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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. Doyel is all about sensationalism -- from the first day I heard him while driving and listening to Dakich (many moons ago), while he (Doyel) was at CBS Sports , I could tell it was all about getting reactions and trying to move the needle.  Everything he says has to be taken with a grain of salt, filtered, then assessed.  Every so often there is something worthwhile coming out of his "reporting" that could be considered concrete, the balance of the time, it's hyperbole.

  2. if you watched the playoffs this weekend, the quality of play, players, & most of the coaching was outstanding.  it certainly makes it more sobering as far as the distance the Colts must make up, it's a bit depressing.  However, I'm sticking with the 2019 prediction of making a really decent playoff run (win at least two games).  Two names I think we can cross off (unless we make a hire tomorrow-monday) are Taub and Vrabel (since we would have already pulled the trigger).  I've gotta eat my crow on the non-selection of Taub, I put too much into media reports. 

  3. McDaniels Pluses:

    1) has more rings than Vrabel

    2) OC'ed Matt Cassell to an 11-5 record

    3) did not get his Super Bowl rings stolen

    4) Yacht loads of QB, OC experience, Smaller-Boat loads of head coaching experience

    McDaniels Minuses:

    1) immediately was surrounded in controversy after being hired by Denver & lost their #1 QB "franchise" 

    2) managed to somehow get fired right before christmas (who does that?)

    3) video-taping scandal

    4) let Tom Brady yell at him


    Vrabel pluses:

    1) Can beat McDaniels in arm wrestling

    2) Can beat McDaniels at anything physical

    3) meh

    Vrabel minuses:

    1) No HC experience

    2) Would lose to McDaniels at Tetris

    3) All three of his Super Bowl rings were stolen


  4. 18 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    This is what I feared....


    Would not be surprised if a year from now the new HC is making changes to his one year old coaching staff...




    this is why Chuck should have been gone when Ballard came in (we are hiring the same coach we would have hired last year.  we are now a year behind schedule, thanks to Irsay and Ballard hanging on to the then Lame Duck Chuck.

  5. 2 hours ago, Roger said:

    I want to hear that McDaniels wants the Colts.

    yea, that would be ideal....not sure that it would be "The Patriot's Way"  , but BB will probably be a father-like figure and make the appropriate recommendations for McDaniels to take the Colts job unless he thinks Irsay is a kook.  So after the Patriots are eliminated (if they are), BB should be like a wise leader and direct his subordinates to lands of rich and lush possessions & fertile soil to harvest fall crops.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dark Superman said:

    I know a lot of people on here are behind Irsay, but did anyone else notice him at the press conference he and Ballard held a few weeks back? I know he has a past of abusing prescription drugs and such, and I am in no way, shape or form calling the guy out on a possible relapse, but Irsay looked like a complete mess and quite possibly on something. His speech was all over the place, making zero sense, and his eyes didn't even look open during that interview. I know the NFL doesn't drug test the their Owners, GM's, etc, so I guess we will never know, but anyway.


    I have a strong feeling Jim Irsay is one of the reasons behind Matt Nagy not signing here. Chris Ballard and Matt Nagy seem to have a lot of respect for each other and have the same mindset when it comes to professional football.  I was shocked that Nagy picked the Trubinski and the Bears over Luck and Ballard's Colts. If Chris Ballard tells Nagy that Andrew Luck will be healthy for the 2018 season, I think Nagy signs immediately. But he didn't and now there are reports that Nagy felt "uncomfortable" during the interview.


    Uncomfortable? There's only one person that could make someone feel uncomfortable in Indianapolis and it's not Chris Ballard.


    Jim Irsay scared Matt Nagy out of Indianapolis, I just know it.

    It's likely he is on certain medications prescribed by his doctor for his condition.  Perhaps he was addicted to certain things (not judging just surmising) and he is on products that are helping him that can change ones demeanor.  I think he is either recovered from all that or on the road to it so I don't think there is anything to worry about there.  He is coming up on 59 years old in June so you combine his age with his past and you are going to deteriorate a bit from it all.  I just hope he allows Chris Ballard to call most of the really big shots coming up.

  7. wow, this may take a few more months, only to then hire Taub.  I think it's a charade and Taub will be hired.  I hope I am wrong and that everyone truly had a chance.  If McDaniels wasn't available, I'd agree with giving Taub a fighting chance in an interview head-up against the other top 3 candidates, but since McDaniels is available, I think it should have been a no-brainer (i also realize you have to wait until after the first week of february due to the fact New England will be in the Super Bowl)

  8. On 1/4/2018 at 12:33 AM, Shive said:

    We hired a rookie HC in Pagano.... Hiring another rookie HC would be doing the same thing. If you don't like McDaniels, just say it, but at least have a better reason than "He's already failed before."

    i agree with you, no doubt.  If we do get McDaniels, we may get Matt Patricia as well....could be a package deal (unless i missed some news on Patricia and he is not available for hire)

  9. I have accepted the fact that we are taking Taub since Ballard was hired and the rumor first came out.  I haven't seen any evidence (nor am i privy to it) that would change that.  This allows me to be numb to the whole thing, and if the slimmest of a slim chance would come to fruition and we would get a harbaugh or another big name that's a proven NFL HC & winner, it would just be gravy.

  10. 2 hours ago, chad72 said:

    I guess the OP hasn’t read this, this is a must read article about Josh McDaniels:




    He won’t have control over personnel decisions and I trust Irsay and Ballard to make the right decision. I cannot play conjecture but I can present published articles. :)

    that was a long read, but one well worth the time.  top to bottom, we can glean very positive things from this, as McDaniels did from his tenure in Denver & St. Louis.  --- Being the head-coach at such a young age was disastrous at times, but time will tell if he deserves another chance.....has he truly learned his lesson, or would he come into a very disjointed Colts organization and see that he can power his way around because of a soft owner in Irsay?  An owner that gets kicked around by bully GM's (Grigson), that allowed a sub-standard coaching staff for so many years, that now has a culture of pushing the wrong buttons with personnel and critical decision making?  I am one who thinks that this guy should be considered but heavily vetted through interviews with Josh himself and with his current and former close work colleagues & staff.  If I was Ballard, I'd go on my own gut instincts and NOT weigh very heavily if at all , the input of Jim Irsay.  This is an NFL position that might be more unique than any other job in sports, and it requires a very well balanced individual with high intelligence, off the charts interpersonal skills ,  and a two-way respect developed between player & coach that leads to accountability, work-ethic, and a true caring for one another that also lends itself to "putting it all out there".  If we can find that, we take this to the next level, and that could come fairly quickly.

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