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Posts posted by chrisfarley

  1. On 4/7/2017 at 10:09 PM, LJpalmbeacher said:

    What I'd like to know is how the Jags, who have spending in the last 2 seasons like they spending monopoly money, have more cap space than us who have been penny pinchers the last 2 seasons?

    And how do players agree to sign there(historically one of the worst franchises in sports) AND players not want to come here?

    some players would not want to go to a rebuilding project, so that's understandable.  the jag's cap space is a bit mystifying. 






    Photo of Sean Spence
    • 4.71 SEC
    • 12 REPS
    • 33.5 INCH
    • 119.0 INCH
    • 7.46 SEC
    • 4.28 SEC
    • 5'11"HEIGHT
    • 31 1/2"ARM LENGTH
    • 231LBS.WEIGHT
    • 9 1/4"HANDS


    Spence has been a bright spot and a standout player on a rather uninspired Miami defense of late. He was a four-year starter at Miami, and although undersized, he makes up for this deficiency through speed, instincts and overall athletic ability. He is a great defender on outside runs, as he can effortlessly run down the ACC's fastest players. He is stellar in coverage, can blanket tight ends and tackle from various angles. He makes quick decisions and executes on them. While size will be a concern as he enters the NFL, Spence will be defined by his ability to play free and get off blocks to make plays on the ball. While he was suspended in the fallout from the Nevin Shapiro booster scandal at Miami, there is little doubt of his true character and likewise, his overall athleticism and ability in terms of production translating to the NFL. Look for him to be taken in the mid-rounds, but an impressive combine showing could certainly bode well for Spence ascending in the weeks leading up to the draft.



     Spence's athleticism shows in all what he does. He can quickly diagnose a play and use his explosive hips to meet running backs and deliver the blow. He has fluid hips in coverage and uses his arm strength to shed blockers when he gets engulfed by bigger players. He is an experienced starter at a high level, and this should allow him to play fast and instinctually from early on at the next level. He has natural athletic ability to fit in a 4-3 scheme where he is playing freely and flowing to the ball. He is an active player and almost always involved on run plays.


     Spence is undersized and needs to play free of big blockers on him to be productive. He can flow to plays but "ride the pole" and fall off tackles at times. The scheme he plays in is key to his production.
  3. On 3/16/2017 at 0:48 PM, lester said:


    I can see what Ballard is doing.


    He is getting rid of 30 year old depth and adding 26 year old depth. ...and the depth he has been signing has  almost universally the same career story - guys who never quite panned out and/or were playing behind some really, really good players on really, really good squads.

    or have had injuries (sean spence).  But who hasn't been dinged up by the time they reach the age range we're signing (26ish).  I'd like to think this is going to create immense competition come training camp:

    1) he's already stockpiling

    2) the draft is still to come

    3) free agency is in full-swing and he's obviously not done yet.


    I'm sure some were like, "why isn't he doing anything?"   there at first..... now what are you saying?  He's doing too much....


    Those of you complaining because of the randomness of the picks, have faith, I'm sure he is consulting with Pagano on every single acquisition :sarcasm:


    But on a serious note,,,, I feel like what's going on in his Colts office is "Skunk Works".  Let the man design and develop.  He is, after all, the chosen one.


    Image result for hilarious chosen one animation


    Image result for hilareous The chosen one animation gifs flash


    Image result for skunk works


    Image result for skunk works


    Image result for flash animation the end

  4. 5 minutes ago, Colts1324 said:

    But nothing is guaranteed. I think once Brady and Big Ben retire. Both franchises won't be as hard to beat. So if we want to compete in the next 3 years. We need to move fast. But smart at the same time. I might complain sometimes, but I'll trust Ballard. He knows a lot more than I do. Lol 


    the whole point of this thread was not t start an argument or complain, as I like what he is doing, but to see if anyone else envisioned his plan for this team. I know he wants to creat competition. Just surprised he has been targeted to be interested in so many people. But I love it. FA and the draft are two of my favorite things to watch. 

    He probably has a few things up his sleeve, but if he does, he will make sure it's the right locker-room and on-field fit, inside/outside and in-between,,, which is great.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Brad Wells knows nothing about football, NFL level, college level, high school level, heck he probably doesn't know anything about Pop Warner football.


    I sincerely doubt if Brad Wells has any sources inside the Colts organization.


    But I will give him credit, he knows how to get people to retweet his nonsense.

    wow, that was pretty definitive, lol.  I suppose that "2nd source"  is pretty flimsy.  Hopes were up, now down again.  :wall:

  6. Wow, this would be huge news and gets me excited for the future, but as Superman said, it's questionable. I will simply keep it at cautious optimism... but man, what a blockbuster FO move this would be.  And I liked the part about Pagano not really being in the cards down the road.  But I hate the not knowing part.  How about some clichés or sayings at this point... Rome wasn't built in a day, the two most powerful warriors are patience and time, patience is bitter but her fruit is sweet.............



  7. 16 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

    Somebody explain to me how in the holy __ you're cool with waiting 3 years to have a juggernaut team when we could have done 75% of it this offseason in FA and the draft.


    Somebody explain to me why we're wasting Lucks career away with the hopes to win a SB in 3-4 years, when we could have gone all in and been SB contenders NOW.


    Somebody explain to me why you'd rather get 5-6 mediocre players than 2 stars.





    Ballard has already said he is NOT going to pay someone huge Free Agency Lottery winnings money (my term) and have them thrown into our locker room and force a fit, and then have consternation amongst players which puts the new acquisition on an island and doesn't do anyone in the organization any good and for long-term sake, just creates a poisonous and vitriolic situation.  (I am para-phrasing but hope I am conveying what he said satisfactorily).

    I couldn't agree more with the approach...... but at the same time, I understand that father-time will eventually catch up to Luck.....  But there's time.  I'd rather have him win one Super Bowl later on , than zero coming close 2 or 3 times.

  8. 37 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


    I don't think so. He was with the Bears and then Chiefs.


    2001 Baltimore Ravens
    2002 Dallas Cowboys
    Kansas City Chiefs
    2008 Dallas Cowboys
    Cincinnati Bengals
    2010 New York Jets
    2012 Miami Dolphins
    2013 Cincinnati Bengals
    2014 Atlanta Falcons
    2015 Houston Texans
    2016 Los Angeles Rams
    2017 ?

    thanks... man Dallas twice in three years... someone didn't like Jerry J. or he volunteered his team.

  9. 10 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:

    I had a feeling we would do this. LOL


    We definitely have a particular type of player we are targeting. Second contract players who we can sign at a reasonable price. 


    I am pretty sure we all know this from Hard Knocks, but just in case:


    Height: 6-8   Weight: 295   Age: 29

    Born: 7/14/1987 Karksi-Nuia , Estonia

    was ballard involved in a previous hard knocks?  btw, when are they going to announce?

  10. 4 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    I kind of chuckled at this

    same here,,, he also just now said, Mingo has a lower body like a Victoria secret model, not built for football.  Oh my !!! also said he can't believe the Patriots just came off of a Super Bowl, and amazingly are 3 weeks ahead of everybody right now.

  11. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:




    I don't mean to be flip,  but that's life in the NFL.      Nobody is promised anything and things change quickly.


    Good teams become not so good, and poor teams get better.     Stuff happens.


    As long as we have Luck,  we'll remain competitive and we've got a shot at more....


    We just need to keep building....


    no doubt, you are so right (stuff happens, nobody promised anything, things change quickly)... just think if Porter didn't jump the route and we ultimately score, Caldwell would likely have been coach for many more years and other history would be so different.  The past is prologue....  little things affect history.... lessons will be learned.  (WARNING: the previous comment will bring nausea to some, forgive me :Gaah:)


  12. It's clear now that Ballard is molding something for down the road.  Sure, we are going to hope for the best and perhaps they can pull a rabbit out of their hat.  But!!!  We can pump the brakes on any talk of playoffs or doing any damage in the playoffs.  There is this massive road-block called The Patriots and they don't look to be taking a year off anytime soon and AFC South foes are strengthening.  As Ballard guides the enterprise through space, there may be a few of these:




    And then down the road ...............................



  13. 16 hours ago, AZColt11 said:

    Well of course the Colts are desperate silly!  They need defenders as bad as anybody.

    lol, yea, that was a quote from the "meh" contingent, not myself, but I agree, at some point if you're not desperate for D talent, maybe you're not trying hard enough.  But Ballard seems level-headed and probably doesn't feel that way (naturally)... except for possibly getting fleeced by the pats.

  14. keep hearing, "meh" type responses about him from announcers "in the know" (nfl network, etc.)  -- and fans who saw a lot of him alike:  I always take this stuff with a grain of salt...but does anyone feel we overpaid for an under-talent?  Low-dy Low-dy,,,, who's got the straight stuff on this guy???


    "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news Colts fans, but Jabaal Sheard sucks!! He was good 2 years ago, but this past year he was trash in New England. He was the 4th string D-End w the Patriots. Rob Nincovich and Chris Long had almost no pass rush. The only competent Dlineman last year was Trey Flowers. Yet Sheard couldn't get on the field after about Week 6. There is no way in hell Sheard is worth $8.5 million a year. He's not even worth $5. His contract screams desperation by Colts! "

  15. we're going to need another blocking tight end.  allen was very good at this.  If we could get Roberts in the 4th or lower, it would be a major pick-up 


    Michael Roberts, TE, Toledo 
     Height: 6-4. Weight: 261. Arm: 33.25. Hand: 11.63. 
     Projected 40 Time: 4.74. 
    Projected Round (2017): 3-5. 

     2/25/17: Roberts is a blocking tight end for the NFL, yet has some receiving ability. Scouting sources said that Roberts could be the best pure Y (blocking) tight end in the 2017 NFL Draft. They say he is athletic enough to make some plays as a short option or in the red zone. Roberts had a quality week at the Senior Bowl, minus a few dropped passes. 

    Roberts made 45 receptions for 533 yards with 16 touchdowns in 2016. As a junior, he had 21 catches for 234 yards with four scores. 
    Read more at http://walterfootball.com/draft2017TE.php#QPFTj4CDIj2LXeyK.99

  16. 1 minute ago, BR-549 said:


    So we give NE D-Allen and our sixth round pick..... in return we get their fourth (compensatory) round pick.


    This thread is moving too fast for me to keep up tonight and....


    I have never really gotten into the draft process enough to understand all of the nuances and lingo..... I apologize if this has been addressed already......  


    Will someone please explain the compensatory pick thing for me. The actual draft slots do not appear to be that far off from one of our 4th round picks from what I have seen [from another member's post].  I guess maybe that is why I am confused.  Plus I am a couple of beers into it now, O.o..... whew, lol


    Thanks for tolerating my ignorance..... avatar is fitting for tonight I reckon.

    wasn't their compensatory, it was their inherent 4th rounder, which is a low-4 (high-5-like pick). we already had a compensatory.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Superman said:


    My only problem with this is that we're knighting Ballard four transactions into his tenure as GM. We still don't know what table he'd go to. 

    true that!! , I think we are going to find out pretty quickly, like  after 4:00 p.m. on March 9th

  18. 2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Actually Blackjack, Craps and Baccarat are the 3 most profitable games at a casino. Slots, Keno and Roulette are sucker bet games.

    i believe all Casinos look at Baccarat results (casino profits) and thats how they determine if they had a good month.  odds favor a blackjack player, however, so I would still say that's Ballard's game.

  19. 18 minutes ago, Superman said:


    He's not even going to draft anyone, he'll just trade away all his picks for future picks, every year.




    We don't know what Ballard is. But I hope he's not the kind of guy who would refuse to give up a pick for a good player. Vontae for a 2nd was one of Grigson's best deals. 

    no doubt Grigson was a gun-slinger with FA money and loose w/ draft picks, whereas Ballard is probably going to be conventional with draft picks.  Picture the two of them walking into a Vegas Casino, Ballard goes over to the Blackjack table (better odds), and the whale (Grigson) hits craps and baccarat.  


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