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Posts posted by loudnproudcolt

  1. I don't care what anyone says at this time. It is less than a month away from the draft, and while they may have different ideas among them, anything said is pure smoke screens tinged with a little truth. If they keep the pick, they are going Clowney. One thing I don't think people pay attention to enough with Manziel is the wear factor. At best, him being a good QB in the league is a 50/50 crap shoot, and most don't have this class rated higher than last years class which was a bad class. Second, if Manziel can develop a pocket presence, and not run like a rabbit at the first hint of a rush, he may have a couple of good years. Problem is, people compare him to Wilson. Wilson is built much stronger. Manziel may not get hurt badly, but as the season goes on, he is going to wear down. Happened to him this year in college, and Pros play 4 more games. Plus, how much speed do you think he will have after 5 years. If he were a player who had a stout build, I would not worry about him, but a 260 lb. LB running a 4.6 is simply going to crush him in half. QB's are instinctual, and he will not lose that instinct to run. Happened to RGIII. So I hope the Texans draft him. I don't want Watt on one side and Clowney on the other!

  2. While I agree about being bummed about giving up a first for Richardson, I think we can all agree if he were coming out now, with the same stats he put up at Alabama and winning the national championship, I believe he may not go in the first round, but he would go very early 2nd round. The difference is the contract commitment. Still, giving up a #26 for someone who now would probably go in the 30's is not horrible. We are just reacting negatively because we have seen some of the results. Next year could be totally different with the line better, and Richardson having a full offseason to absorb the playbook. Plus there are a couple of things the article does not mention.


    A good running back going in the late first round is not going to be guaranteed a bunch of money coming out, couple million a year, so it is still a bargain late in the first round. Every good team who wins a Super Bowl lately has a good running game. Also, Richardson can catch the ball out of the backfield. The most important thing I think that was missed though which applies to Richardson, since he came out of a pro set in Alabama, he can block on passing downs. This is essential for our offense. If Richardson has a good year and can prove reliable for the next 3 years, it won't have been a terrible trade, but we should still have given up no more than a second. Unfortunately though, Pagano wants a stud running back.


    Also, remember how many games during the Peyton years we lost because we could not put a game away since we had no running game. We need one for the four minute offense. Just my thoughts.

  3. I know we don't need a WR in this draft, and I hope we don't pick one in the second round. But if Robinson did happen to drop to our spot in the 2nd round, we would have to look at him now. He improved his numbers a great deal from the combine. How much is from the 12 pound weigh loss I don't know. I would prefer a guy who is 6'3" to be 220 lbs. instead of 208 lbs. Regardless his numbers yesterday as reported from CBS sportline were:


    With a 4.47 time in the 40, 42-inch vertical and 6.53 three-cone at State College, Robinson vastly improved his athletic results from Indy: 4.60, 39-inch vertical, 7.00 three-cone. He also added four inches to his broad jump (131 inches Tuesday).


    As I said I know we don't need a WR, but I look at the progress of WR Alshon Jeffrey from Chicago last year, and see what a tall, physical, and athletic WR can do in red zone, and I think it would be nice to have someone like that. Who knows if Robinson, Montcrief, etc. will ever be, still I can always be hoping for one. Who knows, Rogers has the potential athletically and physically to be that kind of player. These are the kind of players though who are steals in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. This is such an incredible deep class at WR!

  4. The other day I listed the article of the top DE's and interior lineman Kirwan liked after the 1st round. Today it is Defensive Backs and Safeties. Once again, props to everyone here. He likes Ward, Buchanon, Batiste, and Desir. All of these DB's or S's have been talked about here. Good read, link is below:


    Also read about the kid at the end who was a former QB from Georgia Sourthern who scouts think could be a good press cover. Just what we need, a press cover we can take late and is a prospect. His name is Jerick McKinnon, and these were his stats from his pro day:


    The kid benched 225 pounds 32 times, ran 4.35, and had a 40 1/2-inch vertical -- all better numbers than any corner in the draft. I would love him as a prospect to develop. Wow, if he would of been at the combine, the staff from NFL Network would have been drooling all over those stats!




  5. I totally agree we should take our cap savings from this year, push it to next year and we will have around 35 million going into the offseason. That is enough to sign Hilton, Allen, Fleener, and Castanzo. Those are the four to focus on. I also agree I would love to extend Luck at that time. We may have to do a little shuffling in the cap space, but we have 85M in cap space for 2016, so we have plenty of money to shuffle some bonuses. Plus, if we were to let say Toler and Waldon go, each one of them frees up 4.75 in extra cap. Even one of them gone means no reshuffling. We could sign Luck to a 5 year extension, which means we get him for his 4 th year cap hit, 5th year extension, average of top 10 QB's, and then 5 yrs at around 21 million. If we were to do that it would make his cap hit for the 7 years, if it is evenly divided, which it won't be, but still around 17 million cap a year. If we sign him before his extension year, cap hit goes to around 20M. It depends on how they do the contract, but signing him after this year to a 5 year extension including this year and his extension year would really help in cap space. For a QB of Luck's caliber, 17M a year would be a pretty good number, so I hope we get the whole 2012 class extended after this season.


    I know my numbers may be off just a bit on the salary side for Luck, but I hope everyone agrees signing him after this season would really help make his cap hit a good deal less, and with the cap space we are going to have even after the signings after this year, we are going to be in great shape.

  6. CG Technologies out of Vegas, formerly Cantor Gaming is the first one to come out with 2014 win totals for the season. The Colts are at 9 1/2, which is 3rd in the AFC with only Denver at 11 and New England at 10 1/2 higher. These guys are pretty good at what they do, so that would put us around 10-6 according to the wiseguys. I think it is pretty fair. I thought it was low at first until I looked at the teams we play, home and away, and the fact we were ranked 3rd in the AFC. The NFC is stacked once again. Listed below are all the win totals, and I will put a link for anyone who wants more, and to look at last year's win totals.


    Its going to be an interesting season. I also posted on another forum topic, which was pick the Colts record, one important note everyone should be thinking about.

    After the NFL owners meeting, Goodell said there was a very good chance of increasing playoff teams from six to seven could happen this season. So I would not be surpised if we hear that is going to happen this year in the early summer some time. That means only the number 1 seed will get a bye. That will make a bid difference in records, since so many more teams will be in the hunt for a playoff spot.


    NFL WIN TOTALS COURTESY OF CG Technologies (CGTGlobal) TEAM OVER/UNDER 2013 RECORD ARIZONA 7 ½ OV -125 10-6 ATLANTA 8 OV -130 4-12 BALTIMORE 8 ½ 8-8 BUFFALO 6 ½ 6-10 CAROLINA 8 ½ OV -130 12-4 CHICAGO 8 ½ UN -115 8-8 CINCINNATI 9 OV -115 11-5 CLEVELAND 6 ½ 4-12 DALLAS 8 OV -115 8-8 DENVER 11 UN -125 13-3 DETROIT 8 OV -125 7-9 GREEN BAY 10 OV -120 8-7-1 HOUSTON 8 UN -115 2-14 INDIANAPOLIS 9 ½ 11-5 JACKSONVILLE 4 ½ OV -135 4-12 KANSAS CITY 8 ½ OV -140 11-5 MIAMI 7 ½ OV -135 8-8 MINNESOTA 7 5-10-1 NEW ENGLAND 10 ½ OV -130 12-4 NEW ORLEANS 9 ½ OV -125 11-5 N.Y. GIANTS 7 OV -140 7-9 N.Y. JETS 6 ½ OV -155 8-8 OAKLAND 5 UN -115 4-12 PHILADELPHIA 9 OV -115 10-6 PITTSBURGH 8 ½ OV -120 8-8 ST. LOUIS 7 OV -145 7-9 SAN DIEGO 8 OV -125 9-7 SAN FRANCISCO 11 UN -135 12-4 SEATTLE 11 OV -115 13-3 TAMPA BAY 7 4-12 TENNESSEE 6 ½ OV -115 7-9 WASHINGTON 7 3-13



  7. The people who are usually accurate about this kind of questions is Vegas. I am going to post the Vegas over/under wins for the season on the forum, but for the Colts, the win total over/under is  9 1/2 -110. So they believe our record is going to be right around this area. I am taking 10-6 and winning the AFC South. Don't know what seed that will mean. One more thing about the 9 1/2 win total. In the AFC, that win total is the third highest. Only Denver at 11 wins and New England at 10 1/2 are higher. So according to Vegas, we would be the third seed.


    One important thing to think of, since everyone is talking about Denver and New England already as the 1 and 2 seeds. After the owner's meeting, Goodell said there is a strong chance the change in playoff teams from 6 to 7 could be implemented this year! So if that is the case, only the number 1 will have a bye week, which changes how the season will play out. More teams in the race for the playoffs means tougher games at the end.

  8. The one player I don't see much buzz about and very well could drop is Van Noy. I would be happy to pick him in the second, but Tuitt is not going to be there in the second, although people are worried about that knee. Remember a few years ago, Gaines Adams from Clemson was thought to be a sure first round pick, many felt top 10. Knee troubles showed up very close to the draft and he fell all the way to the 3rd round, so stanger things have happened. Who thought Matt Barkley would fall to the 4th round, although I would not take a USC quarterback. Regardless, there are so many players that drop because of things we know absolutely nothing about, until after the draft. The same thing will happen this year, both on the upside and downside.

  9. The only problem I have is Cleveland trading down twice. First they have a lot of picks, 5 of them in the top #83, and a total of ten. This is an incredibly deep draft, so you could argue trading down if they plan to use the extra picks is a good idea. My thought though is with those first 5 picks, you can make some real impact now, and they need to. Cleveland is losing its fanbase with all the questionable moves by management. What do you think fans will say if they trade back, miss on picks they wanted and could have had, for more picks that may come next year. They need an impact draft NOW, or you are going to see more fans fleeing and comparing the front office to the three stooges. 

  10. Colts are taking a serious look at Marcus Smith. I posted an article on the forum today talking about LB's and DE's who will go after the 1st round who are getting some attention, and look poised to be good. Smith is on the list. Go to the thread I posted. It has 10 players, many of them talked about by people on the forum here. It is really nice to see an article by a former scout, and see that 4 of the players he has on his list are potential draft candidates people here have spotted for the Colts. We have some some really good eyes for talent out there on this forum. Good job, keep it up!  :thmup:

  11. Went online to see what some of the so called "experts" are saying about the injury and what will happen to him in the draft. He was thought to be a 3rd to 4th rd. talent. Now many of them are saying they think he might go undrafted. I won't go that far, and if he was there in the 6th or of course in the 7th, scoop him up.

    As far as my 5th round pick, I am wondering if the Colts think about picking up Aaron Colevin from Oklahoma who injured his ACL in the senior bowl. He was projected as around a 2nd-3rd round pick, and looks to fall into the 5th thru 7th round, and we need CB's. Now if he is there with the 6th I would pick him over Thomas. Chapman worked out as a 5th, I expect him to only get stronger since last year was first year back. Taking really good players who got hurt, and taking them in the later rounds to me can be a real steal if you are set at positions and have the time to let them heal. I thought the 49er's got a steal last year taking Lattimore in the 4th. I know he has had two ACL tears, but he is the perfect replacement for Gore, and he had two tears before starring for SF. It is a good draft strategy if you know the injury, progression, and workout regiment, and their commitment and love for the game!

  12. Pat Kirwin from Sportsline is doing a series of players he thinks will make an impact, but are not going to go in the first round, likely 2nd through 4th. So highly thought of, but do not have all the public attention. These are the kind of players I like. I like reading Kirwin, since he was a scout he has a good eye. I have to give major props to a lot of the posters here for nailing several of the guys he talks about in this article. Jeremiah Attaochu, Preston Brown, Jefferson Jeffcoat. Good job in the scouting on this board! Below is the article. I will post the other ones when he writes them since it is a series. Love finding the players you want on your team after the 1st round. The first round is great, but it is the later rounds where teams are made!



  13. You have to wait until after Year 3 to do a new contract. Castonzo is eligible for a new deal now. He's the only player left from the 2011 draft. As a first rounder, we have a fifth year option on him, as has been mentioned.


    Luck and the others from the 2012 aren't eligible for a new deal until the 2015 offseason. We have a fifth year option on Luck and Richardson, but we can't exercise either until next year (and are unlikely to do so on Richardson, I would think).


    I am assuming when you say 2015 offseason, you mean the 2015-16 season. Not sure, but in reality, the others we drafted after Luck can all be extended after this season, the 2014 off season. The new CBA stipulates if you are drafted in the 2nd round or after, you have a 3 year contract with the right of a 4th year extension. This is what is happening with Kapernick and the 49ers right now. He was drafted in 2011, first year of the new CBA and he was a 2nd round pick. So they want to get him signed long term, and not wait until after the extension year, which is smart.

    I want to make sure we get all the guys signed after this season from the 2012 draft without just signing their extension year. They are too valuable!  We have about 38M for 2015 right now. If we sign a couple low cost free agents and our 2014 draft class, my guess is we go into next year (2015) with around 35M. So don't extend Castanzo, I say sign him long term to about 7M a year/4yrs. He gets better every year, and for a LT who does not miss games, continues to improve I believe that is a good deal. Then get TY in the barn for 7-8M for 4 years. He may want more, but as mostly a slot, I am hoping for a ceiling of 8M. Then sign Fleener and Allen also to 4 yr. deals at around 5M each depending on the years they have. Yes one of them may demand more, I am only guessing here. That leaves us with around 10M in cap room for our 2015 draft picks and emergencies, and if a FA comes along we want, we can restructure.

    As far as Andrew is concerned, my preference would be to also sign him after this season to his long term deal.  Make it a 7 year deal, with his 4th year cap hit, his extension year hit, and then 5 years at around 20M. If we sign him this way it will drastically reduce the cap hit compared to waiting after his extension year. We would have to redo some contracts to get it done, but in the long term it would be great.The one thing that is nice though is if we don't sign Luck after this season to a long term deal and then sign him in 2016, his extension year, regardless we have tons of cap space. If we get all the guys inked above after this year, and only have Andrew and the draft class to worry about (yes I know there will be some others, but I am looking at the important ones), we are going to have around 50M in cap space for 2016, so that is the argument for waiting after his 4th year and inking him in 2016.


    I know this was about Castanzo, but I thought it was important to note, we can sign our 2012 class except Luck after this season. Plus when I think about Castanzo I like to look forward with the 2012 draft class since we have so many to sign.

  14. I believe Denver has the best, and signing Sanders in place of Decker only makes them stronger. They like to move Welker around a lot, and without Decker, Wes would have had to play Slot. Now Sanders can play slot and play wideout. Equally adept at both in Pitt. Makes them the best. Now if Reggie and Nicks are healthy, we are the deepest! Even if Reggie is not 100%, is Nicks is healthy, we still are the deepest, when you count the TE's and Trent out of the backfield.

  15. How are players supposed to respect this guy when he's a complete mess?


    He should take a back seat until he fixes his problems.


    First off he is the owner, so people should respect that regardless. Second, if anyone looked at him the last year, he has not looked good. His hip problems, combined with prior addiction problems led to a relapse. Instead of bashing him, maybe some should consider this is a blessing, and may save his life. I would hope we could try to focus on the positive instead of bashing him when down. I for one, look at other owners, and say we are blessed to have him as an owner, and I hope this is a positive step in him getting better!

  16. Just thought I would put a quick note out. Zach Strief, NO RT was signed today to I believe a 5 yr. contract. Nothing huge, averaging about 4.1/ year, and 8.5M guaranteed. The important point is the Saints were only 1.7M under the cap. With this signing, they won't be signing any other FA's it would seem since they are going to have to do major restructures if they want to sign Graham to a long term deal. I think he will be paid franchise money for one year myself. Regardless, the point is DeLaPuente is still out there available on the market. Does it say something about him still being available? Just thought I would update since C is considered our biggest weakness as of now. Of course Grigs may not think so, and Holmes is his man.



  17. One of the best things is if the ball is in his direction, he makes the catch. He is tall, 6ft. 1 in. which I like, and he has what have been called the largest Mitts in the NFL. Large hands usually means a good WR. Also, his speed straighline, 4.6 forty not burning, but he is much faster on the field. No one really has ever worried about his speed, but it is amazing to me how much people put on the forty yd. dash, don't draft a player, and then when the kid is on the field, all of a sudden he is outrunning people. Angles and understanding routes are the key to being fast. You can't run go routes the whole time!

  18. Win now and sacrifice their future? How so? T.J. Ward and Talib are both young and are the long term deals they signed...the "aging players" such as Welker/Ware/Manning all only have 2-3 year deals...they're actually a very YOUNG team who will have far more cap space than Indy does, in each of the next several seasons... so please explain.

    How are they going to be able to keep their young players when Demaryius Thomas, Julius Thomas have to be signed next year. Those are going to be mega contracts. Julius may be OK due to him listed as a TE, but he will want WR money. Plus I believe Vonn Miller is going to have to be paid in 2015. After next season, Manning, and the two Thomases will take up about 1/3 of their cap. Peyton, 20M, D.Thomas will get franchise money for a WR, which at the end of next yr. will be 13M, and Julius will get at least the franchise TE money, 8M. Now it depends on how they structure it, but 41 against a cap I expect at 140 is alot. Now put in the high priced players they signed for two years down the line. Their contracts, Ware, Talib are structured towards the first year, so they are going to have to make some tough decisions. They won't be able to hang onto all the talent after this year. They are pushing their chips in to this year!

  19. Double Olsen, one corner on McNutt and then blitz the rest every time. :yay: Cam is going to be running for his lift this year. I know they are cap space strapped, but that is ridiculous. Plus any WR's who are drafted, it is one of the toughest positions to transition to in the first year, if ever. Right now, it looks like TB could make a big jump in that division. Panthers have a great D, but O is going to be brutal. Saits O will be OK, but they have lost a lot of good players. We will see about Atlanta. Don't know if the additions work out, since you never know how a FA will fit into your system. FA's are a crap shoot at best, even the best!

  20. Remember, it is tough for any QB who is in a new system. So 2014 is going to be a learning year again for RGIII. I think that was one of reasons we went with Pep, we did not want to make Luck go into a brand new offense and coordinator in his second year, and it worked really well. Keeping your coaches, stability, plays a lot into how a QB will succeed.

  21. Bronco's better win this season, because all the big FA's they signed this year. They are going to have to lose all of them to sign Demaryius Thomas, Julius Thomas. Demarius is going to demand around 13M a year, and that is what the franchise will be next year for WR, so they may have to franchise him. Thomas the TE will demand less, but he is still a hell of a player. The two of them are going to demand at least 20M a year cap wise. I don't know who else they need to sign, but all there chips have been pushed to the middle of the table!

  22. I believe the Seattle secondary is a product of two things. I believe they have the best safety tandem in the game, with Chancellor and Thomas, who is a stud. That helps CB's out a lot. Plus they have a great pass rush, and LB's who can run and get after it. I do believe Sherman is a stud, but Browner is not as good as everyone thinks. If you look at the money Patriots paid him, that is reflected. Plus the one year suspension hanging over his head if he tests positive one more time does not help. T.Y. flew past him once, and will do it again!

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