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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. Just heard, we are going to acquire Rob Ryan from the Saints. We have to give up a 3rd rd. pick for him, but it should be good for our defense. Ryan knows what it is like to run a defense without a lot of studs on it.haha



    This is sarcasm people. Joke, please take it for what it is!

  2. 24 minutes ago, GoColtsGo5150 said:

    These firings make me wonder 2 things:

    1. I wonder if they were Pagano's guys in the 1st place or Grigson guys.

    2. The fact that the DB coaches are fired means that our potentially new DC is a former DB coach. Food for thought Chud being OC aswell as focusing on TEs so the DC may focus on DBs.


    My 2 cents says number 2 is the answer. If he did not get to hire Pep, why should we think he had a lot of say with any of the other guys. I cannot believe he would have left the meeting with Irsay and Grigson without

    demanding control over his own staff, and control over the full team as far as who plays and who does not.   I may be wrong, but this timeline seems to support Chuck got back what he needed, control over the team and coaches, and no more interference. This housecleaning is hopefully the proof Chuck has control over who are his coaches and who will play and not play. All I can say is I sure hope my hypothesis is right!


    One more thought, I would have though OL coach would have been first to go. If your TE coach is gone, that to me is part of the blocking scheme, so does this mean OL will stay? I hope not. This is an incredibly important position since so few of the players coming out of college have good technique due to the spread. They need to have a good teacher!

  3. First I believe Grigson has to go. Pagano would not stay with him here, and no other coach is going to come in and say, please interfere with my coaching.

    Second, while I think Pagano is a great motivational figure, I wonder about making in game adjustments. I think most of that is failure on his part, but is he limited by Grigsons interference?

    The real reason I believe Pagano has to go is he is loyal to his staff, and I think that is his downfall. Our offensive line coach does not improve the line. Manusky and the defense. Offense better since Chud took over, hard to tell. Overall I don't think the coaching staff under Pagano is very good and that is from the OL coach to the special teams coach. We may always wonder what would have been, and although I might be willing to give Pagano another chance, his employment means the whole coaching staff stays, and that is where I have to say start over.


  4. I hate to think about tanking, but regardless, just one more loss, today would have given us the 12th pick or

    13th position. We would have flipped coins with Oakland at 7-9. Still, I believe Jaylon Smith will be there at 18th since he will not be available next year until October at the earliest. Many teams need players immediately. I would be willing to wait on him.

  5. Everybody talking about how Gruden won with Dungy's players. True, but Dungy was let go because he could not get those players to the Superbowl. He did it the first year with Brad Johnson as his QB. With that QB, quite amazing. Also he would have had the Raiders in the SB the year before, if not for the terrible call on the field reversing Brady's fumble, the reason why the tuck rule was founded. He did that with Rich Gannon, who had a fantastic year. Also, remember the Buc's had to trade a first round pick to get Gruden.


    What is undeniable is he can coach QB's while making teams very good according to the past!

  6. Rams lost, so we draft 18th spot. If we would have lost today, we would have drafted in the 12th spot. Big move down. I know they wanted to win for pags though. If anything it should say to Irsay Grigson is the problem, not pags!

  7. I don't think he is too old. 30 yrs. old for a safety is fine, plus safeties get better with age to a point because so much of the position is based on knowledge, and what they have learned. Weddle is one of the best, and will continue to be. The only problem is he has not been happy salary wise for the past few years, so he is going to want to be paid.

    The safety on a lot of teams is the Captain. Having a really good one, like Earl Thomas, or Ed Reeves earlier in his career, the honey badger, can make up for a lot of deficiencies in your CB's. His wisdom, plus he is an incredibly talented player, would be a great addition to play with Vontae. Depending on what he wants, I would love to have him here. The only thing which scares me is fit. What is the scheme the Chargers run, and what will we be running next year. You have to find FA's who fit the scheme you run. If you don't, this is one of the biggest reasons for FA busts.

  8. 2 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    Good post. Yeah...NewColts was turning me on to that as well.  Mentioned that Superman has several posts on our cap situation and that the Colts will be in pretty decent cap shape even after signing Luck.  So I definitely stand corrected.  I'll do some reading up on the Saints cap issues.  Appreciate the post.

    Hey everyone. First I see a lot of people posting about salary cap problems for the saints, and that has cost them a lot of talent, plus their GM made some bad signings, Jairius Byrd as an example. Remember how everyone on the board here wanted him. Thank god we did not get him. Signed at the time as the highest paid safety, missed the first two years, and this year when he has played has looked terrible. Payton is responsible for FA's I understand, but the GM really did them in. The structuring of their contracts, GM related, has been terrible. Brees has a 30M cap hit next year. Sorry got off on a tangent, but the GM has hurt the Saints the last few years.

    Ok why I think Payton would be good is he is aggressive which I like and he is innovative on the offensive end. He will adjust to what Andrew can do, and I believe he would emphasize throwing short, to set up the long throw. I think this is one of the most important things a coach can do, is get Andrew to look underneath, or design plays that way, and then look for down the field. I think it would change Andrew's point of view, and how he looks at things. From day one, he has been asked to sit in the pocket, wait for plays down the field to develop, and throw deeper passes. All of the offense was placed on his shoulders.

    That catches up to a player, and with the OL this year, it was a disaster waiting to happen.


    On the innovative point of view, I think Payton would design plays around Andrew's strenghts, bootleg him out more, get him out of the pocket. I would not even mind a little zone read once in awhile, but slide!

    I also believe by getting Andrew comfortable with checking it down, because Payton loves screen passes, it would help Andrews accurarcy in the long run, since he would not be forcing the ball into crowds, since the field would be opened up. One last thing, most don't notice but Payton loves to run the ball. He is a Parcell's disciple, and even with Brees, they still run the ball a lot, which would be great.


    One last point, and this is on the salary cap, and where we are vs. the Saints problems. I think we are in need of a C, RT, and possibly RG. On the defensive side, I believe our DL is not bad, and I like the young guys there, although depth would be nice. We need to focus on LB, CB, and safety.

    We can go after defense in the draft. Also, we had a lot of injuries this year, and I believe a lot of picks this year are going to turn out to be good players. Parry, Geathers, Anderson.


    On the Offensive side, we are great in the skill positions, but we need the OL to be upgraded, and as far as salary cap is concerned, only three players come to mind. Fleener, Freeman and Luck. Allen if he comes cheap. I don't think Freeman and Fleener will be to bad. Luck's contract will be large, but the good news is, all the high priced FA's we signed this year, we can let go and not get hit with very little dead money. Right now we have about 27M for next year with the carry over from salary not spent this year. My calculations from OTC, assuming a salary cap of 153M for next year are this. Cole will be gone, I would cut DQ (too old for how much he is paid), AJ gone (price vs. production plus we have plenty of receivers), Gore gone, I like him for leadership, but RB's can come much cheaper. It may not be popular but Mathis production vs his salary, I would cut him. I would also cut Werner, and try to negotiate Arthur Jones salary down since he has been an injury waiting to happen. Basically I want to get younger, and these are all older players, and I say lets get young guys play. The defense cannot get worse in the LB area, can it?


    I think it is very realistic all those players will be gone. If that is the case, our salary cap space will be 51M for next year assuming a 150M salary cap, which will definitely happen. I think it will be 153M. Regardless, it gives us plenty of room to sign Luck up long term, find 2-3 Quality  OL, not quantity. Plus we could look for a CB, S, or LB, especially if we want to think about Vonn Miller, we would have the cap room to do it. Then the draft goes all defense, unless in the first round we have a quality OT fall into our lap depending on where we draft. I would not have a problem with a first round OT pick, but the rest would be defense. I think we are in great shape cap wise. Bring in Payton with his innovative ideas, find a quality D Coordinator and coaches who actually know how to coach their positions, and I think we would be in really good shape.

  9. I would not want Oakman in the first round. More of the freak athlete sydrome. NFL.com just came out with this on Oakman. Oakman reminds me of Armstead from Oregon last year, 49ers first round pick. So far it has not worked out so well.




    I think he goes in the second round, but for him to become a player, it has to be the right system fit, and he has to have a coach to work on his deficiencies.

    Anyone ever think about how many time we don't think about system fits for players enough. I once heard Cris Carter on Mike and Mike say he believes 90% of players in the NFL who are

    successful is because of the system fit. It is one of the reasons Belichick is successful. He finds players to fit the niche he wants. The figure may be a little high, but I fully believe it. System fit is the reason so many FA's don't work out on other teams. A CB may be great in zone coverage, but ask him to play press?

  10. 4 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

    Not wanting to argue what you heard but Saban is 64 years old. If his mother gave birth to him at 20 that would make her 84 years old. Do you really believe that Saban making 7M+ would allow his 80+ year old mother to work?


    Hey just responding to what the writer at ESPN said. Here is the link:




    From the article:

    1. He doesn't see himself coaching anywhere else before retirement.

    "No, I really don't. I don't see it ever happening, and I know every year somebody has me going somewhere else," Saban told ESPN.com. "I think a lot of it isn't just about the coaching part. What people don't understand is they forget you're a person. They forget you have a wife and two kids and a grandbaby, and they all live in Birmingham.

    "They all work here. My wife goes to Birmingham five times a week. My mom lives in Birmingham now

    after moving from Myrtle Beach. It's not just the job. A lot of people don't get that. My life is here."



    I was wrong, his mother is not working in Birmingham, but what you said about her age is actually a strong

    argument for Saban not going anywhere!


    Your mother does not move to a town, when she is older without some words of encouragement from her son about this is where I am going to be.



  11. I think people are starting to discount the combine a little more each year. It used to be if it was a blow away performance, they shot up the charts, and changed their draft status completely. Now it seems they may shoot up, but it is more like a shooting star unless it is backed by game tape.

    I have always been a tape person. So many people are athletes, few can play in the NFL. Every year someone who has great tape is bypassed because of small things, and it comes back to bite people.


    Ok, off on a tangent. Conklin, love the kid. He is tough, but the one thing I read consistently is he will be a very good RG, a mauler, but not athletic. I think he drops to early second very possibly, but he is worth a first rounder. You will never have to worry about his desire, and for some of these players, that is one of my main concerns. In addition, I think you need to look for system fits also, something we seem not to do at times!


    As far as Jaylon Smith, he is the best LB out there, and he has great game tape, and after the combine, I am afraid his stock is going to shoot up. The only positive for us, LB's tend not to be drafted in the top 10. Kuechly was about as not miss as possible, and he was 10 or 12. Hopefully, with fingers crossed and saying a prayer, Jaylon will fall because of this reason, or teams looking for other needs on their team!

  12. 5 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

    For all you Saban haters, i think you will be disappointed. i have reported on here since early in the season that i have heard from what i would consider a good source that he is Irasy's first choice. Source is a former player who is indirectly involved with the colts.


    I don't know about your source, but ESPN just release a interview with Saban, and gave a summary of the important points Saban makes.


    Number 1 on the list, He is not going anywhere!


    Irsay may be disappointed, but I believe Saban this time because of he says to back it up. The reason, family. His entire family now works in Birmingham. His mother just moved to Birmingham to work. I know you can never say never, but family is generally the most important thing in a person's life, and he has integrated his fully into the Alabama culture and college town. He is not going anywhere!

  13. 10 hours ago, Pagano's Realtor said:


    I just ran the calculator at OverTheCap.com and it had the Colts projected at about $33 Million contingent on them releasing Trent Cole and Andre Johnson. That's more than I thought but do you really want to wrap that all up going after one guy when this team has multiple holes to fill? O-Line, TE, WR, CB, S, ILB, D-Line, Pass Rush, RB, backup QB are all going to be positions that have to be addressed in some form or fashion in the off-season.


    I also ran the OTC and if you look at what we have left this year going over to next year (7 M) and 22M next year, we are at 29M. Now releasing Cole(6.25M), AJ(5 M), Gore(4M), D Jackson(5.25), and Mathis(5M), you are looking at a cap at around 54M. AJ I would consider keeping since I like his presence in the locker room, he can still be productive and he has the highest dead money, but only 2.5M so that is a toss up. I know some of them won't be gone, but I think we need to get rid of the older players on our D especially. They have high cap hits for their production, and it is time to make the team younger.


    With that cap space, I would sign two Quality OL, RG and RT, sign Luck's extension and also sign Fleener and Allen. I don't think there contracts will be too much after this season, and we should keep them. I believe afterwards we will still have the room to go after a premier rusher like Miller, but I would not mind just focusing on the draft for the defense. I don't want Wilkerson, since for the money he will get, he is not a pass rusher, he is a run stopper, and I believe we are fine on the DL, it is the one area on defense we have a little depth. We do need a DL who can rush, but I would not spend the money on Wilkerson. FA is such a gamble, that is why I would only sign true quality OL who fit our system, and possibly someone like Miller depending on space after our other signings. It will be interesting. A lot will depend on the new coach and defense we run also. I would love to have Miller and Jaylon Smith though!

  14. Hey everyone, I know it is two games early, but since Andrew has been ruled out next week at Miami, I don't see any reason not to shelve him for the season. Texans have a 90% chance of winning division now. I don't see Hasselback being able to play either, so we go with Whitehurst, which maybe he could beat Tenn. the last game, but I hope not. I know I should always want the win, but I am looking at draft order.

    If we stay at 6 wins, I believe we could actually have a top 10 pick, possibly the ninth. I have looked at all the teams who have 5-6 winds, and their schedule. The one thing we have going for us is there are quite a few teams with 5-6 wins, 11 to be exact. Six teams with 4 wins or less, so 17th pick is the worst I can see as our pick, but we have some things going for us. We should have a very low SOS (strength of schedule) due to our divisions and the divisions we played. So we realistically could have a top 10 pick, and I need something good to come out of this terrible season. With cap space after many of the high priced FA busts go, we need to get some quality OL. In the draft, focus on defense, starting with ILB, please Jaylon Smith please. The only question is will the new coach be 3-4, or 4-3?


    Am I wrong to be hoping for a higher draft pick now, and although two weeks away, does anyone see a fault with a prediction of a Top 10?

  15. 3 hours ago, BProland85 said:

    Are you sure that's correct? How are there that many teams with 6 wins or less? 18 teams seems very high.


    I'm only counting 10 teams that currently have worse records than the Colts. And I'm not including teams that have the same amount of losses as Indy since Indy's strength of schedule is very weak. They had one of the easiest schedules this year so they should be picking earlier than the other teams with the same record when the draft position is set.


    With that said here is my latest mock...


    Round 1 Pick 13: Jaylon Smith, OLB/ILB, Notre Dame (A+)
    Round 2 Pick 22 (IND): Jordan Jenkins, OLB, Georgia (A)
    Round 3 Pick 13: Vonn Bell, SS, Ohio State (A+)
    Round 3 Pick 22 (IND): Sheldon Rankins, DT, Louisville (A+)
    Round 4 Pick 1 (TENN): Joe Haeg, OT, North Dakota State (A-)
    Round 4 Pick 13: Vernon Butler, DT, Louisiana Tech (A)
    Round 5 Pick 12: D.J. White, CB, Georgia Tech (A)

    Not sure if we can get Jaylon Smith, depends on where he falls and where we draft, but I would make him our priority. We can build around him and Vontae, and puts a central piece, hopefully stud, to build around.

  16. First off, NO SABAN!

    Ok, now to the coaches. I want someone who is offensive minded, and will let Luck start to throw short to set up long, and keep the hits to a minimum.

    I would love to have Sean Payton, but I don't think its going to happen.

    The four I would want to pick from are Adam Gase, Josh McDaniels, Todd Haley, and Ben McAdoo. Look what McAdoo has done for Eli who was a pick machine, and gets the ball out quickly. All four of those would be great.

    One more thing, we need a top OL coach to teach these young men coming from the spread to learn how to block. One of the reasons we were so good before Luck, was not only Peyton, but the quality of all the coaches we had!

  17. Luck needs to be shelved for the rest of the season, and I saw on ESPN he will not play against Miami, so the Tenn. game will probably be meaningless and he should not play. The odds for Houston to take the division are now 90%, so I would rather have 6-7 wins, pick around the number 10-15 slot, and protect the most vital asset we have, and get ready for the changes that are coming.

  18. 5 minutes ago, runthepost said:


    5 years for 65 million

    That 5 years was the extension, and did not take into account what he would make this year. Throw this year into the contract he signed, and it was 66M/6 yrs. which is a very good deal looking forward, and takes him to a point right around that magic age of 30 to reassess. Cheap when you look at quality WR's going forward, and the cap space rising!

  19. He is basically making 11M/yr. and it is back loaded contract and it is not an expensive contract. TY has not had the year because all the players needed to help him have not helped. 11M/yr. for a top 10 WR when Luck is around is going to look really cheap, especially when the salary cap moves up to 153M next year. Guys like TY starting next year will be making 14M next year, and only will go up.


    You need to look at these contracts in context of what happened to the team, and also the expanding cap. We could of argued Vontae's deal was expensive, but look at the cap now, and we have him for another 2 years at a very cheap price for a great CB.

  20. I agree with the no to rebuild, but we do neet a RT and RG. On the defensive side, we have nobody in the linebacker core, we need a CB on the other side and a safety. I think Gathers will step up for next year.


    If we cut Cole, AJ, Gore, Mathis and DQ (I believe this is our biggest place of need-LB), this adds almost 28M to the cap next year, giving us over 50M in capspace next year giving us plenty of options. I don't want to go wild, and I want to address 3-4 positions. We would have plenty  to go after a quality  RT, RG, and possibly a Center and/or CB. Sign Luck to his extension, and extend Allen and Fleener. Then we hit defense with the draft, and if I had my way we would draft Jaylon Smith. He would be a key impact player we can build around, much like the panthers and Kuechly. Only catch is, do we need to go to a 4-3. That question will be answered by the new coach.


    So, I think the answer is no to a rebuild, but we need to get younger on defense, jettison all the older players who have some pretty large contracts, considering what they have been contributing, and get younger on the defensive side of the ball with the draft.

  21. 6 hours ago, SteelCityColt said:

    Put yourself in Irsay's shoes, what's the best off-season plan you can come up with to fix this team? Here's mine:


    Ditch Pagano and Grigson. Hire Mike Shanahan, and give him control of roster management working with a GM he gets along with. Ditch Andre Johnson, Greg Toler, Arthur Jones, Jonnathon Harrison, Trent Cole, Jerrell Freeman, Coby Fleener and Frank Gore.


    I have no problem with Andre Johnson being gone, Toler is a FA anyway, Trent Cole definitely, what a waste of 7M, and Frank Gore. Those three cuts give us over 16M more in cap space and we only have 2.5 in dead money. I don't think getting rid of Jones is worth it. If he can stay healthy, I know a big if, but he costs more in dead money than we would save. Coby I would keep, just need the right coach. Harrison and Freeman, I can go either way, but I think one of the problems we had this year was chemistry. Every FA Grigson brought in was a Bust. That would give us 44M in cap space for next year, plenty to sign Andrew, and if we want Fleener and Allen, great, since they won't be nearly as much to sign after this year, and we can look at some quality OL, and then hit defense hard in the draft. Since Andrew is ruled out next week, there is no reason for him to play again this season. If we finish with 6 wins, it will put us right around the 10 spot. My first pick would be Jaylon Smith to build around, and my second choice would be not to hire Mike Shanahan!

  22. I think it will be up to the next Coach and GM on what happens, and I think the next coach is going to be an

    offensive minded. I would love Adam Gase, or Todd Haley. The only problem with Haley is he seems to rub

    people the wrong way, but his offensive system, once players buy in to it work. Both of these guys and others

    I have not thought about are going to be imho, guys who want Luck to throw short to set up the long play. It

    saves wear and tear on his body, plus it does not make him feel like he needs to make the big play all the time

    and feel like he needs to put the team on his shoulder. I think he would prosper under a system like Haley's or

    Gase. Gase has made Cutler look good! He would be my first choice. If I could have anyone though, I would love to pry Sean Payton from the Saints. I am sure it would cost a draft pick, plus he makes 8M a year, but with him and Luck, it would be a fantastic match, and I can dream. Also, with Brees scheduled to make 36 M in cap space next year, I believe they are going to go in rebuild mode, and Brees is going to be traded. Payton might be open to moving? One other name, Ben McAdoo. In two years he has made Eli, who like Luck has a problem with turning the ball over at times, has made him an efficient

    machine. Beckham has helped a lot, but we have plenty of receiver talent.


    Oh and the main reason I actually posted on this topic, any of these coaches would want both Fleener and Allen back I believe. Short to set up the long. Both fit the bill, and I don't think they will be as expensive now due to the years they have had. Hard to find TE's the QB trusts. If Allen does go, we will get a 4th to 5th round comp out of it, and same for Fleener I believe. I really want to keep Fleener though. I think with the right coach, he could be deadly. Look what Payton did with Graham.


  23. I would love to have McCaffrey, the only problem is he would be a slot guy, and we just drafted another guy this year in the 1st round for that role. It is not a position of need, plus he is going to go in the first two rounds. The one thing I do not want to see is the Patriots take him. He is the perfect player for Brady. Now you can argue he fills the same spot Edelman does, but he is younger, and think about chasing both of them. Regardless, he is going to be a good player at the next level, but we have greater needs.

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