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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 1 hour ago, bababooey said:

    It's being done by a local guy, hopefully it's good I have faith.

    OK, as long as they present the final product here on forum.colts.com in a 3-D preview and then we'll create a poll.  If it's 90% or higher on poll results, then it's a go for unveiling. That's only fair. 

  2. On ‎5‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 2:43 PM, bababooey said:

    My God, I hope this statue looks good, don't need another meme like Ronaldo's or our banner.

    I was thinking the exact same thing, I hope they contracted a famous sculptor to do the work and are putting in extra large amounts of cash to get it done.  I mean, visiting people and hoosiers alike will put much stock in the final product, and many snickers if it's a big failure. (if it's bad, let's hope there's a "re-do" clause in the contract).

  3. 4 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    Totally, I couldn't help but wonder who the players were.

    there are different levels of bust in all likelihood, so probably had to be high draft picks and miserable failures.  low picks don't count.  I'm guessing 2nd to 3rd round busts.  if it's first rounds busts,  that would be easier to find but probably less likely.  if you find out, let us know.

  4. 6 hours ago, stitches said:

    My grades:


    Round 1: Malik Hooker | A+ | no. 3 player on my big board. Fell to us, Ballard scooped him. Could hardly imagine the first round falling any better than this. We got a blue chip talent at 15. Now we need to coach him up and keep him healthy and he will crush the league.

    Round 2: Quincy Wilson | B+ | Not my favorite, but fits the criteria Ballard outlined for what he wants from his DBs. Good press-corner, should be starting day 1.

    Round 3: Tarell Basham | C+ | Right now I'm not seeing it with Basham, I don't see how he wins in the league, he has some burst, but doesn't have the bend, doesn't have advanced moves, doesn't have the power to win. I think he can be a rotational pass-rusher, but I think we missed on a potential beast in Derek Rivers or Carl Lawson, who were on the board at the time. I hope I'm wrong on this one.

    Round 4.1: Zach Banner | C- | I don't see it with Banner either. I think his lack of speed gets abused in the league. We will have to rely on him dropping weight being the key to improved mobility. Right now I can't see how he will ever see the field and be successful at his current levels of athleticism/movement.

    Round 4.2: Marlon Mack | A- | I think we needed a different dimension to our running back core. He's a scat back with big play ability. He's explosive and covers one of our biggest weaknesses from last year - explosive run plays. I love the pick. Right now he will probably be a change of pace RB, but I see some potential for more in the future.

    Round 4.3. Grover Stewart | A- | At this point of the draft, I'm all in on betting on big upside guys with great tools and athleticism. Stewart is exactly this - he will need to be coached up, but the way he moves for his size is insane. Will need to get stronger, will need to learn technique... but if it all clicks for him.... damn, we might have a steal at this point of the draft.

    Round 5.1 Nate Hairston | ?? | I don't know enough about him to evaluate it.

    Round 5.2. Anthony Walker | B+ | I like this pick in the 5th round. I think he can be rotational player at first with potential to start in the future. I wonder if they will ask him to drop his weight to his 2015 level, when he seemed even more athletic? I think I like Walker better than Morrison long-term. Good pick.


    Overall: I like our draft. I think we nailed the most important ones at the top of the draft. Because I think we could have done better with our middle picks, it's not going to be an A, but the Colts get an overall B+ grade from me.



    our 3 and 4 picks were only C's.  Ouch.

  5. 43 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    i thought pagano's conversation with at least one pick (by phone) was a bit odd.  being a bit harsh... not like congratulating him but saying , well you need to be ready to come here and work, just get ready to work, blah blah blah..... perhaps pagano is like that to all the picks on the phone, but it struck me different.  and ballard was within earshot as I recall.  (just me reading too much into it I'm sure).

    i re-watched it, he indeed did congratulate him.  he also said, can't be interested, gotta be committed, etc.  as i said before, i read way too much into it.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Gyworks said:

    Was sort of expecting it. On war room photos and videos he was looking weird. By far not as happy as in the Grigson era. I imagine lots of scouts already feared that changes will come, not really any handshakes, fist bombs or anything on the photos. By the way even Pagano looked quite shy. Also, Ballard didn't go together with him to the Presser, isn't it telling?

    i thought pagano's conversation with at least one pick (by phone) was a bit odd.  being a bit harsh... not like congratulating him but saying , well you need to be ready to come here and work, just get ready to work, blah blah blah..... perhaps pagano is like that to all the picks on the phone, but it struck me different.  and ballard was within earshot as I recall.  (just me reading too much into it I'm sure).

  7. I think we just have to carefully listen to what Ballard says --- he knows this is a multi-year project.  He's darn sure made Irsay aware of that too.  Winning the division would be tough with this young a team, and by time the season starts, we may even be younger.  With a good QB now at Houston, it would be tough to win the division....baby steps, let's go 9-7 and have a great 2018 Draft.  And if we do poorer, better picks come our way.  But if we do better, sweet!!!!!

  8. 3 minutes ago, dw49 said:



    He might have been agreeing that he has tackling issues  ? I really don't remember. But even though he's going to be a stud , he is not good in the run game. Bad angles and misses a few too many tackles. I would bet that this area will improve over time. He's only really played one year of college ball....

    all these things sound correctable, the game around him will speed up, it's that which he must adapt to, and I think he has good upside to do that.  he has good height as well.... ed reed was 5'11"

  9. 13 minutes ago, dw49 said:


    I think Gruden was the only one that was negative on the Hooker pick.  Piper and Mayock thought he had very good value at 15. Kiper seemed to really like our draft other than Quincy Wilson. He didn't like his 4.54 clocking and thought he was too "grabby." 

    perhaps it was because Kiper was sitting right next to Gruden that he went along with gruden at the time of our 1st round pick.

  10. 13 hours ago, Colt Overseas said:

    Seems like this is Joe Philbin's pick. He is going to need a lot of work, but maybe these projects like Clark and Banner is what make Joe excited.

    this was Philbin all the way, ballard eluded to that in the draft wrap up presser.  on his own, ballard never makes this pick (or ballard and pags even)

  11. 8 hours ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Depth.  He's there in case there in an injury because right now Castonzo, Clark, and Good are the tackles.  Good is also viewed as a swing guy so if a guard gets hurt he would probably step in there which would leave them without a backup tackle.  That's where Banner comes in IMO.  

    according to many, he will play nothing but right tackle for us -- which is who he is.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 1:39 PM, Superman said:


    Holder is soooo bad...


    I will admit, I was wrong on this one. I didn't see Ballard dropping this kind of coin on Hankins. I'm kind of concerned, I don't really think Hankins is the kind of player you pay $10m/year, but there's no question he's going to be one of our best DL and will help the defensive front significantly. Good add, questionable contract, IMO. 

    It's a lot of dough, but we had it to blow.  :rock: for a little while I was wondering if he was going to spend it.  We still have plenty to pay for the drafted players fortunately.

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