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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Let’s be more direct.   What’s upsetting you must is you want answers NOW.   And if you can’t get those answers NOW then you want the media to pressure Steichen to at least address the question.   And for what?   To get him to say “I’ve got nothing else to say about Jonathan Taylor.”   What good was done here?


    Because that is the media's job.  It has nothing to do with want IMO and I'm guessing Supe feels the same.  

    It's the job of the media to ask those questions.  If not they are pretty much worthless.  


    If there is no response, then fine.  But if the media is nothing more than a corporate shill then they should be paid as public relations agents for that corporation IMO.

    Don't you agree with that NCF?  


    Pure journalism is on life support, but is it completely dead?

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Someone tried a couple weeks back and Shane shut it down, said he’d only answer practice questions. 


    That's what I figured should have happened.

    12 minutes ago, Superman said:

    I don't agree with not asking a question because you don't expect the person to give a direct answer. If you ask and he doesn't give a direct answer, that says volumes already. I think the job is to ask, and let the answer be what it is.

    This to me is the real point of media.  The rest is entertainment. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    The difference between the Luck situation and HT’s, is Taylor’s is a contract situation.  And it’s been cooling off for a few weeks.  

    Both sides have gone to neutral corners for this extended time.   I guess at some point you begin to wonder what’s the point in asking a question that Steichen clearly doesn’t want when the odds are all he’s going to say is….  “I’ve said all I’m gonna to say about Jonathan Taylor.  I’ll address his situation only when the Colts have something to say.” 

    The questions you want asked are loaded and don’t advance the cause of peace right now.   They’ll be appropriate someday soon, my guess is somewhere around cutdown week. 


    NCF, I think the question should be asked a couple of times.


    If not, what is the media for?  To me it is to inform people who are interested in Colts FB who all want to hear an answer to this seemingly obvious question. 

  4. Just now, Superman said:

    I'm not calling it 'dereliction of duty' yet. But I'm generally not impressed with Colts reporters anyways. I think their questions are self-serving and agenda-based, rather than insightful. I'm not a fan of what Doyel does, either. But someone could ask a direct question and let the team's response speak for itself, yet they haven't. 


    Nothing is important in Grand Scheme I guess since the Sun will envelop the Earth in 5 billion years.  But theoretical philosophy aside, what could be a more relevant question to ask a Colts' reporter right now?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I don't know if I understand your point. No one has interviewed Taylor since camp started, he's not available for media because he's on PUP. But why couldn't someone have asked Steichen a specific question about Taylor's recovery? During one of the dozen-plus pressers Steichen has done during camp, no one could have asked a follow up?


    'When he had ankle surgery, wasn't the expectation that he would have a 4-6 week recovery? Irsay said he expected Taylor to be ready to go, and Ballard didn't expect him to be on PUP. What happened to cause his recovery to take this long?' 


    I don't know if Steichen would have answered the question. In fact, I'd think he probably wouldn't. But it still could have (should have?) been asked, at least once.


    In 2019, almost every question was about Luck's ankle. They had Ballard on the podium talking about Os trigonum syndrome... All that was over the top, and I'm not asking for that level of obsession. But unless I've missed it, no one has the HC who talks every day asked a simple, direct question about why a "routine procedure" is still affecting a world class athlete months after he should have been ready to roll.


    I don't follow media pretty much at all.  Colts.com is pretty much my clearing house for all things Colts.  I am not into talking heads at all anymore.


    But are you saying, no one ever asked SS about it?  That seems odd, conspiratorial, and pretty much a dereliction of media duty.


    I "figured" the question was asked and met by no comment type of responses and the media realized it was a futile endeavor.


    Has this question never been publicly asked to CB, SS, or JI?  That's pretty sad actually if it hasn't.  I think media is ugly at times, but ugliness is sometimes their job and if no one has asked this obvious question, then something is wrong or someone's getting paid.

    • Like 1
  6. It seems like AR "should" play if he's going to start QB.  BUT.  We shouldn't be competitive pretty much at all this year. I doubt anyone on the sidelines and in the FO thinks we will be.


    I am concerned with load management for this young guy who is going to take a ton of carries and a ton of hits in this offense. 


    That has to be the logic here I would think.  Load management.   Don't let your QB get touched until the season starts.  Otherwise I'm failing to see a point of keeping him out of the entire preseason.

    We are certainly doing the ole Frank Sinatra "my Way" thing these last two seasons though. 



  7. 35 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Maybe… IF he’s healthy which I have serious doubts about


    I tend to think he is healthy, and I also think he is going to be forced to prove that running the ball for the Colts this year.  


    If not, we should never touch him with a 10 foot pole as far as another contract goes IMO.  If he ain't healthy yet from that procedure he had, by all medical accounts I've seen, it's not good.  That was supposed to be simple. 

    • Like 5
  8. On 8/18/2023 at 12:14 PM, throwing BBZ said:


     Kelly has been nicked up for a couple years, particularly with the left arm injury. So Nickster "knows all" and grades him for 2023 as below average. How astute. This perpetual Bunk is why Ignore him works for me.



    11. Ryan Kelly, Indianapolis Colts

    This might seem low for a player who has made three consecutive Pro Bowls, but Kelly’s PFF grading profile hasn’t quite lived up to those accolades. His 56.9 PFF grade in 2021 was the lowest of his career, but it was preceded by a 74.7 overall grade from 2018 to 2020, 10th among qualifying centers. That’s about where he should end up again in 2023 — a talented, above-average starter who hasn’t produced consistently enough to push the elite tier at the position. He fought through almost 1100 snaps last season.

     His experience, the value of continuity, and the $4.6M gap in dead cap makes him managements choice for another season.

    Nice ad hominem.

  9. 1 hour ago, RollerColt said:

    It’s as lawless as the old west at this point. There’s so much fake information being spread and it’s directly effecting my profession… 


    The switch from Twitter to X is causing all sorts of chaos and issues… most of the developers (some on whom were my friends) have been fired for no reason. 

    I get the hoorah for all the “free speech” but at what point is complete lies and false accusations that hurt teachers free speech? 

    And that’s not even to mention the fact that Musk just removed the ability to block people. So now pedophiles, creeps, stalkers, abusers and more have free rein to harass and target people. 

    The solution of course? “Just delete Twitter then”. And that’s what people are doing. 


    I still see a benefit of opening it up despite the issues.  It was way to much leaning in one political direction which is potential disastrous for both parties and the unaffiliated.


    it added to the potentially catastrophic polarization that is happening.


    IMO despite the ugliness, it’s better that it is either open and ugly rather than biased and cleaner, and it’s also better if it becomes irrelevant rather than being biased and clean.


    The damage of all the polar media is profound and we haven’t begun to see the worst of its affects IMO.


    Not a huge Musk fan but I think he’s sacrificing a bunch of his own money and doing the world a favor overall.


    I share your profession and have witnessed the horrendous affects of biased leaning social media like Twitter.


    you have to open up the wound.  It’s gonna stink and be nasty but at least it won’t rot us from the inside undetected as much.

    • Like 3
  10. 13 hours ago, Hoose said:

    I know the typical approach is to play no starters, thus avoiding injuries, but……..

    1. Our new QB badly needs the real game reps. The idea of making him starter is to get him ramped up as quickly as possible. He has to play a bit. 
    2. With Richardson on the field, the O line needs to be good enough to keep him

    from getting killed. That means starters out there with him. 

    I expect to see the starting offense out there for the first quarter. They need the work. 

    Pew Pew Pew Finger Guns GIF by University of Phoenix

  11. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I am going to say this with sarcasm, just having fun here:


    Hey Miami, here is your key to the golden ticket. A HR hitting RB, top tier RB in the league if you want to win the East and a shot at a SB run. Give us Hunt and a 1st round pick in 2024 and he's yours. Come on Miami, you know you want him chuckling homer simpson GIF

    I’ve got some ocean front property in Air A Zone A . . . From my front porch you can see the sea. . 

  12. 24 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    I think some are setting themselves up for real disappointment here.  The reports all along have been that Taylor’s trade value around the league is minimal.  I really doubt the Colts can get a star player back or a high pick back, let alone both.

    Completely agree.  

    Taylor’s home run threat on every play along with Hills home run threat on every play along with Waddles home run threat on every play would have D coordinators chain smoking Camel non filters and spiking their coffee with Angels envy and biting their nails to the quick that week watching film and prepping though.


    But if any team would be interested in giving anything of value it’s them.


    He’s not much of a trade asset though seemingly.  Plus they wouldn’t be bidding against anyone.



  13. 6 hours ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    I was totally against resigning Nelso and Leaonrd when they did and I gave my reasons back then and I was totally right. I get JTs issue when those two guys got paid and played non premium positions. However a lot has changed. The rb market has gone very stale. I also think that Ballard is stinging from the Nelson contract. He extended when he had no business doing it. I also think Irsay maybe more involved in these contracts as of late. JT is being stubborn and wants the team to play nice when all the information out there based on history of the rb postion is DO NOT EXTEND HIM!! Let him play our this year.  For a very smart guy, this seems to evade Taylor and he is looking rather foolish even though I know what he has to be feeling. To me if Nelson, Leoanrd and JT were all healthy,  I would probably pick as more valuable to this team.

    Couldn’t agree more with every word you said.

  14. 1 minute ago, iuswingman said:


    And if i was the FO, i would say so what.  They don't play the same position and as mentioned they were willing to have a physical to verify status of their injuries.


    Plus, nothing wrong with Colts being more careful about how much they're handing out to players.  What they have done in the past doesn't mean they have to always continue to do it.




    Oh I would too if I was the FO.  


    And I couldn't agree more about the money.  I think a big part of the issue with this org is overpaying their own.


    But I DO understand if Taylor feels like that's a pretty hard pill to swallow.  The language used with Taylor has been radically different than that used with Nelson and Leonard, neither of whom are coming close to playing up to their deals. 

    • Like 2
  15. Just now, csmopar said:

    Nelson’s contract also hinges on him passing a physical which he did. JT has refused a physical so again. No one knows where JT actually is physically 


    That is definitely true, but that doesn't really detract from the factthat both Nelson and Leonard, both of whom also play non-premium positions and both of whom were signed a year before their deals were up, had both been inured most of the year before their deals, and were both coming off surgeries. 


    I'm pretty sure JT and his camp have looked at this and pointed it out the FO. 



    • Thanks 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I'm definitely a 'throw it away' kind of guy...


    Yep.  I was a young guy who had put his body through quite a bit of reckless activity when Manning came into the league in 1998, and used to think it was unmanly for Manning to curl up in the fetal position like he did, but that evolved lol as I started feeling the damage lol. 


    It's dumb to take those hits.  It's not good for the team and kind of selfish from a certain perspective. 

  17. 31 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    And why would they.  If leonard or Nelson was coming off an injury they wouldn't have got new contracts either


    You are misinformed.


    Both of those players were coming off injury.   Nelson had been nicked on several occasions and missed 4 games (one was Covid though).  He had recurring back issues and a high ankle sprain in 2021.  He was coming off a string of injuries the most concerning to me and many others at the time was the back stuff.  It appears to me that his back has been part of his fall from excellence on the field.

    Here is Leonard's injury history BEFORE the contract in JUST 2021


    "Nelson’s 2021 season was dominated by injury — two offseason surgeries he’s declined to reveal, a training camp surgery to remove a loose piece of bone from his foot, a badly sprained ankle that cost him three games, another game lost to COVID-19 — and his play suffered a bit. For the first time in his career, Nelson was named second-team All-Pro, rather than first team, as he played with an enormous brace on his ankle."


    Here is part of Leonard's injury history before the contract. 


    "Leonard's ankle bothered him during the 2020 season, but he didn't have surgery until June 2021"  Note before the contract signed in August.


    • Like 2
  18. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:


    If we were actually doing a rebuild, Kelly and Moore would have been gone for sure. And depending on how hard they wanted to go, even some better performing players like Buckner and Franklin might have been made available for trade.


    They didn't see a need to tear down the roster, which is fine. But they're obviously evaluating a ton of young players, including the QB, so it would be a mistake to spend a bunch of resources in other areas. IMO, we shouldn't be doing anything too drastic until we have a good idea what Richardson is/can be. Because if he's a disaster in 2023, I'm all for selling the farm for Caleb Williams. And if Richardson is really promising in 2023, I'm okay with giving up resources to get a really good WR, or pass rusher, or DB. But we need to know which way we're headed before we start spending.


    Yeah I'm coming around to the possibility that the reason to start AR right away is to make a quick decision on whether or not he's the future.   I hope they cut ties quick if it becomes obvious that he's likely not to be a legit NFL type starter.   


    One issue that might contaminate the experiment is this offensive line.   Kelly is interesting.  He's really not been very good.  Then we have the RG.  We are hoping Raimann works out.  We need Nelson to earn most of his salary.

  19. 4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Part of Kelly's bad play was due to him losing his baby. You never get over something like that (just awful) but hopefully he has a clearer mind coming into 2023. This is a huge year coming up for Kelly to see if he can play at a good level again.


    Maybe man, but the reality is that he wasn't playing that well before the tragedy and regardless of why the man is playing less than average level football, it's bad for the Colts to have a replacement level player being paid like a top, elite, All PRO player. 

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