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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. 3 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

    Why are the Colts giving up their 6th rounder in this deal?  Colts get a 4th (last pick in round so basically a 5th) and Pats get Allen and a sixth??

    I wish Ballard would have called BB's bluff and kept our 6th.  There's little doubt in my mind they would have still done the deal and looked good for it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Dustin said:

    I dont mind if this is part of a plan to move up in the draft, but I would much rather have Allen than what is essentially a 5th round pick.

    exactly.  Can't imagine what Dwayne thinks about that... he is classy and would never say anything but man, getting dished off for peanuts compared to TD production and potential for '17.  

  3. 28 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    We did, we got a 4th and gave up our 6th

    say it aint so,,,, fleeced as some1 else said......dang --- pats know how to use TEs too  --- they just got a lot better for no big draft pick loss -- they already have superbowl talent (depending on FA re-signs).... why make them better?

  4. 40 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Ha, no, I don't get tips.  It was a holiday, and he was just getting some supplies for a party.  His patronage was awesome just by itself.  I think he is still the largest person to walk through our front door, he even had to dip his head a bit to get in the front door.  :D


    I've been saying if he ever came in again that his tab would be on me, but with that new contract... :thinking:

    If i can ask, where did this take place? sorry if it was mentioned up above somewhere

  5. On 3/3/2017 at 1:17 PM, Jared Cisneros said:

    Even if you don't like Cook, it is a big deal for trade purposes. If we trade up, it'll cost more now, if we trade down, we receive less. Lose-Lose.

    Ballard doesn't seem like the type to trade up.  There's a cost for everything and I think this guy saves pennies. For draft purposes, would have been a good year to lose the games we likely should have lost (vikings, GB, etc), :hissy:but the draft Gods wanted us here, so we'll take our lumps and draft conservatively.  

  6. 5 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:

    Which makes it all the more unbelievable why we didn't make the playoffs last year when a team who had an injured defensive MVP and their starting QB getting benched got there...

    Combine Pagano with Injuries and our leading tackler suspended, a confluence of doom.

  7. 17 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    Hey there HCF, 


    I always read your posts even though I don't always respond. Yep, Pagano won't be here longer than this yr I think. Jimmy just waiting for the right guy to go after like you say. I don't hate Chuck. He's just taken us about as far as his skill set can go at the NFL level. 

    In the mean time Luck burns another one of his remaining critical peak years?  I agree with the concept that Chuck will probably ultimately get replaced, on merits alone.  But I cringe at the thought that Irsay is just biding his time to look for another coach, it goes against everything that bringing on a new GM and mindset should be about, knowing full well, Luck's NFL clock is ticking and maybe clicking faster than others based on getting abused.

  8. When Deion talks, he expects everyone in the room to stop what they're doing and listen up.  He also expects his broadcast colleagues to worship him.  His is arrogant, self ingratiating, pompous, and an old act by now.  When he does an interview, anything he says, and much of it is simply embellished and outlandish, is said in such a cocky and arrogant way....that he almost intimidates his younger interviewees (for example, active players) to shake their heads in agreement and just go along with what he says based on his experience and cocky stature.  He is one of the worst broadcasters to listen to from that standpoint.  It made my skin crawl to listen to him interview Frank Gore and AJ after a nationally televised game two seasons ago and try to get Frank to "bite" on that he and AJ weren't getting enough touches and that they were mad about it......when in fact, Frank said himself he was fine with the coaching and as we all know AJ was getting any and all touches that he deserved.  Frank didn't "bite", he stayed honorable.  But of course, Deion had that smirk & laugh and grin as though he is always right.

  9. 9 minutes ago, WoolMagnet said:


    i can eat raisins, if forced.

    but cook them in anything or put chocolate on them and NO WAY .

    the flavor cooks thru too so u cant even pick them out.

    i think maybe fruit cake started my raisin hatred. I'd starve before eating a bite of fruit cake.

    lol, I feel you, fruit-cake, ugh, isn't that what replaced waterboarding?

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