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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. I had an emotional attachment to Manning, since I always loved how he represented our team, such a classy person. Truly put the team on the map not only with his play, but with that "it' factor. With that said, when I knew we would have the number one pick, I thought the right move was Luck. Normally I don't listen to the so called talent evaluators, but everyone was consistent on their opinion, plus what my eyes showed me. I also thought is Peyton sure to come back healthy, and even then how many years would he have, maybe 4 and if Luck was what everyone was saying, we would get another 15 years. One more thing has swung me even further. I know Peyton wants to be perfect, but when he is saying he has trouble when he throws to the right side of the field, and talks about velocity, you wonder if the nerve will ever fully regenerate. Peyton Manning at 90% will still be great, but I still worry about the arm, especially as the season goes on. Emotionally I hated the decision, but on a factual basis it was definitely the right one. Now, with hindsight and seeing Luck, my emotional side feels a little better about the decision, although it still hurts to see him in that Denver uniform!

  2. Hey everyone. New member, and love all the info. I was looking at the conditional pick also and thinking how it affects are draft picks next year. I agree I don't like giving up the late round draft picks but so far I trust in Grigson, and if it is conditional, I am OK with it. What I wanted to address was everyone saying we don't have a 5,6,or 7 pick next year. Remember, we will be getting supplementary picks for our Free Agents which were signed, and from what I can tell, at worst we should get a 4th, 6th, and 7th and possibly a 3rd, 5th, and 7th. From looking at Wikipedia, and how supplementary picks worth is decided, one of the main factors is how much money was paid to them. Garcon was given 8M a year, which may be worth a 3rd, but definitely a 4th. Saturday will be worth a 5th or 6th and Tamme will be worth a 7th. Each one of these FA's will give us a supplemental pick. There are other deciding factors, but what they signed for seems like the biggest influence. Were any other FA's signed that anyone can think of?

    Glad to be a part of the board, and Luck looks great!!!!!!


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