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Posts posted by teganslaw

  1. I had Dalvin Cook on my fantasy team, and he was one of the bright spots. I didn't win, but was impressed with how well he did. As a rule, I'm reluctant to have rookies on my team until they play a few games. Took a chance with Cook, and he got me 15 points.

  2. In my case, it's not really a dislike of the NE players; it's the way that team is hyped by the media. It's like they are the second coming, or something. I turned off the pregame ceremony last night because I didn't like the way everyone was acting. We know what happened in the Superbowl, why did they have to repeat it? The whole thing was so over-the-top annoying. I'm glad that KC stuck it to them. 

  3. A Washington fan I know said that Hazel showed a lot of promise, and was released because of a numbers crunch. The person was high on his talent, so it sounds like a positive move for the Colts. I'm not sure how much hazel would play, though.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Xander said:


    "We have no idea if our star QB will be ready to begin the season and have not taken any measures to prepare for the event that he is not."


    Lol jeeze. 

    Irsay explained things perfectly. Luck will be back when the Football Gods decide, and no sooner. Everyone just try to relax......

  5. Not interested. I heard that one of the reasons Green-Beckham was released is because he didn't apply himself. Although he has talent, he was more interested in nightlife than in playing. Rather not take the chance.

  6. I live in Fort Wayne also and going to work passed over the bridge where they found Hardy's body. At first I wondered why there were fire trucks and police cars around that area; the traffic was closed to one lane. Turns out that they had found Hardy. They don't know the cause of death yet. Sad story.

  7. 5 hours ago, ReMeDy said:

    I've got another concern: Why is Brady yelling? Did he forget his heart medication? Did Giselle make him sleep on the couch? Is he mad EA put him on the cover? What is his story?




    "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    He could be yelling for several reasons:

    1. "The Patriots are the greatest" (his words)

    2. :Madden curse, what Madden curse?"

    3. "Take that, Goodall!"

  8. Is anyone watching this? I saw the second episode, and thought it was very good. (Missed the first one.) I plan to watch the rest of the series. It's on NFL Network, next episode Wednesday at 10.00 P.M. EST. It's also streaming on Amazon. Even after viewing just one episode, I'm interested and can tell that it will be worth while. Recommended for football fans no matter who their favorite team is.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Gramz said:

    I think we will be at the Cleveland game too.   My son is a Browns fan.   haha    Maybe we will see you again.  So fun meeting you and your family this past season.



    Sympathies to your son.......::) Seriously, maybe the Browns will finally have a good season.

  10. I thought that Drew Pearson was great! Giving it back to the Eagles fans. I was getting tired of the "Fly, Eagles, fly" song, so they deserved this.

    I noticed that the analysts didn't spend much time on the Colts' draft picks, but it didn't upset me. Ballard did a good job with the picks, so the analysts' opinions didn't much matter. Mayock didn't like the orangutan picking the players, but it was entertaining to me. Some people thought it was disrespectful to the players, but I don't agree. I really don't think the players cared who announced the picks; they were happy just to be chosen!


    SW, since you brought it up, no it's not wrong to wonder about the Make-A-Wish Foundation recipients thinking bigger. It's just something that wouldn't interest you.  Everyone has different dreams and goals; what one person likes holds no interest for someone else. That being said, I can understand someone's wish wanting to announce a draft pick; it's something I would like to do. I've always wanted to attend the NFL draft (didn't work out for me to attend the Chicago ones), and announcing a pick would be amazing!


    Overall, this was a very good draft, and I enjoyed watching it. I've never been to Philadelphia, but it looks interesting.

  11. I didn't know much about Malik Hooker, but after reading the posts and checking him out, this was a nice pick. Some analysts were saying that he is inconsistent, but that doesn't concern me too much. The positives seem to outweigh the negative factors on this guy.

  12. Maybe he wanted to play another season, and NE was the only team interested. Sometimes they have to take what they can get or be out of football. it could have been that kind of situation.


    On the other hand, it would be neat if AP got 1000 yards this season. He seems to be near the end of his career, but who knows how it will work out.

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