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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 1 hour ago, Defjamz26 said:

    Pretty quick for a second interview considering his 1st interview was like 2 days ago. Maybe that's a good sign.

    might be that Irsay will try to further promote Pagano as head-coach to him and see what his response is.  I know, I'm jumping at straws but the Indy Star just said that all six are coming back in for 2nd round with Ballard scheduled for Monday,  so we have to speculate for another week or so, I might as well start somewhere.....

  2. 49 minutes ago, dw49 said:


    You mean like no longer seeing games like the one where NE ran the same play (for 60 minutes.. never stopped it) with Jonas Grey in 2014 37 times for 201 yards and 4 TD's ? 

    Thanks for the grueling memory ... I'm glad you didn't bring up 2013 when we held Brady under 200 yards passing but we let  LeGarrett Blount go off for 166 yards, 4 TD's and had that ridiculous scamper for 73 yards. Of course Brady had under 200 yards,  they had 224 yards on the ground.

  3. I would assume Paton would want an answer from the Colts fairly quickly with things moving along in SanFran. (ARTICLE: Nick Wagoner 01/27)

    I bolded the more salient & relevant items below that pertain to the way they are conducting their search and items pertaining to Paton.


    SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Atlanta Falcons offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan hasn't been allowed to speak to the San Francisco 49ers since the parties first met on Jan. 6.

    The Niners can't hire Shanahan as their next head coach -- the expected outcome from this extended search -- until after the Super Bowl. But the Niners can have contact with Shanahan again before he sits at the controls of Atlanta's offense in the Super Bowl.

    While his focus remains on the Falcons' offense and the Super Bowl, Kyle Shanahan also has his eye on the 49ers and their search for a coach and a general manager. Curtis Compton/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP

    That contact is set to happen this weekend, as the Niners and Shanahan have scheduled a second interview session. Shanahan has spent this week preparing a game plan for the New England Patriots but now has a window of Friday afternoon through Saturday in which he is eligible to meet with the 49ers.

    “It’s worked out pretty good because getting this bye week before the Super Bowl, we have two weeks to prepare for it," Shanahan said Thursday. "We all get the day off on Saturday before we travel on Sunday. So on Saturday, I’m going to do what I did a couple of Saturdays ago and interviewed for the first time. So I’ll get a chance to talk with them again, and we’ll see how it goes.’’

    Of course, these meetings will take on a much different tone and look from the initial interview. The Niners honed in on Shanahan as their primary target almost two weeks ago, which means there's little need for trying to determine if Shanahan is the right guy for the job.

    Instead, this second meeting will be more focused on what the Niners can do to put Shanahan in the best position to succeed. Niners CEO Jed York said at the outset of this process that he didn't care if he hired a general manager or a coach first, so long as the duo had a good rapport and could work together.

    “I think we need to be open and flexible to structure," York said. "We need to make sure that the head coach and the general manager know each other, have a good understanding for each other. Doesn’t mean that they had to have worked together in the past, but they have to have a good respect for each other and a good understanding and know that they have similar visions and philosophies on building a football team.

    "And whatever structure is the best with the people that we’re interviewing is the structure that we’re going to go with.”

    Half of that equation is presumably complete as the Niners await the chance to formally hire Shanahan. But this weekend's meetings will be largely devoted to finishing the puzzle. In addition to meeting with Shanahan, the Niners are also set to meet with their two remaining general manager candidates, Minnesota Vikings assistant general manager George Paton and Arizona Cardinals vice president of player personnel Terry McDonough.

    Paton and McDonough are the only candidates left from the team's initial pool for the general manager job, and both will be in their second meeting with the Niners. This time, though, it's expected that Shanahan will participate in those meetings, which are scheduled to take place in Atlanta. Involving Shanahan would allow the Niners the chance to see how he interacts with Paton and McDonough and help them compare and contrast philosophies for building a team.

    With no restrictions on when they can hire a general manager, it's possible the 49ers could choose one of the candidates and hire him before Shanahan would be eligible to be hired officially. That will likely depend on who hits it off with Shanahan.

    Speaking to the MMQB podcast this week, Shanahan didn't sound fazed by the fact that the 49ers are looking to hire a coach again after firing each of their past two head coaches after just one season.

    “You got to look into every situation for what they have, what they’re saying,” Shanahan said. “I got to talk to them a couple of weeks ago. I’ll be allowed to talk to them again this week. We’ll see what their plans are -- don’t really know yet. But that’s definitely something that’s enticing, and you hope to have an opportunity because everything takes time.

    “I’ve believed it for a while. You always want the right opportunity. But I’ve been battle-tested. I think I went through a lot of situations that a lot of coordinators in the league haven’t. I think I’ve had to handle some situations or got some attention, mostly negative, that usually head coaches only have to deal with. So I think that’s helped me prepare from that standpoint.”

  4. 11 minutes ago, Colts1324 said:

    Not mine, not yours, but what do you think Irsay's minimum expectations are for next year? Is Pagano gone if we don't win more than 11 games and advance past the divisionalcard round? Does Irsay expect a 12-4 + season with Luck going into his sixth season or do you think he keeps Pagano if we just simply make the playoffs. 

    I think he would want significant improvement on the defensive side of the ball.  And playoffs without getting whooped in them.

  5. 50 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    The Colts have been pretty open with their information.  Now that we know they are bringing in certain candidates for a 2nd interview, and we find out one of them is Raye, that will enlighten us a bit.  How could he say no to a 2nd interview with one of his own?  I would think, Raye, Paton, Ballard for round 2. Professor John Clayton says Raye, Wolf & Ballard.  hard to say no to Wolf, but at 34, probably needs to cut his teeth a bit more.... did you hear he's been helping with the draft since the age of 11 ?  Wow!!!  maybe he's cut those NFL scouting teeth a long time ago. 


  6. The Colts have been pretty open with their information.  Now that we know they are bringing in certain candidates for a 2nd interview, and we find out one of them is Raye, that will enlighten us a bit.  How could he say no to a 2nd interview with one of his own?  I would think, Raye, Paton, Ballard for round 2.  hard to say no to Wolf, but at 34, probably needs to cut his teeth a bit more.... did you hear he's been helping with the draft since the age of 11 ?  Wow!!!  maybe he's cut those NFL scouting teeth a long time ago.

  7. 4 minutes ago, adubb84 said:

    The anxiety is killing me. Just have to wait and see I suppose... If raye is a finalist the likely hood of pagnao staying goes up exponentially. Of course it's all speculation but it wouldn't be a surprise either. 

    No doubt.  I can't imagine what it's like for Pagano and some of the other coaches right now.  Between the fans and the Colts employees, there is a blue fog over the city and we're all waiting for a bright ray of light rising from the east to burn that fog off.  

  8. 21 minutes ago, Mr Clueless said:

    Yeah, but the disappointment would be unbearable here!


    I'm also not sure that Irsay would think of the solution as being a "can't loose". He needs to get it right this time and he is clearly not sold on Pagano. Too many good GM's available now to mess it up because of a feel good forwards P.

    totally agree on both points.....as far as this is a unique crossroads for the organization where Luck is in his prime, GM spot open, and great GM candidates available in number AND really want to come to the Colts and build something special. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Mr Clueless said:

    LOL, just think what would happen to this forum if Irsay says no to Ballard's demand and goes for Ray because he kinda likes Chucky. 



    If you think about it, it's probably Irsay's "Can't lose" choice (promoting Raye).  He gets to keep his word on Pagano, keeps everyone happy inside the horseshoe, and he can make that choice almost immediately and keep the wheels turning as it relates to draft, FA, etc.  I say this only with these supposed latest developments in mind, as far as GM's wanting new coaching blood.

  10. 1 hour ago, TheGreatManning18Fan said:


    It could be a fake account,if it is it came from this Brad Wells account so is that fake also?  

    Not much on twitter but the one I posted came from the one above. Sorry if it's Fake I just ran across it looking through the account above and thought I would share.


    find it hard to buy, suppose it's possible, but can't imagine a guy who is thought of highly and probably thinks highly of this position is going to mandate a newbie as far a head-coach as a condition of hire..... really hard to believe.  If Ballard doesn't make the Irsay cut, wasn't meant to be.  If Pagano WERE to factor into the hire, this GM hiring process is amiss, but again, not taking the bait on this one.

  11. 9 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Or, to play the pessimistic cynical guy, Irsay knew all along he wanted Raye and wanted to make it look like a legitimate search. And delving even further into conspiracy, Irsay put his interview last to make it appear as if Raye blew him away and made it an easy decision.

    But I just can't see Irsay doing that, especially not with whatever advice Polian is giving him.

    If Irsay continues his "consistency, continuity, time-space continuum theory" practices, he will definitely go with Raye. (and I'm not saying that's a bad thing),  If he is getting good advice and thinking out of the box, he will at the very least, consider Ballard, Wolf, and Paton... twins from Seattle are out IMO.  Further, if he has it down to let's say 3 people, I would say they are Ballard, Paton & Raye.  Of those 3 I would guess that Ballard has gotten the most compliments from "positive people-speak" around the league, so now were down to Ballard and Raye.  I think those are the two he will "ruminate" on over the weekend (SUPERMAN gets the word of the day for RUMINATE).  No, it's not an exceptionally long complex looking word, but it HAS to be the word of the day....bravo !!!

  12. 24 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


    Fair enough. I'll be honest...I thought you were going to say something along the line of it veing a smooth transition, or so Irsay can keep pagano around. I didnt expect a well thought out answer. You proved me wrong and I can give credit where credit is due. :)


    I'll also say though that I hope you're wrong. Ballard and Paton are my top 2 choices. :)

    Thanks..... I like Ballard too.  This article (below) speaks very highly of him "Many people think  Ballard is one of the brightest minds in the league"..... also, this article says he turned down the 49ers interview where other articles say the team blocked him due to playoffs, perhaps his verbal decline came post-playoffs (now that i think about it, that's what would have happened).  Further, it says Dorsey rumors where he might go back to Green Bay are swirling, which would leave GM opening in KC and Ballard could step right in.  I say we snag him before that has a chance to happen.  Now we hear that Paton was a good interview..... things are heating up !!!!!


  13. 52 minutes ago, Jason_S said:



    all those positions and success w/San Diego, in the saddle currently as interim GM.  Handles/oversees college AND pro scouting, salary cap....his resume is pretty impressive. As has Ballard, Raye has held about every title you can on the way up to GM.  quicker learning curve than ballard being in the org.




    Ian Rapoport report which is ancient news (grain of salt but he got his info from someone inside likely)




    EDIT:  I forgot that this happened (probably has affected his reporting ever since)


  14. Director of Football Operations Chris Ballard enters his 16th season in NFL personnel and begins his fourth season with the Chiefs in 2016. He was promoted to Director of Football Operations entering the 2015 season after serving as Kansas City’s Director of Player Personnel for two seasons (2013-14). With the Chiefs, Ballard oversees the college and pro scouting departments and works directly with General Manager John Dorsey on player acquisition. He also works directly with Director of Pro Scouting Will Lewis and Director of College Scouting Marvin Allen to lead the Chiefs scouting efforts. Along with Dorsey, Ballard and the personnel staff see the benefit in continuously scouting available players to be contributors in various roles on the team, whether it is is on the active roster or the practice squad. In 2013, the personnel staff turned over a number of players on a Chiefs roster that went 2-14 in 2012. By the time the season was over, there were a total of 30 new players on the 53-man roster that reached the playoffs as a Wild Card contender after finishing second in the AFC West. Prior to joining the Chiefs in 2013, Ballard spent the previous 12 seasons with the Chicago Bears personnel department, first as a Southwest Area Scout (2001-11) and then as the Director of Pro Scouting (2012). During his time in Chicago, the Bears reached the playoffs four times, winning four NFC North titles (2001, 2005, 2006 and 2010) and appearing in two NFC Championship Games (2006 and 2010). In 2006, the Bears won the NFC Championship and advanced to Super Bowl XLI in Miami. In his time with the Bears, Ballard helped Chicago draft Pro Bowlers Matt Forte, Johnny Knox, Charles Tillman, Tommie Harris, Nathan Vasher and Henry Melton. He was also directly involved in many notable acquisitions and trades, including the signings of Brandon Marshall, Michael Bush, Jermon Bushrod, Martellus Bennett, D.J. Williams and James Andersen. Prior to his time with Chicago, Ballard spent seven seasons as a coach at Texas A&M-Kingsville under 2012 College Football Hall of Fame inductee Head Coach Ron Harms. Ballard started his Javelinas coaching career in 1994 coaching the wide receivers. From 1995-99, he was the secondary coach. In his final season at Texas A&M-Kingsville, Ballard served as defensive coordinator. During his time with the Javelinas, Ballard helped mentor future NFL players Richard Jones, Karl Williams, Floyd Young and current Chiefs Defensive Assistant/Secondary Coach Al Harris. Those Javelinas teams produced first-round draft pick Jermaine Mayberry, as well. Ballard played four years of collegiate football at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1993. After suffering multiple knee injuries, Ballard served as a student assistant for his senior year. Education: Wisconsin (B.A. 1993). Family: Wife - Kristin; Children - Kierstyn, Cole, Sunnie, Cash, Rainn.


    His success with the Bears alone is impressive

    sorry if this has already been mentioned,, i think i've read most if not all of the 22 pages

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