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southwest1 last won the day on November 7 2019

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    Asking people sarcastic questions like this one:
    Do you know why adults always ask little kids what do you wanna be when they grow up? They are looking for ideas about possible career choices themselves. HA! HA!

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  • About Me
    <p>Favorite comedians: George Carlin, Bill Maher, & Conan Obrien.<br><br>Favorite TV shows: Law & Order: SVU, Countdown With Keith Olberrman, & NFL Total Access.<br><br>Favorite Hard Rock Bands: Tesla, Black Stone Cherry, Gwen Stefani, David Coverdale, Scorpions, Megadeth, & Van Halen.<br><br>Favorite Country Bands: Mary Chapin Carpenter, Travis Tritt, Johnny Cash, & Brooks & Dunn.<br><br>Favorite Movies: Braveheart, Stranger Than Fiction, Sunset Bouelvard, Shawshank Redemption, & What About Bob?<br><br>Favorite Junk Food: Vanilla Coke & Reeses Fast Break Candy Bars.<br><br>Favorite Film Stars: Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Connely, Maggie Gyllenhaal, & Bruce Willis.<br><br>Favorite Past Time: Playing Percussion, Watching Colts Football, & Chilling With My Little Nephews.</p><p> </p><p>Since a number of Colts Forum members frequently ask me why I routinely address myself as SW1, or in the 3rd person, here is my reasoning for doing so: </p><p> </p><p> </p><div> There is a character on a TV show called Becker about a sarcastic Dr. named John Becker & he frequents this place known as Reggie's Diner. 1 of the regulars at Reggie's Diner in NY City is named Bob Whiley. Now, Mr. Whiley always refers to himself in the 3rd person. Bob hates this. Bob loves that sort of thing. Also, another forum member, Blood ON The Tracks, informed me that a character on "Seinfeld" named "Jimmy" used this comedic device first.</div><div> </div><div>Why do I do this? Simple really. I always thought that speaking in the 3rd person is a great comical device to act as though a person is observing life's events from a distance above it all like a near death experience almost as if you are watching someone else live vicariously through you. In a nutshell, I am paying homage to Bob & Jimmy because I have a fondness for brilliant comedians that make you think & are kind of like the protest singers of my generation George Carlin, Bill Maher etc. etc.</div>

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  1. I just finished watching Ron Wolfley, AZ Cardinals booth announcer, do color commentary in a preseason game vs the Oakland Raiders. I love these freaking guy man. He's absolutely hilarious! He's like those 2 old senior citizen puppets on the Muppet Show was I was a little munchkin. Translation: You never know what the dude is gonna say. He's priceless baby. haha

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    2. southwest1


      "Twitter just blows up whenever you broadcast a game Wolf. You're a very polarizing figure."


      "Oh, thank you David. Why don't you just kick me in the cradle while you're at it." 


      "As we go to break, maybe we can get Wolf to sign his leather helmet." lmao


      See, the joke is that Ron Wolfley is old & ancient since he played ball under Bill Belichick in Cleveland in 92.


      Who needs the score with these 2 bickering in the booth for satirical reasons right? Awesome!

    3. southwest1


      "The Japanese Fighting Fish. Google it...Very territorial & of singleminded purpose." 


      "Fitz [WR Larry Fitzgerald] doesn't like when you call him that Wolf." 


      "You don't think he looks like 1 David because I sure do. The man knows how to score TDs." 


      I think Wolf is referring to the fish's tail & Larry's thick ponytail hair. 






    4. southwest1


      It was cool to see both Wolf & David say such nice things about Buddy Ryan & Denny Green, 2 former Cardinals head coaches who passed away this yr. 


      I really miss Dennis Green. A smart guy, a funny guy, & a family guy to his core. My sincerest condolences to his family as well. 

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