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Posts posted by teganslaw

  1. I play weekly games in fantasy football; that way I can change my lineups according to the matchups.


    I don't understand why Andrew Luck would be considered a Bust.  Give the guy a chance; he was injured almost all of last year. I definitely would put him on my weekly fantasy lineups to start the season.


    Blake Bortles scored a lot of fantasy points last year. With the new players the Jaguars drafted, I wouldn't be surprised to see him do well again.


    It's possible Marcus Mariota will be a sleeper. The Titans' TE Delanie Walker was a fantasy stud last year, and if he and Mariota can get together, things could happen. But not sure because Beckham-Green is no longer with them.

     Bridgewater did quite well in fantasy football also. I couldn't say how he'll do this year.


    I think that most of the analysts are just guessing. They don't know how well players will do. Injuries or suspensions can happen to change everything.

  2. I would like to see the Raiders win the AFC West; hope you're right about that.


    I just don't see the Cowboys winning the NFC East, though. They have too many issues: Greg Hardy, (unless he's already cut); Elliott being accused of assault, to name a few. Then there's the idea of Romo staying healthy, which isn't  a sure thing. I'd be surprised if they do take first place.

  3. I'm not making any prediction on win-loss record, because anything could happen to change things.

    The teams I'm most concerned about are the Chargers (No matter their record, they seem to have the Colts number); the Raiders (unpredictable, and they have talent ), and the Steelers. (that team scares me, for some reason.)


    Denver doesn't intimidate me at all. I think that we'll split the games with the Jaguars, possible losing the one in London.

  4. I read about this, though didn't see the Instagram post; wouldn't have wanted to see it! The Browns have said that an apology isn't enough, that Crowell has to make up for this in other ways.


    Why do the Browns always have problem players? It must be some kind of curse on the team.

  5. B+. I don't know some of the payers chosen, but I like the fact that the Colts filled the needed areas. They went in the right direction, providing protection for Luck and adding depth to the offensive line.

  6. I meant to reply to SW's  quote: somehow it didn't show up.


    Anyway, in response, this is what passes for journalism nowadays. The media hardly ever asks the accuser to justify  credentials. It seems that the more important thing is to get the breaking news out first because of ratings. No one is held accountable for false reporting or exaggerating the news. It's sad, but this is what out society has become.


  7. 10 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    You wanna know what the funny thing is? [Funny ironic not funny humorous]. I expect bad publicity stories to land on the SB losing QB's doorstep not the guy who hoists the trophy & sees the confetti fall. 


    I also wonder why the media always initially takes the accuser's side never asking them to justify their credibility first? Like why the hades should I take a random person's word over someone who I have built up a long history with from a distance as a loyal fan? 


    And then, when the false accuser loses, we drop the matter entirely. Why isn't the person who drew the short straw ever held accountable & raked over the coals for wasting everybody's time & tarnishing an icon's good name for no good reason other than pure selfishness? It royally ticks me off. 


  8. I think that this case is brought up to force Manning's retirement. For some reason, they want him to quit football, and  bringing up something that happened 20 years ago might tarnish his reputation and force him out.


    I don't know what happened, although some payment was made to hush things up. This seems to be a case of "he said, she said" and unless a person was there during the incident they don't really know what took place. Everything is speculation, so I'm not taking sides.Maybe Manning did something stupid and had to pay for it; I don't know.


    The Broncos organization hasn't said anything about this. I'm wondering if they might cut Manning because it could harm the NFL reputation? Other players are cut if they are involved in allegations, whether it turns out to be true or not. Not saying that they should, but I'll be watching to see what happens. Maybe Manning will retire instead.

  9. Cam probably never realized how his actions would start such a heated debate. 


    Whether they like it or not, celebrities whether in sports or entertainment, are looked up by many as role models.One could argue that technically they aren't responsible for what others think, but it comes with the territory. Anyone who is in a high profile career has to be aware of their actions and act accordingly. 


    Thee has been mention of Cam Newton needing to grow up emotionally. He's been in the NFL several years now, and has a newborn son. It's about time he learned some maturity. He's a parent now and need to be more responsible.

  10. I must be missing something: why would Manning play for another team? He's a Bronco now, and I don't understand why Denver would think of releasing him. There are talks of his retirement, but if he decides to play another year or so, why wouldn't it be for Denver? Salary cap issues??? 

  11. 20 hours ago, Jules said:


    Good answer.


    Honestly I am not a huge Panthers fan either (cats are the real Gods of the universe though).. I hate the Broncos though more and orange clashes with my coloring. I usually pull for the NFC when the Colts are not there (which is most years sadly). I would be pulling for Arizona or GB as well if they were in it although I would expect both teams to mess it up lol.


    Interesting how the Colts have played well vs. the two SB teams yet again just like in 2013. We beat both in 2013 and this year were an OT muck up from beating both.



    Well, cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, so they still think they are Gods.

    Also, Carolina has nicer uniforms than Denver. Those orange uniforms are just too loud.

  12. I have admitted that I'm favoring the Panthers. It would be OK with me if Manning gets another ring because I like him; he has already established his legacy.

    However, I don't care about the Broncos team, and don't like Elway. Besides, Manning has gotten a ring before and had two other chances . It's time for a new team to win. Although Carolina has been in the Superbowl before, it was with different players. Newton hasn't had that chance yet, and, with the kind of year he's had, I would like to see go out on top.


    Either way, I'm hoping the Superbowl isn't a blowout.

  13. It's too soon to say whether this would be a lop-sided Superbowl, but as of right now, I feel that this is the year of the Panther. Sad to see Arizona lose like that, but Newton just has something special going on. The whole team is kind of destined to take it all, and it doesn't matter at this point who their opponent would be.


    For sure Newton is MVP this year.

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