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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 13 hours ago, IndySouthsider said:

    Damn, what’s with all the retreads? Del Rio? 



    the pickens are slim -- we got Krafted, remember?  a patriot coach accepted the head-coaching gig but apparently he was just joshin'

  2. 4 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

    All three(Elberflus, Phair and DeG) were approved by JM but Did not Have strong ties to him. Elberflus had coached at Toledo and Missouri in the NCAA and Cleveland and Dallas in the NFL, Phair had spent time with the Bears, Bucs, Seahawks and at UI


     DeG had been fired by NE 2 Years Ago

    thanks !!!!   I hope these guys work out, I really do

  3. Because he's had success calling offensive NFL plays for the best QB that's ever played the game, does that make him a genius?  If he architects a completely new ground-breaking type of NFL offensive football style, ok , or is able to take his genius to another team and win a super bowl, alright,  but until then............let's not put him with Walsh.




    Related image

    Image result for Bill Walsh offensive design flowchart

    Image result for Bill Walsh offensive design flowchart





  4. would be great to beat Pats in their own back yard next year but we MUST shore up our secondary, otherwise McDaniels will torch us with a mixture of play-action and darts all over the field. and that is just unacceptably frightening.  I realize there are other areas that must be improved as well.  The more I think about all the areas that have to be bolstered, the more I feel queezy.  McDaniels is more feared as an OC, not so much HC.

  5. Rick Venturi just texted Dan Dakich that Dan Campbell is a * (i paraphrased because i can't remember the exact word he used but it wasn't good).

    Sounds like we should steer clear of this dude.  Venturi has been in the NFL circles for decades and I trust what he says - for the most part).

    He (Venturi) told Dakich this while Dakich was on the phone with Diana Russini or whatever her name is.

    Lets also keep in mind that McDaniels screws other teams up too because the Colts are trying to pluck someone or a group of people which will disrupt other teams at this late date in the game.  McDaniels causing ripples or a tsumani across the league for weeks to come (probably months)


  6. 4 minutes ago, Andrew86 said:

    Fantastic so whatever third pick bottom of the barrel loser coach we get is saddled with coordinators he has no say in.  Freaking fantastic! Just what I would expect from the dumpster fire that is the Indianapolis Colts.

    He trusted McDaniels word, he said it's on him.  McDaniels is not a man of his word and he had "Bad News" , like the little chump that he is.  In four words, "I have bad news", he changed the course of the future for the Colts.  You either let if define you or you learn from it and learn more about who you were dealing with.  They learned who they were dealing with.  McDaniels is the biggest turd in the NFL from a gentlemen's perspective in terms of honor and integrity.  Ballard has McDaniels trumped on all of those accounts.  Keeping the D-Coordinator was an honor thing, you honor your word.  If the new coach doesn't understand that, he won't be our coach.  Yes, this is unfortunate and does throw a wrench in things with the new coach, but it is what it is.  It probably narrows down the coaching search even more unfortunately.  

  7. Can you imagine being those 3 coaches at W. 56th street, and having to hear over the internet the hired head coach is no more.  Disbelief, shock, dismay, to anger to &*#@!#*$@&^$*@&&#!)@^  in about 5 minutes.  I thought my browser was sitting on a cached page of a day or two ago of the purported story of McDaniels possibly not coming and that I was not seeing things correctly and this could not be because we HIRED the guy & press conf. Wed.  I did an immediate refresh and was still in disbelief but then went to COLTS.COM to get the punch in the gut.

  8. 9 minutes ago, John Waylon said:



    Boy the punches keep on rolling in. He didn’t even stay for a carrot dangled in front of him. He just stayed to stay. 


    I really want to think this whole thing wasn’t just some elaborate setup designed as deflategate retaliation. 


    But I can’t. I just * can’t. If I live for another 50 years I don’t think I’ll be able to ever say this wasn’t a setup to get back at us for deflategate. 


    And I’m sure he and Ballard discussed draft and free agency strategy at some point. I’m sure McDaniels has walked away from this with more information than he needs. 


    This is bad. This is real bad. Even if you didn’t want him as our coach this is bad.

    I may not get any sleep over this article.  :flaming:

  9. 6 minutes ago, John Waylon said:



    Boy the punches keep on rolling in. He didn’t even stay for a carrot dangled in front of him. He just stayed to stay. 


    I really want to think this whole thing wasn’t just some elaborate setup designed as deflategate retaliation. 


    But I can’t. I just * can’t. If I live for another 50 years I don’t think I’ll be able to ever say this wasn’t a setup to get back at us for deflategate. 


    And I’m sure he and Ballard discussed draft and free agency strategy at some point. I’m sure McDaniels has walked away from this with more information than he needs. 


    This is bad. This is real bad. Even if you didn’t want him as our coach this is bad.

    Wow, this is unbelievable.  All because of Jim Irsay.....Ballard gave it his all I'm sure.


  10. 3 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

    We need to absolutely destroy the Pats the next time we play...an all out assault from all other teams as well. Make their freakin lives miserable and destroy any chances he gets offered another HC job.


    ....I'm so mad I yelled at my dog then I had to go apologize and give him a cookie.


    thanks for apologizing to your dog, it's more than what McDaniels did to his coaching selections for the Colts. 

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