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Everything posted by NewColtsFan

  1. Ya think Worthy has made himself some serious money today?!? OMG!!!
  2. Did Joe Milton from Tenn just throw a 75 yard strike to his receiver? One of the prettiest connections I have ever seen and it got a big crowd reaction!
  3. Apology accepted. Gladly accepted. I may be quick to anger but I also try to be quick to forgive. It’s a healthier way to live. It’s in the past. We can move forward. Much appreciated.
  4. Yeah…. That’s what I expected. For a couple of months now your approach toward me has changed. I’d guess roughly 80 percent of your responses to me are the same confuse emoji, no matter what I write. And here’s how I know you’re not the least bit sincerely confused. Because if you were confused, you’d follow up with a question as you do from time to time. The rare exceptions. But in most cases you don’t. You’ve decided to be my personal troll. You’re going to show me what it’s like to get negative emoji’s. (Yeah, like you’re the only one!). You’re free to do whatever you like. But if you’re going to be my troll, that means I’m not going to give a rip if/when you have a question for me. You can go pound sand. I was going to make this post a private message to you. But when I asked you what confused you about my post and you responded with yet another confused emoji, that was the moment YOU made this personal. You're a smart guy, but you’ve over played your hand. Im expecting another negative emoji in 3, 2, 1…….
  5. I’m just now seeing this whopper of a post. You do understand the rest of us can read it? Being a Colts fan seems to bring you nothing but misery. How sad that must be? But this post might be the worst in a string of angry rants this morning. You don’t like Irsay much. You hate Ballard and you really REALLY hate, loath and despise the FORMER quarterback. And you didn’t seem to enjoy this past season very much. Does anything about the Colts make you happy?
  6. @PRnum1 OK…. I’ll go down the rabbit hole with you on this. What did you find so confusing? Maybe I can explain?
  7. OK…. Apparently what I wrote made NO SENSE to you. None at all. Zero. I’m as close to speechless with you as I can get. So be it.
  8. The events for Chuck Pagano. It’s to celebrate Chuck Pagano. Andrew Luck is there to celebrate Chuck Pagano. There is a TIME and a PLACE for booing Andrew Luck. THIS isn’t it. Period. When Luck gets put into the Ring of Honor someday, if you're not over it by then, and you still want to boo him THAT’S the time. When the event is about ANDREW LUCK, not when it’s about Chuck Pagano. I hope this makes some sense to you?
  9. Thanks. I appreciate you taking the time to explain to me so thoroughly. Very kind of you. I never thought of a 259 pound DE as underweight at all. Didn't make sense to me. Now, at least a little more.
  10. Yeah, that’s it. I’m a Fan Boy incapable of being objective. Nice. Apparently you haven’t noticed that I have been crushing Luck since he retired. Not just for how badly he handled the retirement speech, but how he’s handled his relationship with Colts fans. I’ve said repeatedly that the fans here should know what happened and to this day they don’t. I’ve said for a very smart guy it’s astonishing how badly he’s handled the end of his career. There was a 6-part series on Luck from Holder and you had no interest in it. There was a long profile of Luck on ESPN.com about his retirement and career and you had no interest in it. Why? Because you and only you knows and no one is going to talk you out of your position. A person’s life isn’t the Zapruder film. You haven’t conclusively proven anything about Luck because he said this on this date, or he did that in that date. It doesn’t even mean anything to you that Irsay and Ballard are still close with Andrew and they talk all the time. Means nothing that his former teammates have nothing bad to say about him. Andrew Luck was Colts quarterback for 8 years and you learned nothing about him. Even during the good years. He is a complete stranger to you. And I find that sad.
  11. You might be 100 percent right. But I think it’s WAY too early to predict anything with confidence.
  12. Go ahead. Please list the “so many failures in the first two rounds.”
  13. Julius Brents ran 4.5 and I think he was drafted to be CB1.
  14. King? This story is very old news. It’s dated May of 2023. This was resolved a long time ago.
  15. You say this is somewhat more realistic and yet you have two trades where Seattle is sending the Colts Tariq Woolen and the 49ers are trading the Colts Fred Warner. Come on now. This would NEVER happen and you’re calling it realistic? Yeah, no.
  16. Huh? 259 pounds is viewed as bad on this RAS score? Seriously? Since when? That’s nonsense.
  17. Did he really? Seriously? I realize he’s young and even older people have said similar comments, but to think he said it in a combine interview. I doubt that’s helpful. Dear God.
  18. Ive already to the point that Luck lies. Everyone’s lies. We all seem to agree with the concept. What we don’t all agree with is that Luck was lying on that day. That he was doing something to mislead the fans. People have been making that argument for years. They have an agenda and they have years invested in it. And they don’t back away from it, period. Believe what you want. Odds are you and I are going to disagree. We’ve been doing that more and more lately. I don’t expect that to change.
  19. 100 percent. Maybe even 1000 percent. He had become a total jerk and * hole with Nicole. And he was clueless about it. He had no idea. Normally in the off-season I write a post about my favorite Luck moments as a Colt. Perhaps this year it’s time I write a post about what a jerk he had become. I think it would surprise most people, it certainly surprised me. So I’ll save that for Mid-June when the players start their 6 week off-season break.
  20. I think you arrive at these conclusions through a filter of anger, or disgust. And I think it colors your opinion. You were perfectly comfortable telling me that as much as I know about Luck over all these years, I couldn’t know how he processes things. Then you turned around and decided YOU KNEW what Luck was thinking and what the reaction would be. You see what you did there?
  21. You're a relatively new poster here. Long before I became a Colts fan, I’ve been a Stanford fan for over 50 years. I’ve followed Luck’s career since he was in high school and Stanford and Harbaugh were recruiting him. I don’t think anyone on this website knows more about Luck than I do. I saw every game he played at Stanford either in person or on TV. I’ve tried to read as much about him as I can. But as a retired member of the media, I’ve interviewed thousands of athletes, and while I haven’t interviewed Andrew, I’ve read the small number interviews that Luck has actually done. And he’s just different than anyone else I’ve come across. He’s wired different. His values are different. And the person he was when he arrived with the Colts changed over his last few years when he was constantly dealing with new injuries but lots of pain. He wasn’t the same guy. It nearly cost him his marriage. But he’s still a big dork and goof ball. He may be a total control freak, but he’s still a good guy. Hope that clarifies.
  22. I don’t think this report has been around for very long. Certainly two years, but I don’t know how many years total? 3? 4? Or just 2? Whatever the answer, I’ll be curious how the Colts grade out next year…..
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