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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. I think the "favorite" starts within the organization in Raye -- and Irsay will need a compelling interview to knock him off the perch.  Which one of the candidates could do that?  One of the two guys from Seattle trent kirchner, looked awfully young and even nervous doing an interview with their own Seahawks media person last year, doubting he will make the final cut.  (no links to other boards).  I agree with someone who said it will probably get narrowed down by the weekend and would expect an announcement next week.

  2. Do you all think the GM hiring will be Irsay's call and Jim's alone?  Or will he get input from daughters and other top exec's?  Love to be a fly on the wall in those interviews.  Curious if they pass the GM candidates along to various offices to be separately interviewed or if it's just one interview with Jim with that Lombardi staring people down, or with others in his office too?  Wow, ,I am really trying to drill way too far into this I know........ 

  3. 1 hour ago, browns said:

    I Love My Colts. But that defense and O-line needs to be imploded

    troll perhaps.  the o-line is something that everyone should agree is getting built (work in progress).... nothing needs to be blown up.  This coming season (with some minor additions & tweaking) it will be much better than it has been in three years. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Another thing to keep in mind, and I saw somebody else mention this on Stampede Blue, but if they promote Raye III it'll probably be looked at as an extension of this regime by some.

    That could be unfair but Raye's been here a few years. He's familiar with the coaches, the players, the organization as a whole. I think a lot of people are going to have higher expectations for Raye in his 1st year than if we were to bring in somebody from the outside who isn't familiar with the Colts.

    i would hope raye is given the same carte blanche checkbook Grigson was.  Grigson seem to have free reign to make the "blockbuster" acquisitions.

  5. 54 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    While he advised and helped Grigson on roster moves and cap, etc, that was not his main help area.  His specialty and Raye’s big contributions seem to have come through the draft, however, as he’s been involved in draft preparation, NFL Combine work, prospect visits, and since 2014, has been in charge of the Colts’ undrafted free agent { UDFA } signings.



    Not that he didn't try, though there is some praise on him from Grigson, it is not what you would expect-


    “He is unique in that he has a great blend of football pedigree along with a deep scouting acumen, but his unwavering honesty and integrity is what I feel sets him apart,”


    Here's the kicker-


    “I think anyone will tell you that Jimmy Raye is the furthest thing from a ‘Yes Man’ there is in this league, and that is critical for someone in my position. Quite frankly I don’t like to hear some of his opinions sometimes, because I may be leaning very hard in a certain way and express a passionate position in an animated way, but Jimmy is someone who can hit you right back between the eyes with a well thought-out alternative perspective in a very matter of fact way.”


    Jimmy Raye also agreed with that assessment:


    “I think it helps him make better decisions. I take a lot of pride in that. Being that person for him that’s a voice of reason that can give him the tough conversation when he needs it and tell him exactly what he needs to hear. Sometimes he doesn’t want to hear it, but at the end of the day, I think he appreciates my honesty and candor with him.”


    It appears  was  not only Pagano who had disagreements with Grigson. I know many Colts fans won’t like the move if Raye gets the promotion, because it’s a “Grigson guy” who might be in favor of keeping Chuck Pagano around longer. Howerver,  Raye’s resume in the NFL is quite impressive and he’s a well-regarded personnel man. He was involved with the LT and Brees drafts and the Eli and Rivers trade, as well as the UDFA signing of Antonio Gates, for instance.  That he is in the mix is OK by me.

    Very good post...  i am one who as of a couple days ago thought bringing on Raye would indeed mean more of Pagano, but the more I think about it and see varying opinions,  it would seem that if Raye gets the position (a coveted one that many people would love to have) I believe that he is NOT going to jeopardize his job with a bad coach.  He's going to want a coach who can capitalize on the talent that he brings in.  If Pagano fails to do so, I don't think he would hesitate to "sever the gangrene".  This is possibly a once-in-a-lifetime position for many, and he's not going to just put up with losing, I don't think.  

  6. Irsay said he will take a look at some younger guys (GM) for interviews, and that's what he seems to be doing, the two from Seattle, Eliot Wolfe is 34 and likely an up-and-comer for a GM position (likely in GB).... but what I think that does is it leaves Irsay with an "out", being that Jimmy Raye is older and more experienced.  So i can hear him saying, "but in the end, it just came down to experience and familiarity with our program, and that's why we chose Jimmy Raye III".  

    Eric DeCosta 45

    Eliot Wolf 34

    Paton - looks to be in his 40s

    Fitterer - looks to be in his late 30s

    Kirshner - mid 30's

  7. 39 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:


    But, supposedly the reason Gruden said no, is because Irsay would not fire Grigson, so... it kind of blows a hole in that theory.

    you are combining information from different sources.  I never saw Schefter report that a condition of Gruden's hiring was getting rid of Grigson.  If he did say that or report that, I stand corrected.  I don't remember any tweet he put out there saying that nor in a Schefter ESPN report or interview.  But I certainly didn't watch every one of them.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Superman said:

    Just read a StampedeBlue article that brought up a good point (and I'm not a big fan of StampedeBlue). A potentially bigger issue than Pagano -- since I think Pagano is on his last leg anyways -- is the Manning issue. Irsay evidently wants Manning to be involved, maybe in a high level executive / football czar-type position, like Elway originally had in Denver. You could take the Colts GM position with the expectation that you're running football ops, for the most part, and then wind up working for Manning within a year or two. And if you're using the Elway/Broncos situation as a model, the GM was gone two years after Elway signed on.


    To me, that's a bigger problem. I think the Pagano issue is easily resolved, one way or the other. But if you're going to bring in a football czar above me, am I going to be marginalized by someone who wasn't part of the decision to hire me? Unlike the head coach question, you have no say in that person's employment, as they are a superior. Will I eventually be replaced? The last thing the Colts need is an uncertain hierarchy, and if I'm considering the GM job, I would want to know exactly what the plans are, who I will be reporting to, etc. 

    Very Interesting.  It's hard to believe we would tinker around with an uncertain hierarchy and coaching when all the while, Lucks remaining years are whittling away, and in those years, I would think we would want as much stability as possible. Makes me very curious as to what could materialize in the coming weeks.  I hope it's a solid long-term plan but I'm having some doubt.

  9. 4 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

    i think they should build a "Super Complex" in southern Indiana.  A hot-bed for Colts training camp, Colts gift-shops, restaurants, hotels, cheerleader camps, bantam football complex, museum with all of Jim's memorabilia. .  Kind of like a "TWITTY-CITY".  :edit:   ok, so since no one has heard of twitty-city, i'll withdrawal idea in favor of westfield.


  10. he's doing the Grigson love-fest right now.  making sure to completely slam Pagano as not a coach who makes his players accountable., slamming the media and listing each local media name, saying that he's currently getting texts about what's going on with the Colts., blah blah blah  --- listing names like Scott Pioli and such.  I agree Pagano was bad but wow.  He just also said that there were players that were Pagano , not Grigson, like D'john Smith, etc.   He's just continuing to defend Grigs. says that the media just knows draft picks.  Says he knows all the scouts and gets the info from the Colts from the scouts (among others)

  11. I don't think Irsay is done with his research.  The more he digs into it and the more players he eventually talks to, the more it's going to be clear that Chuck needs to go.  Yes I know, there is a love-fest and respect for Chuck among his players, but with Grigs gone, players may open up pro and con of chuck... more pro, but if everything is on the table.. and were still left with a middle of the road coach (or bad coach).... water will find it's level

  12. Because of his loyalty to Grigson (previous interviews and simply tossing him softballs the whole interview each and every interview, wouldn't dare ever put his feet to the fire.... and every time Grigson made a statement, Dakich would just say, "Yea, I know, right !!!!), total garbage....... you can discredit anything wrapped up into that subject matter and those comments he's making today.

  13. 1 hour ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    I take Irsay at his word, you might have heard of him, he's not only a colleague of Irsay but, you know, he's him.

    Irsay is under no obligation to tell us any truths, he's also trying to protect people as i already said.  I have no problem with that aspect.  I just said I'd "rather" hear the straight scoop.  It doesn't work that way in the NFL.  That's why there are 6 or 7 NFLInsiders now,,,,, used to be just Mort.  So that's fine, you take Irsay at his word, and I won't... 

  14. 10 minutes ago, achcolts said:

    Wow... looks like pagano isn't safe unless it's jimmy raye, which is likely. Maybe if changes don't happen this season they will next 

    would have welcomed him ... hope you're wrong about the pagano/jimmy raye pairing, but now that the head-coaching "experience bar" is now lower, if we could snag a Matt Patricia or someone like that... looks like that we will have to wait for 2018 for a new coach though.  i hope we are surprised by new developments but doubting it.

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