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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. Which teams said they were down on him after his combine?

    I have read several articles on Dawson the last couple of days. According to NFL.com, the press conference did not go really well for him as far as answering questions. I don't put a lot of stock in that, it is hard to defend yourself, especially if you are not good at public speaking. Regardless, today's performance was not good, and it had to do with all the drills. I believe he was last in vertical jump, and with the 40, it shows a lack of explosiveness, according to scouts. Also, after today, he was angry and lashed out on Twitter, which may not have been the smartest move, but I liked it. He said, "I am a great football player, I am not a track star"! For me the tape always win, but today did ensure I believe he will be there when the Colts pick, since so many other DL and LB's did really well. Teams can't help themselves after watching the combines. I was surprised other players I liked were panned a bit today. Shaq Thompson had a decent day, but afterwards, many clubs believe he will have to play SS. I would love him to fall. Perryman had a very bad day too.


    Now as far as the incentive to tank, you would only do it if you were sure your tape was such you were going to be drafted first round. I don't think Benjamin, with all the WR's last year could have depended on that, but who knows. One thing I found interesting was a reporter who was talking about it. Remember, if you are a RB, you have a shorter shelf life, and need to get to FA as quick as possible. So would you possibly think about tanking to get into the second or third. You get two things out of it. Probably a better team, and the second is the most important. Your contract is only four years, not the five for 1st rounders. Would you sacrifice the money of the first round, to get to FA one year earlier. It is an interesting thought.

  2. The only pick I don't want us to take in the first round is Armstead, if he is there. I believe he will go earlier because he will do so well at the combine. The guy is an athletic beast. Regardless though, you look at him, and look at his production and it is not there. Tape should always rule when drafting. Armstead could be great, or he could be a total bust, based on what he did at Oregon. We need to find someone solid, not a boom or bust.


    Dawson or Kendricks would not be flashy, but I believe they both could play immediately. Same with many of the OL. OL is deep. I believe many of the tackles will play guard, but I would be find with finding a good guard, and then let him take RT over after a year.

  3. I really don't want a RB in the first, but I get the feeling if Gurley or Gordon is there at our pick, Grigson is going to think about it very hard. There are only 2-3 guys who scout who I pay attention to who seem to really watch a lot of film, and know what they are talking about. Mayock is one of them, and he loves Gordon and Gurley, and alluded to the fact Gordon would be a perfect fit. Remember, Pep's offense calls for a future back. It is the reason we swung and missed on Richardson, but Grigson will not be deterred. Gordon looked much better catching the ball out of the backfield this year, and one other thing stuck with me that Mayock said. Gordon is a terrific blocker on pass plays. We need a solid back, but blocking is a must! Most backs are not good at blocking and picking up the blitz. Bradshaw is terrific at it. I would love to have Gordon backed up by Bradshaw. Of course, we need to sign Boling or Lupati in FA, and find a RT who is healthy, and then our offense would be very tough to defend!

  4. Boling instead of Lupati. Lupati is going to cost more, is coming off a down year, plus Boling is only 25. I would be happy with Lupati, but I think Boling is the better FA for us to sign. Lupati is going to be looking for 7-8M/yr.


    Also Tamba Hali. He still has plenty in the tank, we are going to need a veteran because I expect Redding or Reggie to retire, plus he would not be nearly as expensive as Pernell Mcphee. Mcphee is going to be looking for 7-8M/yr. also. When I look at certain players, there are players who fit us better, and I believe will be cheaper, who are plug and play and will really help us.


    I also would like us to go after Rahim Moore, S from Denver along with Knighton. I would like McCourty, and would be willing to pay, but NE is going to tag him if they can't sign him, since the franchise S tag is not too much. Moore would be another nice young piece to add.


    If you add Boling, Moore, Knighton, and Hali, you have added four players you can plug in immediately to start, have not broken the bank so we can sign 2012 class plus the FA's, and except for Tamba, all are young!

  5. Shaq Thompson will not be around at our pick. I really would like us to focus on the trenches, ILB(Dawson or Kendricks) or safety in the first two rounds. I am starting to wonder though if Grigson is going to take one of the top two RB's, Gordon or Gurley, if they are there in the first?


    As far as free agency, I love it! Hali still has a lot left, and would love to play for a playoff team, and won't cost as much as Pernell McPhee. Also, since Redding and Reggie may retire, a veteran presence would be great. Also, agree on the Werner, because if he does not show anything this year, he will probably be gone. I don't know if he will let go of Walden, but they would be about the same price, and I would much rather have Hali.


    Love Clint Boling, plus he is young, and someone we can count on for the next 5-6 years. I think Grigson will look at him and try to get him. He would be perfect.


    Don't know a lot about Williams, but everyone seems to think he would be a good fit. Overall, we get a couple really good FA's who we can slot in to start right away, and we don't break the bank, and have $$$ left to sign the 2012 class plus RFA's. Nice job!

  6. The combine at its most basic is for medical checks and interviews. The athletic drills are important, but the first two, especially from someone who had a bad injury are incredibly important. For some reason, Gurley is not letting teams look at his knee. According to Adam Silver from NFL Network, he "might" let teams do a recheck on his medical status as the draft nears. This makes no sense whatsoever. This is what the combine is for, and sends huge red flags and smoke signals to all the teams. Link is below:




    I see on the other Gurley thread this is mentioned late in the thread, but I think it is a big mistake! You could have your own doctor there to monitor the teams doctors if you are worried about anything, but if you were not going to let anyone look, you should have let teams know this before.

  7. It's a little odd to me because there people saying he needed to add more weight on his frame.  They were saying he was kind of light for a guy 6'5" to 6'6".  Now he's really light.

    He definitely needs to add bulk. He is a DE, and played in a 4/3 at Nebraska. There is no way he can play DE at 235, it is simply too light. Now everyone is going to start looking at other drills (i.e. cone drills) to see what his drop back potential is since he has never played in coverage. It could be a concern for a guy projected top ten.


    If he did say he wants to play in a 3/4, then he better make sure he has coverage skills, otherwise he will not be a 3 down player. If not a 3 down player, I would not draft in top ten! I guess the coach could use him in a hybrid system. It will be interesting, because all I read had him pegged as a 4/3 guy.

  8. From the guys who know Lovie and the kind of QB he wants, Winston is the QB he would pick. He is NFL ready, and according to Lovie, all the behavior problems everyone has worried about have been checked on, and said to be of no concern to the Buccanneers, at least that is what is being said publicly. Remember, a lot of smoke right now, but I do believe that they will go with Winston.


    Mariotta may be a great guy, so his interviews should have gone well, and white board is not the real field. I don't know if he will be good or not. He compares to Kaepernick to me, but my problem is after the year Kaepernick just had, name one spread QB who has made it so far in the NFL. It is so different. I just could not take the chance with the first pick on him, regardless of character and intelligence which he has. We will see. I don't believe TN. is going to take him either, but they may fall in love with him after the athletic underwear contest tomorrow coupled with the intangibles. Who knows, TB may too after he runs a 4.4. RGIII ran under a 4.4 if I remember correctly. After that hit by Ngata, he will never run that fast again, which is my other reservation about Mariotta.

  9. Gore is going to stay with SF if possible. SF has stated they want to keep him, and Tomsula, their new HC has publicly come out and said he definitely wants to keep Gore. Gore wants 4M/yr. which may be more than SF wants, but Gore says he wants to stay, and SF says they want him, so I say they figure out a deal.


    One interesting note, Sportsline has on its cover a story about Adrian Peterson, and whether he will go back with the Vikings, who say they want to retain him. If I were him, regardless of hurt feelings, I don't know who else is going to pay you 12M/yr. but never say never.


    They list 5 teams Peterson could possibly go to, and since Grigson is aggressive, and Pep's offense calls for a feature back, the Colts are listed as one of the five. My take, no way I spend that much money on someone who is 29, and has that much mileage on him. I still think he has a couple great years left, but if he leaves Minn. he will still want 10M/yr. We can find someone in the draft, since this is a very good draft for RB's this year. Link for the story is below:



  10. Agree, I don't want to spend that much on corners, because if one goes down, and Vontae has missed some time, the cash is just too much. For that money, put it into the trenches. Most teams are very happy to have one shutdown corner. I would much rather put it into McCourty if he goes into FA, and then we have a shutdown CB and a really good FS. That would be a much better investment.


    Also, I admit, I want him to leave the Patiots to. I would love for him to go to Buffalo. Can you imagine the defense going up against Brady twice a year. He would get punished, and not see a lot of empty space. In fact, Buffalo has a nice amount of cap space, 27M, if Revis does hit FA, although they would have to overpay, they would be a team I can see going after it. How else are they going to surpass the Patriots? They are a defense based team!

  11. Hali will be cut, I don't see anyway around it. Chiefs are in terrible cap trouble, and they have to keep Houston, so a tag there if nothing else, and they need to keep their Center and on of the safeties, cannot think of his name right now. Especially with Berry, and possibly not returning. Hali is 31 I believe, so I don't see him being on the Chiefs next year.

    Lupati is going to want to much, so I would go with Boling or Franklin. I would be happy with either. I would go after Knighton, and although I would love love McCourty, I see him getting tagged also, or extended. Otherwise, go after him!


    Draft first 3 rounds: Kendrick, Dawson or Prewitt, Coleman or Abdullah.

  12. Thomas has said he wants to be the highest paid at his position, so I believe he did turn it down, and he will go to FA, since the other Thomas is going to probably get tagged, since it is cheaper for the Broncos this year for what he wants and probably deserves. The Raiders are the team I believe he goes to because as said above, they have so much cap space, and they are going to have to overpay to get quality FA's there until their fortunes improve. I will say with Carr, who I like, and Mack, who I love as linchpins on both sides, adding Thomas would be a quality move, even if you overpay. You also have to remember the collective bargaining rule of using 89% of the cap over a 4 yr. average, so they need to spend some of the cap space. This would be a good start to their season, and they desperately need receivers. Can you name one on their team?

  13. The fireworks have already started with Darelle Revis, and I thought for sure the Patriots and him were going to be fine with the contract he signed serving as a "placeholder", and winning the Superbowl.


    Basically it comes down to this, Revis is guaranteed 20M next year, and it is the last year of the contract. The cap charge is 25M for the Patriots. The way the contract was structured, Revis thought something different, basically he felt he would be able to sign another contract avg. 16M/yr. with the Patriots with a large signing bonus.

    Now, since the Superbowl, the Patritos can keep him and pay him for one year as mentioned above, but that keeps him from hitting the market and getting those huge guaranteed money, and due to his age, this may be his last chance, so he is upset as he feels like the contract was structured to be extended, and getting that large guaranteed money.

    What is going to happen, I don't know, but Revis wants an extension with guaranteed money. So will the Patriots keep him for one year and the 25M cap charge, or extend him and give him more guaranteed money. Hard for me to believe either one due to the Patriots strict money policies. Time will tell. I have linked the story below.


    Question is, Would you be willing to pay Revis 16M/yr. for 4 yrs., 40M guaranteed to pair him with Vontae. It would be one hell of a CB duo, but that much money without great safetys would be tough. Hey, all we need to do is sign McCourty for 10M/yr. and we are set!  :headspin: Sarcasm intended!




    One more fact, with the 25M cap charge, if they keep him for the one year, Patriots as of now are 5.5M over the cap!

  14. Now Phillips is released, we really can see the cap coming into view. I think Richardson is gone, and since we can void his contract, that will put us just over 40M cap space, which includes Philliphs release today. I think Donald Thomas is the only one we can assume safely will be let go. Just too many injuries for 3.5M, so I think we go into FA and resigning with right around 44M in Cap Space which is not too bad. Leaves us room for some quality FA's, and resigning many of our 2012 class plus others on the team. I would like to know if we are going to extend Luck now, since we have so much cap space for 2016, I wonder if we should wait a year, but he will only become more expensive. Better to lock him down, and then have that contract broken down into 7 years, which makes it easier to digest.

  15. IMO Beasley will be a superstar. A lot of teams are underrating him because of his size, and he does need to get a little stronger, but I think he's the closest to being a sure thing as any of the other edge rushers in this class. That's just my opinion of him though. I see a little Mathis in him personally. When he adds some strength, the sky's the limit.

    I don't think teams are underestimating Beasley, they see the incredible potential. The reason he has slipped in mocks lately is scouts are afraid he is a one trick pony right now. He wins on speed, and does not have enough strength yet to help him in his rush. I personally want an ILB for us at #29, but I don't believe Beasley will be there for us anyway. He will be a star at the combine, and rush back up any boards where he has fallen. The guy is a stud athlete, and once he gets stronger, he is going to be good, just don't know his ceiling.


    One other thing, when you see the rating of Shaq Thompson, Mayock rates him as a safety, and has him right behind Collins. I believe he will be better than Collins, in fact I think Collins will fall. Was not good in coverage. Thompson on the other hand is a stud, played safety, OLB, and RB. He will be long gone by our pick, which is sad. He would have looked great with a horseshoe on his helmet.


    Why is Fowler not rated, makes no sense.

  16. First, I would really like to thank Dustin for the writeups he has been doing for positions which we have a need for. They have been fair, informational, and I think has really given some insight into players I did not know too much about.


    After reading the writeups, and I know he is not done yet, I started thinking what are the chances of players we really could use, who would go into the lineup right away and really help. I know at #29 we could say anyone we draft, but I think certain areas really are more critical than others. For me, it is an ILB who can tackle, but more important cover tight ends. A plus would be his ability to rush the passer, but we got burned by our ILB's not being able to cover. Also, someone with a nasty attitude to affect the whole defense. This goes for all positions.


    Second, is DL, and I could argue that it is first considering how the Patriots killed us running the ball. Someone who can stop the run, take 2 players, and also pass rush.


    Third is OL, and I don't think I need to say anything more than we need to run the ball to protect Luck.


    Fourth, CB and S.


    Fifth, RB & WR. We can make the argument that RB is important, but not at #29, at least for me.


    So even though I have ordered them in our importance, I looked at drafts, and started to think what players are most coveted, meaning who could drop to us. The two least coveted positions on the field as far as the draft, and the first round, are RB and ILB. Punters and Kickers do not count. I think when you look at what teams are always looking for, QB, CB, OLB or DE who can rush, DL, and OL. For all these positions, it then becomes teams needs and BPA.

    My point is, I believe ILB is the position along with RB most likely to have one of the players we have talked about, who will possibly be there. I would love to hear your thoughts if you agree what players usually go first in the draft, but I do think it is important to think of it in those terms.


    So after looking at it, I don't want to go with RB in the first round. After reading Dustin's writeups, my opinion is Paul Dawson or Eddie Kendricks will be there at #29, and I can't decide which one I would like more. Both have positives and negatives. In the end, although Dawson has greater upside most likely, Kendricks to me is the safer pick, great character and leader, plus he has that nasty streak we need to lead the defense. He can cover, I believe he will put some weight, grow stronger so his pass rush gets better, on to rush the passer better, but he is such a great athlete, I don't have to worry about character, and the one reason we all thought why Suh would be good for us is the NASTY, that this team needs. Most of us don't want him, but that is a different topic. In the end, I believe both will be there, and I am going to go with Kendricks, but I would be perfectly happy with Dawson.


    So what do you think, and remember, I am thinking of most important positions in the draft, and who usually goes off the board first. You don't have to narrow it down to a player, I just find it interesting to think about it in this way, who has the best chances of being there?

  17. I wrote this on another thread, but I will repeat this about Lupati. Levitre set the G market 2 years ago at around 8M for a guard who has been a stud. Quite a lot of money, and you know Lupati is going to be wanting this kind of money. Lupati had a down year this year for SF. Also, SF's run game is a zone blocking scheme I believe. FA's work when you are plugging holes, but with players who fit your scheme. This is the biggest mistake made in FA, trying to put a square peg into a round hole. I like Lupati, and still would love to have him, but when I look at the cost, scheme fit, I think he may be too expensive. If he was willing to be signed for 6M yr. OK, but over 8M would scare me.

  18. I think we can if we designate him as a June 1st cut. I don't know how much we'd save, but I think it may be enough to make Grigs actually think about doing it considering the severity of his injury.

    Even as a June 1st cut, we would not save any money this year against the cap. We would for next year, but the way the contract is structured, we should keep him and hope he is healthy. Next year is the year to cut him, although we will still take a good dead money hit, at least if it is a june 1 designation, it will be worth it.

  19. One more opinion, but about Lupati, not incarcerated Bob. Two years ago when Tennessee signed Buffalo G Levitre, they set a very high market price, one which Lupati will probably benefit greatly from. I too liked Levitre, and thought we should have gone after him considering how bad our line was 2 years ago. He has been a disaster for Tenn. and they are probably going to cut him considering the 8.6M cap hit he has. They will have a good bit of dead money, but his contract is structured so releasing him right now, and doing it as a June 1st cut makes sense.


    I bring this up for two reasons. Lupati is going to be looking for the same kind of money in free agency. 8M for a guard is a lot. Last year I thought Lupati in FA this year would be great to go after. After this year, I don't feel quite the same. First off he had a bad year. Hey it happens, and overall he has been really good. The second thing though that worries me is in FA, you have to go after people that fit your scheme. This is where teams who spend big in FA make the mistake. FA are for teams who have a few holes to plug, and the players fit the scheme. I believe SF is a zone blocking run scheme, so would he fit her in Indy? I don't know. I like him overall, but after the year he had, SF's running scheme, and the money he will cost, I am on the fence. I believe the money could be spent in better places, but I still would not be upset if he came here. He would still be an upgrade I believe, possibly a huge upgrade. At what cost though. Just some thoughts to consider.

  20. I also would cut RJF if he does not agree to a pay cut. He is a 3M player max, not a 6M player. He was overpaid. We have plenty of guards, so I think Lance Louis should go, he is 1M we save, and releasing Cribbs is a must. How many punts did he fumble in the playoffs. He saves us another 1M on the cap!


    My final list for cuts that are a must: Richardson, Phillips,Thomas, Cribbs, and Louis. That saves us approx. 11.2M in cap space for this year, and very small dead money hits for all. Plus each one of them except Louis brought nothing to the table, and Richardson nothing the last two seasons!

    11.2M in cap space is a huge amount. That allows two very high quality players in FA, or goes towards extensions

  21. We hopefully have our number 1 and 2 between TY, Montcrief since year number 2 is the biggest jump for most WR's and I thought he showed a lot last year, and Carter. So out of those 3 I think we have our top 2. As far as the slot, I would like Jamison Crowder from Duke. He was one of the most impressive players all week in the senior bowl, and he also is a punt returner. Plus I don't believe he will go until the 4th round. Before Senior Bowl, was projected in the 6-7 round, so has turned heads. I loved him at Duke!

  22. I honestly would be very mad if this happened. Would rather get Knighton at NT, Franklin at G, and Wisniewski at C. Not a fan of Dupree at all, don't know a lot about Kevin Johnson, but there are CB's I'd rather have in the 2nd over him (quentin rollins). Laken Tomlinson would be great in the 3rd, but I see him as an early 2nd round guy. Like Pullard as well in the 4th. I like the effort put in for the last 4 picks, but not a fan of a lot of the positions or players. I'd like a better rb than John Crockett in the 5th (maybe david johnson or jeremy langford). Also a WR in the 6th is a must right now, some titus davis type. Like your other picks and will do some research on the UDFA's (don't know anything about them besides Norwood yet), but I'd be disappointed with this if it happened.

    Fully agree on Knighton and Franklin, and I don't want Fairley, although a lot of people seem to want him. He has been very up and down for Detroit, and according to what I have read over his four years, motivating him has been tough, and that was why he dropped in the draft in the first place. He was top 5 talent, and went 13th. Plus playing with Suh and Ansah may have made him look better. Also, although it would have been expensive, there was a reason they did not pick up Fairley's option year. DeLaPuente has been an OK center, but not an upgrade from Holmes, and Holmes has room to grow. If we could get Wisniewski in here I would love it. Oakland has lowballed him so far, and he has been solid. I fully expect Oakland with all the cap room they have to keep him though. They would be nuts not to.

    I actually like Spikes as a player, but he is a run stopper, and does not do well in pass coverage, so he is not a 3 down linebacker, so I think we are better off without picking him up. Also, no Ryan Mathews. He cannot stay healthy!!


    I am only going to comment on the FA, because the draft picks, I have heard so much already about your top 2, both good and bad, that I could not judge it fairly. I want to wait at least until after the combine, but Bud Dupree should kill the combine. He is an athletic freak, and some coaches will fall in love with him!

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