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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. I am not even looking at the posts. How much do you think the writers on Rotoworld really know. I bet many of us are better informed on our team and what we have and don't thanks to Grigson. Way too many content providers who know very little, especially about Indy. Werner and Richardson were terrible busts, and that is all they know!

  2. I think we will find that Chud's ability as an OC is very good. Heck, look what he was able to do after Luck was hurt with the QB's who played and won.

    I think if you want an idea of what Chud is going to do, you may want to look to Carolina. He will not have Luck running the ball like Cam, but in Cam's first year he tailored the offense to fit him, and was one of the reasons he had such a great rookie campaign.

    I believe he will do this with Andrew, get him out of the pocket at times so he does not get hit and also make sure he has plays to get the ball out of his hand quickly, minimize the hits. That will be the strategy. I am actually excited about the offense.

    I don't think anyone realizes how badly offensive lineman coming into the league are ill prepared to block because the spread offenses. I think Philbin was another great choice and will make a huge difference. Once Pagano, Grigson, and Irsay had their meeting, and decided to stay the course, power returned to the coaching staff, which I believe is huge.

    After reading Peter King, and hearing what I heard was going on in camp about the discourse between Pagano and Grigson, with Luck out most of the season, how did we go 8-8. The defense will be improved because of the young guys second year, and the offense could be very good. I am hoping Dorsett can play in the slot, giving Luck that quick receiver like Brady had all those years with Welker.

  3. If you are not on one of the coasts, or Dallas (I have no idea why, when is the last time they won), then they know very little about us, except maybe for a few like Jaws, and Merrill because they watch a lot of tape for NFL Matchup show. Castanzo is entering his fifth year, may not be elite, but is very good. He had his toughest year, but I would take him any day over trading a high pick for Thomas, who is 31 now. I believe he is signed for 2 more years. After that, you have no assurance. Our left side is fine, we just need the center to be the glue. I am really hoping for a trade down and Kelly.

  4. I really like the draft! As far as the trade and the meaning of the chart, if the pick is for a QB in the first round, then the chart is a guideline imho. Simple supply/demand with QB's, especially if Denver wanted to move up, then the pot would have to be sweetened.


    I think their were other teams wanting Tenn. 1st, thus why they got so much. Regardless, these are only my pure opinions, and not gospel. If you don't agree, that is what America is about, but fair and friendly discourse is nice.



  5. From everything I have read, after about the 15th pick, many feel picks 16 all the way up to around 48 are the same guy as far as grades. Not a lot of difference, unless someone falls or you have fallen in love with someone. I would love us to do it. It is a 300 point difference, which means we switch first rounders and get their second and their fourth at least and it should be more. Draft points in the first round are only guidelines due to how badly teams want to move up. The second and fourth is fair compensation. I would want more. Denvers fourth is all the way at 136,  so with the second and fourth and first round swap, it comes out 323 points I believe. Not enough in my book for a 300 pt. difference in the first round. I would ask in addition for swapping firsts, their second, fourth and fifth which is actually fair, or the first round switch, , their second, and a third next year. Anyone who wants to move up to that position, especially for a QB has to pay a premium, and I would love the extra picks!


    This way we have 7 draft picks, and two in the second, and next year will have 8 and at least one more pick as we will get at least one high comp for Fleener, and possibly a 6 or 7 for Freeman and Lowery leaving. Next year with picks going in would be great!

  6. I thought we were hosed by the NFL, but at the same time when I thought they would have a bye week after the London game, I thought it was way too early. I think the Colts made the right decision. Even if we were to lose the next game after London due to jetlag, etc, I still think Colts made a smart move. Bye weeks are much more important as the season goes on, and having it in week 10 to me makes a big difference. Regardless of injuries, time to recharge everyone's batteries at that point of the season is a big bonus. I actually like the move. Gutsy, but I believe smart. We still should be relatively fresh after the fourth game, of course with our injury history, who knows but I still like it.

  7. Taking him in the second, when most teams are looking for a starter, is a huge gamble. The article says the nerve damage is as it was during the combine. Nerve damage, and as someone mentioned Peyton, takes a long time to regenerate, and no one knows if it will. He is young, he has a much better chance it will, but still a gamble. We will not take him now and he will fall. The team who takes him is someone like Tenn. or NE who have multiple draft choices in the 2nd and 3rd round. It is worth the gamble then. I hate to think of Tenn. gambling one of those picks they picked up from LA, and him turning returning to complete form. On the other hand, I am a big fan of Jaylon, and hope he does get better.  He was a hell of a player and would have gone top 5. If t.he nerve damage repairs itself over the year, someone is going to get a steal.


    The one thing I don't like about all this is the negatives people are putting out, as shown by the info. on Jack. Teams who want him want him to fall, so leak to Rappoport there is a problem, Jack's agent's see the tweet and talk to an ESPN reporter. In the end, it is up to each individual team doctor who will fall.


    Carolina got a good player two years ago when Star Loutolalai fell on heart concerns, which turned out to be nothing, so it happens. On the other hand, I can think of a couple of picks the last few years gambled on injuries which turned out bad. SF has had terrible luck. First Lattirmore, and then either two years ago or last year, the guard who was from Clemson, who would have gone 1st round, tore his ACL, and SF picked him up in the 3rd. They had a lot of picks then and few holes, so they could take a gamble. That is why a team like NE is in a good spot if they choose to. If I am Tenn. I am really looking at those medicals really hard, and telling my team Doctor, give me some good news!

  8. 24 minutes ago, Surge89 said:


    I don't understand how they gave up too much.  They only gave up top 100 players of this draft and their 1st and 3rd of next.  After that they have given up nothing.  Many are comparing this to the RG3 trade when it isn't even close.  Rams did it the smart way.  They have an established roster all they need is a QB.  If they get even 20% more production from the QB spot than last year they will be a 9-11 win team.  That alone is worth.


    And they only have to give up 2 years of draft talent (they still have a 2nd next year and whatever comp picks they get).  To me this is how you go and get your guy.  Regardless if they bomb out or not. 


    Then the flip side everyone is praising the Titans but they could end up drafting Spence/Nkemdiche and Jaylon Smith and have all 3 out of the league by their 3rd year...  Just wait and see lol....

    Agree completely! The key is going to be for the Rams if Wentz is worth the price. We won't know for awhile. Tenn. got a lot, but not nearly like the RGIII trade. My only thing I like about this, is depending on Smith's medical, I would use those two early number 2's to get Smith if his medical comes back clean. Then they get a true impact player, but this does not compare to RGIII and what Washington gave up to move up only 4 spots!

  9. This is not better than the RGIII trade! That was for switching from 6 to 2 and they switched draft picks, gave up a second rounder that year and first rounders for the following two years. First round draft picks are far more valuable.

    Six picks is great in the first 3 rounds, but they would have still had their 3, and by going down to 15 they lose one of the 4-5 true impact players or what we think who will be. They say they hope Conklin will drop to them, but I think he will be gone.


    Also, lets not anoint them yet. The Rams got that huge haul from Washington, and yes they built a defense, but did it help them in the long run? Not really!


    Cleveland has traded out of its top 10 picks repeatedly and had multiple number 1 picks the last couple years it seems, and has it helped? Well Cleveland may be its own category.


    They needed Tunsil to protect Mariota. He is already injury prone. The key for the Titans is Mariota. If he works out, the picks will really elevate them. If he does not, then the picks help, but you still need a franchise QB, and I think he is a little fragile. The should have traded down to #8 at most and then still would have gotten Stanley or Conklin! JMHO!!

  10. Well in the last 3 drafts, we have selected Jarvis Jones, Ryan Shazier, and Bud Dupree.

    So I think we are OK on LB's, a staple of our past teams.

    Offensive line stocked with 1st rounders.


    Problem is we cannot stop anyone from throwing. 29th in Pass defense giving up 272 yds. a game. Cortez Allen was terrible, and may be hurt. So I think you can see where I am going.

  11. Just now, ColtsFanMikeC said:


    I was very impressed with his strip sack to end the game vs. Oregon (a major upset) on Mariotta -- Mariotta, at the time, was one of the more mobile QBs in college football.  Mariotta is now one of the more mobile QBs in the NFL.  Bjoern Werner probably could not pull that move off, with a tackle on him, to save his life.  Scooby may not look to be very athletic on tape, but you don't make those kinds of plays (and looking at other tape, that's not the only time he made plays like that) without being an athlete.

    Fully agree, he is a good athlete, and as I said, football IQ determines a lot on the field. When tackling, the right angle when pursuing a player, can make a player who may not be as fleet of foot as a QB or RB still make the play because he understands the game. Scooby is one of those guys, and I believe he can be a 3 down player.

  12. 9 hours ago, PeterBowman said:

    honestly, I'm ok with either...........but what I do know is that there will be A LOT of talent available at 18 and it'll just be a matter of who the team values more.


    but all that talent available could make it harder for teams to trade down too.

    If there is a lot of talent available, I get what you are saying about it being a very deep draft. I agree, After the top 15, you may have another 35 who are 2nd rounders as far as ranking, But because someone is going to fall in love with some of these players do to the deep pool, I can see someone wanting to reach because they want that one person at that position. Joseph is a perfect example. He could go in the second, but I really like the kid, and would not be upset if we took him, and we need a player like him to pair with Geathers. I also can see many teams thinking the same thing about players like Butler, Alexander, Apple to name a few when we get to our space, and wanting to move up, which I would really like.


    I think another point which would really help us is if four QB's go in the first round. Many thing Wentz, Goff, Lynch, and now Connor Cook is sneaking up lately and could go late first round. If they all go in the first round, it means more talent available at our slot, and maybe more interest in our position. What if Lynch goes to the Rams at 15, and someone wants Cook. They are going to have to move up. I was surprised how much Gruden loved Connor Cook the other day. Plus, a QB in the first round is so important because that 5th option year if you hit. So I am going to say the depth may help us trade down. Would love to trade down. Arizona is going to have to think about a replacement for Palmer. He gets hurt, and sitting on the sidelines and learning a couple of years would be great for a young QB. Denver also needs to draft a QB, and let him learn. Would love to trade down, we could still get our Center of the future, Kelly at 29 or 31 I believe or maybe Joseph, and then take their 2nd rounder. Denver would have to give us their 2nd and a later pick also. Arizona does not have a second, so they would have to give us their 2nd next year, and a 3rd this year. Regardless of the draft pick points, you have to pay a little premium to move back into the first round generally, and those would be two realistic trade points. Minnesota, depending on who they want might want to trade also, and they would have to give us a 3rd, and a later pick also. I believe Minn. is going to want a WR, as well as Houson, and Corey Coleman sounds the most logical pick for both teams. To get Coleman, they have to move ahead of Houston. Grigson has never moved out of the first, but this would be a good year to move down in the first if possible and pick up one or two more draft picks. A second from Arizona for next year plus a 3rd this year would be nice, especially with what I see as a 4th round comp pick for Fleener.

  13. 6 hours ago, stitches said:

    He looks slow on tape and he tested slow! Extremely slow even in college competition. I wouldn't draft him in the first 3 rounds.

    How did he make all those tackles, tackles for loss, etc. if he is that slow. I think the tape is good. I pay attention to the combine, but the overall stats. and tape is more important.

    He is a baller, plain and simple and will make a team better. Great attitude, just wants to win and improve.


    Last and not least, Jerry Rice was slow, 4.6, which for a WR is slow. When he was on the field, when the ball was in his hands, all he did was run away from people. Football speed is different. Also Football IQ and intangibles make up for many things.

  14. 1 hour ago, akcolt said:

    I am looking at KeiVarie Russell who can play outside. I think he could excel if moved to FS. He has great speed, plays the ball in front of him very well and isn't afraid to stick his nose in there vs the run. He doesn't have a lot of experience at CB. He was a RB when he arrived in South Bend moved to CB his freshman year. The kid has a very high ceiling IMO. 


    LB is a spot we will hit. We worked out Rhodes ILB today. It looks like we are interested in adding a guy in the middle. We only have 3 OLB's on the roster. All 3 are over 30 so we are locked in there.


    I think we get a C and OLB maybe OLB's for sure. We don't walk away from the draft without an OLB and C. I feel pretty certain we end up with a S too.


    I think we look for hard at DL ILB & OG but I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't take any of those positions. There is always a chance for a CB TE or RB. I don't see taking any of those positions until day 3 unless someone falls in our laps. 


    We can really improve all 3 levels of the D in this years draft. I hope we focus on D. I am interested to see what we do at OLB and OG. Two of the weakest if not the weakest groups in the draft. There's an agreement OLB is weak. 


    I feel the same about OG's. That's why I don't think it's a given we take an OG. I don't see any that wow me. Whitehair is the most highly thought of he played OT. I'm not saying he can't slide inside but he didn't spend a lot of time in a three point stance at KSU. I was surprised by his lack of strength on the bench press and his short arms. I am not calling bust I just don't see a 1st rounder.


    After him I'm not sure I'd consider anyone before the back half of the 3rd. I would not take Garrett if a player like Johnson was there PSU's or MSU's. 


    The two G's  I like the most many seem to think their best position will be C. Westerman and Seumola. Add those two to an already deep C class then someone explain why anyone would want us to reach for Kelly at 18. 

    Mayock likes Kevari Russell a lot, and has moved him to the FS spot, and has him at number 3 or 4. He would be a good pick as a FS in the third round.


    As far as Kelly is concerned, I am one who has advocated for him, and said it was a bit of a reach, but the position is so important. If we don't protect Andrew this year, after what happened to him last year, and how he tries to make plays out of nothing, I am afraid he may become gun shy at some point. Probably not, but I don't want to find out. The Center is the key to the line, and Kelly is very underrated on this board. Jeremiah released his latest rankings and has him as his 21st ranked player. He is a player that we can plug and play immediately, played in a pro system, and I believe would be as Saturday was to Manning for the next ten years. That is worth a small reach!

  15. Keanu Neal is ranked the second safety by CBS but they don't project him as a starter. Here is their analysis:


    STRENGTHS: Looks the part with a developed physique and long arms. Highly physical and aggressive tackler, using his length to hit, lift and drive. Plays with violence and anger, exploding through his hips and striking with authority.


    Smooth athlete for his size and controls his momentum well in space. Consistent play speed, showing functional range. Attacks alleys and flows well with the action, never playing bored. Tough player and fights through pain. Productive junior season, averaging 8.7 tackles per start in 2015.


    WEAKNESSES: One-speed athlete and doesn't play with much burst. Physical striker, but doesn't consistently square up his target, break down in motion or wrap to finish. Wild angles and takes wasted steps vs. the run and in coverage.


    Streaky take-on technique and late to separate from blocks. Makes it too easy for receivers to block him in the open field. Struggles to anticipate, biting on fakes.


    Needs to see things a tick faster to be more of a reliable playmaker. Eyes stuck in the backfield, allowing spacing from his coverage responsibilities. Marginal spatial awareness and tends to play with tunnel vision. Durability concerns, missing seven starts the last two seasons.


    IN OUR VIEW: While he showed improvements in the deep half of the field in coverage, he is best known as an eraser downhill, playing with violent intentions and looking to lay the wood. Neal enjoys contact and is a physical striker, but needs mechanical work as too many of his tackle attempts are off balance due to streaky angles.


    He might be able to start down the road in the NFL, but requires time to improve his discipline as he doesn't have the athleticism to make up for wasted steps. Neal will be a special teams demon due to his relentless nature while competing for snaps on defense.


    --Dane Brugler (1/11/16)


    Sounds like we already have the same kind of player in Geathers. I want a FS who can ball hawk. As I said, it may be early, but I would have preferred Joseph to Neal.


    One thing to remember though is need drives a lot of teams. Remember three years ago I believe, we all like the safety from Washington State, Deonne Buchannon. There were only a few good safeties that year, Calvin Prior, Ward, and we all expected Buchannon to go at best early to late 2nd round, and liked the kid. He got picked by the Cardinals late in the first round. He now has been moved to ILB once Mathieu was drafted, but it turned out they thought he was worth a first round pick, and since he is a starter, and produces I think the Cardinals were right. Everyone's big board rules. So in the end, Keanu Neal may be a stud!

  16. I would love the draft. I have been looking at Walter for the last few months, and this is the first time I have seen them pick Kelly, which I would love for the solid value. Jeremiah from NFL.com now has him as his 21st best player, so I don't think it as much a reach as most think. Love the second one since Spence could be really good, but we are not gambling a first on him. Paul Perkins in the 4th, good RB at a good price.


    This is the first mock I really liked from Walter. They have Whitehair going late 2nd to early 3rd. I would love to get him in the 3rd.

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