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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 2 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    He's under no obligation to tell us the truth about anything anywhere anytime.

    What he should and shouldnt have done is for him to say..and him alone


    Its a private business.

    true, he should have just said, "I prefer not to comment about internal matters at this time"..... instead, he lied about manning, gruden, & what a great guy grigson was and also said that we have no idea how much Pagano respected and liked Grigson, I mean c'mon man....  I would have rather heard "no comment"

  2. 1 hour ago, Green_Ranger said:

    Wouldn't the new GM have the final word in Pagano's future? Doesn't the GM decide who our coach will be?

    In a normal situation yes.  But normality was thrown out the window last year when there was a press conference pulling together two people who did not like each other, who started to run the team aground, and who, at the same time, were rewarded with long-term contracts as incentive to "get along".  Highly dysfunctional.  But hey, we're back to at least having an empty navigator seat and a first officer.  We will eventually get someone with 4 stripes who sits in the left seat.

  3. 1 hour ago, chrisfarley said:

    Yea, maybe there's more to Chuck than we know.  When a coach can talk himself back into his job, something is broken at the top.  I think the only way Grigson got away with all of his arrogant behavior is because he had a guy to step on for 4 years , perhaps some of that changed in year 5 but Chuck is a softie and had a target on his back.  I think Grigson could prosper in an environment where the coach is like a Bill O-Brien.  If he tried to pull that crap (mis-drafts, arrogant behavior, treating the coach like dirt) on BOB he would have gotten his butt stomped (verbally if nothing else).


  4. my mother was stuck on a plane earlier (huge 3 hour and 40 minute delay - had to even de-plane) and was sitting next to a former Colts player (as recent as 2015 roster) and said Grigson was arrogant (wow, breaking news I know) but I'm sure she garnered a few more details as well, can't wait to talk to her in more depth.  I don't think there is a player that would say otherwise, they are just not going to tweet it or talk about it publicly like RW said. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, azcolt said:

    We should all realize by now that what Chuck is best at is protecting Chuck's rear end -- and the guy is a master at that skill. The guy begged for Irsay to tie him to Grigson for four years to avoid being fired, then solved "the real problem" by firing most of his assistants a few weeks later. Now a year later he is openly lobbying for Raye as GM, which seems like a great strategy to again save his own hide. We can only assume he will again be firing a bunch of assistant coaches to join the one he already fired yesterday. Beware of the guy with a big smile.






    Yea, maybe there's more to Chuck than we know.  When a coach can talk himself back into his job, something is broken at the top.  I think the only way Grigson got away with all of his arrogant behavior is because he had a guy to step on for 4 years , perhaps some of that changed in year 5 but Chuck is a softie and had a target on his back.  I think Grigson could prosper in an environment where the coach is like a Bill O-Brien.  If he tried to pull that crap on BOB he would have gotten his butt stomped (verbally if nothing else).

  6. Is there a possibility that if we would have lost the Jacksonville game, Pagano could have been fired right away and this whole Grigson thing wouldn't have happened?  That game was uber-ugly for all but 4 1/2 minutes.

  7. 1 minute ago, azcolt said:

    So says an article on NFL.com. I wonder if he is tying himself to Raye for the next four years. Anyone thrilled by today's developments is going be feeling pretty foolish when this ends.



    To go from Gruden and Manning to Pagano and Raye is just ugly sounding, not to say the Gruden/Manning was even real but we have to assume Irsay lied to us at the press conference to protect Gruden/Manning.

  8. 1 minute ago, WoolMagnet said:

    This is my frustration with him. I like excitement too but controlled excitement. He does seem to love k lost at key moments.  Could just be an "eli face" thing he does when stressed too but who knows.

    i think he was better this last year. One or two odd challenges or timeouts and the slow start thing. But if grigs was a butt, the team prob saw him right b4 kickoff.  That couldnt have helped.

    There's no doubt Grigson walked around with a heavy hand.  To pass Reggie Wayne in the hallway and not even acknowledge he exists is just too odd a behavior.  How could he think he is the all-mighty and get away with it?  Under Irsay he did it for 5 years and it just blows my mind. 

  9. 1 minute ago, azcolt said:

    Looks like we are about to promote the asst GM who probably is a nicer guy and that will make Chuck and the players happier. So I guess it's a good day to be a Colts player and a good day to be Chuckles. As for the fans, we aren't a factor in what happened today.




    i think the Colts will go through an exhaustive search for a GM and not settle for internal promotions.  there's probably a reason the 49ers didn't hire him, experience perhaps or he was a token interview, but there isn't a person out there that knows the Colts more intimately than Raye. 

  10. Just now, 21isSuperman said:

    Today was a step in the right direction.  I think 2017 will be Pagano's last year in Indy.  Irsay said himself that he doesn't like making changes and prefers continuity, so I'll take firing Grigson over and keeping Pagano over keeping both.  I fully expect we'll have a new head coach for the 2018 season

    Agree.  Combine major defensive issues along with some offensive issues and Pagano's awful coaching , this team doesn't stand a chance in 2017.  Therefore, he should just cut his losses now.  

  11. 2 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    Despite that, Pagano has still made many mistakes and questionable decisions.  Things a player controls (eg. effort) fall on the players.  Things a coach controls (eg. gameplans) fall on the coach.  Pagano does not deserve to be our head coach anymore

    i don't see how Pagano is the right choice for 2017.  makes little sense to move forward with an average (at best) coach and a fresh new GM.  Irsay got this wrong last year, now has whiffed again and sacrificed our 2017.  Pagano is soft thus his teams are too (only one of his many problems)

  12. 2 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    Now that Irsay said Pagano will be the HC for 2017, how does he know the new GM will not fire him or does that mean that he will only hire a GM that is happy Pagano is the head coach???!!

    it's crazy to say Pagano is safe for 2017 , but that's what he said. Irsay is just looney.  How in the world does a GM get forced to work with a particular coach.  This is not unprecedented i realize.

  13. 3 hours ago, TDewar1987 said:



    I guess this is a thing now.

    i couldn't use flightaware after jimmy told them to block his other plane as well (after the Houston flight).  now mind you, you cannot block the registration info garnered from the tail, but you can block a particular service like flightaware (request from them) from tracking the particular flight.  this is interesting because this is a totally different service (that he didn't block).  Nice work !!!

  14. 26 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    Throwing shoulder surgery in nothing to take lightly. Could be as simple as bursa sack repair up to full ligament  distension

    yipes, the more technical you get, the worse it sounds.  I was worried when he had his first shoulder problem way back that these things recur and that shoulder's are just a bad thing to have injured.  could be totally unrelated to the first one but having spoken to people with shoulder issues, they talk of long recovery times, lots of therapy, etc.

  15. 8 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    At the time, Luck didn't need surgery,  so I don't think it's a case of not trusting Irsay's words.    He didn't do anything that 31 other owners wouldn't do.


    Now that the surgery has happened,  it's Irsay who makes the announcement.


    I doubt Irsay's words back then were "....he'll never have to have surgery for this..."


    And if this still bothers you,  look at this way.....   you don't want anyone saying anything that tells the opponent that Luck has a shoulder problem.      Keep it in-house.     So if you think of this as lying,  then think of it as a good "white" lie....     some information is best kept a secret until it's time to announce it.


    Just something to consider....  

    Luck could have gotten some 2nd and 3rd opinions as well before going under the knife, sometimes it takes time.

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