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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. Boone has been very good, but he was upset last year with SF about his contract, and they ended up giving him a little more for the year to placate him. He is 28 and this will be the year he will want to cash in, last really big FA contract, so he will not be cheap. SF has the cap space, and I think he signs.


    I think Osemele is the one who will be in high demand, and Baltimore will let walk for the comp. pick. That is Ozzies M.O. and it works for them. Add in Yanda's contract, Joe Flacco's contract was massively backloaded when he signed it after the superbowl in 2013, so his contract hit this year is over 28.5M, in 17 it is 31.15M and 24.5M for 18, so they have to do something with him. I am guessing a restructuring. Last but not least, Baltimore only has 3.7M in capspace this year, so as much as they want to sign Osemele, unless they franchise him they are going to let him test the waters. He is 26, and I would love to have him. I would love to pick up him and Mack. Mack had a tough season last year, but if he is willing to take a little less to play with a contender, we would instantly improve the line. A veteran at C, a young stud at guard, our LT is set. We would look very good on the OL going into the draft.


    On the defensive side, I would love to have Trumaine Johnson, and if Weddle does not demand the sky, he would be a nice pickup. Yes he is 30, but he is very good, and safety is more about football IQ. S is the leader of the defense, and a veteran with a lot of good years would really help. Johnson and Weddle would be nice on the defensive side!

  2. All he ever did was play ball. He was not a diva. He did not talk smack. He just went out and became one of the top 10 receivers of all time, and at a time when Marvin was the number one. Never heard him complain once. Canton awaits!


    What will I miss the most though? The arrival to Colts training camp and the mode of arrival!

  3. 4 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

    I was there. Hail mary was right in front of us.

    the whole stadium thought he caught it.

    i've never heard it so quiet in Three Rivers.

    what a game.

    that darn shoestring tackle.  Slash stepping out of endzone then cwtching td.

    crap.  We woulda beat Dallas too!

    Kordell Stewart blatantly stepping out of the endzone and then coming back in illegally to catch the TD is the main thing I remember. It is one of the reasons replay was brought back if I am not mistaken. I was xxxx. All of a sudden, I thought Aaron Bailey came down with the catch, and then a big sign from the crowd. The Hail Mary for me was exciting, although he could not hold on. Stewart was thievery on the part of the Steelers!

  4. On 1/13/2016 at 10:05 PM, grmasterb said:

    I prefer WKRP in Cincinnati. 



    "As god is my witness, I thought Turkeys could fly". One of the best episodes of any series ever. And if Blue could hold onto the ball, none of this would have happened or been possible.

  5. Who I feel worst for is all the people who are going to be losing jobs and money due to the move. No one thinks of the vendors selling at the game. All of the bars and business who will lose money to the team moving. These are the real losers. Kronke cares about one thing, and it is the bottom line. He has put a terrible product out there, and now the value of his team will sky rocket. Plus LA cannot support one team let alone two. The past should be a lesson, and I know they have a lot of other plans for the stadium, but too many teams and things to do. LA does not need two teams, and have been fine without any for the last 20 years.

  6. 12 hours ago, Superman said:


    He gets input into who the GM will be. I figure that's a compelling factor.

    I just don't think this is going to work. First there are basically 3 GM's, two statistical money ball guys, and one who I assume who will be football oriented, but Sashe has the final say, and he is statistical, so the final say over the GM means little to me.


    The other thing which I think is more important is leave it to the Browns to find a coach who does not match what they are doing. Hue is an old school guy. Not a new age numbers guy. Football is not Baseball, and I just don't see the marriage working. They needed a younger guy who understands this is a bit of an experiment. I give the Browns credit for trying the experiment, but in football there are places for statistics, but that is in certain decisions during the game. It will be hard to apply that to player personnel.


    One more thing, only Haslam would go this route, when just two years ago he had that study commissioned for 100K to see what QB would be best to draft and it came back as Bridgewater. So he goes and picks Manziel. Why have statistics if you don't listen to them, and in this case the study was right. Maybe statistics will find a place, but I don't think Jackson is the best fit, and I don't see the Moneyball effect, especially when you have an owner who likes to meddle in all the decisions. 3 GM's, one head coach and a meddling owner. What a great winning formula. I feel bad for those fans, and all of us should look at Cleveland when we get on this board and crucify Irsay. He has been a great owner when you look at other organizations!

  7. On 1/12/2016 at 1:20 AM, Coltscrazy said:

    I really don't want people to think I hate Hilton.  I think he is a great receiver.  Elite.  His hand, routes and speed are special.  To me, it is just a matter of resources.  When we pay receivers 11 mil a year, it will have crippling consequences.  Edelman makes around 4.5.  That is much more reasonable for a player away from the line of scrimmage.  There was much more wrong with the Pats than just losing Edelman.   If we had an elite O-line with Luck, I think we could score on anybody.  If we win the line of scrimmage on D and have two lock down corners, I think that would make a pretty aggressive defense.  Another reason to think 4-3 is the fact that we do not have a dominant nose tackle.  Parry is good, I really like him, but he is not elite.  Without a dominant NT and only average linebackers, we are looking at a lengthy rebuilding process on defense.

    Hiltons number will be 7% of the cap this year. You look at all the other top WR's and he is a steal. He runs great routes, has a rapport with Luck, and takes the top off the defense. If he was 6 inches taller, he would make 14-15M/yr. No way you trade him!

  8. Jaylon tore his ACL and MCL, and I don't believe he will play next season, but I still agree. He should be there at 18 and is worth the wait. Love the other picks, especially Scooby. I also would like to sign Mack. He is 30, and did not have a good year, but it has got to be hard after awhile to play for a losing team. He would bring

    stability to the line. Great draft!

  9. On 1/12/2016 at 2:56 PM, Valpo2004 said:

    Franchise tag for QB for last year was 18.5M


    Using the franchise tag more then once causes it to go up by I believe 20%.


    You are better of signing a long term contract in the end.  Franchise tag just gives you flexibility to keep your guy from going to FA while you work on a long term deal.




    Accurate info about the franchise tag. A little more about it. The franchise tag is the average of the top 5 salaries at the position. You are spot on for the Franchise tag for 2016, a QB is $18,544,000. If you are tagged a second time, you will receive the average salary of the highest 5 QB's again, or 20% more than you received the year before, which ever number is higher. Theoretically I guess if there was a year where several franchise QB's contracts were up, and the cap jumped, the average of the top 5 if they resigned could be hire than the 20% but highly doubtful. Regardless we don't want to get into that mess. This is an option year. We do the deal this year, and make it a 6 year deal with a 5 year extension.


    I think the talk about Luck getting 25M is a little much. As all the elite QB's they just want the top dollar figure when they are paid. It depends on who gets extended this off season since Eli is going to get a new contract, and I think Rivers also, but regardless right now Aaron Rogers has the top QB salary of 22M a year. I won't get into how it is structured, because all though it is a big deal as far as guaranteed money, we are just looking at yearly figures here. Andrew will be happy getting something just over 22M to make him the highest paid QB when the extension is signed, so maybe 22.25M/yr. So for 6 years you get a total of $129,744,000, which comes out to approximately 21.6M yr as far as cap hit. I think that is quite fair when you look at QB's like Tannehill, Dalton, and what they are being paid.


    The cap has been moving up around 8-9% a year as of late. This year it should be 153-154M. In 2017 when his extension begins, if the cap continues its climb, and I assume it will due to TV revenues and the LA deals, the cap in 2017 should be around 165M. If you look at Andrews % of cap space it will be right at  13% and will drop as the cap increases going forward. I read an interesting article on OTC about Franchise QB's and what what their cap space should be. The number they quote is as long as your        franchise QB is making 13% or less of your cap space, you have done a good job in working out a contract. Our contract will be that number, and decline until his next deal, so i would say we are in great shape. Irsay says Luck is one of the priorities this off season, and I have no doubt he will get signed. I would have preferred last season, but you roll with the punches. Who knows, maybe Andrew will say I only played 7 games this year, so I deserve less. Of course the opposite could be sack dummies cost more. I think what I have laid out, and how Andrew carries himself about all things football is reasonable, and we should be fine with the contract he gets!


    If Andrew would marry a model, we could get him for the 7M/yr mentioned in the first post. That is about what Brady's cap hit is. You would think the NFLPA would say something to him since it hurts QB salaries, but as they say "it is good to be the king", it is also "good to marry a model", especially one who eclipses his salary by quite a bit I believe.

  10. 3 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

    I know he's a popular target to make fun of. But don't forget he was a really good looking young QB his rookie year. I wonder what history would look like had he never gotten injured. With that said I think he'll probably go somewhere and get another chance to start. Maybe a team like the Browns, Texans, Eagles, 49ers, Rams, or maybe even a team like the Jets. Or possibly the Cowboys as a backup waiting for Romo's inevitable injury. Some of those teams are going to draft a QB. I think the Browns will. So I think RG3's best fit may be the Texans. I'm sure their kicking themselves for passing on Derrick Carr. Maybe they'll try to bring him back to his home state and who knows. He may rediscover his rookie season success.

    No way he goes to Houston, or I would be very surprised. O'Brien wants a drop back QB, not one who comes from the spread. RG's main problem was trying to reinvent himself as a pocket passer. Now it is possible considering what Houston has for QB's right now, they would be willing to work an offense around him, with a lot of boots, get him on the edge, but I just don't see that. I think Houston is going to go with Cook, Wentz, or Hackenberg. Depends on which one drops to the second or third round and O'Brien thinks he can mold. Remember they drafted Tom Savage last year also.

  11. Regardless of how it is structured, if the Bills don't make the playoffs, the owner has said that Ryan will be fired. Pegula came out last week with the ultimatum regardless of it only being Rex's second year. They want return on the dollar for all the bucks they have shelled out to that defensive line. I don't think hiring Rob was the best thing to do, but brothers don't grow on trees, and if Rex gets fired next year, it may be Rob who hires Rex the next time.

  12. Ben is going to play. One of the sites I trust has Denver at minus six, and they won't post a number until they are sure if a player is going to go or not. Will Antonio go, my guess is yes. Just remember, as far as lines,

    if Pitt was healthy, no questions about Ben or Antonio, Denver would be at most a three pt. favorite.


    Peyton is still having problems pushing off the back foot for long throws and when he needs velocity. The major weakness Pitt has is their corners, and Peyton's foot and how it affects his throwing could really help Pitts corners if they don't need to worry about the deep ball or outside the hash marks.

  13. We don't have the talent on the defensive side of the ball where I think we can gamble, and Spence would be a bit of one. I also love Jaylon Smith, and want us to take him, but the non gambling side of me says he won't be ready next year, and we need our first round pick, whether offensive or defensive to play.

    Now I love the second pick, and the third, I don't think Joseph is going to fall to the third round, but I may be wrong. His knee injury was in October, so he should be fine, but it will affect his stock. If I could pick a safety after round 1, I would probably go with Kearse from Clemson, but then it comes down to what we do in the offseason first. I would love to get Osemele, then we don't have to worry about an OL in the first round, go defense in the first.

  14. On 1/4/2016 at 10:23 PM, danlhart87 said:

    Both #1 seeds go one and done

    Both #2 seeds play in the SB (Cards win)


    Dan I would not call them bold, in fact I think it is quite possible. The Broncos are not going too far because Peyton still cannot push off his back foot, and that will not get better during the playoffs, so they won't beat the Steelers and Patriots. I don't think KC will make it though, due to the loss of Jeremy Maclin. That really hurts them if his knee is as bad as it looked.


    On the AFC side, the Cardinals are better than the Panthers, and when the Seahawks have it going, they are a handful. So I think we

  15. You can say it is not O'Brien's fault he does not have a QB, since the GM is ultimately responsible, but they could have taken Teddy Bridgewater or Derek Carr two years ago. Imagine how good they could be with either of those two guys. The defense has not looked particularly good today, but it has to be hard to play when your QB gives up 5 TO's, and some of them were just plain terrible, The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Interceptions were, "what were you thinking" TO's. On the second Interception, they would have at least had a FG. You just cannot throw that ball. The third one was after they stopped them, 2 minutes to go and ball  on the forty. Both of those they were down by only 13-0, and could have re-energized them. Terrible game, and where they are picking this year, a QB is going to be a developmental prospect most likely.


    I have to think Houston's owner, who was so patient with Kubiak will give O'Brien more time. As far as we are concerned, I am glad they don't have a QB. It is a waste of JJ Watt's talents.

  16. Jaylon Smith is going to have reconstructive surgery on his knee. This means it must have been a total ACL tear like Gurleys. I would not think he would be ready to go until October, but I believe he would be worth the 18th pick. I had been wishing there was a way to trade up for him, and hate to say I hoped we would lose and go 6-10 so we could get him. I hate to see what happened to him, but I believe he will be there for us when our number is called. He still could go back for his senior year, but I think it would be silly after the injury and his insurance policy pays him if he does not go 1st round.

  17. I think Mack would take less. He said he is sick of losing!  I don't think the Browns have inspired him since yesterday they have run two guys to run the team, one is not a football buy, stats. guy, and the other had NFL experience, but is another moneyball (stats) guy. It may work, but if I am Mack, and 30, I would not wait around. 8-9 M would be great money, especially as much as he made the last two years, and there was a reason he made sure he could opt out after two years and no franchise tag could be applied.

  18. 21 hours ago, GoColtsWin said:

    It's comical how thin skinned some are in regards to Jim Irsay. I still remember how bad we were in the 80's. Count On Losing This Sunday! That's the acronym we as fans had to live with. Remember, that was the days when the Patriots were a laughing stock. These are good days, whether we are in the playoffs this year or not. We have allot to be thankful for now, and Jim Irsay is the reason. JMO

    Robert Irsay was in charge in the 80's and FA and the cap were not part of football. The game has changed completely since then. Judge him on what he has done since he was in charge, and you may want to bring up some personal shortcomings if you don't like him, but his management of the team has been very good. Until Caldwell was fired and Polian left, we were considered a model franchise.

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