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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. OT a little, but I don't know what is going to happen in Oakland, but has anyone noticed with all the cap space, they are the one team who has had no big signings. The reasons, the stadium they play in, and that will change soon. Second is the state income tax. If you make over 1M in CA. you pay 13.4% in state taxes. Compare that to Texas and FL. and it is a no brainer. You would think Jacksonville and Miami would do better because of the tax situation, but truth is plenty of teams state tax rate is not bad. Indy is 4%, so we are also a good destination. Shows though players are looking at other things instead of just the money. Oakland basically needs to tack on 10% more for offers.


    Oh, back to Pot Roast and Williams. I would be happy with either. Plus Ngata looks like he is going to be released tomorrow. Cleveland is going to go at him hard. I would love to get Ngata, Pot Roast, Fairley and AJ, and Boling. Is that too much, probably, but a guy can dream. If I can have two out of the three DL,  I want Ngata to be one, and AJ and Boling I would be a happy camper in FA. They would be real quality acquisitions.


    Question: Do Ngata, Pot Roast, and Dan Williams play the same position, and if so, who would you rather have considering Ngata is going to be offered 8-10M by Cleveland. He is leaving 8.5M on the board at Balt. He will not restructure his 16M cap hit. So do they play same position, and if so, who would you want since one would be cheaper?

  2. Read his post. He is being facetious by saying Miami won. He agrees with you. I do too.

    Thanks, I wish their was a sarcastic emoticon. Miami has done this the last few years, and where are they. If Tannehill flourishes, which is an if, they are going to have trouble signing him. They went into this offseason with 9M in cap space, and that was with all the cuts of the last few days. Wallace is going to be gone. I hope the defense can win them games. I can see Watt almost at 16M, especially with the salary cap growing, but he does so many differerent things, hell he plays offensive TE now. I think they needed to win the glitter contest, the fans down in South Miami are very fickle.

  3. From all I have read today and tonight, due to the value of the contracts which have been ridiculously high, Baltimore does not think it will retain Ngata or Ladarius Webb, according to LaCanfora at CBS, and he has been very good. Ngata is not willing to restructure his 10M/yr. salary, which also has a 16M cap hit, so the Ravens are in trouble with him. If we sign him, it will probably take 10M/yr. but I am on board with it, for three years. He was excellent last year, and for three years to beef up the defense, while we find someone else to train and learn from him, I don't see a better choice. I guarantee if we don't give it to him, somebody else will. We are his best fit, and the way FA's are coming off the board, so much for the tampering window, I say go ahead.


    On another note, I am not one who has been high on Fairley, for many of the facts mentioned here. I have read several articles tonight, and Detroit is going to try and keep him, but I found what the DC for Detroit had to say about him interesting. I know he is not going to speak ill of him, but it did make me less weary. Ngata and Fairley would make our front line so much better.


    Now just get me Boling, Rahim Moore, and AJ, and I will be fine and finished with FA.

  4. I thought when Ireland left, they would see the error of their ways, especially after the last two years. Now they cut I do not know how many players, and have one player to show for it, at 19M/yr and over 60 guaranteed. Free Agency is not the way to win in the NFL, it is the way to lose, and it puts you in a box. Just for Miami to sign Suh, to get out of the box they released all the 2013 players they signed except Wallace so far, and now they are back in the box!


    Regardless, they will think they have won, at least for the next 5 months, and as I said, glad Brady gets the brunt of it.

  5. Grigson not falling for huge salary price tags, thank goodness. FA at the beginning is the worst, because you know the ones who are on the A and B list, with 16 teams having cap space, the price is going to be outrageous. Suh as evidence. RB you do not over pay for!

    Now we are going to have to overpay for a couple if we get certain pieces, and I am OK with that, just save the RB money, draft one, and use is on pieces we need, and have an impact.

  6. Pot roast is familiar with the system Del Rio runs since he is coming from Denver, plus they have second highest cap amount. They can overbid and will have to based on there state tax in CA. Now it does not mean he will go there, just best chances. If he wants a chance to possibly go to the SB again, and based on what he would add to our line, which team do you select. Money vs. maybe a little less money but still a lot and SB in next 4 yrs. Please come to Indy, but we know how former players like to follow former DC's.

  7. I was thi


    I dont care. Now brady has to see suh twice a year. Lol!!! Patriots barely beat the afc north anyway. They always catch them on a dumb mistake in the last second when theyre up ahead.

    You read my mind. I was hoping if he was overpaid the dolphins got him. Brady now gets him twice a year, the bills line which is beastly, and the Jets front four are nothing to sneeze at. He is going to have a tough time this year in those division games. Get him good and beat up for the playoffs.

    I still cannot believe 19M/yr. How do you pay someone 3M more than Watt, especially with how much more Watt does. Just makes no sense. You cannot pay someone QB money, unless they disrupt every play. Watt does that, and 16M still a lot. I know the cap is changing, but this is going to have far reaching implications.

    What happens when Houston comes up for FA next year? What do you think he demands?


    Also it will change the Franchise tag on DT which was already high. It is a average of the top 5, and the top 2 now make 27M/yr. combined.

  8. According to the article I just read, AJ is interested in the Colts, plus a couple other teams. He does not want to be traded. He wants to be released so he can negotiate the best deal he can get, which according to the article is 10M/yr. Seems like a lot to me, but according to Sportsline, 3 teams are willing to pay that much, and the Colts are one. I would really love to have him, but only at around 6-7M. He would be a huge addition for us though, I don't think you can underestimate what he would do for the ofense. Still have plenty of money to sign other FA's, and we put off Luck for a year, and front load the contracts of the FA's do to the cap space we have for 2016. Below is CBS Sportsline article. I wonder who the other 3 teams are? Patriots and ?




  9. Suh is going to be offered 17M by the Raiders, Jaguars, and maybe the Jets. First they have so much cap room, plus with the CBA guidelines, all three of these teams are significantly under the 89% threshold to be met by 2016. Question is, will he take less to play on a contender, and how much less. I would like to have him, and we could frontload it easily, but not at 17M. I would rather have Knighton, McPhee (who I really don't like for what he will cost, but for comparison sake) and Cardinals DT Williams, and you could have those four for just a little more than 17M/yr. Plus they are all high quality players!

  10. Most feel with this move that the Pats have something in place with McCourty who has said he wants to remain with the Pats. We'll see. I hope so.


    I thought the same thing about McCourty, they have a deal waiting, and on NFL Today, Dimitroff echoed those thoughts, plus McCourty has said he wants to stay. My thoughts as of tonight have changed, and I think they are going to let him explore FA. From the report below, it sounds like McCourty does not think or is questioning if he will be back, unless he wants to accept less money than he is going to be offered. Someone is going to offer him Byrd dollars like NO did last year. I would love to have him, but Searcy would be a lot cheaper. Either one I would love to get, but Searcy could be about 40% less.


    Off note, I was stunned they tagged Gostkoski at 4.7M for a Kicker.


    This was posted tonight!


    March 2, 2015 9:22 pm

    Patriots' Devin McCourty: There's a 'chance that I might not be back'
    by Jason Butt | CBSSports.com

    With the Patriots deciding to use their franchise tag on kicker Stephen Gostkowski, safety Devin McCourty knows his time in New England could be coming to an end. 

    In an interview with ESPN's Josina Anderson, McCourty said he didn't have much information on what the Patriots would do and was going off of various media reports that came down to the organization deciding whether to franchise him or Gostkowski. 

    Now that Gostkowski is ineligible from hitting the free agent market, McCourty will test the waters beginning on March 10. 

    it's more realistic now that "I guess  [there's] a chance that I might not be back there," McCourty said. "Or there's still a chance that I will, but I guess [there's] more of a chance now with the franchise tag going to Steve that I could be playing in a different place. Still, keeping an open mind and trying to enjoy the process."

    In 2014, McCourty recorded 68 tackles and two interceptions.



    That is a big change from what the prevailing thoughts had been. They may be more worried about getting Revis done, because even taking away his 20M cap charge this year, and then renegotiating, you still only have 7M in cap space. Revis is going to want to be the top paid CB. His history says so. So you can look at least 14.5m/yr. which is just over Sherman and Peterson, and he is going to want same amount of guaranteed money they got, which was over 40M. Going to be tough for the Patriots, but I think this is there first concern!

  11. I was watching NFL insiders today when Adam S. said the Jaguars had over 70M in cap space. I was dumb founded. I thought it was around 55M, but 70M, and sure enough, they have just about 67M. How does a team have that much cap space. Either you are being really cheap, or nobody wants to play down there. They are not Oakland, nice weather, and no state income tax, so they have advantages. Shows what being bad for a long time will do to a team. I am so glad we are in a position players want to come here. Can't imagine having that kind of cap space and not being able to attract players. They are going to have to significantly overpay to get players this year, but hey they have the cap space. Plus, they are one of the ten teams who is significantly under the 89% threshold for cap space used from 13-16, so time to spend.

  12. I would love to have him, and we have advantages. First if Reggie retires, he would be the perfect replacement. He has a good 2-3 years in him as a very good possession receiver. First advantage, Miami connection, Chuck and Reggie, so that helps a little. Second, he wants a contender and a good QB. Mark that box. Third, instead of playing the Texans possibly once a year, he gets them twice a year to inflict damage on his old team. I think we would have a shot at him, and he really would be a perfect fit. 3 yrs. at 12M won't do it though. He won't go to Jack. or Oakland since it is not the money right now, but I think it still take 5-6M. I think it would be worth it, plus it lets us be more judicious about the draft, we don't have to grab a WR this year, although I still think it would be a good idea.






    No one will trade for him, because although it would be a 6th or 7th, you then have to redo his contract. You don't want that baggage.

  13. I would prefer not to get Marshall, even if released. It has been put out there he was not a good locker room presence this year, and worried more about his TV gig. Don't know but why upset the balance.


    As to the point of the thread, no reason for us to trade for a number 2, because they are going to be released due to cap situations, so why would anyone trade for them. Marshall, Andre Johnson, Percy Harvin, Crabtree, and more. CBS did a story on what the WR market will look like, and prices could be depressed due to the likelihood so many older veterans will probably be released if they don't want to renegotiate their cap prices. Also, Jackson in TB and Wallace in Miami said no to restructures. Jackson will stay, but I say Wallace will be gone. Below is the link to the article.


    Now as far as receivers I would covet, Cobb and Maclin are expected to hit FA because the tag price is so high, but still a good chance there teams will try and extend. I would love either one, but I think the best thing with what we have already is draft a WR and go with what we have. I like our projected starting 3 and 2 TE's. The only thing I wish is we had more depth.


    I read today Reggie just had his surgery, and is pondering retirement. I don't know at 36 after rehabbing last year, if he would want to do it again. So, I would love to have a veteran who may not be a burner anymore, but has great hands. Can fill that Reggie hole. Marshall as I said, no. I think the perfect WR would be Andre Johnson if Houston releases him. Get him for about 6M/yr. and he still is a very good and big target. Plus he would be very good chemistry wise since he is a quiet, and lets his play talk for him, very much like Reggie. Link below on all the WR's who will probably hit the market:



  14. I know what most are going to say about this, but Grigson has stated we need more WR depth, since we cannot be sure how Carter will adapt, Montcrief should continue developing, but TY is the only proven commodity, in addition to Allen and Fleener, but they are not WR's. My guess is Grigson gets one in the draft, I would love Jaelen Strong at 29, but what about Randall Cobb.

    The WR pool is deep, but he may be the best one who actually hits FA. Thomas, Bryant and Maclin are going to get tagged if no extension. I know he is going to demand around 9M/yr. but we have the cap money, he would be an incredible slot receiver who we could use on screens, end arounds, and he can be a punt returner. The kid is only 24 years old. I know the Jags, Oakland, Cleveland, and Jets will throw boatloads of money at him, but if he wants to play with an elite QB, and make the money he wants, he would be a great fit for us, and our offense if we get the line right, and a RB in the draft would be incredible. He is dynamic and young, so before you say too much, we need a WR, and he is a proven commodity.

  15. ESPN was wrong, sportrac and OTC (Who I trust the most) have the right amounts, about 43M. The only thing not sure of is the rollover, but I do believe even though we have not notified the league officially, March 10 deadline I believe, the way both sites work, they roll over prior year. Now with Trich and Donald Thomas being cut, which I think are just a matter of when, we will have 49M. Nice!!!!

  16. With RJF being cut today, it brings our cap space up to 43.75M. I think we can all look down the road and agree Trent Richardson is going to be cut, and I am guessing Donald Thomas will also due to injuries. I won't go any further than those two. With those two cuts probably on the horizon, our cap space going into FA will be 49.3 Million.


    One other note, with this cut, and the two other cuts when/if they happen, the only one who may not get cut is Thomas, our cap space will be 92.3M for 2016, and that is assuming the cap number does not increase from what is projected.


    What does it mean? Grigson said he was going to be active in FA. With the cap space we have, we should be able to fill holes, have money left to sign Hilton to an extension, sign our RFA's and FA's we want back, and then wait until next year to sign Luck, Fleener, Allen, and Castanzo to extensions. The cap space is important for this year, but due to the amount we have for next year, we can now postpone some extensions if there are some players we really want.


    Bottom line, I think Grigson has a few players in mind he really wants to go after, and he has the cap space to do it. I just hope he does not overspend on contracts just to seal the deal. This is why we had to release Landry and RJF. There production did not match the contract prices. We can argue about that, but the point is, I want players, but I don't want to overspend. I like Lupati, but Clint Boling is younger, and would be cheaper.

    I think McPhee at 8M and over is too much, and that number comes from NFL.com and what they think he will be offered. I would much rather have Tamba Hali. He has a lot left in the tank, would be much cheaper, and adds a verteran presence.  Several teavams have cap space over 50M. We now are in that discussion. rence, we are a playoff team, The difference is we have a great QB. and if we are smart, we can fill some nice holes at good prices, properly structured contracts like Denver did last year. We can offer FA's something other clubs with massive cap space can't. A winning tradition and a very solid organization. We should not overpay just to bring certain players in. The only exception I would make is if McCourty made it to FA. I would really like to have him. Always exceptions to the rule. :thmup:



  17. I want Hali also, and he will come at a decent price. Every article I have read has McPhee being able to get at least 8M/yr. Some are saying possibly 10M/yr. He may well get it considering certain teams have so much cap space, and in the case of teams like the Raiders, they are way behind on spending the 89% level you must spend of your cap space between 2013-17 seasons. I don't want a player who has played so few downs, and has been helped by a very good defense behind him. Remember, look at the system players are in and who they play with, which really can help players.


    Look at Jerry Hughes. Does anyone think he would have had 20 sacks the past two years without the defensive line Buffalo has. You can only double team so many players. Someone is going to pay him, possibly Atlanta, and with there DL, they are going to be very sorry I believe.

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