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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    They are correct, as are you.  This entire situation is due to JT being a limited RB, not a fully-skilled RB in the ways a RB needs to be in today's NFL.  Like that one tweet suggested, JT is looking to get traded to 1997.


    The reason he did not have a great 2022 is precisely because he is limited.  The NFL knows this.  His success....the crux of his perception of value....came from having a 2021 season where he busted off a bunch of big runs for TDs midseason that no other RB in the NFL could have done.  


    That's a great skill to have.  But that's not what CMC and Kamara get paid to do.  JT is a bit of an outlier, and there are few market comparables by which to set his value.  In cases like this in business, the buyer sets the market, so JTs value is truely going to be based upon which team wants to pay him money for what he has demonstrated he can do.  There is no real established market for a really fast downhill RB.  There is no "Kellys Blue Book" for an agent to use as support.


    Sure, maybe he has the skills to be Kamara.  It hasn't been fully demonstrated yet, so he should get paid based upon the desire of a team to run him up the gut in hopes he breaks a long run.  You pay him elite money for what he shows he can do. if any team wants that skill as the centerpiece of their running game.  And you don't pay elite money on spec.


    Great post Doug.  I love the Kelly bluebook thing.  He is a unicorn.  A limited skill set unicorn.  He's hard to price and value and yes most of his value was in a 7-8 game span in the middle of one season.  

  2. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    I would not trade him, period. I mean, make me the amazing offer and we'll talk, but that's true of every player. And he's the least likely of our good players to bring back an amazing offer, so it is what it is. 


    Overall though, I'm not letting a player's nuclear threats strong-arm me into making a move. While I get JT's frustration, his side is being very impatient right now. And maybe that's strategic, but it wouldn't have the intended result if I were running the show. 


    As for the Chase Young scenario, Washington says no for sure. He might be on the outs, but he has more value around the league.


    The back thing is a baffler Supe.  


    I was tracking with at least the reasonableness of the JT camp until that came out.  Like you, I don't think it was a good strategy likely to yield the desired outcome, but the back thing, if he told them he hurt his back in the off season, that's a shocking level of incompetence by the JT team, and a just mystifying lack of critical thinking skills by the Harvard level philosopher.


    His premises seem flawed to the nth degree.  I guess the logic from there to here could be sound lol. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    No offense but it doesn't surprise me that you heard something that coincides with your opinion and latched onto it. I don't think there's anything deficient with Taylor's skill set. And even if he was an elite pass catcher, I still don't think it would be smart to pay him like Kamara and McCaffrey. 


    I think if Taylor had a strong season in 2022, the Colts probably would have already made an offer to him. Don't know if he would have found the offer acceptable or not, but things would be different for sure. It's not all about having a new coach, although that's definitely a factor.


    I disagree.  Taylor would be a much much much hotter commodity if the league considered him a better pass catcher and protector.


    I think that's obvious.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    Who cares what other fan bases think?  His fellow owners don't hate him.  He says what they also think.   Jerry Jones is in the same vein.  It looks bad sometimes to the public,  but his fellow owners  agree. 


    The only thing Steichen is thinking is how to win ball games,  and buy a huge house with all this money I just made

    I think the other owners look at Jimmy as that little brother that will do anything to look cool in front of his big brother and his friends.  But I do agree he’s a mouthpiece for the fraternity on occasion.


    Thats what id be focused on if I were Ss.

  5. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Pittman’s public comments would leave anyone to think the Colts are not talking a new deal with him now.   And that they MIGHT during the season, but it’s not certain.  And Pitt has repeatedly said he’s fine with the current situation and that he expects it will eventually work out.  

    His approach is 180 degrees different than JT.  

    he’s a pass catcher which means he has way more leverage .  He doesn’t need to build any artificially.

  6. 14 hours ago, Fluke_33 said:

    I think you have to ask him if you can grow dreadlock mutton chops depending on ar or minshew starting. Now that may be the ultimate combo.  Lol

    Actually you might have just topped yourself.

    • Thanks 1
  7. On 7/28/2023 at 11:49 AM, jvan1973 said:

    I would rock a Wyatt Earp if my hillbilly DNA would cooperate.   Best I can do is a spotty wish version of Andrew's neck beard

    beard neck GIF


    I’m clean shaven and in 2 weeks I can have a full on wolf man.


    Vincent Price Television GIF by Unearthed Films

  8. 2 hours ago, John Hammonds said:

    Welp...  There it is Colts fans.  JT saying he wants a trade puts the truth in all the tweets.

    So, let's consider.

    If it's true that the relationship is irreparably broken.

    If he really doesn't want to be here.

    Then, as a coach and as a GM I would have to consider telling JT to go home.

    We're trying to build a new vibe, a new feeling, a new hope with this team.  And we can't have a guy roaming the sidelines with his hoodie up and a black cloud raining down on him and whoever is near him, wherever he goes.  It's detrimental.

    If you don't want to be here, then don't be here.


    In the meantime, an open piece of advice to JT:

    You've probably played your last down in the NFL.  If you're demanding a trade, and you're demanding money that nobody in the NFL is willing to pay a running back...  If this is the hill you've decided to die on...  Then nobody is going to trade for you.  Nobody.


    It looks like Saquan Barkeley was the wise one.  Take the deal they're offering you.  You're not going to get a better deal anywhere in the NFL.

    But Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


    hes injured.  That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock



  9. 2 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

    I’m sorry, but this is so dumb. I think JT got caught up in all of the RB hoopla and it’s stuck in his ear. He’s on his rookie contract still. This is too early, I was thinking he would have these talks at the end of the year. Cmon

    Man JT has a high IQ and was a philosophy major, which means he has elite logic/reasoning skills.


    I doubt he’s emotional about this.  If so he would have made a poor philosopher.

  10. On 7/27/2023 at 7:34 PM, jvan1973 said:

    I haven't heard anything that says he is gonna hold out.   Did I miss something?

    I don’t think he will hold out if I had to bet but did you notice oh never mind.


    5 hours ago, Ratking said:

    Dude... Colts could literally not win a single game in a season and ol' boy would try and spin that hogwash. But get a couple beers in ya after watching the colts get their brakes beat off, and boy is he fun to argue with. 

    it’s a leetle bit freaky 

  11. 24 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Do you say the same when a team cuts a player without honoring the contract?


    Technically cutting is within the contract so it is honoring it.


    But this is the main reason that I don’t judge tactics used by players and agents .  They don’t have much legal leverage other than bloviating and sitting.


    we shouldn’t give long term big money to a RB.  Bad business.



  12. 9 hours ago, csmopar said:

    The only flashes I saw today were out of Kenny Moore. The rest weren’t so hot. Like I said I’m my recap, either our DBs suck bad or our WRs are studs now with a new head coach and QBs

    Well we lost both starting corners from last year.


    Even the rosiest of fans has to realize we are going to really struggle there.

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