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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. I love the draft picks, although it would not be my first round picks, but I still like them. Would love to get Joseph or Howard in the third round. I think Howard will go in the second though. He had a good combine.


    My only nitpick is I would prefer to front load more of Luck's contract, so as the cap goes up, he counts less towards it. We will have the cap space this year to do it, especially since I believe we will sign a few quality FA's, but not quantity at high prices which has been the case the last few years. Otherwise, really a good draft and thoughts for this early. Hard to believe FA really begins Monday, and agents are already talking to clubs as of about 1 hour ago.

  2. On the topic of players like Gregory who tested for pot, and it is legal, the NFL gives a lot of leeway in testing. You have be busted 3 times to get your first suspension I believe. So although I believe Pot is comparable to

    alcohol in many ways, if you can't give it up for short periods of time knowing the drug protocol, then you have an addiction problem. Anyone who has had an addiction problem needs to be looked at in a different light.


    Spence has owned up to the problem, and his rehab has been successful it seems. He is still a kid, and the fact so many who have addiction problems cannot stay clean says something for his character. Still the trust factor on a 1st round pick, I prefer to not worry about it. What bothers me is the combine drills, not the 40, which show burst, long jump and vertical leap showed a lack of explosion. Maybe he had a bad day, but at 18, combine his history and the stats from the combine, and I just can't make the pick.


    The Colts have missed so many 1st rounders lately, I want a nice safe clean pick. One of our biggest needs is interior lineman. I will be happy with Conklin, but I really would prefer Ryan Kelly, C, from Alabama. The guys I trust, mayock, jeremiah, Kiper, McShay, well maybe trust is a bit too much, but they all have him top 30. We desperately need to lock up a center who can pair up with Luck for Years to come, just like the Pounceys.

    Alabama runs a pro offense, he checks off all the boxes of accomplishments, and athleticism, and seems like a good kid. He may not be sexy, but I believe he is what we need. If we don't go with Kelly, then Billings would be my choice. For our defense, NT is indispensable. Both picks are great additions imho!

  3. Remember, this is all smoke right now, although I do believe they like Billings, and it is a position of need. I still believe the smoke signals are going to blow away from Ryan Kelly, and that will be your first round pick, which I am on record as being fine with. I also would be OK with Billings, and then go with Martin in the 2nd round, although I like Kelly over Martin, and think he could be our anchor for the line for years to come. Not a sexy pick, but a real necessary one. Now if we get a C in FA, then I am all for Billings. Mayock raves about his possiblities as a NT.

  4. 4 hours ago, krunk said:



    So what was bad about his combine other than his 40?  It was still better than Bosa, and he's still faster than Terrell Suggs.  Are we to say Terrell Suggs is no pass rusher because of his 40?  We'd be lying wouldn't we?  Suggs runs a 4.84 and he didn't even do that until his pro day. His combine was worse.



    Ozzie Newsome seems to have had no problems meeting with Spence unlike the Colts.  He knows all that combine stuff is mostly B.S.



    "Suggs scared off some teams with his 40-yard dash in the 4.8-second range. It’s not a terrible time, but it was slower than some expected and caused some concern over one of the top players in the draft. Suggs had an average vertical jump (33 inches) and just 19 bench press reps of 225 pounds – below the average. Suggs slid a little bit in the draft and was scooped up by the Ravens at pick No. 10. He’s an example of how combine results should be taken with a grain of salt."



    Spence put up better numbers than Suggs



    What was bad about Spence's numbers were his vertical and broad jump. Both were very poor, and both are designed to show explosiveness, especially off the line. I could care less about his 40. He may have better numbers at pro day, but his behavior in the past, plus the lace of explosiveness at the combine concern me.

  5. I also like the Kelly pick. It is not sexy, but it is smart. I have seen Kelly in mock drafts anywhere from the 1st to the 3rd. To me it does not matter. We need someone to anchor the line, physical, smart, and can play with    Andrew for years to come, not just 3-4 years. Just as Pittsburgh and Miami got their anchors with the Pouncey brothers, I think we would get ours. I also believe he is better than Martin. If we do go defense first round, I would be OK with Nick Martin in the second, but just because Kelly may seem a little high at 18 really makes no difference. If he is who you like, get him. It will fill a need for years to come!

  6. As I said, I just think the position of Center is so important for us, if he does well at the combine, I would have no problem picking him at 18. That is around the same spot Pittsburgh drafted the first Pouncey, and I believe Miami got the secound Pouncey a little earlier in the 1st, but it shows how important a really good center can be to a team. I want someone who is young, and can grow with Luck. Everything I have heard is Kelly is much better than Martin. I also would not mind Whitehair. If we go defense, I think Billings would be a great choice, since he is a true NT, and Mayock thinks the kid is going to be special. Still, my wish would be Kelly. In the end, if you like the guy, and you can't trade back, you better get him since he won't be there in the middle 2nd round.

  7. Several years ago, I remember the Cowboys trading back to I believe the 31st pick, and took Fredrickson, Center, from Wisconsin. Everyone was howling saying he was projected as a 3rd round pick. Well years later that worked out pretty well. I believe the Colts are telling the truth when they say the interior of the line is their focus. So what if Ryan Kelly was picked by the Colts in the first round. I have seen a couple of mocks which had him end of the first. He is everything you want in a center. Pittsburgh and Miami made very smart decisions when they both drafted Pounceys, and had their starting centers for years to come, and I believe the Colts need to do the same. Now this is a deep class at center, and I would be OK with waiting for Martin to hopefully still be there in the 2nd or maybe Tuerk in the 3rd, but I do really like Kelly. All this will change after the combine has all the specs. come out, and FA plays out, but even if it is not Kelly, I want our Center of the future this offseason! I am hoping Kelly is the one, but I know he won't be there late in the second. Oh, and if Jaylon Smith slips to 18, I still want him. I guess I forgot about that need!

  8. Two quick points:


    One, we are going to have plenty of cap room. Once we release Cole, Johnson, and a few others we will have somewhere in the neighborhood of 40-50M in cap room. Sup backed me up on these numbers, in fact he thinks it will be around 50M once all the cuts are made. We will have room for 2 quality FA's, but I would prefer not breaking the bank. It does not work. Mack is the only player I would really like, due to the fact we need the glue to hold the line together.


    Second: Any teams who win in FA always seem to lose. The teams mentioned used FA to get a few quality pieces to fill in deficiencies. They did not go overboard.

    If you need an example, Miami wins the FA offseason each year, and what has it got them. Two out of the last three years they have made huge acquisitions, and ended up cutting them. This year, everyone wanted Suh, and I would have loved him, if we had that kind of cap space. Now they are looking at a 28M cap charge this year, and he has not helped at all. In fact I could argue he has hurt them. FA is all about chemistry. Don't mess with the chemistry of a team.

  9. 15 hours ago, buccolts said:

    All meaningless. 

    I agree, it is totally meaningless, but it is also nice to get a cold logical look at where we stand. I think

    everyone is going to be surprised next year, since I think the defensive line, and defense as a whole is going

    to take a step up. The guys Anderson, Parry, Gaithers, 2nd year is usually your biggest jump. The offense cannot look worse than it did. I see surprises next year.

  10. Peyton will return as a GM, I believe it will be after a year off, though who knows with his work habit. Cleveland is one place, since he has a good relationship with Haslam, and they need quality, but I don't know how he would feel with 3 other quasi GM's who are all analytical guys.


    I think Peyton is going to come back as a GM for Tenn., and in the package, there will be some type of

    ownership deal in the contract. He loves Tenn., wife owns part of the Grizzlies, plus the Titans are perfect for him. They are owned by a group of owners, and the NFL has been looking for an owner who could get them going in the right direction. Starting as a GM, and then into ownership after several years would be a good path for him, possibly with Polian along the way at first to guide him.

    As for how he will do, with his work ethic, I would think great, but Jordan has a great work ethic, and he cannot judge talent at all. We will see, but commenting for myself, I would prefer he goes to Cleveland.

  11. 9 hours ago, Coltfreak said:


    Give the Alex Mack signing a rest.   He will cost WAY too much and we can easily upgrade that position in the draft 


    Alex Mack is not going to leave the Browns at a discount He is 30 year old and wants a payday along side of a winning team.


    We have more needs than just center and to tie up that much at center would be stupid 


    Let it go!


    Alex Mack signed a 5 year, $42,000,000 contract with the Cleveland Browns, including $26,000,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $8,400,000. In 2016, Mack will earn a base salary of $8,000,000. Mack has a cap hit of $8,000,000.

    Contract: 5 yr(s) / $42,000,000
    Signing Bonus -
    Average Salary $8,400,000
    Guaranteed $26,000,000
    Free Agent: 2019 / UFA

    Not to disagree, but Mack got that huge payday because Jacksonville had so much cap space, they put an outrageous offer sheet out for him. Cleveland did not want to lose one of their few good players, and also had huge cap space, so they matched the offer. Mack was smart in making sure he got guaranteed money in the first two years, and he could not be franchised after his 2nd year if he wanted to opt out of his contract. After so many years with a loser, I think winning will be his main interest. I don't think he takes a low contract, but he will not look to max out. 30 is not old, plus center is a position of such importance I would love to have him for 2-3 years and find someone younger to mentor. Hopefully Chud. can help play a role there. I would be happy to pay 7-9M/yr. for someone who has been a quality center, and will be excited to be on a winning team! Of course, this is jmo!

  12. I always like to look at the odds before FA & the Draft for next year's Superbowl. Vegas is the one person who does not have a horse in the race, they just look for equal bets on everyone, so you can look at it with some cold hard logic. If you look at it as Power Rankings before FA & the Draft, we are 10th. I think that is pretty fair. Surprised to see where a couple teams are. Dallas seems very high for someone who is drafting 4th. Houston at +4200 seems low. AFC South not looking too good, but I do see improvement on the horizon. I think everyone took steps forward this year. It will be interesting to see where we are at after the draft. Only 6 short months until pre-season games. Thank god for the Combine, the Draft, and mini Camps. Helps with the withdraw symptoms!!!!!


    Any thoughts on the odds below:


    Arizona +1000

    Atlanta +4800

    Baltimore +3600

    Buffalo +4200

    Carolina +800

    Chicago +5500

    Cincy +1500

    Cleve. +20000

    Dallas +1600

    Denver +1000

    Detroit +5200

    GB      +1000

    Houston +4200

    Indy      +1600

    Jack.    +8200

    K.C      +2200

    L.A.      +4800

    Miami   +5600

    Minn.    +2400

    N.E.      +700

    N.O.      +6500

    NYG      +4800

    NYJ        +4000

    Oak.       +5500

    Phil.        +3800

    Pitt.         +900

    S.D.         +5800

    S.F.           +9000

    Seattle      +850

    T.Bay        +8200

    Tenn.        +20000

    Wash.       +4500



  13. Jaylon Smith if there in the first, otherwise I have no problem with an OL. the problem in the first is after Smith, unless we go with a CB or FS, I think OL is the best choice. I am really hoping Smith drops, and in the 2nd we can find a FS. I doubt Joseph will be there, but possibly Cravens or Kearse. I love Cash but he is more of a SS type, and we have Gaithers now, who I think will be good. I agree fully on the them of draft defense. The only caveat is:

    we need to sign a quality center and quality guard, and I do mean quality, Mack and Boone would be nice. Would love Osemele, but Boone will be cheaper I believe if he leaves SF who has a ton of cap space. I would also like a CB, but if we go quality, don't know if there will be money. If there is, heyward, jenkins, or johnson would be my picks. The important thing though, don't gamble on players and hope in FA, so it will free us up for defense in the draft!

  14. Sup-

    Would it not be direct correlation if you have a lot of cap space, that the percentage spent on the top 5 players is going to be lower for the teams who have cap space. The 5 teams highlighted have an incredible amount of cap space next year, plus their QB's are all on rookie contracts. It seems more a process of who is spending and who is not.

    OT, I was reading the article of the 5 teams who have cap space, Jacksonville having somewhere close to 60-70M next year, and wondering if it truly was a blessing. I used to think it was nice to have the cap space, but I now think it shows two things. The first one is the most important, you have lots of holes you need to fill. Second, you can look at the Colts or any other team who has tried to build teams through FA, and it just does not seem to work. Players who work with one team usually work because of the scheme. I think Cris Carter on Mike and Mike said one morning 90% of players who are stars with their teams are because of the scheme they run. I really believe the percentage may be high, but he is right. It is the reason FA is not a panacea, and has not really helped the Colts over the last 4 years. In fact, when you look at what they have done in spite of some of the signings, and it looks more impressive. I know we have plenty of cap space this year even after we sign Luck and our other FA's, I just hope we concentrate on a few quality players, maybe 2 OL, guard and center, a cornerback, and go as much defense in the draft to get younger on that side of the ball. The off topic was a littler longer than I thought!!! Thoughts welcome!

  15. I would love to get Boykin. Chip Kelly letting him go for a 5th was ridiculous. Boykin is not great, but he would be a player who would start from day one and his cost would not be restrictive. Vonn Miller and Wilkerson sound great, but I don't think either of them gets away, although Wilkerson of the two has the best shot. Still we will have about 20-25M after signing Luck and our FA's, and I like the direction of our OL, plus 16M is what Wilkerson is going to command. Too rich for my blood. Take that money and put it toward Mack and Osemele, then you can go after defense in draft to get younger. I would also love Hayward or Trumaine Johnson at CB, but I don't think GB lets Hayward out the door, but Johnson would be a great get, and like Boykin not incredibly expensive.

  16. Tackles today all have the same problem, they don't have fundamentals down usually because they play in the spread, and they don't need to learn certain techniques. I think if we draft a tackle like Conklin, it is very possible he gets moved to guard to start out the season, and as he progresses, see about the transition to tackle. A lot of OL coming out who were tackles do not have the footwork to be tackles in the NFL, but can slide in and be a good guard. Conklin would be perfect, since he is a road grater, and that is what we want. I would love to have Conklin or another tackle picked and slide them to guard if necessary, and then get Stanley or Kelly for a Center. For me, there are a bunch of good guards, who we could get in the 2nd or 3rd, so I would like are second to be on center. I am hoping our first is on Jaylon Smith. Also, who we pick is going to be affected if we sign a player like mack or osemele in FA.

  17. 17 hours ago, CR91 said:

    Well the timetable for Acl rehab is 9-12 months. So there is a chance he could be ready by September. First week? No, but I don't think he'll be on the pup list

    Guys, I think everyone is reacting to what is coming out of the Smith camp, and you know that is best case scenario. His surgery was only one month ago. So that means for the beginning of the year, rehab would be 9 months which would be possible if it was only an ACL, but his injury was not. It was an ACL-MCL tear.

    The only good news from his injury is there was no nerve damage, so everything you hear is going to be smoke. Gurley who everyone felt would be back by week 4-5 went at the 10 spot, and he was seen as a Peterson type of talent. Smith is seen as that type of talent, but I think anyone who drafts him has to be under the belief they may have to put him on PUP, and have him for the second half of the season, best case scenario. NFL teams usually treat first rounders as gold, and any information they get will be treated on the conservative side. I still believe there is a very good chance he slides to 18, and if he does not, he is not going to go in the top 10. I would be happy to move up and give a third this year and third next year to get him. I think he is a cornerstone player, but regardless, he is a gamble. He may never be the same player, but I still want to take the chance.

  18. I was watching the second half of the Senior Bowl yesterday, and it gave me a chance to hear Mike Mayock opine on what he had noticed over the week. As Spence tracked down the QB, Mayock said over the course of the week, Spence was the best player at his position, and there was a huge drop between him and the next player. He did say the DE position did not have a lot of depth this year as in past years. He loved how he got to the QB, his motor, and felt even with his off field problems which Spence has addressed, that he felt Spence would go high because of being the best this year in an area of need almost every team has. He also felt he would do well at the combine, which does not bode well for everyone who would like him with a horseshoe on his helmet. Daniel Jeremiah was interacting with Mayock when talking about Spence, and Jeremiah felt the same about how much better Spence was at his position.


    One other not I found interesting, Mayock was talking about QB's and how the teams drafting 2-4, Cleveland, San Diego, and Dallas really needed to look at the top QB's and pick one if they liked one. Cleveland I fully understood, Dallas because of Romo, and this is his third season being injured, he is 36, and I don't know how much longer the shoulder can hold up, and although he still loves Rivers, he felt he was at an age with all the hits he had taken over the years, it may be time to start looking for the heir apparent. Not sure I agree with him on that, but the point is, before we get to the 18th pick, I believe 3 QB's, Wentz, Goff and Lynch will all be gone. Regardless if Dallas and S.D. take a QB, St. Louis, oops I mean LA needs a QB even though they drafted Mannion last year, 49'ers, Bears, all are teams who need to think QB.

    My point is this helps us as far as Jaylon Smith hopefully dropping down to 18. I was reading here on the Forum Smith was doing really well after surgery, but his surgery was only one month ago, his people are putting out the "he should be ready for the beginning of the season", and an ACL injury usually takes 9 months for rehab. Smith was an ACL and MCL, and I think Smith will go in the first round, but I think there is a good chance he will be there at 18. Whether we grab him, do not know. So much is going to happen after the combine. So many guys will post great numbers, GM's will fall in love with them, and guys we don't even know will move up, and others will drop.


    I just thought it was really interesting on what Mayock and Jeremiah had to say yesterday. It was more interesting than the game at times.

  19. I was looking over cap space and teams, and as I posted earlier, agree with Sup. on who we will let go. The older FA's did not work. No way you keep Cole, AJ just had no rapport with Luck, Werner should go now that Pagano can field who he wants, and there will be one or two we don't expect. I love Mathis, but 36 and 6M/yr. I would like to let DQ go, and restructure Jones contract. Regardless I see about 50M, which is a pretty good place to be


    As I was going through cap space the team who really jumped up at me is Jacksonville. I know it is a little off topic, but they are in our division. They have over 70M in cap space this year!


    So Jacksonville is who I want to be in terms of cap space, Miami is who I don't want to be. That Suh signing is going to haunt them for at least 3 more years. 20% of your cap space spent on an interior DL. For that they could have signed 3 quality players at 10M/yr this season.

  20. I have to agree I don't think I would move up, unless Jack was there. I want an athletic LB who we can build around who can cover, like Kuechly. Call him the QB of the defense, and Monachino to mentor him, considering his track record with LB's, if he is given good material, we should get good results.

    As far as the trade, I would trade two 3rd rounders, one this year and ours next year. That makes up for the pt. differential. I don't think there is a chance Jack will be there, but he could fall also due to his injury. If Jaylon falls to 18, we take him. I know someone mentioned Nkemdiche has been mentioned, and I believe he will be there, but with problems off the field, and never lived up to the on the field hype. that is a name I don't want to here.


    One player that I am starting to think about is a player I hated just a few weeks ago, Reggie Ragland. The Tide DB's seem not to do well in the NFL, but the LB's, they seem to do really well. Look what Monachino did with CJ Mosley last year. I know Upshaw has not lived up to potential, but he is among the few. Hightower is a stud. Also, I was reading the other day one of his strengths is dropping back in coverage, and reading the QB's eyes for where the ball is going. Plus he is a ball hawk. I won't say he is flashy, but I think our new DC could make him into a Pro Bowler. One caveat, I would only draft him if Jaylon has been taken by another team. I am hoping all the other teams. If you look at all the teams ahead of us, only Chicago, New Orleans and Atlanta's top need happen to be a LB. Now that may not matter if you employ BPA, but still hoping Jaylon.

  21. How about drafting Ragland, and from what I have heard he is very good in coverage, and then let our new D.C. bring Upshaw over from Baltimore, who I believe has been overshadowed a bit. The only problem I have with our first round is the thought that if Jaylon Smith is available, that is who i want us to pick.


    We need a LB like Kuechly, Wagner, etc. I believe if Smith is there at 18 would be the steal of the draft.

  22. On 1/10/2016 at 10:43 PM, Superman said:


    That's possible. I could still see them offering him more than $5m/year. But even if they just let him walk, he'll get offers. I think his market value is higher than what you're thinking.

    Sup, really good numbers overall. With the releases you mentioned, the number I had heading into the season was right around 50M in cap space. I still don't quite get the 10M for draft picks though. I had us at about 27M after retaining our players and signing Luck.


    A couple of thoughts. On FA's, I would like a few quality over any quantity. Osemele is going to be where Lupati was last year, but I believe he would be worth it. I believe due to Flacco's contract and cap space they will let him leave. Draft our center of the future, Kelly from Alabama, and I think the line would be really looking up.

    I don't think Heyward is going for anything less than 7M/yr. but he would be worth it. I don't see G.B letting him go, since GB does not go for FA's, and try to retain their draft choices. Operates very much like Polian did.

    If we cannot get Heyward, I would love to have Weddle, but he may get more than I want to pay. I believe though is age is a plus. Wisdom at safety is a good thing, and he has a lot of good years left. Besides Weddle I don't want anyone who is older. I want to get younger. HALI is a no. Too old!  I also would not mind if our new DC would like to bring along Upshaw also!

  23. I am wondering of the centers who is going to be the first to go, and if any will go in the first round. I have seen Kelly projected in the first round, so I would prefer Martin since I don't want to go Center in the first round. I also would like to see about Tuerk. Comes from a good bloodline, and he may be a good choice. I just hope we get one of those three. Last time I believe a true Center went in the first round was Fredrickson. That worked out well for Dallas. I think after having Saturday for all those years, we forgot how nice it is to have someone who may not be the quickest, strongest, but is smart, and will out work the other guy. Would love to find someone who could fill his shoes.

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