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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. You cannot look at Dalton's or Kap's contract and say they are getting this each year. They will if they are still there, but both are incredibly team friendly, and if Dalton does not win next year, they could let him go without hardly taking a hit. Kap also has a very team friendly structure, and if he continues to descend, they could release him with minimal damage.

    Tannehill's contract is a fair contract, but if you look at the numbers with him and Suh, boy is it going to be tough. Suh's cap hit this year is only 6.1M. They had to structure it that way to get more talent in.


    Next year in 2016, Suh's cap hit is 28.6M and Tannehills is 16.15M. The Cap will probably move up next year to around 150 M, so together, the cap hit next year is 44.75M for two people, or 30% of their cap. I don't care how good Suh is, you cannot have two people take up that much of your cap space. If you go a little further, Albert, Pouncey, Wake and Grimes make up for another 40M of cap space in 2016. So 6 people on the team for the 2016 season make up 56% of the cap space. They are going to have to do some major restructures on contracts, and in the years to come, it will really hurt them as

    they pro rate signing bonuses, and restructure.


    I believe Suh's signing will come back to haunt them! The Tannehill signing on the other hand is a great deal!


    Wilson is going to get at least 22M a year I believe, and wants the highest guarantee any QB has had. He fully plans to play out the rookie contract if Seattle does not give him what he wants, and after this year, he will be happy to play on the franchise tag for two years and then be a FA. He is going to get paid! That is the reason I wish we would sign Luck now, along with TY. The price is only going to go up!

  2. I too hope S.D. gets a new stadium. They deserve one, and the old Qualcomm is in terrible shape. The only problem I see if you want to call it a problem is if S.D. gets their stadium, the new stadium in LA is going to get the Raiders. The Chargers were the other team, and it is designed as a two team stadium, so does St. Louis lose their team and go back to their original home. I know Kronke wants to go back to LA. St. Louis has a new stadium proposal out to keep the Rams, but financing it and when it would be done is a different story. We shall see.

  3. Florio's bias is on full view if you ever watch his NFL Football show on CBS Sports, 220 on Directv. I knew nothing about him two years ago, and it was the offseason Irsay was pulled over and given the DUI, and had all the medications. He was just mercilus ripping Irsay everyday. It seems the Colts are his favorite whipping boy. Not sure why, but he is clearly bias, so don't even click on it. It will not be worth the read.

  4. Marvin doesn't make the cut? Says who?

    Just wanted to add to Marvin was a product of Manning, which is simply untrue. Manning helped him no doubt, but he was a great receiver. The only reason he did not get into the HOF the first vote, or probably the 1-2 votes is there is such a backlog of great

    Wide Receivers who have not been inducted. Marvin has to wait his turn. The fact Cris Carter waited as long as he did. Tim Brown, and Andre Rison I believe this was his last year for consideration if he was not voted in. It is the one position for the HOF which is loaded with players who were great, but only so many can go in each year.

  5. If they play Mariota right away, I believe he will have trouble. He is going to try and use that speed, and RGIII found out, in the end it is the wrong way to go. You use the pocket and then if not there, use the speed. RGIII lost his speed due to it, and he was faster. I expect the same to happen since he does not have the pocket awareness that every QB out of a spread from college has lacked so far. He is very smart, good kid, with good intangibles, so if they take him slowly, who knows?


    I think who will be a bust this year is DGB. Everyone talks about his measurables, but he does not highpoint the ball, he does not know the route tree or how to run routes yet, and he has very small hands. He is light years away from where he needs to be. I also don't trust his intangibles. Only a matter of time until he gets in trouble.


    As far as on the rise, can they go down any further. There personnel is the worst in the AFC South. Jags bypassed them in FA this year.

  6. In a number of those text messages, McNally and Jastremski discussed the air pressure of Patriots game balls, Tom Brady?s unhappiness with the inflation level of Patriots game balls, Jastremski?s plan to provide McNally with a “needle” for use by McNally, and McNally?s requests for “cash” and sneakers together with the “needle” to be provided by Jastremski.


    Brady also invited Jastremski into the "QB room" in Gillette Stadium (referred to as "essentially Brady's office) for the first time in his 20-year career that week, according to the report.


    Do I think what they did was against the rules? Yes. Do I think other teams do it, some I am sure. Regardless, Brady has been doing this for a long time, and it is a rules violation. If you have small hands and on cold days, it makes the football easier to handle, throw, and keep a tight grip. Tell me that does not help on cold days in Foxboro when the other team has a fully inflated ball, the home team has an underinflated ball, and interceptions and fumbles favor the Patriots. Please Patriots fans, don't try to tell me there is nothing concrete. You cheated and were caught. Most cases are proved through circumstantial evidence.


    Belichick is a great coach, nothing takes away from that and the teams accomplishments. Regardless, he will step over the line each time until caught. Don't forget they just changed another rule in the owners meetings (due to the Patriots) about substitutions and who is legal and not legal to catch passes after Belichick stepped up to the line against the Ravens. No he technically did not step over it, but Harbaugh sure felt he did!

  7. First off, I want to thank ColtSense for the post. It was well reasoned, and I agree with every bit of it. The only pick I did not like was the Dorsett pick, but I along with most agree it will make our offense so much better, Johnson has a habit of missing a few games each year, we don't know about Carter, and Montcrief still has to develop. I think it may have been a luxury, but down the line in 1-2 years when Gore and AJ are gone, it will look very smart. We need a return man, and we need a slot player. We got both in one, and he will extend the field, so not thinking about need, I love the pick.


    As far as the defense, I loved the draft. Anderson was rated so much higher, I don't know how he dropped. McShay and I believe Polian made a comment about Parry which I thought was important. Parry may be a little undersized, but he has incredible strength in the upper body, where you most need it for a NT. Plus the relationship with Anderson will help. Smith I love the attitude, and 9 interceptions his sophmore year, and the only reason he had only 7 I believe this year, as Kiper said, no one through at him. I know a lot of people on the board liked and mentioned Geathers. He has a high ceiling, Pagano is a great DB back coach, plus like Smith, he was first team all conference. Smith was only second team all conference, but only because of lack of balls thrown his way. Each of these picks says the tape on them was excellent.and they fit our system.


    The last point I want to make is something Polian said on Wednesday before the draft. I think if we had drafted Brown, everybody would have loved our draft. Been exuberant. One pick changed everybody's mind, which is a bit silly. Regardless, Polian was asked about Brown, and if he fit our scheme. He said no, the best scheme for him is a 4-3 scheme, so we must have felt he was not a fit also. As fans, we don't think about that enough. I did not like Polian all the time he was here, but his knowledge is hard to find fault with, which is why he is going into the Hall of Fame this year. I will leave with my favorite Polian quote: If you start to listen to the fans about how to manage a team, draft, you are soon going to end up with them in the seats.

  8. He has let Desean Jackson, Shady McCoy, and Jeremy Maclin go, all very good players. He acquired Bradford and also gave up a 2nd for him, and according to the local rumor is trying to use him as a chip to get the Browns 19th pick. Then 2 firsts, a 2nd and Kendricks and Cox for Tenn. #2 pick. He also has put Mathis and Boykin out there as trade bait for extra ammo I guess. Who would want to play for him if you are a good player. I guess at some point he gets the team he wants, but if I were a Philly fan, I would be hoping this deal does not go through. Neutering your defense for a QB who he thinks fits his system, but not the rest of the NFL seems silly? Thoughts?

  9. How would you like to be on a Chip Kelly team? Desean Jackson, gone. McCoy, gone. Maclin, gone. Acquired Bradford for Foles and gave up a 2nd rd. pick to get Bradford, now he is another chip in the latest trade rumor. Cleveland wanted Bradford, so they give up their #19 pick. So if is now two first rounders, a 2nd rounder, Kendricks and Cox. Also he is also putting Boykin and Mathis out there for trade bait to acquire more ammunition. I don't know if this will happen, but he is neutering his team, at least defensively to get one player. Would you want to play for him when you don't know from yr. to yr. if you are in his plans. The offense with Mariotta better be very good, because he is going to kill the defense!


    If I am the Titans, the latest trade offer I jump on. Hell, I would take two 1st rounders for Mariotta. People are treating him like he is the second coming, and most project him as not as starter, unless on Chip's team. Titans should pull the trigger. They have massive holes and it instantly upgrades them, as long as they can pay Kendricks and Cox after this year to keep them.

  10. The main problem is his ability right now to kick out on passing downs. At the combine, one drill that looks at the ability, he was having people just blow by him because he could not get the edge quick enough. He will get better, but I know that is one of the reason. As far as the hate, I don't see a lot. I still see most people have him in the 1st round, some very high, but even those say he is raw and is going to have trouble in pass protection.

  11. If you read the Indy Star today, you can read an article which says Grigson will not consider Ray or Gregory. He is quoted as saying he does not take players with character red flags until after the fourth rounds. He considers players in those rounds as ones you need to hit on and he does not want to take a chance on character concerns, so with his toe, marijuana and now in the NFL testing program, and his poor pro day, I don't think you have to worry, unless he slips to the 5th round. :thmup:

  12. That's my guy!    Way to be thinking, ZTB!!


    So.....   let's talk about the value chart......


    I just checked it out...


    If we trade the five with one of our 6's,  we move from pick 165 up to pick 140, which fortunately is Oakland.   A team trying to build and I think would be very receptive to a two for one trade.




    If we were going to go really bold,  and we trade the 5 and BOTH of our 6's,  we would move to the bottom of the 4th, to pick 126...    which also fortunately is SF.    Another team that's rebuilding after the off-season from Heck!     So, a THREE for ONE trade moves us up 39 spots into the bottom of the 4th.  


    That might make all the difference in the quality of running back we get. 


    The question is, are the Colts willing to do a TWO for ONE?     I would think so.


    But would the Colts be willing to do a THREE for ONE if it gets us into the 4th round?    My guess is we wouldn't.   


    By the way,  if Grigson likes the 6th as a round for a trade,  we could simply package both of our 6's and it would move us to the near the top of the round....     might be an easier trade for everyone involved.     Two 6's for one.


    Either way,  thanks for floating this, ZTB!    :thmup:

    Remember, in your scenario, we can't trade both our 6ths or both our 7ths since you can't trade your comp. picks. Luckily the 7 and 6 we would trade are earlier, but not much. We would have to trade our 5th and 6th to move up, and I don't know how far it would get us.

  13. I know everyone loves Peters, and he is probably the best man to man CB, and would fit our system well. My problem keeps coming back to his problems off the field. Trey Wingo was discussing them tonight, and they seem to go back further than Washington. The NFL is very different, because coaching is so important. Talent, as in college gets you very far. In the NFL, w/out coaching, talent is not enough. Vontae is a great case study. Super talented, but until he accepted coaching, he was a young kid screwing up. Now he is one of the top CB's in the league. Just think what level Pagano could get Peters to if he was willing to listen to coaches, but that is a big if.


    I will not only give you a presumed reach I would be OK with. I will give you a real possibility at #29.

    Denzel Perryman.

    I am serious. Perryman is the biggest hitter in this draft.


    Yes, but he is only a 2 down player, he cannot cover. So you don't get a 2 round ILB who can't cover in the first. Only Kendricks would fit with us in the first. He is rated the best cover guy of all the linebackers. He would really help. I would not have to worry about DQ getting torched.

  15. Fisher is starting to get a lot of buzz as well as Eric Rowe. I would rather have Rowe over Randall since he can play safety and CB. If we want a pure FS though, Randall. Not a sleeper, but Landon Collins seems to be falling like a rock, but I can't see because all of the smoke. With all these players clustered at the end of the 1st, if we could trade back around 5-6 picks, pick up a late 3rd or early 4th, I think we would get one of the players we want.

  16. First Ray, now Collins, and count me in on the group says in the 1st round, until clarification, you can't take him. The article does not say how long ago she was his girlfriend, and remember she is pregnant. So, possibility it is his child? I don't know, but the fact the article does not bring it up without any background info. makes me wonder. Also, if it was his child, and I have no idea, but it does not matter if he had an alibi. I will say one word. Rae Caruth. For those of you who don't remember, similar circumstances, look it up.


    I know it is a stretch, but I just would not take a chance unless I had talked to the police or her family, and they confirmed to me the child was not Collins. I hope not, because I think he will be a mauler.

  17. I thought I would let everyone take a look at this article, because it shows the difference between what many people on this board, especially one, think of a certain player, and the polar opposite view of what the majority of NFL scouts and talent evaluators think of Shane Ray. Especially now since there is a good chance he could be there at #29 due to his arrest today, toe injury, and less than stellar pro day.


    Jason LaCanfora wrote an article for CBS Sportsline today, listing what he views as the only five players in the draft as "can't miss" prospects. I know many here do not like him and his evaluation knowledge, but he does have the credentials to assess talent. I do not want to argue about LaCanfora though, this is not what this is about.


    I take umbridge at the term "can't miss", because I don't know how many times I have heard someone is the safest pick in the draft, only to be out of the league in 3-4 years. Regardless, I opened it up, and I thought about the players he may list. Leonard Williams, check. Dante Fowler, check. Amari Cooper, check. Then Kevin White, who I can't put a check on because he only had one year at W.Virginia where he stood out, and his first year he was not high on anyone's radar. He has all the athletic traits you want, but "can't miss"?


    The the last name, although they did not appear in this order, guess who? Shane Ray. I was stunned to tell you the truth. I can see Kevin White on the list, but Shane Ray as one of his five "can't miss" players according to LaCanfora. You can talk all day about what you think about him as a writer, talent evaluator, but you cannot deny how many people really like Ray a lot. I was listening to NFL Nation mock draft tonight on ESPN, and McShay thinks he will be one of the best out of this draft, and a 12 sack a year guy going forward. He loves the guy. You all know what Polian thinks. I find it fascinating that Dustin, and others on this board feel so polar opposite. At the end of the day, I defer to the scouts. I must admit though, if he is at #29, it will be interesting because if we select him, our forum will lead an open revolt, but the media, scouts and talent evaluators will say what a great steal we got, and how we killed it. Can't wait until Thursday to see what happens! Link to the story below:



  18. I like this mock because it is different, and has a lot of names we have all bandied around, but no one said this person in the first round. As Seattle as shown lately, if you really like a player, you go ahead and pick him. Same philosophy used here, and much more likely how the draft plays out in reality. Anderson so high in the first, Kikaha at #24. You can be assured there will be picks like this we won't expect. Just like last year, several in the first round I did not expect, JaJuan James Miami, Buchannon Arizona.


    If Scherff really fell to #28, I would hope Indy would consider going up one spot. Only thing is, Denver's main need is OL. They got hurt in FA. Peyton is going to be rushed a little more this year than last. They don't even have TJ Clemmings or Humpries in the 2nd round. If the draft fell this way, I would love it. Gives us a lot of options.

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