcrief and Fleener.  Tall receivers in Montcrief, Duron, Fleener and Allen, which is great for the red zone. So we can stretch the field, and then have someone go up in the redzone and attack the ball. Carter sounds like a natural in that role so far! Hope we can keep them all, because we would not need to draft a WR for a long time, and could focus on other needs!

  15. Although Heenan is gone, as many have said a meniscus is not a bad injury. He could have been back by the first game. So if anyone else goes down with a knee injury, just let it be nothing worse than the mentioned injury. Since that is the first bad injury this week in Anderson, considering past history we are doing great, knock on wood! Only one week left in Anderson.


    I will not reference injuries unless I have too. I don't want to anger the injury spirits. We deserve to have good karma looking over our team!

  16. I am sure there were a lot of negatives thrown around the past few days. Junior Seau was in a Patriots Jersey on the banner for the HOF ceremony. SD fans were furious.


    Regardless, I did like it when last night at the jacket ceremony, when Ron Wolff was given his jacket, he went up to Goodell and said "Way to go on Brady", congratulating him for the suspension and not backing down.

  17. Luck threw 2 of Carters 4 receiving touchdowns today so I'm sure it was against the starting defense at some point

    I don't want to throw water on what Carter did today, since according to camp reports he has possibly stood out more than anyone the first week. Regardless, Hasselback threw all 4 TD's to Carter according to Colts.com. Don't know if any were against the first team.


    "Carter and Matt Hasselbeckicon-article-link.gif connected on four red-zone touchdowns. The former Canadian Football Leaguer did a tremendous job going up and getting the football on Friday, including a play where he took a potential interception away from cornerback Chance Caseyicon-article-link.gif.From an individual standpoint, Carter’s Friday might be the best day we’ve seen from a Colts player after a week in Anderson. From Colts.com


    Regardless if first team or second team, he sounds like he is going to be a great addition. Glad we got him instead of Minn.


    I also thought it was interesting how the team talked about how good Fleener has looked and been overshadowed a bit by Carter. Fleener was awesome in the red zone drills. Luck through 4 TD's out of 5 throws. 2 to Fleener, 2 to AJ. Love all the talent.


    "When Carter has a day like he did on Friday, the afternoon for Coby Fleener gets a bit overshadowed. Fleener was a key red-zone target though with a couple of touchdowns. With all the wide receiver talent on the roster, you almost forget about the weapon Fleener is when the field shrinks", from Colts.com

  18. I think when you look back and make the comparison about Manning and Leaf, it is fair to say wow what could have happened, since there were so many people on each side of the fence, although it seemed to me like Polian was always going to go for Manning.


    As far as Luck and RGIII, I don't think we ever really considered him. Luck matched or beat his athletic traits at the combine in everything except the 40. You could look at his frame, and you knew once he took a couple of bad hits, he was in trouble. Plus I still have not seen a spread offense QB with plays called in from the sideline by the big signs that has been successful yet. RGIII had so much to learn, and instead of trying to learn the pocket skills, he relied on his leg the first year. I also think he was hurt by Shanahan in designing the offense around the zone read plays, which left him vulnerable. In fact I would go as far as to say RGIII was the reason the zone read was phased out, and is only run occasionally now, except for Cam. Cam is lucky he has a body like Luck, but all those hits are adding up on him, and he is does not have the pocket presence Luck does, nor the accurarcy, although I am off topic. One more thing about RGIII, he was very much like Leaf as far as everything is about him. He hurt himself with the campaign coming back for the second season by rushing his comeback before he was ready, but between the Adidas campaign to get back on the field, and his ego, I think it took his confidence, and that is a hard thing to get back.


    Still we are the most blessed organization when you consider having Peyton for 14 years, and I am hoping Luck will be around for around 18 years. We will look back on these years and say can you believe the three decades of QB play we had!

  19. This is exactly right.  I didn't say Luck was as bad as Cutler and Sanchez, but he does turn the ball over at a rate that is comparable to those guys.  It's like there is no middle ground with Luck.  If you don't consider him elite, you just hate him.  Andrew Luck is a stud but he is not elite at this point.  Stop turning the ball over and then we can discuss it.  

    Luck is not even close to Cutler or Sanchez. Luck is a leader, who has put the team on his back at times. Only a few QB's in the league can do that. I am willing to say he may not be elite, but for only three years in the league, considering his experience, he is ready to crack the title this year! Some people forget how young he is! Plus I think one thing you forget is look at what Luck has to do, as far as attempts is concerned, to get the Colts to the winner's circle. Over the past two years, Luck has thrown the ball 1243 times. You think Peyton Manning in his 2nd and third year threw the ball that much? I don't thing an interception ratio of 2 to 3 percent is too bad, considering the risk he has had to take in order to cover up some short comings the last few years. Also, throw the interceptions out the first year, and just look at the team around him. He has been incredible.

  20. First off I think Grigson has been good in drafts, and if Clayton is focusing on the defensive side, then it is a little silly, considering how few defensive players we have drafted under Grigson. Now in a couple years, lets see how this year's crop works out, but I liked our draft this year on the defensive side. Also, Vontae may have had a few years under his belt, but Grigson stole him for a 2nd round pick in 2013, which made that draft year. Clayton says two to three players each year, and reality would be two and one as a good backup. 2012 was an A+, but all offensive. 2013, I count Vontae as the only starter, but Holmes could emerge, and I believe Thornton will at worst be a quality backup. 2014 without the first round pick was a great draft class. He hit on Mewhort, Montcrief, and Newsome. So three starters there. On the offensive side, we are stacked, and that is due to the draft.


    Now as far as Luck, and his contract number, I just don't believe he is going to be getting 25M a year, as everyone is saying. First I think he will think of the team a little, but after looking at Cam's contract, and Wilson will be next, I believe Luck will be making about 22M a year, which will set a new high. Since is 5th year extension which will work out to around 17M a year gets thrown into the contract, he will count about 21.2M each year against the cap, depending on how it gets structured of course. Most expect the cap to be around 154M next year, and will continue going up. Based on next year then, he will be just over 13% of the cap. One thing I look at is a lot of the articles at Over the Cap, and the 13% of cap number is the line of demarcation they basically have for a franchise QB. Luck will not be over that, and as the contract progresses over the six years after he signs after this year, the cap number will go down each year. So why I can see some justification for some misses on the draft, overall I think we have done well, especially on the offensive side. Luck may get more than 22M, but 21 is about the number for elite QB's, and I don't see the number jumping to 25M for Luck next year. Plus I think he will think about the team.

  21. When people say Duron is not fast, I don't buy into that. He runs a 4.54, and he has football speed, which is far more important. Jerry Rice did not run a fast 40, but when the ball was in his hands, he ran away from players.


    One of the main reasons I loved Carter as a pickup was his frame and DNA, but when you look at the highlights, he goes over the middle without any fear, and after he makes catches he simply runs away from people. I know Chad Johnson was impressed with his speed and ability, and if he can translate that to the NFL, going forward with Montcrief, TY, Dorsett, Duron, and our 3 TE's after Andre leaves, we will continue to have one of if not the most potent offenses going forward. With Andre and Frank this year, we are going to be scary good on offense!

  22. According to the article, the reason Belichick has not defended Brady, is he never believed his story. He addressed it once before the Superbowl, which he had to do, to keep the team focused on their goal. After the Superbowl, you have not heard a peep out of Belichick. I wonder if it had any impact on Kraft's capitualtion. Link below:



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