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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. On 12/21/2017 at 10:36 PM, DarkHorse said:

    If you want immediate results you sign 2 veteran free agent guards such as Norwell and Pugh.  Let Mewhort walk.  We have the cap space use it on the line.  If we can get these two players or someone of there caliber we don't have to use our first round pick on a guard.  As good as Nelson is and I do want him I'd rather spend that pick on Bradley Chubb, as long as we get two good guards in free agency. Rookies take time to devolp.  We need results now. 

    walterfootball has us taking Saquon Barkley, ugh (with Chubb not even gone yet at #3)

  2. Not so main stream possibilities (from a name stand-point):


    Vrabel, Harold Goodwin, Matt LaFluer Paul Geunther, Frank Reich, Steve Wilks


    more main stream names


    Josh McDaniels, Pat Shurmur, Jim Harbaugh, & last but not least 3280bc8fe4c8c0e2d183698893696c852ba7502fde4d84c74db52c091e7d4ce2.jpg?mw=600

     Would Gruden be real chucky or fake chucky?




    Taub (but i think ballard might pull the trigger if he gets an ok from irsay) 


  3. 8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    He is what he is, a Great backup but a suspect starter. As a backup I would love that to Luck. Luck when healthy is easily a Top 10 QB so he isn't close to Luck. I think with Luck we would be above .500 because our Defense has kept us in a lot of games.

    agree, also luck has an uncanny feel for the pocket, is quicker processing everything (which is huge at this level)....I find it ironic that we have the same complaints with Brissett that we did with Luck (not getting rid of the ball quick enough when a play breaks down or not getting rid of it at all and risking life and limb)...it will shorten their NFL life-spans, no matter how big and tough they are.  The problem i see with Brissett is how much more starting time are teams (colts, etc.) going to give him?  It will be due to injury unless he goes somewhere else as a projected starter on a bad team, but will have the same issues (protection, decision making, etc.).

  4. On 12/16/2017 at 3:22 AM, ty4atd said:


    Ideally he's just a  #2 but I can think of at least a couple of teams where if he had a whole off-season with the team he would be their starter. Remember he hasn't looked great lately but the whole line minus AC is broken, Hilton and Doyle are his only reliable targets and he got here week 2 and was just thrown in. He's easily the best backup QB we've had since Hass and this is only his 2nd year QB with hopefully more competent coaching and a full off-season with the team I think he'd be just fine. Right now can you think of a better backup QB in the NFL? Case Keenum or Pat Mahomes (QB of the future) are the only ones I could and who knows with Mahomes. Luck should be back next year but worst case scenario if we build a decent team around Briss he'd be average and maybe better IMO. 

    Let's take a look at just a few specific Jacoby numbers :  QBR via ESPN 39.4  via NFL  36.8 (which puts him at rank 28).  A number that I find interesting is "Point Added".  Definition:  PTS ADDED: Number of points contributed by a quarterback over the season, accounting for QBR and how much he plays, above the level of an average quarterback.  Brissett is ranked 30 out of 33 players (ESPN).  His net yards gained per pass attempt is very low at 5.40 (this takes into account sack yards lost), referred to as NY/A , which is not good but speaks partly to his pass protection but decision making factors as well.  He has been sacked 49 times, which is just simply alarming on multiple counts. Some of those by holding on to the ball too long, but probably just 15% or fewer (maybe someone has developed a stat but seems to me it would be subjective).  I agree with you that if we build around him, he could be just average.  Several things I like for sure is that he is hard to bring down, he's got good size, and he's very young (24)  --- This Aside from all of the other positives (arm, etc..)

  5. 6 hours ago, chad72 said:


    The first half he did, the second half he got a penalty, I think??? However, the Broncos used Demaryius Thomas' side to get Butler to lean to them twice resulting in a Brock rushing TD before the half and then the TD throw to the TE. Butler was caught leaning too much, either he was out of position both times or felt he had to protect the rookie, not sure which one it was.

    yea, you are correct, i think they called the penalty on the wrong jersey #, but it was he who committed the sin

  6. 19 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    Here's an example of how its been for the Broncos..

    They got a sack fumble last week..and their safety Justin Simmons celebrated so hard he sprained his ankle and got put on injured reserve....

    ...... lol,  yep no doubt, this is the reason that both teams will be 4 -10 at 11:59pm tomorrow.  badly injured & scantly talented teams beating equally injured & woeful teams, meh, happened to us 3 other times this year, why not on TNF at home.  Read all about it, get your Colts tickets for 6 dollars, read all about it ..... yawn, we could hardly get any pub for an NFL game played in almost blizzard-like conditions that went down to the wire and featured grown men playing in the snow, the biggest news being Adam V.  probably not getting his 500K bonus.  I will be rooting however.  Let me add that it gets me more exited that we will have a top 15 draft pick and Luck back and next year should sport 8 to 9 wins.  Whereas the following year and Ballard working his magic, we should be taking names (all depends on schedule strength and our O-LINE and Ballard and our new coach Taub getting the defense tough and mean and blowing snot and spitting and hocking loogies at the opposition)

  7. i was so wrong about hilton having a big game, i have to eat my crow.  didn't know it was going to be the Blizzard of '78, but I'll take Gore substituting for giving hilton big yards any day.  sure-fire hall of famer gave everything he had today, and then some

  8. 9 hours ago, krunk said:

    If we couldn't win this Bill game its hard for me to see us win anything else. Offense is too pedestrian.

    if pagano would have gotten them to the right hash mark, we probably beat the bills.  Now a home game and not wanting to suck will bring a mixed, unceremonious low roar from the crowd thursday and slightly enough mettle from the players to get the W.  i root for the Colts no matter what, but I just can't believe how big a swing it could be from losing out vs. winning out.  crazy that we could possibly draft in the middle "of the order".

  9. 44 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:

    Hey Chris.....

    you wanna watch the game at my place this week?  Its gotta be cold in that van down by the river.  You can come by, just dont try to put on any of my little coats!  However, you CAN talk into one of my fans like darth vader if you like.

    No problem I'll leave the coats be, but I'd be happy to belt out a few "La La La Luke, Luke, I am your father" !!

  10. On 12/8/2017 at 5:09 AM, WoolMagnet said:

    Looks like less than an inch of snow in the forecast.

    the last snow game i remember in Buffalo was the game we sat most of our top players. You remember, the year we decided to not go for the undefeated season. I seem to remember getting dallas clark some catches for stats tho.


    yea, Clark was put in to set some sort of personal record, can't remember other than it was a miserable game to have to sit through as a Colts fan.  Thanks Polian, he should at least admit that he regrets it.

  11. 8 minutes ago, jameszeigler834 said:


    So who starts at center cause his backup is also Questionable with an ankle.

    same kid that came in the other day vs. the jags.  our backup got injured and they brought the 3rd stringer in.  wish i could think of his name.

  12. will be good to have him back in week 15.  game will be 31 and a little bit snowy (flurries) and a 22MPH sustained wind, so Kelly will be happy to stay back in Indy where it will be a balmy 39 and clear.

  13. 9 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    I heard the other day Brissett has something like the 9th most time to throw in the NFL.  It could be the line isn’t as bad as we think it is and the real problem is our weapons don’t get open and our young QB holds the ball too long because he’s not sure what he’s seeing out there.  


    I sm not saying the line is perfect, it’s not, I just think sometimes they get more blame than they should.

    Interesting stat for sure. I wonder if there is a stat for,  'Most time given to a coach to figure out if he can coach'.   Pagano would be 1st.

  14. 6 hours ago, IinD said:

    Supposed to be in the teens and snowing for the game.


    Going to be an ugly boring game with a 10-7 type final score I'd guess.

    buffalo is playing for something, they will score more than that , but we will outscore them.  look for a huge game from TY.

  15. On 11/30/2017 at 9:50 AM, rockywoj said:

    How grossly unprepared the team was, how badly the coaching was, and quite simply how badly the team played in every facet of the game.  One of the worst performances I can remember. 

    among others, was especially disappointed in the penalties, like the 12 men on the field on defense, it wasn't even someone running off the field, they were all just standing there like statues.

  16. On 11/16/2017 at 11:21 PM, sfergson727 said:


    You guys can believe what you want.  I tend to believe that Luck is finished.  He had cortisone shots every week for whole season, that is very bad for the surrounding tissue.  I think he is done, but that is my opinion only.  Time will tell.

    if what you're saying is true (that those injections damage tissue), it would be almost certain that the Colts wouldn't have let that happen -- every team including the Colts have the best possible medical & training staff , top notch all the way, the best that money can buy.  It's like having the Mayo Clinic at your disposal every day.

  17. On 12/2/2017 at 7:52 AM, Lawrence Owen said:

    I might bet abused for this, but to me the most dissapointing Colt in the past 20 years was Bob Sanders.....

    not even close.  he was just injury prone but provided us some amazing highlights and victories.  his body was not framed or right-sized for the amount of muscle he was trying to develop / put on AND play NFL football at the same time, and might have contributed to some of his muscle related injuries.  From Iowa to Indy, he was a god-like figure around these parts.

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