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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. Yup…. It’s not far fetched. We finish with.. In Atlanta… Home with Raiders…. Home with Texas… It’s not a terrible gauntlet the Colts have to survive… It’s doable. The schedule makers did us a favor. The Colts opened the season with back to back at home, and now the Colts close with back to back at home. A real gift.
  2. That was a huge nothing burger from Florio. A QB flexing his wrist?! Shocking! Silly. What do you Google to find these links? Florio controversy? Or something else?
  3. Is this your opinion, or do you have anything to support that view? I googled Mike Florio makes stuff up and got nothing. Im not saying he’s never wrong, but there’s a huge difference between being wrong and making things up. You're not normally a bomb thrower, so I look forward to your response. I’m sure you’ve got something.
  4. I’ve never been much of a Jarvis Landry fan. But, assuming he’s healthy, there’s never been a better time to sign him. Buying him at a deep discount. Good reliable hands and route runner. I hope we’ll get some news tomorrow.
  5. My issue with Decker leaving wasn’t that he left. He wanted to go with Frank. My issue was after he left, the Colts didn’t seem in a hurry to replace him. That caught me off guard. I wouldn’t have predicted it. But the Colts seem to be very comfortable with how business is being done. I’ve often said I’m wrong all the time, well, this is just the latest time. I’ve had a couple of brain cramp moments the last few days, this is just the latest. I’m sure there will be plenty more.
  6. FWIW: I think it’s being reported that the Colts chances at the playoffs are somewhere between 40-50 percent. I read that in the last few days or so.
  7. Irsay gets seriously involved when it’s time to hire and fire. But on a day to day level, the show is run by Ballard. Irsay is not likely talking to Frank about day to day issues. Only when there are serious problems. On a day to day level, the key conversations were between Ballard and Frank. Irsay’s comment about being reluctant to give Frank an extension is one of my least favorite comments he’s made in my 12+ years here. It’s kicking the man in the rear after you’ve fired him. It’s not only unnecessary, it also felt like Irsay was covering his own backside for why he extended him and then fired him. It also felt to me like Irsay was making Frank the scapegoat for the disastrous 2022 season. I think Irsay would’ve been better off not saying it. It was very unhelpful IMO.
  8. I hope so. It’s sometimes hard to tell. But I appreciate you telling me that. I sometimes don’t get the cheeky-ness here.
  9. Goodness gracious! If I read you correctly, you’re saying there is CURRENTLY a lack of leadership on the roster. Based on what? On defense, you don’t think Buckner and Franklin and before his release, Leonard too provided leadership? On offense, you don’t think Kelly, Nelson, Smith, Minshew and Pittman provide leadership?
  10. Apologies… But, for whatever reason, I’m not following you. It’s all Irsay’s fault? Not following at all? And all issues should reach Ballard. No, you don’t want Ballard to second guess key play calls, but if he has concerns over accountability or how Frank is using personnel, the two of them should talk. More communication is better, though you don’t want cheap second guessing. The GM and HC should talk multiple times every day. The more the better. I always got the sense Frank and Chris did just that. But, for example, when Philly fired Doug Peterson, it was reported Peterson and Roseman hadn’t talked in months. That was stunning to learn. That shouldn’t happen. If Frank didn’t see an issue, but Ballard did, then Ballard should’ve gone to Frank. And as I just wrote to another poster, if Frank wasn’t comfortable being the disciplinarian, then his coordinators and position coaches should handle that. Accountability has to be handled by someone. And if it wasn’t, Ballard should’ve been aware of that and spoken with Frank about that. Ultimately the buck stops with the GM. Hope I’ve clarified. If not, reach out, and I’ll try to respond again, though it may take time later tonight. Things are going to get a little busy at my end.
  11. I don’t know what Ballard was happy and neither does anyone else. Even if CB opposed the firing, he’s not going to say so unless he’s prepared to be fired as well. But at that kind of press conference, the Owner and GM put up a united front, even if they’re not united.
  12. All of those rumors poured out last year in a season where the Colts went 4-12-1. That’s to be expected. My point is that the problem wasn’t so bad that we heard about this in 2018, 19, 20 or 21. Only in 22, one of the worst seasons in history. Also, when the HC isn’t much of a disciplinarian, typically he has his coordinators and position coaches do that. They can be the bad cop to Franks good cop. Either way, it all happened on Ballard’s watch. He has to make sure there is accountability being handled. And if not, it’s as much his fault as Frank. The buck stops with him.
  13. The Colts will spend the next year or two reshaping the roster much more to what Shane wants. It’ll be interesting to see the makeover.
  14. Of course the HC is responsible for in-game situations. But if Reich wasn’t doing the right thing on any given issue, inside or out of the game, then it was up to him to talk with Frank. To tell him he needed to handle things differently, especially Monday thru Saturday. That’s what Ballard had to do. If Frank had problems, Ballard was there to help him.
  15. You can say Shane appears more strict with the team, but I’d caution against dumping all the blame on Frank. If Frank wasn’t handling things right, then Ballard should’ve stepped in and intervened. These are complicated issues, they don’t deserve simple answers.
  16. It may not be far fetched, but nothing is clear and obvious. Nothing should be stated as fact in these kind of situations. We’re all speculating to one degree or another.
  17. Nothing is clear, Chloe, nothing. You're commenting from the outside looking in. We only know a small fraction of what’s going on inside the team. If there was a Reich problem, then Ballard is just as much to blame. He's the GM. He’s responsible for everything.
  18. Yeah…. The NFL likes to have it both ways whenever they can because, well, they’re the NFL and few (short of Congress) can stop them.
  19. I like all who point to Steichen, though I suspect the OP was talking about players. So on that basis, I’m going with Minshew. He’s the only player who touches the ball on every play. He makes the right calls and audibles. If we had been going with Sam, I doubt we’d have been this successful. Props to Minshew for keeping our season alive and in the playoff hunt. What a fun year!!
  20. Not only is it really a thing, I think NFL Films used to sell a video of the biggest and best hits for each season. Of course it’s politically incorrect these days so they haven’t sold it in years, but they once did.
  21. I misread or misunderstand posts from time to time, like most of us. I just misread a post yesterday. It happens. So allow me to restate my position. Whether as a starter, a backup, or anything else, I wouldn’t want Tart on my roster…. Period. Bad attitude and effort in a meaningful game in mid-December is never acceptable to me. And if he came here and wasn’t happy with his role isn’t it fair to think he’d be disruptive for the Colts as well? Too much downside, not enough upside for my comfort level. Hope that clarifies.
  22. Yes. HBO rebroadcasts popular shows multiple times each month. And, there are actually 10 different HBO channels. Yes, 10. So if you’ve got 10 channels of HBO and you have to program all of them, you're going to re-run popular shows over and over again. Thats their business model and it works for them.
  23. Whoops! So sorry, my bad. A poor mis-read by me. Thanks.
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