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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

    Kravitz hasn't been a good sports analyst' in a long time.   If I had irsays money and power,   I would have wrecked him and Doyle long ago

    yea, dakich has eluded to the fact that he is "pressured" from the Colts organization to stay aligned with the good guys (paraphrasing) and that he hasn't given in, nor will (whether true or not who knows).

  2. 3 minutes ago, Matabix said:

    I like Coach Pagano, but reality is he's most likely out. So time to think about a new coach and what this team needs. I think we need an innovative young offensive minded coach. We need to show some of these NFL defenses something they haven't seen. I would like to keep Coach Philbin as OC/OL coach. Experience playcaller, but calling someone else's play style. Would like to keep a 3/4 defense. Or back to Indy2 D(cheaper defense).


    Just my 2 cents.


  3. let's go beat the Steelers and turn this around a bit for morale purposes.  This season is about our future QB and building things around luck for next year and the future of the Colts (Brissett), not about wins / losses because the playoffs are a pipe-dream.  We are heading right back to a middle-round to upper-round draft pick and that can only do so much good anyway.  Free agency, the draft, and our QBs guided by Ballard and our future coaching staff.  I'm sticking to 2019 as the year we have a chance to do some damage.  No sooner.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, JaguarsWoman said:


    Savage is the best QB Houston has. Barring injury, there is no way he gets pulled from the game.

    Savage is a play charter, practice guy, below just one of many opinions of his "prowess".  

    "Savage also looked like a statuesque sloth moving around in the pocket. It’s hard to be an easier target"

    source: https://deadspin.com/bad-quarterback-performance-of-the-week-tom-savage-get-1803775394

  5. Savage is no good.  look for a mid-game change.  brutal list of injuries on both sides, much more-so on texans side.  COLTS 24  TEXANS 8.  Texans still in playoff hunt but will succumb to numbing injuries and low morale as their owner stepped all over himself with his thoughtless comments.  If given the chance, Pagano might rub a few extra TD's in their face to quell fan disdain in Indy.

  6. 11 hours ago, jszfunk said:


    Getting another QB killed./ruined. Luck was punished by it, now Brissett., 29 times .   I know its beating a dead  horse, but what is the first thing you do when you have anything of value? You protect it.  Jacoby is more than a capable QB, basically he is still a rookie to a degree, but getting  punished behind this woeful o line is sad to watch.

    Notice how he gets up really slow as the season wears on after taking beatings.  Tell-tale signs.  The Colts staff just puts WD-40 on joints but only when they start squeaking.  

  7. 49-7
    List of Human Emotions Experienced by Indy Colts Fans after watching Texans game
    • Admiration
    • Adoration
    • Aesthetic Appreciation
    • Amusement
    • Anxiety
    • Awe
    • Awkwardness
    • Boredom
    • Calmness
    • Confusion
    • Craving
    • Disgust
    • Empathetic pain
    • Entrancement
    • Envy
    • Excitement
    • Fear
    • Horror
    • Interest
    • Joy
    • Nostalgia
    • Romance
    • Sadness
    • Satisfaction
    • Sexual desire
    • Sympathy
    • Triumph

    Wait, there's more as different professionals have varying lists

    • Acceptance (might as well)
    • Affection
    • Aggression
    • Ambivalence
    • Apathy
    • Anxiety
    • Boredom
    • Compassion
    • Confusion
    • Contempt
    • Depression
    • Doubt
    • Ecstasy
    • Empathy
    • Envy
    • Embarrassment
    • Euphoria
    • Forgiveness
    • Frustration
    • Gratitude
    • Grief
    • Guilt
    • Hatred (just kidding, Hatred)
    • Hope
    • Horror
    • Hostility
    • Homesickness
    • Hunger
    • Hysteria
    • Interest
    • Loneliness
    • Love (we'll always love our colts, no matter how screwed up they are)
    • Paranoia
    • Pity
    • Pleasure
    • Pride
    • Rage
    • Regret
    • Remorse
    • Shame
    • Suffering
    • Sympathy
    • Feel free to add your own
  8. 12 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Texans defense will allow some points, but they'll also get some sacks and force a turnover or two. O'Brien will also use Watson most of the game, though a lot of their games have been very competitive because of the Texans poor defense. It is possible they lead by 3 tds at halftime, and Watson gets removed in the 4th quarter.

    This is a much better report than I was expecting.  Thanks for that info.  I have not been able to watch any of their (Texans) games, this will be my first.

  9. 1 hour ago, chad72 said:

    Bill O’ Brien will go mercy rule on Pagano after the first 6 by quarter 4 and start running his backups more. :) 

    I'm trying to think back if we backed off with a huge lead in previous games.  Coaches don't forget.  O'Brien seems the type to let the scoreboard rock and roll and not worry about someone's feelings.  I'm thinking Brissett will not last the whole game.  I wonder what the Colts O-line is thinking watching tape of the Texan's D.  Does anyone who has watched their games have any grasp of if they are pretty good as in intimidating (Texan's D)?

  10. 14 hours ago, Indeee said:

    Earlier reported Colts wanted Browns 2nd round pick for TY. Then later Pats in talks with colts for TY, Rumored. Garapollo just raded to niners for 2018 2nd... Coincidence???


    Mods you can move this just wanted it to be seen first

    TY was a once-in-a-blue-moon pick.  Can't imagine getting rid of him.  If we do, it's part of a complete IPA WIPEDOWN of Ryan Grigson.

  11. It's painful to watch but our draft pick just keeps getting better and better.  It is what it is, it's like sitting down with the nurse and knowing she is going to stick you with a needle and there's nothing you can do about it.  if you walk away, you are a sissy.  just grin and bear it, suck it up, sack-up and all that.  We are what we are, we knew they were coming.  It's pretty predictable.....Pagano throws at least one ill-advised challenge flag every game, the OC calls at least a half a dozen head scratchers a game, the defense gets completely fooled at least more than twice and gouged putridly every game.  Ok, so I don't think that's a word but I needed to invent one for what we see.  

  12. 59 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I know where it's at. But I've not been able to actually enter the chat room since last season. I click it and get a server error every time

    was in there a few early games, it was working.  haven't tried last couple.  if all else fails, use IE11, it's pretty much compatible with anything.

  13. On 10/17/2017 at 1:13 PM, The Fish said:

    If Harbaugh doesn't beat Penn St. on Saturday there's a chance he's available. I didn't think that would be the case. Now you have to figure out if you want him and all of his *charm*.


    If Ballard want's Taub, that's fine. I have no idea if he's any good, but I'll accept that he'd have an idea where I wouldn't.

    i think it will be Taub.  you've got a few good years out of luck (if he heals all the way up and stays that way -- unlikely based on protection)..... and if the Colts can somehow not screw up the Jacoby Brissett thing, and keep him, it would be enticing for Taub to come here.  Unfortunately, we get a coach learning to be a head coach (remind you of anyone?)

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