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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. Gurley will come out this year, due to the insurance Georgia bought for him. It covers him this year if injury significantly hurts his draft status. Basically if he falls out of first round, insurance will make up difference in money between contracts to wherever he falls. Georgia did him a solid upping his insurance to 10M in case of injury, so he will be coming out. Lot of opinion about where he goes. Gordon goes first, but Gurley will be late 1st or early 2nd I believe.


    I still don't want a RB until later. So many good backs, and with the position devalued, we can get a good one late.

  2. One more quick thought, I don't know if we let go of Landry and Cherilus due to the large cap hits next year, but if we are going to do it, we would have savings in 16 and 17 of around 16M and 17M, which would be great since that is when we start paying Luck. Regardless, Cherilus and Landry have significant dead money hits next year, but there contracts are so backloaded, if we don't think they are answers, it would be best to take the pain now, and reap the benefits after 2015 season.

  3. Just a few quick comments about several of the players. Rashad Greene will never last until the 3rd round. Arik Armstrong projected 1st round. One of my favorite players is Cody Prewitt, but he will be gone by middle of the 2nd at the latest from everything I have read. Also, Melvin Gordon is going to go first round, top 20, expecially since Gurley has gone down with ACL. He would have gone first round even if Gurley was healthy, but Gurley would have gone before him.

    I really love the names being put out, but the draft position is way too low IMHO.

    I would like to take our first, and trade it for a two 2nds, and a 3rd. We would have to throw in our 4th rounder, but there is so much depth in the late 1st and 2nd. I looked at the trade value charts, and if we draft at 24, trade it, and our 4th, we would get two 2nds and a 3rd. With the depth, it would be nice.

  4. Two: Cherilus is scheduled to make a boat-load of money, so this will save cap space in the immediate term.  The space can be used to improve other areas of the team.  Three: In preparation for Luck's big contract in two years, the Colts need to find positions they traditionally spend a lot and find cheaper options.


    I don't know how Cherilus will play next season, but he will be in Indy, guaranteed, unless a severe injury takes him out for the seaon. Next year he counts 6.9M as his cap charge. If we cut him, we actually lose 1.8M for the year, and have dead money against the cap of 8.7M for 2015. That is a hefty chunk, so he will be given every chance. Now if we cut him, we would gain 10M in 2016, and 11M in cap savings in 2017. He should not have been given a backloaded 5 yr. contract. I had no problem with the price at the time though since he was rated high as a RT. I am hoping it is a groin hurting his play. I will say if we decide to go tackle, and there are many good ones, we absorb the dead money next year of 8.7M, but we do save the 21M in 16 and 17, so what you say makes some sense, but the money freed up will not help us next year.

    One more thing, so many teams are playing the spread option, and spreading the teams out, run blocking has become a lost art and pass blocking to some extent have really suffered in college, and it is taking players time to acclimate. Look at all the high first round tackles taken lately.


    Kalil- Struggling

    Joekel-Major struggles and injury




    I could go on. Very few success stories. More guards have had success than tackles lately.


    I could go on but you get the picture. There are a lot of quality tackles this year, and some are falling right now. I have seen 6 tackles projected in the first round. That is not going to happen. Cedric Ogbuehi from Texas AM has been falling like a rock, and he was projected top 5. Look at Matthews and Joeckel who both are from Texas AM and both struggling, from the spread. Ereck Flowers has a grade of early 2nd in most mocks I have seen. I just believe we can get a good tackle in the second round, but we have a lot of lineman hurt who will be coming back also. I would prefer one of the safeties or cornerbacks with the first pick.

  5. If we look at where the colts are going to draft, to be conservative lets say #24 or above. The draft value of our picks will have be 1080 points in trade value, and depending how the playoffs go could be worse. Regardless, that amount of points does let us get just to about the 15th pick, maybe a little better depending who we are trading with, and how much they want to move back and acquire picks. I like Collins in run support, but I am not sure of his ball skills, and that is our number one priority in a safety I believe.


    One thing I do know, if a safety does well in the combine or pro day, and has some buzz going in, they will go before #15. Most mocks have Collins going in the top ten. I don't put too much into mock drafts from the pros except for the top 10. If he does well at the combine or pro day, he will go high. Alabama products always seem to go higher due to the school. Barron back in 13, went 7th to the Bucs, and they just traded him away. Everyone thought he was going to be great, and perhaps he still will be.


    Regardless, keep all our picks and  hope P.J. Williams from Florida State or Ekpre-Olomo from Oregon fall to our spot. Also, we may think about Marcus Peters from Washington. He is going to fall, I just don't know how far, and if his behavior is detrimental or not.


    In the second round, I would really like Cody Prewitt out of Ole Miss. I don't know if he will fall that far into the second round though. After pro days and combine, he may go much higher. Really like his ball skills.

  6. Colts are minus 3 now and I would not be surprised to see it up to minus 3- or 4. The reason. Brady on the road since 2009, against teams with a winning record, is 3-11. Vegas knows this, and it is why the line came out at minus 2-.


    Hope it holds!

  7. Spoiler-I am jumping ahead to the end of the season, but only since we have a bit of a break!


    Well we have a couple of weeks to look at the good things, and some of the bad that has happened in our first nine games. I think it is undeniable how good the offense looks compared to last year, and it seems Pep has come to the conclusion to put the ball in Andrew's hands, and play to the strengths of the team.


    So we are nine games in, and the games and season seem to go by faster each year! So with two weeks,  I was wondering with the numbers the team is putting up, has anybody let their mind go to the offseason yet. Last year after the season, Pep was getting serious consideration for Head coaching positions. With the numbers being put up, the attention is only going to grow. My question, if Pep were to be hired away, would we just replace him with Chud. and basically keep the offensive scheme we have? When you consider the offensive monster we are morphing into, I don't want anything to derail the train. Keep the offense on autopilot and keep building the defense up. 

  8. Free Agency signing seem to always be a bust, unless done very strategically. If you try and build a team in one or two years through FA, Miami, Tampa Bay, Washington, it never seems to work. Washington particularly should be held out as a warning sign. It just shows how important chemistry is, and make sure when you use FA, they fit the system and character of the team. Also, don't believe we ever thought how well we would do in the Free Agent area after the draft. We got some real keepers I believe!

  9. Colts.com has an article today showing Colts lead in plays per game run by offense. When you look a little deeper, look at the Possession Time, and the Colts lead the league. It is incredible how much they have held the ball, and really reflects how much the OL has improved. The last three games we have held the ball for an average of 39.43 minutes. An incredible two to one ratio in possession time. For the season 36.55 minutes. Everyone on the planet keeps talking about Dallas and there run game, and how great they are. I have to give them props, surprised me, but I never hear the Colts mentioned, and the Cowboys who are in second place are a full 3:05 minutes behind us. Just an incredible stat. I have listed all the teams below, the stats come from Team Rankings for anyone interested, and I will post the link. How great is it to have an OL and all these playmakers? Remember pre-season how everyone was so worried about the OL. I was one of them, seems distant now.


    Rank Team 2014 Last 3 Last 1 Home Away 2013 1 Indianapolis 36:55 38:25 39:43 39:15 33:49 29:01 2 Dallas 33:50 34:08 33:49 32:43 35:20 29:01 3 San Francisco 33:23 32:14 32:01 37:24 30:23 30:21 4 Detroit 33:10 30:46 32:18 33:34 32:38 32:16 5 San Diego 32:37 32:18 21:00 32:53 32:15 32:19 6 Pittsburgh 32:23 33:29 32:06 32:56 31:58 30:53 7 Kansas City 31:55 33:07 39:00 29:21 33:13 31:20 8 St Louis 31:25 30:39 27:36 30:52 32:32 29:05 9 Chicago 30:47 30:37 22:38 30:40 30:52 30:25 10 Arizona 30:29 31:59 36:57 31:16 29:43 30:46 11 Baltimore 30:23 28:54 33:13 32:03 28:08 29:53 12 New Orleans 30:15 28:37 27:42 33:14 28:45 32:40 13 NY Giants 30:14 28:28 26:11 32:14 28:44 28:53 14 Denver 30:07 32:16 27:59 29:51 30:38 30:30 15 NY Jets 30:05 29:28 40:54 29:33 30:48 29:40 16 Carolina 29:59 30:08 30:11 27:13 32:03 31:46 17 Miami 29:51 30:21 37:22 26:31 33:11 28:27 18 Minnesota 29:44 30:43 32:23 29:39 29:49 27:31 19 Washington 29:36 26:36 29:04 28:58 30:27 30:30 20 Houston 29:27 26:42 27:54 27:44 30:44 30:50 21 New England 29:13 29:27 19:06 29:52 28:45 29:55 22 Buffalo 28:58 29:52 27:37 28:36 29:27 28:34 23 Seattle 28:50 29:53 32:24 29:19 28:21 30:03 24 Cleveland 28:14 28:13 28:27 28:03 28:25 28:41 25 Green Bay 28:04 31:37 29:49 29:04 27:19 30:28 26 Tennessee 28:00 30:10 30:56 26:08 29:23 30:12 27 Atlanta 27:55 26:17 26:47 28:43 27:18 30:12 28 Jacksonville 27:18 29:07 31:33 26:24 27:58 27:22 29 Tampa Bay 26:46 26:51 27:46 26:49 26:43 29:29 30 Cincinnati 26:43 22:42 20:17 29:29 23:57 31:44 31 Philadelphia 26:08 25:43 32:26 28:51 20:44 26:19 32 Oakland 25:01 25:02 23:03 22:28 27:33






  10. Just think about that draft, and how lucky the colts were in that draft. After Cam Newton 1st, Blaine Gabbert was 6th I believe, Locker 8th, and Ponder went with the 12th pick. Think how nice it has been the last few years to play Gabbert and Locker twice a year. In fairness, we really did not face Locker twice a year, he was always hurt. Still, becides Cam, in the first round bust after bust, and two in the AFC South. The second round was the place to be with Dalton and Kaepernick. Not sure how good or great either will be, but they are not busts.

  11. I think we can all agree Vontae's deal is a great one now. Especially considering we have him locked up for 5 years, and what great DB's will be going for in one to two years when the cap continues up. Vontae proved himself though in one way I just love, and lets you know about a player, and how much he wants it. A lot of players in their contract year play much harder, and many times get paid for it, and then go back to an average effort. This is what separates good from great. He continues to only get better, even after signing for the big bucks. That says a lot to me.


    Now I was going to post this on a separate thread, but since this is a Vontae thread, I will post it here. CBS Sportsline has a issue every week called Coach Killers. This week one of the topics was the Cincinatti Bengals. They have a great video of when Bradshaw ran for a touchdown, Terence Newman had a clear shot at him, and basically said, no I don't want a piece of that, and decided to play matador. In contrast to that is the video of Vontae hitting Giovanni. It shows two angles, which I had not seen the second angle, which shows even more of what a perfect, and I do mean could not draw it up better in the league of fines, perfect tackle. It was such a wonderful hit. Look at Newman, look at Vontae, and it shows how good he has become, and wants to be great. Link is provided below, check it out!



  12. Cam Johnson was the only one on injured list, at least according to Mike and Mike, and I would imagine they have the official sheet of injuries.

    If you look at the rest of the league, the injuries from yesterday are what stands out. K.C.-Johnson and Mike Devito, Both ruptured achilles. They have been decimated by injuries and departures in the O-Line. Clowney, 4-6 weeks at best. Anyone notice he has not only had a lot of injuries already, MCL, concussion and hernia, he seemed to have a lot in College. Overall though, go over the Injury report across the league, a lot of people went down for the season, and many were very important players to their club!

    I feel sorry for St. Louis. QB and Howie Long.

    Tyler Eifert, Vontaze Burfict-Cincinatti

    Ben Tate

    Alshon Jeffrey

    The list goes on: Here is a link from Bleacher Report!



  13. First let me say I did not get to see the football game. Unfortunately I had to tend to something else. Yes they have a thing called DVR I know. :D


    Ok, so if everyone is done giving me a hard time(which I fully deserve), I have a question. Julius Thomas, 3 touchdowns. I automatically think, TE is the safety's problem. The first highlight I saw was Denver on the 3 yd. line where Thomas juked one way and Landry was out of the picture on the move. Never seen someone so open for a short touchdown pass!


    I know safety is our weak spot, so did Landry play that poorly the whole game? What about our other safety? If so, as bad as he looked from one highlight we may want to consider McDonald? Just curious what everyone saw since Safety has not really been mentioned in the game thoughts.



  14. When I think of Reggie and Peyton, I think of that night where we were down big to the Patriots, came back and Belicheck tried to go 4th and 2 at our 28. We stopped them but only because the juggle of the ball by Faulk, but they screwed up the timeouts and could not throw the review flag. Peyton won the game on the 2 yard slant to Reggie with a catch that I don't know how he picked it off the carpet. When I think of the two, that is what comes to mind!

  15. Came across a good article detailing what certain team's are facing going into the opening game. How many rookies made the cut?  In addition it has a breakdown of teams and how many on IR,  the worst and best. 49er's have the whole league beat!


    At least we are not the 49'ers who have 15 on IR. Plus you need to think about the suspension of Aldon Smith and now if/when McDonald is suspended.


    The Seahawks have the 2nd most with 11 on IR.


    We tie for 3rd with the Jaguars. So at least we are not first, but why can't we be like the Bears, Lions or Bucs.


    I am going to link the article, just because it is interesting. Check out how many teams are going with new kickers into the season. It does make you appreciate what we have!


    Players not on the field!

    It is amazing how many players just aren't ready for opening day or have already been sent to injured reserve. Would you believe at this time there are 218 players out of commission for one reason or another. The list is sure to grow quickly. Here's the breakdown; 152 on injured reserve, 22 on PUP (physically unable to perform), 15 on NFI (non-football injury), three who did not report and, most troubling, 26 on suspension.

    The 49er's lead the way with 15 players sidelined, followed by the Seahawks with 11. The Jags and Colts each have nine. The top three teams in the best shape are the Bears, Lions and Bucs with one player each.





  16. If they were roster spots, you would be adding another 4-5 M onto your salary cap. I like just having the new spots and a good chance to develop talent. Plus the fact you can have players two years on the PS is huge. That may be more important than the increase of two players, because it will mean so much in terms of development. It may not be roster spots, but players like Swope can have extra time to develop, and Grigson does a great job looking for FA's as we know, and it does not matter where they are from and what sport they play. Found another article talking about the changes. It is a good read due to the fact it talks about cut down dates, 26th and 30th and when players can be signed, in addition to guidelines on players clearing waivers.





  17. I am assuming this is a brand new agreement between NFL and Players Association. The Practice Squad has increased from 8 to 10 players.


    Other eligibility changes: players can now have up to two accrued seasons and it now takes six games instead of three to qualify as a practice squad season. Below is the link. This should help us quite a bit due to some of the FA we would like to develop!



  18. Hey everyone. I did not watch the game, but I watched some of his throws last week and he looked good. The only caveat I would make before annointing him is to remember this about making judgments based on pre season. He played against 2nd string players and others who won't be on the team. The team shows nothing but vanilla defense and blitzes are rare. Last week he was not blitzed once, and had so much time to deliver the ball. Makes it easy to look pretty good. I thought Manziel looked good until you looked closer and saw how he was leaving the pocket so quickly and missed some wide open receivers.


    Now on the flip side, the throws down the sideline, you cannot coach that. I know he has a very good arm. I just don't think you can make an accurate judgment until they go against number one defense, and are forced to go through progressions, while being under severe pressure. Can they manipulate the pocket? That is what makes Manning, Luck, Brady special is the manipulation of the pocket, and progressions under duress.


    Still, I would prefer he is a bust. Does that sound mean spirited?

  19. Before mentioning Swoope as possible depth if someone goes down, I don't think Swoope would be the one Colts look to. I think they continue to develop him all year on PS. He is too green, although very promising. We need to remember Mr. Irrelevan, Wesely Saunders from South Carolina, last years 7th round draft choice. Everyone says he has been great in camp, and is providing quality depth at TE. I read an article even mentioning if we were to let him hit the waivers, several teams have had their eye on him.

  20. From the reports I have been hearing from camp, he has been developing good chemistry with Luck, and they are working together everyday so they have their timing down. I don't worry about conditioning, since the most important thing he is going to bring is a huge red zone target. So I don't think the conditioning is too important. I would appreciate him in top condition, but with his health history, I just want his feet and legs to be healthy. That alone with his height is going to raise our red zone efficiency rate.

  21. For anyone who may have been wondering and did not know, posted are the cutdown dates for rosters. The key dates will be the August 26th, which is the first cutdown date to 75, and then August 30th to make the cut down to the 53 player roster and designate PS personnel. That is an incredibly short time to go from 90 to 75 to 53. Especially 75 to 53 after only 4 days. 


    I am sure Grigson is going to be scouring the waiver wires on the 26th and 30th for a lineman and a running back who can add some depth, so will be an important four days of activity. You may want to check out an article from Bleacher Report which predicts one player from each team they think could be cut due to various reasons. The list is not quite up to date since some have already been released and one retired, but still many interesting names which I agree with the rationale. Quite a few centers on the list, which would not be a bad idea: Garza-Chicago, Gradkowski-Ravens plus a couple interesting lineman. Running backs, Kenyon Barner-Carolina, Shonn Greene-Tennessee, and Isiah Pead. I would not mind at all taking a look at Pead, but I would be surprised if he is released. Still a good read on several of the players. Any thoughts on these players or other possible ones who could help in the areas we need some depth?


    One note, the player listed the Colts may release: WR Da'Rick Rogers. Link is below:







  22. Another one bites the dust. I really liked Abbrederis out of Wisconsin, and when he ran under a 4.5 in the combines, I thought he would be an excellent possession receiver. GB thought so too, and he is now gone for the season. As I said, glad we have WR depth. I promise I will not post injuries each day, but it just came over the wire. Apparently, we are not the only ones, although he would not have been a starter!



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