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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. I’ve read nothing that says Frank lost the locker room in Indy. I think that sentiment is the view of those who didn’t like Reich.
  2. I’ve shared this story recently but it’s worth repeating. At about the midway point of the season PFF put out a ranking of GMs. They ranked Ballard 14th. I don’t think anyone here complained. No Ballard supporter said he was top-5, or even top-10. I’m as big a Ballard supporter as there is here, and I called it fair and not unreasonable. So it seems you’re upset that there isn’t an outpouring of complaints, you want more posters screaming for Ballard’s head. You see this year as a down year because the Colts didn’t beat Houston. You don’t see this as a great year because we nearly reached the playoffs using our backup QB for about 75 percent of the season. I just don’t see any White Knighting going on. Ballard is tied to AR and so he likely has 2-3 years to show what he can become. If he doesn’t pan out, Ballard is done. But if AR becomes the QB most want him to be, then Ballard will be safe. I think you’ve dramatically over-stated your case.
  3. I completely don’t understand this post. Support the workers and not be a shill for management? Huh? I typically favor the players in disputes. I supported Taylor. I’ll support Pittman. But I also typically support management rather than uninformed fans who are unhappy. I’m the holder of many unpopular viewpoints, and I’m fine with that. I can defend myself. So I don’t give in simply because there are many unhappy fans. Here in Los Angeles, I was a media guy for 30 years. I covered the Rams, Raiders, Dodgers, Angels, Lakers, Clippers, Kings Ducks. I’ve interviewed GM’s for all of them. I think I understand their position better than most here, especially the angry fan. And I was a worker, I was NOT management. I wasn’t patronizing you when I said “what can I tell you”. I could’ve said “it is what it is.” I had made my points. Really, that’s all.
  4. What you say is true, but teams and players deal with this every year. This is the system that owners and players have set up to govern themselves. Everyone voted on it. What can I tell you?
  5. Jared…. I don’t think you’ll get your wish about Ballard getting one more year. I think he’s tied to AR, and as long as the kid shows progress, I think CB is safe, up to a point. I think Ballard gets at least two more years. At that point, we will all know more about AR and if he’s the future of the Colts. If AR is the future, I think CB is safe, if not I think the Ballard era will end.
  6. No one seems able to explain?!? They lost both their top coordinators. Steichen to the Colts, Gannon to the Cardinals. Thats what people are talking about.
  7. Forgive me that I as a Colts fan didn’t realize the Lions OC is Ben Johnson, while the Eagles OC is Brian Johnson. Good on you. As for Sirianni being absolutely abysmal for “some time”…. The Eagles were in the SB in Feb and lost at the very end. Then, the Eagles started the season 10-1 with two NEW coordinators. So excuse me if I don’t agree that Sirianni has been abysmal for some time. We’re talking 5-6 weeks. I think our views of football are worlds apart.
  8. Thanks for the catch. But I think we live in a world full of over-reaction to the latest upsets. I don’t find it healthy to getting good analysis to more complex problems. Thats why places like ESPN devote lots of time to over-reactions. Plenty want the latest instant analysis hot take. I’m just not one of them. Everyone is different.
  9. Im not denying that. But if a team is looking for a QB2 who may have to play a few games to help keep playoff chances alive, I think it’s obvious that a veteran is — on balance — a safer way to go. I don’t think I’m saying anything controversial.
  10. Brian Johnson is a fraud? The Lions OC is a fraud? Nick Sirianni is a fraud? Dear God…. Where does this come from?
  11. Proof? The Eagles have GREAT receivers and their offense just struggled badly.
  12. You don’t want me to just all the Day 3 QBs that didnt become much. That list would dwarf the list you made. Your list are the exceptions to the rule. My list would be the actual rule.
  13. Well…. Now you’ve moved the goal posts from the outcome this year to the outcomes over the next several years. Sure, you want to capitalize the opportunity of Purdy’s rookie deal…. But the Colts didn’t get to a Super Bowl in Luck’s rookie contract and the world didn’t end. Life goes on. Contracts get re-worked, and some good players are let go. It’s the same for every NFL team. It’s not the end of the world.
  14. I think there are about 30 franchises who would KILL to get to the conference championship three straight years and lose. I think you make way too much out of way too little.
  15. Not to put too fine a point on it…. But…. Who cares? Seriously why would you care? The Lions have been irrelevant for almost 50 years and now there’s a silly fan who’s making fun of the Colts. Again, who cares?
  16. “If they don’t make the Super Bowl they’ll have major question marks.” I think there are all sorts of things that could happen and few would say they have major question marks. Is it a shame to lose in the NFC Championship game? Is it a shame to lose on a fluke finish? A late field goal? Stuff happens every season. I rarely subscribe to the theory if a team doesn’t reach the Super Bowl their season was a failure or they now have major question marks.
  17. Maybe. But I wouldn’t bet the house on that. Pitt’s deal may ultimately hinge on the signing bonus and total guarantees and not the stated value of the deal.
  18. If Minshew leaves and you think Ehlinger stinks, then the Colts are looking for a new QB2 AND QB3. The QB2 will be a veteran, like Minshew. A rookie drafted in the mid to late rounds is not ready to play in the NFL his first year. The candidate for QB3 can be a late round guy like Sam was. That player will sit and learn his rookie year.
  19. What problem could there be? If they can’t come to terms on a multiyear deal, the Colts will tag Pitt for a year. Problem solved.
  20. This is a fans message board. We’re ALL arm chair GMs.
  21. Honestly no. I’m not trying to yank your chain. But you seem to recognize the point, so we can move on.
  22. Im sorry, but… Quarterbacks don’t reach their ceiling in a number of games. Quarterbacks reach their ceiling over a number of years. No position is more dependent on experience than quarterback. Experience is everything to a quarterback.
  23. I think we should all get prepared for the probability that Stroud is much better than even his biggest supporters thought he’d be. He might just be great. Honestly. Stroud just carved up a great Cleveland defense and made them look like nothing. Meanwhile, Richardson, who I love, has a lot to learn these next two years. All the things he was supposed to learn this year, he still has to get those snaps. He still is terribly inexperienced.
  24. I thought this years year end presser was better than last years but that’s a low and easy bar to clear. But I thought there was one topic that Ballard’s answer was completely unacceptable and desperately needed a follow up or three. To his credit, @ShuteAt168 said BEFORE the presser that the Indy media is not good at needed follow up questions. He called it and nailed it. The hot topic was the 8 suspended players this season. Ballard’s answer made it seem like it was no big deal. “Players are young and they make mistakes…”. I think he ended by saying he’d worry about it if it happened again next year. Next year?!?! There were tons of obvious follow ups to ask, and the media asked none. My initial reaction was that Ballard pulled a Jedi Mind Trick and the Indy media, which I often defend, fell for it. I was seriously disappointed.
  25. Im not disagreeing with anything you wrote, but I’d add this and maybe it helps… I no longer read here that Ballard is a top-5 or even a top-10 GM. Even people who love Ballard have stopped saying that. I’m as big a Ballard as there is here (though Im OFF the Ballard bandwagon). Around mid-season, PFF had a poll of the 32 GMs, and Ballard was ranked 14th. I don’t think there was a single objection here. No one complained. I called it appropriate. I think Ballard is still viewed as a good GM, but I don’t see anyone saying he’s a great GM as they once did. Hope this helps and gives you a different perspective.
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