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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. As I said, I am not arguing the point, we do get a lot of injuries. I just think so far the injuries this year are much more managable due to who has gone down and the depth we have in some of those positions thanks to Grigson thinking about it and putting depth in place. My main worry is always the line, but we have Mewhort, Lewis, Reitz, John, as depth right now for our guard positions. I just think we need to realize nothing has happened we cannot overcome. Plus if you read the Colts camp report by LaCanfora, it is clear Pagano and Grigson are looking at why we have had so many injuries and are trying new tactics to deal with it, and prevent them. I also have heard ESPN report on the same thing. This has been a centerpiece to Pagano's camp. It may have not worked well so far, but at least they realize the problem and are dealing with it through schedule of practices, protecting players even if minor injuries,!


    Rember, just three years ago we were 2-14. We are incredibly spoiled, and I am glad. How we managed 11-5 the past two season when you consider depth and talent two years ago, and the injuries last year, I am amazed. If we make incremental steps in keeping the players healthy, we will make dramatic jumps. At least Pagano and Grigson recognize the problem and are trying to take precautionary steps.

  2. I have been looking at this, and I think we are in good position to sign back the players we drafted, but I am not looking at the FA's right now. By my calculations, looking at OvertheCap, right now we have about 26M going into next season. I think Ballard will be gone, plus Donald Thomas will be gone giving us an additional 4M cap savings. Other players I think will be cut, Walden, Toler, etc. I don't know, but I am going with the injuries right now. So facing immediately we have TY, Coby, Dwayne, and Josh if he plays well this season. I think we should be fine. Look for TE's, the franchise tag is only around 7 M/year, and they both will not be making that money, so if each were to get extensions in the 6M/year we can handle that. Chapman, no clue, we will have to wait. TY, is tougher because is he a slot, a one or a two WR. I don't know, but I think he will get 8-9M/year. Now I don't know how the money will be done as far as structure, but it still leaves us 15M for FA's and 5M for signing the rookie class drafted next year so we should be fine. Andrew will get his extension after the 15 season is my guess, and we are in great shape there. I wish we would sign him before that if possible, since the numbers are only going to go up with Dalton, and Newton about to reup, plus the cap may move quite a bit in two years due to TV money being renegoitiated.


    I am not the genius at structuring contracts, but just looking at the raw cap space we have, and projections for after the season, we are in really good shape. Just look at some of the other teams, i.e. Cowboys.

  3. I know I have read a few posts about how we seem to be the cursed team who gets these terrible injuries. While I agree our history the last few years is not pretty, I also remember the last few months with posts even questioning Donald Thomas's return and if he would ever be healthy again. Also, Vick is a loss, no doubt about it, but we do have some good tailbacks left, and I believe Grigson will find someone on the waiver wires to fill the void. This is not meant to start an argument over Ballard's importance, he will be missed.


    The thing I want to point out I guess is we see our injuries, and we go, Good God, another one. Well we just don't see all the other injuries, because unless it is a top player from another team, it gets one mention on the national sites, and then it is left to the team's reporters. So after looking around, just be glad we are not the Jaguars right now, and I am sure other teams fit into this category. When you read about the Jags, think about how important WR position is and how lucky we are to be so deep there and in the TE area. Also, I think Mewhort is going to be very good. LaCanfora had some really good things to say about him in the Colts camp report on CBS Sportsline, plus a few interesting mentions about the team as a whole: I am linking both the articles







  4. I dont think it matters. You have to realize for marijuana they have to miss a lot of tests, don't know how many but Golic says it is quite a few, just to get to the point of getting into the program. Then you have two game, four game. Once you get to a full season suspension, you have tested positive so many times, you must be hanging out at a coffee house in Denver where everyone is smoking weed to make the argument it is second hand smoke.


    Plus I know it is not supposed to play a part in his suspension, but the DWI will come into play. By NFL regs. it is not to be considered, but as a whole, you can tell he has an addiction problem, and it is just another deciding factor. I hope he gets well. I know Cleveland is an AFC team, but it would be nice for the fans if they had some positive news. I feel sorry for them, but it also makes you see how incredibly blessed we have been, although we did suffer for a lot of years before Peyton arrived, so I can feel their pain a bit.

  5. I was watching this live as it happened, and I was just waiting to start hearing people comment about it and the optics.I was surprised I did not see an uproar right away about it and it took a day or two.


    I agree with what he is facing and giving out $100's. Plus you had Rich Eisen going are those hondo's he is giving out?


    I have had some time to think about it, and the only real problem I have with it is it reminds me of all the twitter antics late at night, and sometimes you think, what is he doing? Was he high when he was doing many of them. I don't know, but then I decided to get off my high horse and just say Jim is Jim, and at least he is doing something for the fans. He just loves to ingratiate himself to the fans, and that is OK! I prefer an owner like that!


    Now flip the script one more time, and take those $100 bills, and imagine those were free pre-season tickets or season tickets. Now just think what everyone would of said. How great is that. He is so nice for doing that. Interesting how what he gave away, even though one is currency, and one is bought with currency can be viewed as so different!


    I just hope he is happy and sober. If that is the case, God bless and do what you want!


  6. Johnny was partying at Justin Bieber's house along with Floyd Mayweather, Tyrese and who knows. I am sure it was quite the party since the cops were called out twice. I understand he does not believe he should be under a microscope, but how many think during this four week period pre camp, he is working out everyday and getting into his playbook, and that excludes 12 oz. curls or lifting the biggest bottle of champagne while on a swan! Link for the story below:








  7. I hate to see someone like that go down, especially since he is in the Patriots division and is a defensive stud.


    You know the one team who is not sorry, the Cleveland Browns. I believe Watkins will be good, but giving up there number one next year, which will probably be top ten, is way too much. They are getting some nice young pieces on the offensive side, but they are not ready to go all in. We are lucky are pick was such a late one, and I still hated not to have it. I look at all the players I would have loved to pick at 26!


    If you ever wonder how much an elite QB changes a team, look at the Browns. Since they traded the Julio Jones pick to Atlanta three years ago, they have had so many draft picks. After the 15 draft, they better be in the playoffs, QB or no QB!

  8. I have no idea if we will possibly look for some depth at the safety, CB, or even OL depending on who the cuts are going to be, but as the headline says, June 1st cuts will happen beginning on Sunday. I don't know how long you can cut some one and designate them a June 1st cut. If anyone knows, I would love to know if there is a cutoff date. I would think most teams know if they are going to designate players. Certain teams are so up against the cap they will have to. Just thought I would point out the date, and if anyone has thoughts on players who may be cut.


    It is like the second round of FA, but the players are usually older with a few miles on the odometer. Still at a veteran's minimum, some safety depth would not hurt!

  9. I know the offense is completely different, but Chud was credited with Cam rolling in his rookie year and looking much better than many expected. He made the system in Carolina fit Cam's strengths and did not try and put a square peg in a round hole. Some time with our offense, I feel we try to do the same thing, and Andrew is so exceptional, I hope Chud will be able to talk and work with Pep to maybe play into Andrew's strengths. He did an exceptional job with Cam in his rookie year, and that was why Cleveland hired him. I think the club loves Pep, but felt another offensive mind around Chuck could not hurt. I also think as was said earlier, if the Colts continue to win, Pep is going to go. Chud can fill the spot nicely and keep what works well.


    I think the most important thing Chud brings though is continuity. If Pep does go after this season, which is possible, we can have him step in as OC. As an offense not having to continue learning new systems gets overlooked too much. Same on the defensive side. I have seen more QB's ruined by having to go through OC and system time after time. Look at the teams you would say are not stabile, and then look at turnover. Of course you can say not winning has got to lead to turnover, and no stability, but I don't really believe that. The Steelers are a really good example. Do they panic and worry when they don't win. Two seasons Tomlin has not gone to playoffs, and you don't hear a peep about his job. I think that is the way to run a franchise, and I am glad we brought Chud in. It gives us stability and continuity with Pep, or God forbid Chuck's health comes into play again.

  10. I think ESPN is just about right. When I look for preseason rankings, and where we should be, I look to follow the money. That means Vegas. Look at the win totals they put up for each team, and this is there power rankings. And as it has been said many times, they don't have those huge palatial hotels by not understanding how to set lines. They are usually pretty close. If you use win totals as power rankings via vegas: We are ranked #3 in the AFC, and #7 overall. So ESPN cheated, looked at Vegas and came up with their power rankings. Spot on!

  11. I am going to look on the bright side. First, even if he is 75% of himself he is going to take pressure off TY, Allen, and Nicks. We have so many weapons Reggie does not need to be where he was, although I hope he will be.


    Second, I have heard most athletes say the same thing about ACL, it is a mindset, just getting to trust it. So Josh Chapman should be a beast this year, since it will be his second year back from his ACL tear!

  12. I was looking at the draft value chart, and the our second round pick is worth 310 pts. I would love to trade it for a 3rd and a 4th, as I previously stated. Looking at the draft value chart, the 68th pick in the 3rd is worth 250 pts. and the 117th pick in the 4th is worth 50 pts. so that would work out perfectly. Then we would not have our 59th, but only giving up nine spots is not bad at all to the 68th in the third, plus we still have our third round draft choice, the 91st pick. Also now we have a 4th round pick which we did not have. So we lose our second, but we have two thirds, a 4th now, and our 5th, 6th and 7th. We get the extra draft pick by moving down 9 slots, and I would make the argument that the 68th is really a late 2nd round pick anyway with the depth! I think that would be perfect, of course you need a team who will go along with you and wants to, but I hope Grigson employs this strategy. 33rd position in the draft through the 4th round is where you want picks. It is very deep and a lot of good players.

  13. WARNING: Long Post, but imho some interesting thoughts!


    I was reading a great article on NFL.com about Mack and his new contract, and how this contract signaled a new kind of thought concerning offensive players in the league. If you look at Mack's contract, in the end although he will make 26 million guaranteed in the first 3 years, unless he turns down the 3rd year guarantee of 8 million, which he won't, the average of the contract will be about 9M give or take. This puts him as the number one highest paid center in the league. The Jaguars felt it was worth it to go after Mack due to how good he is (duh), but also the changing thoughts about the center. Many are starting to feel because of all the hybrid defenses, and all the changes that go on pre-snap, your center may be the 3rd most important player on offense, behind the QB and LT. Now I could debate about WR, but I do understand the thought process, and besides the center being physically dominant, he has to be very smart for the pre snap reads.


    The first think I thought of was Holmes. If he can get strong enough, he would be a perfect compliment to Luck because he is incredibly bright. I think this was one of the thoughts that went into the decision to give him the shot to start.


    Second, the artice talked about Mike Pouncey from the Steelers, a stud C who I would argue is better than Mack, and much younger. He is 26, and going into his 5th year, the last year of his contract. He has been in more Pro bowls than Mack, and voted All Pro team more than Mack. So when the offseason roles around, he will be a Free Agent. Mack set a new market, and Pouncey will demand more than Mack. The Steelers will not franchise him, since it would cost about 12M if a long term deal is not done. Plus the Steelers always have a number in mind, and will not deviate from that plan. No matter who the player is, except maybe Rothlisberger, they do not deviate from their financial plan. They have let a lot of players go over the last few years due to this. Wallace and Sanders are the latest two examples. Pouncey will demand around 9M a year with the same guaranteed money as Mack. I don't think the Steelers will pay that kind of money for him, and I can almost guarantee Pouncey will be a hot FA, and gett offers of more than that, remember the cap will go up again next year. So if they won't pay 9M a year no way will they pay 10M for a Center. So do we agree with the new thought of how important a great center can be and its worth. I do. Look how many of us wanted Mack even at 10M a year, which was his transition tag price.


    I hope Khaled Holmes becomes a great player, since he has all the intangibles , he just needs to get stronger and stay healthy. As I said earlier, as smart as he is, I believe he would be the perfect compliment to Luck.


    But the question remains, if he does not play well, or Costa has to play, and he does not play well, would we go after Pouncey in FA, which as I stated above, I believe he hits the market. The problem is we have a lot of FA's ourselves to sign after this year, TY, Allen, Castanzo, Fleener, possibly Nicks and I am sure I have missed some, so would we have the money. We only have 40M going into next year. I have done the quick math before using what I believe they will get in FA and it shows the Colts can sign our own FA's which is a must, and still have 5-10M left over in cap space. We have tons of cap space for 2016, so that is when we would sign Luck. 5-10M cap is without signing draft picks, and emergency cash for signings during the year, so we would need that cap space. Now the one thing we could do. If Walden is cut next year, that is 3,75M extra cap space. If Toler does not perform, that would be 4.75M in additional cap space. RJF, I don't know, but same thing, if he does not perform better, is he worth 5M next year. He would provide 4.875 in additional cap space, and all of them leave very little dead money. They were all basically 2 year contracts and then see. So we would have the money to sign Pouncey if we cut a player or two who did not perform, or I am sure we could do it by shifting around bonus money. As I said, it would not hurt us if we had to shift bonus money, creative accounting for one year if we kept everyone because they stepped up, which I would prefer, because we have so much cap space going into 2016.


    So although I have brought up many thoughts with this post, if a top FA center was available next year, like Pouncey, and we had another year where the line struggled along with the center, would we pull the trigger.


    I find all the thoughts really interesting that have come up just from the resigning of Mack and teams reassessing the importance of positions. I am glad the Jaguars did not get Mack! Think of them having Mack in the middle, Joeckel at left or right tackle, and they could wait on a QB and sign a stud at LT like Robinson. That would be the kind of line I dream of for the Colts!

  14. NFL.com has an article intially about Chris Johnson and where he might go, but the article is really a much larger piece about the devaluation of the running back. Someone already posted a few things from this article, but there was one thing which really caught my eye.


    We all here complain about our offensive line, and for good reason. They have trouble pass blocking and run blocking. Now we all know Pagano and Pep want to run the ball. The interesting thing in the article is the feeling is do to the college offenses, especially the spread, finding lineman who can pass protect is not a problem. The problem is almost no one comes into the league able to run block. It has been deemphasized so much due to the spread and how prevalent the pass is, it has been a lost art. Most colleges instead of running like they use to rely on quick bubble screens and very short passes to substitute for a lot of the running plays we used to see. So the line coach is invaluable to today's teams since they have to be a teacher. I wish we would have signed Mike Munchak to be our offensive line coach. Steelers plucked him, and that was a good pick up. Richardson was definitely bad last year, but how many times did he get the ball and players were in our backfield ready to swarm?


    Now we obviously still need to work on our pass protection, but I will say if you look at our line, we had a lot of new guys, and very young. So I think they can learn and get better. It is a process for young players. The pass protection, I just hope it gets much better.



  15. Grigson and the Colts today were talked about in the Star. The general feeling right now is if anything, Grigson is going to put his wheeler dealer hat on and try and trade back to get another 3rd or 4th rd. This is where the draft is probably strongest. I would love to trade the 2nd for a 3rd and 5th, or 3rd and 4th depending on position. We shall see.

  16. First, I read an article about Clowney, and the only reason he is not doing private workouts is because he believes his pro day was very good and did the talking for him. Also, the name has left me, but the Clemson guard who blew out his ACL getting ready for his pro day, that has influenced Clowney into no more workouts. Note Clowney will just not work out, he is happy to go to any club to be interviewed and whatever else they need, just no workout.


    For what its worth, I think Clowney will be there choice if they keep it. I can see some teams who may try to make a move. The fact is a QB does not need to go 1st and should not. This QB class is rated below last year, and there are probably 7-8 QB's who are all so close. Bortles, Bridgewater, Manziel, Carr, Garropolo, McCarron, Metzenburger, Phil Savage moving up quick, Aaron Murray expected with a good pro day since knee has healed enough expected to move up. That is nine. It is extremely deep. I expect to see a run on QB's late in the first and early second which is good for us! I think we may see only one QB go in the top 10, and that would be Bortles. JMO

  17. No way we give up a 2nd next year to move up 3 spots in the 2nd round next year. I see us as BPA in the 2nd, so no need to trade a draft pick. If we trade down fine, but I want to have all our draft picks next year plus one or two comps. I think Buchannon will be there in the 2nd when we pick, and that is who I want. A good FS who plays the ball, played in a good BCS conference, and can tackle!

  18. It was later reported after this article came out the exec. who spoke off  the record was from Jacksonville! :goodluck:  You cannot believe anything you hear right now. As far as taking a QB first, no way. Clowney has a chance to be great. Many have this class of QB's below last season, and the only one I think who can develop is Bortles. There are 7-8 QB's who are incredibly close to each other. Manziel may have a good season or two, but sooner or later he is going to get broken like a twig. You can't compare him to Wilson due to body type and pocket awareness. Take Clowney.

  19. Even if SF keeps him, he is going to get a major suspension this time, and probably next it will be the whole year. Plus he is coming up for an extension since I believe his draft year was 2011. Would you extend him knowing all you did about the off the field problems, then has to go to rehab. and next gets arrested for being drunk and disorderly and yelling "bomb" in LAX. I could almost excuse the drinking, if I did not know he had a problem with it which I do, but yelling "bomb" in an airport these days. That is very serious, and more indicative of how bad his substance problems most likely are. I would not resign him to an extension. Like Justin Blackmon, would you sign him to one?

  20. I agree with Chad that the division is going to beat each other up. Look how good Arizona was last year at the end of the year, and they made some nice moves in FA for the offensive line, which was a weak spot. St. Louis has a lot of talent, they just need one more piece, a real number #1 receiver. I believe with two picks in top 13 they are going to get a great tackle and a very good receiver. There defense toward the end of the year was super. Seattle will regress a bit with the losses they have, but the secondary is good because of the safeties. They make it go, although Sherman is great. Browner got torched against us, he looked better due to who he played with. SF has 11 picks in the draft so they should be much better. In the end though I don't think it matters. After 16 games and having to play each of those teams 2 times in the division, I don't see the club coming out of there and winning it all this year. They are just going to beat each other up imho.

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