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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. I think several of those QB's are going to be available, and teams will not resign them or pick up the option year. Eli Manning has had two hot runs for SB's, but is he worth 20M. Griffin unless he is super this year will not get his option picked up. I don't know what will happen with Rivers, but it should make the draft interesting early on.


    One name as far as QB's who is not on there who I think will be a FA is Drew Brees. He counts about 27.5 against the cap next year, and is not signed for 2017. Plus letting him go next year saves 20M in cap space, and they are in rebuilding mode, made obvious by all the trades and players let go this year. I wonder who picks him up, since I don't know how many years he has left. He is 35 this year.


    I wish we would get Hilton's deal done this summer, because all those receivers I would want are not going to be available, but it will be a good FA season next year. Trouble is, once Hilton, Luck, Fleener, Allen, and Castonzo are resigned, I don't know what kind of cap we will have left. Anyone familiar with what our cap should look like if we take into account Hilton-10M, Luck-22M, Fleener and Allen-5M each a yr. and Castonzo 8M a year. It may be a couple million low, but using those as measuring sticks, What will our cap look like. I know as far as rookies, we will only need about 1M per over the cap to sign all our rookies due to the lateness of picks, and then we have to release players to put them on the squad. I would love at least the suggestion of what our cap space will be after signing all our stars next offseason. Structuring is a different matter, and will impact it, but we can't really worry about that since we just don't know. Just want to know if we will have money to pursue any FA's. We have a ton of cap space next year it looks like thank goodness, but after the signings, who knows????

  2. Buchannon last year was rated as a late second pick. Nobody had him going in the first. Jujuan Jones for Miami was not considered a first rounder. I don't know if Russell Wilson or the Seahawks changed the equation, but if a team really wants someone and they have a second round grade on him, but afraid they will lose him, teams seem more willing to jump up in the last few years to take players no one had a first round grade on but the team who wanted them. It only takes one!

  3. Guys, as I said in my opening, I don't think he will get traded. I don't think Telesco lets a franchise QB walk out the door. Regardless of the LA thing, which many think is a certainty, but I don't. Rivers would be happy to stay in S.D., and one of the teams in LA is Oakland due to the condition of their stadium. I believe the other will be the Rams. Kroenke wants to leave.


    Regardless of the move, you still control Rivers for two more years. One more year on contract, and you could franchise him a year. I wonder how many years has in him, but the Chargers must believe he still has at least 5 good years. The trade would also set them back as I mentioned, but I agree with Dustin, they would demand more than Rivers in exchange for the #2, at least another #1. From that point alone, I think it forces Tenn. to say no, and go on to trading the #2 for a haul of picks which I would do, or take Mariotta. The haul of picks sounds better due to the opinions about Mariotta being all over the place, plus no spread option QB has made an impact in the NFL so far. So I don't think Rivers is coming, but draft day will be very interesting due to this possible thread.


    Also, Bears are looking to unload Cutler to get up to #1 or #2. They would have to give up a lot more due to his contract, a couple of future 1's possibly. I think Cleveland has the best ammo.

  4. The Phillip Rivers specuation will not go away, and there are many good reasons for it in the article I have linked below. I post it because the most likely spot for Rivers would be Tennessee. The thing I just cannot understand is no matter how much Rivers does not want to go to LA, if you traded him you would essentially be setting back a playoff ready team by 1-2 years at least if you took Mariotta, and waited on him to develop. Plus, you then are in that 50/50 range of if he becomes a good QB. I just don't see Telesco doing it, but according to the article, thoughts on the matter are not going away.


    Also, the two things I don't like it from Tennessee's point of view is yes they get a top 10 QB, at least the last few years, but how many years does he have left. He won't be playing until 40. I think maximum, you get 4-5 years from him. Plus S.D. would demand more than the 2nd pick, and Tenn. has so many holes right now, would Rivers really help them compared to trading away the pick and getting multiple picks. Tennessee fans are not happy right now, Eddie George who now is their on air play by play caller, says the organization is in disarray. To me, that says start over with as many picks as possible.


    Would you pull the trigger and trade for Rivers?



  5. Thanks guys, if he was still hurt, and that hurt his performance, then I am all for it. Especially since many seem to looked at the tape and think it is really good. He has fallen lately, but it is smoke and mirrors time. If he fell to our first round spot, I would prefer him over Phillips from Oklahoma. He scares me because of the back, and his motor.

  6. Would love to have Lockette also. Like Carter, great NFL bloodlines, Dad played and he was really good. Lockett would be a great slot, plus returner, and a few reverses. I know we don't need to go offense, but I would not mind if he was there in the second, but I think he goes early second. He is going to be a steal. I like him over many of the tall receivers.

  7. I see a lot of mocks taking Goldman, and I do believe he will be there. The reason he will be there is what scares me, and that would be his Pro Day. I don't put too much stock in these, and he was injured so he did not do anything at the combine. At his Pro Day though what scares me is only 19 reps on the bench press. You need to be very strong to play the middle, and that just screams at me he is going to need development. Plus a vertical jump of only 24", which makes me wonder if he explodes off the line. I know he is going to grow, but we need our first round pick to start, so I wonder if he is the one to take. I would prefer Kendricks, Erving, or CB instead. The others I really like.


    One note, just watch the Patriots take Diggs. He screams slot player to me, and as quick as he is, he looks like he could be a Edelman clone, but not as tough!

  8. Harris.     Good memory.     He said recent and I believe Kwame is roughly 12-14 years ago, so I didn't think of him as "recent"...


    Also,  his time was not only under different coaches,  but different strength programs as well.


    Since the Harbaugh/Shaw duo arrived,  it's a whole new world at Stanford.


    I suspect Peat will turn into a very good pro.    I'll be surprised and disappointed if he doesn't.

    I think Peat could fall. All the scouts love his athleticism and upside, but each one I have heard comment on him is he basically has the same disposition of Jonathan Martin. He does not have that "nasty" streak a OL needs, so they worry about his transition.

  9. Petty is horrible.

    Look at who came before Petty who plays in the same kind of system, who was picked in the first. RGIII and Brandon Weeden come to mind, as well as Manziel. That system is not a good system to develop into a pocket passer. The guys come to the pros not ready for the pro system. Can you think of one player who has performed highly coming from one of the spread systems? I can't off topic. I think Petty, although gritty, and having the physical makeup, will have the same problems. He would be worth though taking in the 4th and see if you could develop him.

  10. I really wouldn't mind seeing us take a shot on a QB in the 4th round or so.  Draft a guy, give him limited playing time and make him look great, then trade him away for a boatload of draft picks to a QB-needy team.  We could pull a Kevin Kolb move.  Obviously, you can't go into the draft thinking you're going to take a QB in the 3rd or 4th round no matter what because you can't predict how the draft will go.  If a highly ranked player at a position of need is available, then we should take him.  But if a QB is the highest ranked available player on our board, I wouldn't mind seeing us pull the trigger on him.  Petty is the ideal candidate for this since he has the physical tools and the intangibles, but he needs time to learn how to read a defense.  However, I think he'll be gone before round 4.  That's where you get into discussions about Grayson, Hundley, or Mannion

    With Hasselback for one year, and knowing Luck is strong and sturdy, I think it would be a good idea to draft a QB also. I look at it a little different though. It would be nice to have a QB we could get in the fourth, and have him tutor under Luck. Have him play a lot of the preseason games in his 2nd and 3rd years. You usually have a QB look great in pre-season, and I think a good QB learning under Luck could become a really good QB. The point is, we do what Andy Reid is best at, and Belichick does it a little too. Develop a QB, and after year 2 or 3 trade him for whatever we can get. Wash, repeat every 3 years. Reid trained QB's under McNabb for years and got great picks for it. Cassell trained under Brady, and yes he played for a year during the injury, but he was a system QB, who they got 2 seconds for. Point is, we get a QB every 3-4 years, let them learn under Luck, and then use them for draft picks. I think it is a smart practice.

  11. We don't need WR's but I would much rather have Strong than Agholor or Perriman. Surprised a lot Mariotta in #1 slot, especially after a average pro day, and so many saying he will take time. Even Mayock has said that. Really surprised Armstead has moved up to #2, especially how raw he is, plus I hope he is wrong about Dawson so he can fall to the second. Scouts, just focus on his combine, not his actual tape(Sarcasm)! The last thing I saw which is interesting, he has Quentin Rollins listed as a safety. He played CB at Miami of Ohio, but I still would love him in the second, and I would love to have him move to safety. Plays the ball so well. In fact, in the 2nd round, I am hoping for Dawson or Rollins!!!!

  12. Really a good mock draft, plus one I think that all the players in it will be there when we pick. Possibly not Williams in the 3rd, but the rest look really good. I was commenting on a mock the other day, and you have exactly the same picks as I did, so it has to be good. The only change I can say I would think of is if one of the top CB's is not there, meaning Peters, Jones, Darby or Kevin Johnson, since Waynes will be long gone, I would then go to OL, and go and get Cameron Irving in the 1st due to the flexibility he has, so he can go to center if Holmes or Harrison do not work out long term, or replace Cherilos in a year at RT.


    Great job!

  13. If we take a WR, it has to be a slot receiver, since we already have so much height except for TY. So a fast slot like Dorsett or Lockett, but I think it would be a waste, since those our early 2nd rounders, and possibly late 1st rounders now, especially after Dorsett's pro day, I have seen him move up to Baltimore in the 1st. Perriman is raw, and a project. I have seen him as high as #17, but I believe it would be a mistake for any team to take him in the 1st round.

  14. Dustin-


    Looking at your rankings, they are good and you could make an argument for any of them. Ultimately the top ten will be based on positional need, and BPA. Especially since I have heard a few GM's say this draft is deep, but only about 16 picks grade out as 1st round drafts, which is actually better for us, the depth is in the 2nd and 3rd rounds.


    One person no one has talked about much for us is Owamagbe Odighizuwa. Although you have him high in your rankings, I believe he will be there when we pick due to his injury history, surgery on both hips. Clean bill now, but it would scare me off, but I do believe the Colts will look at him, although if we go ILB, hopefully Kendricks is there!

  15. My objection to a first round RB isn't about Richardson. It pre-dates him. He was actually a great prospect, just a bad pro.


    I wouldn't want a first round RB -- even Gurley, who is also a great prospect -- because the impact from a good/great RB is less than that from most other positions. And you can duplicate the production from a good RB with lesser players in a platoon, especially if you have a good QB. They also have a short shelf life. 


    And given Gurley's injury, I wouldn't want to give him a three year guaranteed contract to play one of the most physically abusive positions in the game.

    The impact from a great RB is less than most positions. Tell that to Seattle. Without Lynch, the Seahawks would not be the team they are. If Gurley's knee is 100%, imagine what the threat of him breaking off big runs, punishing players, and in the second half, it would be open season for Luck and play action. Gurley is still an "if", but if he is as good as everyone thinks, he would take our offense to a new level.

  16. Guys-


    Really don't want to trade up, but if we did, using our 2nd rounder, we could get up all the way to #18(640+292=922). #18 is worth 900 pts. Lately I have been seeing Shelton falling on some draft boards. The reason is, he does not rush the passer well. Great run stopper, which is why we want him, but the knock on him is he will play only a 2 down player. Same reason Perryman has slipped so far, because his coverage is not good, and is not the fastest player. So there is the possibility of him dropping to #19, and I have seen him mocked there. It is hard to spend a top ten pick on someone who does will not be on the field all 3 plays. For that reason, I really don't want to think about trading up, especially losing our 2nd for a 2 down player. As far as I am concerned, if one of the top CB's is there, and the only one I think will be there possibly is Peters and Jones, I would consider one of them, or Kendricks. Taking one of the CB's makes a little more sense to me since I believe we could get Dawson with our 2nd, and the tape tells the truth how good he is. He would be a steal at our pick in the 2nd. I would rather have Kendricks, but either way would be great. Also, one other player I would entertain with our 1st rounder is Cameron Erving. Everything I read about the guy is positive. He can play multiple positions, so if Holmes or Harrison is not the long term solution, he can go to center. If one does work out, he goes to RT in time and takes over for Cherilus. The reason I like him so much is the interchangability, but one thing everyone says about him, he has a "nasty" streak when he is on the field. I think it is one of the intangibles our line needs in a big way, and can rub off on the whole team.

  17. When I look back at last year, the thing which struck me was how wrong I was along with many Professionals were in there mocks. The first 8 went according to plan I guess, but I did not see Bortles going #3, although many thought Jacksonville would take him. After #7 though, Gilbert at #8, Detroit taking Ebron at #10, Lewan at #11 was early I thought, Fuller #14, Pryor #18 I though would go much sooner, James #19 I never even though first round, Clinton Dix falling to #21, Manziel #22 I know he was all over the board and a crap shoot, Dee Ford #23 a 1st rounder?, Dennard falling to #24, Marcus Smith #26 overdrafted, Deonne Buchannon going at #27 in the first floored me, he was 2nd round at best, Jimmy Ward #30. It goes to show you players will always fall that you would never think will.


    My point is, you may disagree with me on who went where in 2014, but there were so many players I thought were overdrafted and others who fell. Almost after #7, I could not believe the picks. There was such a shortage of safeties, they were massively overdrafted. I know it happens every year, but I wonder to the supply and demand of positions, and what is lacking in this years draft, what positions are going to be over and underdrafted?

  18. I like it. I am really hoping Goldman or Brown drops to us. I will take Phillips, but the other two, especially Goldman is preferred. I think he would start immediately, but it seems he is moving up the boards.


    The one thing I will say about all these mocks is it is a terrible time to try and mock draft, especially with players who just had there pro days and were impressive. Goldman is one of those guys. If I learned one thing last year, probably half of the 1st round guys I had going did not. I could not believe how wrong everyone was last year when I looked at the first round. I hope the same happens this year, but with the big uglies!

  19. I am not criticizing ztboiler, but I look at certain mocks, and ask myself do they really even think about the team. When you look at Houston, especially after Johnson left, that they are going to go out and get a RB? I can imagine them not taking one of the WR's like Strong or Green-Beckam. Maybe most draft sites just go BPA, but I wish they would look at team needs!

  20. I like it a lot. I would probably think about Orchard in the 2nd, but I would not mind Dawson. I think you need to stick to tape, and he would be a great steal in the late 2nd.

    I saw a mock today on CBS which has Shelton falling all the way to #19 with the Browns. Now people are moving up and down due to pro days, but I wonder what it would take to move up 10 spots. I would not consider going after him in the top ten, but if he dropped?? I wonder if the Colts would. Before everyone starts yelling, I would prefer to trade back myself for more picks, since the depth of this draft is in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. Most people I like have only about 16 first round grades on players. So trading back works, but a guy can dream of getting Shelton.

  21. We could get Darby in the 3ed unless his pro day caused him to blow up. Even if it did I highly doubt he'd be gone before we pick in the second..


    With all the players available we're going to get a decent player at our spot or even trade up a few.


    Collins...Bama safety could fall to around 20, we'd need to thrown in a 3ed and 6th to move up.

    Collins...LSU OT, big strong, most likely we'd need to move up a few spots.

    Goldman..FSU DT.. Big man, but we'd have to move up at least 10-12 spots.


    With the other DT's, OT's and RB's available one big name will fall. But here's my choice:


    Cam Erving OT, FSU: Was considered one of the better OT's in the nation, shut out Vic Beasley in 2013. Quick feet, powerful arms, former DT with a nasty streak. But what makes him so valuable is that he's also now considered the #1 center in the draft after moving there for the final 6 games. When he took over the running game took off and Winston could step up in the pocket..

    I have seen Darby consistently in the second of all mocks, and the last one I just saw has Darby going at #22. This was the first time I have seen him in the first, but he had a great pro day and he is moving up the boards. I still say we go big man first since the quality ones will be gone after early second, and the draft is deeper in CB's, where we could find a quality one in the 2nd. I am hoping they go with Rawlins out of Miami, OH. One year of college ball and 7 int. plus he could go to safety. If we get a big DT and CB in the 2nd, then I will be very happy.

  22. With Trent cut, that brings us up to over 10M. I am going to assume Donald Thomas will be cut, Cribbs should be, and Lance Louis since we have a lot of depth now at guard, and he was brought in to add depth. So without cutting Walden, it gives us about 15.6M in cap space, which is still quite a bit. Where we are drafting, we will need to put aside about 6M to sign the draft class, not counting FA's. That gives us basically 10M left, and most teams like to have at least 5M in cap space set aside for emergencies due to injuries, and prefer closer to 10M. If you cut Walden, or were to cut Cherilus as a June 1st cut, one or the other, we would be about at 20M, with all the caveats after. Bottom line, it gives us room to sign one more FA, and if that is Wilfork, the chatter is 10M/2 yrs. I don't know if that is the guaranteed part, but the high point on his salary would be probably be around 7M, so we could make that work easily. In fact, I would not be opposed to cutting Walden for Wilfork. That cut would almost free up the money we need to sign him. He is only considering 3 teams now, and I have to assume we are one of them.


    Another bright side, once Donald is cut, and I will assume we are going to have a very heavy defensive draft this year, which means Walden may be here this year, but not next. So with Donald and Walden gone next year, it frees up another 7.5M/ giving us a little over 67M to sign our young FA core, and still have money for one or two choice FA's. Good to see the signings have not impacted next year. Plus I would expect the cap to go up another 10M if the past two years is an indicator, so we should have almost 80M, so we are in great shape. We should start expecting though to build through the draft though in years to come, and FA will be limited. I have a feeling also, after next year, the cap is going to level off for a few years, since next year is the last year the TV revenues impact it for awhile I believe. Regardless, we are in very good shape for next year. Very smart signings. Get Wilfork, and he can mentor Phillips or Armstead.

  23. good quality players  short time contracts so we don't get burned  see jay cutler the cutty   great day

    I too at first was a little dissappointed, but you really need to look at it like mad dog said. If AJ signs in the morning, we have really made the offense much better. Herremans can still play I believe, and we have an incredible amount of depth now in the OL, remember we have Harrison, Johns, Thornton, and our CFA acquisition. All four of those are young, and need to get stronger. That is common in the NFL. On defense, Coles had other suitors, thus we probably had to pay a little more, but he will be a rotational pass rusher who can get after it. May not be Demarcus Ware, but I thought Broncos were silly paying him 10M/yr. in FA last year. Remember, Mathis had 18 1/2 sacks when he was 34. Langford is a big body, who has been good against the run, but has always been behind good players. I think he helps at depth. The one thing I do want is a NT, but as everyone has said, it is day one! Fairley has not signed with anyone, and according to earlier reports, we were in the lead. Not a NT, but he could come here tom. after checking out Cincy and sign. Williams and Pot Roast are still out there.


    I think the most important thing people are not focusing on though is what Mad Dog said, and something Prisco from CBS brought up. In the next couple of years, we are going to have to pay some very big contracts. All of these signings help our team, gives us a veteran presence, and does not strap our team down for the next 5 years. These are all designed to be 2-3 year contracts, and each player can help. I for one like younger players, but I hate when everyone thinks because a player is over 30 he is done. The key is if they are over 30, don't tie a lot of money up in them for the long term. They are short term help for the Colts. If we can get a Williams or Pot Roast, then we will be fine, and I am not worried if we don't. We save money, since Pot Roast obviously wants a lot, and I am not sure if he is worth it. Williams would be the one I want.


    The last thing to remember is with these signings, and others to come, we can focus on the draft now. We have 8 picks, and probably will have 9 with one comp. pick. This will allow us to focus on defense. We don't have to draft a RB in the first round, but they will think about it if Gurley or Gordon is there. I would not be shocked at all to see us draft Jordan Phillips out of Texas as our future NT. Plus we have players on our roster who are still young, will get stronger, and develop. Chapman, Hughes, are young. Players coming out of college take time to get stronger. Regardless some good DL talent will be there when we pick. I would love Shaq Thompson to drop to us. I think Eric Kendricks will be there, who I would love, or Dawson now in the second. Players always fall. Point is, after reflection, we are still building, and doing it the right way. We are securing our long term talent, and filling holes for the ST, with veterans who can play and help.


    I don't think we realize how much better our offense will be if we have Johnson, Hilton, Montcrief and Duron Carter catching passes, along with Fleener, Allen, and Doyle. All our receivers are over 6'2" except Hilton. Carter and Johnson are 6' 5" and we have burners who can stretch the field, and run good routes. We also have a dependable back who can catch and block, and if Bradshaw can stay healthy, WOW. Give it some time. As long as the OL improves this year, we are going to be much better!


    I actually like what we have done so far after taking some time and looking realistically at it. Can't wait to see where we go from here!

  24. I have put up a link to the USA today piece on cap space and the teams who are in good shape, and the teams who need to spend the next two years. The colts are fine. What I find interesting is certain teams who are under the 89% mark, but who are always right against the cap it seems, or close. You expect the Jags, and Raiders, but the Cowboys and Patriots. It must be how they structure their contracts and what they are actually paying out. It is a very interesting article, and makes you think about how contracts are structured, and how the numbers really don't represent what is happening as far as money being spent a lot of times when you see contracts. We all knew this, but it makes you think. I wish I was more of a cap expert, but I did learn a few things. Well worth the read!



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