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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. Just now, GoColts8818 said:

    They are getting paid by your standards (and most people’s standards) but not by their peers.  If anyone feels they are significantly being under paid compared to their peers you are going to have issues.

    They are getting paid what the market determines is their value.  There is nothing unfair about that.


    It’s just a reality in todays game.  There’s nothing sad about it.  Other position groups that the market has determined are more valuable than RBs are getting a greater share than they used to.  Was it sad when TEs were lol underpaid?  Or centers?

  2. 38 minutes ago, Jackie Daytona said:


    So?  This clown hat with his "Fam" chain is crap posting to anyone he can find, Irsay was just one he responded to.  


    What likely happened is 12+ young millionaire athletes and a few Agents (who aren't at the top of the barrell, like Milk Kawaii here) got all up in their feelings and worked into a lather and now are feeling "empowered" to act stupid on social media.

    Yeah but Boomer Jim has been doing stupid feces for decades.  God only knows what would have happened there’d been cellphones in his day.

  3. 52 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Last year, Taylor had not one, but two ankle sprains, one of which was a high ankle sprain which needed surgery and which you conveniently forget to mention.   And he was mostly running behind a line which was brutally bad.  Again, no mention of that by you.   So your characterization of Taylor in 22 is that it was just another year and you blame him for not lifting the offense.   


    You asked about his impact.  He was not impactful last year.

    52 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    In 21, Taylor led all RBs in most runs if 10 or more yards…. Most over 20, most over 30, most over 40, most over 50, most over 60 and most over 70.   But you characterize his season as a few long runs in the middle third of the season.   The middle third was 8-2 for the Colts, which included wins over Buffalo where the Colts threw only 12 passes and a win over New England where the Colts threw only 11 times.   The Colts had a poor passing game, Taylor was the primary weapon and you attempt to downplay him.  



    see @Superman post above about the impact the effective level of impact. Ditto.

    52 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    His rookie season, you could take nearly 200 yards off his last game and he’d still have a 1,000 yard season.   Marlon Mack didn’t reach 1,000 yards until his second season.   He only had a few hundred as a rook.  

    So we see Taylor in almost opposite terms.  

    I am talking about running backs.  They are not judged to be worth big investment my THE ENTIRE LEAGUE.  Maybe petition the league?


    Look Dude you and I have seen the RB position differently for 3 years and well buddy, it looks like you and a few others here have come down on the side that is contrary to EVERY TEAM IN THE NFL.  

    Y’all might be right though .


    it was never personal or emotional for me but the writing was on the wall about the value of RBs and their impact.

  4. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:

    My points about good, smart and character was a response that Taylor might not play under the tag.   I was explaining that I didn’t see that happening with Taylor.   And for the record, Taylor hasn’t NOT honored his contract.   He might.   But it hasn’t happened yet. 

    I still don’t get what good smart and character has to do with anything.


    that honor contract thing doesn’t mean anything in this instance IMO.  There isn’t much to negotiate for rookies in round 2.  That is predetermined and JT has no power to negotiate.


    A 2nd could be a different story.  Because the player has power.  But other than guaranteed dollars the club holds the power to cut , so I don’t look at it as a question of ethics like a contract between individuals with negotiating latitude.  That’s just me though.


    I don’t believe that what is happening with Taylor’s fight for dollars is an ethical question.  And it’s independent of goodness, smartness, and character.




  5. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    You're on the record about not liking our roster composition or cap allocation, but I don't think we've been throwing money at players. Truth is, we haven't drafted very well in a long time. We don't have back to back great draft classes that really addressed the biggest positions in today's game. We've generally kept our best players, and that goes back to Polian. I haven't liked every contract -- the JB deal was really bad -- but I don't think we've been wasteful. I think we need to draft better, especially at WR and Edge.


    But to answer your question, wouldn't Kenny Moore qualify? Irsay didn't make any noise with that, Twitter or otherwise.

    I think we threw money at Shaq, Q, and Smith IMO.


    I forgot about Moore.    But we haven’t had much of this that I can recall.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Tactics are usually just tactics. This agent seems to have particular beef with Irsay, going back a while, so maybe it's more than that. And Irsay calling out "agents" in his tweet now seems more pointed to me than it did before I knew there was history with this guy. I'd wonder if the well is poisoned, except apparently this guy also reps Shaq Leonard, and that contract got done quietly.


    I'm looking the dude up now. He's only been certified since 2014, so I don't know what the issue would have been in 2012. Apparently wasn't part of a contract negotiation, though, so just ill will? He doesn't represent any other Colts players, per Spotrac. JT, Shaq, and Tytus Howard (Texans) are apparently his biggest clients.


    Could be getting ugly...

    Our owner tweets impulsively like a 12 yearold.  Been saying it for years.

    Regardless of the past tweet I don’t think the agent is doing anything without weighing what he believes what will be in the best monetary interest of himself which would be to get JT the biggest deal possible.


    Whether or not it works is TBD.


    You do agree that JT could mend the fence with one simple tweet though don’t you?  ala I do not agree with what my agent said about Mr. Irsay in 2012.




    • Like 1
  7. On 7/21/2023 at 9:04 AM, John Hammonds said:

    It's a good idea to do the "Texas Hold 'Em" thing with tinted visors so that they cannot see your eyes.

    But I believe it's an NFL rule that you cannot wear a tinted visor unless you have a medical exemption that says your eyes are overly sensitive to sunlight (or similar issue).

    Back in the day, Bears QB Jim McMahon wore sunglasses all the time due to his light sensitivity.  (He wasn't just trying to look cool.  Although he did.)

    Super Bowl Arts GIF by Mic

    • Like 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, Carlos Danger said:

    The public portion of this is just dumb. Irsay should've kept quiet as well as the agent. Nothing either of them will say in public has any bearing on the actual negotiations.

    Everybody is entitled to their view, but JT and his agent's remarks aren't going to change the RB market or the Colts' plans.

    The market is what it is, not because of discrimination or anything of the sort... The RB market is low because they don't last and the position is less important (with regard to winning) than it ever has been. You can get 85% of an elite RB's production with a guy off the street or a cheap committee, saving money for more valuable positions. You can draft a perfectly capable replacement in the 3rd round. 


    I don't fault JT for being disgruntled. He's in a precarious position.I think he's a top 5 RB. I just think that the social media posturing and complaining is pointless. He's not going to guilt the Colts or any other team into paying him more. As a RB, there is a significant chance that he is on the decline or done completely by the time Indy is ready to compete with Richardson, anyway. JMO, though. 

    And Bingo was his Name O.

  9. 1 minute ago, CR91 said:


    Kelce, Andrews, Kettle, and Waller all got huge pay days. That's a bad example. RB value yes do go down after their rookie contracts, but that doesn't mean giving them 13-14 mil is a huge investment.


    They’re on the field for fraction to RBs. Bad example 

    Maybe RBs should pick a different more valued position.  Their labor just isn’t as scarce as other positions.  I know a lot of people don’t want to accept that but that doesn’t change the fact that the entire league knows it as the market has clearly revealed beyond a reasonable doubt.

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