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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 6 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I guess I should ask you, how would it work?


    When you say load management, I think of putting the starter on a snap count limit, or sitting him out entire games. I don't think that's a good practice, for lots of reasons. But maybe that's not what you have in mind at all...


    No I'm talking about the possibility of sitting AR from time to time this season.  Before I'd offer my opinions on why I'd consider that, I'd be interested on why you wouldn't consider it in good ole fashioned numbered point @Superman fashion. 



    Keeping in mind Supe that there are many different thngs happening these days that were not thought possible 5-10 years ago including drafting a QB like AR with the 4th pick. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I didn't see him hit his head this week, must have missed it. Load management is untenable, though.


    It happened on the play that was posted here to Pierce and it happened on a run that I noted while I was watching.  I know of those two for sure. 


    Why is it untenable?



    4 minutes ago, Superman said:


    No objection here, but I think that's mostly about fighting to stay up, not necessarily a lack of technique in falling/getting tackled. If you want to send him to Tua's jiu-jitsu guy, that's fine. But I think I'd focus on helping him respect the defenders (don't jog into the end zone), and learn when to let the play be over.


    Tua had that rigid problem.  It would be good for AR.


    Yep don't jog.  


    Although AR is a stud physically he has to learn that every other player in the league is a bad mo fo too.


    He's young and competitive.  He'll either learn the easy way or the hard way like all of us 

  3. 31 minutes ago, Superman said:

    I'm not arguing that he can continue to take abuse, and it will be fine. I'm saying some guys just have to learn their lessons, and Richardson's competitive spirit probably requires him to learn those lessons directly. End of the day, either he makes some adjustments and protects himself, or he continues throwing his body around and will pay for it. But unlike previous coaching staffs, I think what Steichen is doing can help reduce some of the physical punishment within the course of the game. And hopefully, with time, Richardson gets better at choosing when to take risks and when to protect himself.


    I'm just not ready to freak out because he got a quick, rude welcome to the NFL. I'll wait and see how he applies what he's learned so far. It was good to see some slides last week, but I want to see him strike the right balance over the course of the season.



    And Supe another thing I'm talking about is the technique of getting tackled and there is technique in getting tackled.   Not just when to run OB etc, which is important. 


    There's a kinda point when you have to surrender your body and not stay rigid and straight.  You kinda let your legs go,  and go a little fetal instead of fighting the inevitiable.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I agree with all of this. But it seems like CJ's success would call into question the legitimacy of the S2 test, not validate it. I think there's some value in the cognitive stuff, but I also think it gets overblown during draft season. It's just a piece of the puzzle. It's also possible that the leaked scores were inaccurate or incomplete, in which case we don't really know anything... 



    Oh this isn't geometry or engineering.  Certainty isn't possible.


    2 minutes ago, Superman said:

    I'm not arguing that he can continue to take abuse, and it will be fine. I'm saying some guys just have to learn their lessons, and Richardson's competitive spirit probably requires him to learn those lessons directly. End of the day, either he makes some adjustments and protects himself, or he continues throwing his body around and will pay for it. But unlike previous coaching staffs, I think what Steichen is doing can help reduce some of the physical punishment within the course of the game. And hopefully, with time, Richardson gets better at choosing when to take risks and when to protect himself.


    Young, dumb, and well you know . . . 


    2 minutes ago, Superman said:

    I'm just not ready to freak out because he got a quick, rude welcome to the NFL. I'll wait and see how he applies what he's learned so far. It was good to see some slides last week, but I want to see him strike the right balance over the course of the season.


    I'd like to see 2 weeks in a row without his head recoiling off the turf.  And like I said in another post, I'd consider load management. 

  5. 5 hours ago, krunk said:

    I gotta nitpick a little bit here bc none of the QB you listed when they worked with Reich was a rookie. Actually I will give you Carson Wentz but that team was stacked. Carolinas cupboard on offense is pretty barren, and they have had offensive line problems to go along with that. I think he makes the right reads, but I agree with those who speak about the adjustment to the speed of the game. Particularly these defensive linemen who are running step for step with him. I still maintain he is going to get it figured out at some point during the year. It's probably going to take about 1 good game. I have to be honest and say my doubts about him holding up to the physicality on this level will remain for a while.

    Yeah I said that thing about a rookie in another quote.  There might be something to it. That rookies might not develop as quickly under FR. 


    Or It could be coincidence but for Frank's 1st 4 years here 4 different  QBs had their best year or their best year in years year.  There could be other factors, but it's an unlikely series of happy accidents if that's the case. 

  6. 19 hours ago, Superman said:


    Isn't that the test that CJ Stroud bombed? I've watched some of Bryce Young, I think he's overwhelmed by the speed, and is gunshy. And I don't think Reich has the touch to help him in this situation.


    I'm not super concerned with AR's ability to avoid hits and stay healthy. Either he'll learn his lesson, or he won't. We watched how it went with Luck, and we even saw Wentz up close and personal for a season; some guys just don't know how to give up on a play, to their own detriment. It's also probably why the 2012 Colts were able to win all those close games, and why Richardson is able to make plays to crawl back from a three TD deficit. So we take the good with the bad, and hold our breath on every play.


    But unlike the Colts with Luck, this team is being coached in a way that doesn't require the QB to stand in the pocket and get battered. They're emphasizing the quick passing game, calling screens, using play action, and RPOs. They're also using Richardson's athleticism in a way that allows him to be a weapon, which takes some pressure off the OL to protect all game, and allows Richardson to get in the open field and protect himself by getting down or out of bounds. It's up to him to pull the cord, though. 


    And I think there's reason to be hopeful that he'll grow from some of the beatings he's taking right now. He has to learn that these NFL guys are just as big and fast as he is, he can't let his guard down, and he has to respect his opponents at all times. And I think the coaching staff is stressing that to him every chance they get. But there will still be some adventures, based on both the situation and his awareness.


    I think you are right about CJ's test if I recall.  The thing about QBing is that it's possible for a guy to be so studied up before hand, knowing what the progressions are and having that kind of reading and progressions done before hand rather than processing it all.  I don't know if this is understandable.  But CJ might have a more like If A then B, If not A then  etc. and have that simplified rather than thinking about cover 2 safety with a TE clearing out with downfield and a option route depending on the depth of the LB etc.  Don't know if that makes sense and don't know if that is what he's doing.

    But the game is too fast for a lot of guys with really good physical skills.


    I don't know man.  I'm telling you if he keeps bouncing his head he will not be able to do this for long.  I think it's more important for him to learn to protect himself than win games right now.

    He doesn't appear to know how to do it.

  7. 5 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    The most elite QB do things like this. That’s what makes them elite. Richardson is not throwing int so let him do his thing. Luck would do crazy things too but the big plays that created were crazy.  

    Sure .  All I’m saying is that was not a great throw.  Defender stays up right it hits him in the small of his back or he turns around and make a play on that particular throw,

  8. 8 hours ago, Mitch Connors said:

    Good point, running is vital to AR's game and he will take some hits as part of it.

    I think my Luck scar tissue makes me wince every time AR runs and gets hit. That's a me problem and I need to get over that. 

    Got that same scar tissue lol.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Breeze said:

    I really didn’t believe you see GM as the guy.  You’re a smart poster, but also a bit contrarian (a good thing), so just drawing you out on that one.  The points you make about AR are exactly why he needs to be playing.  If he was a hot mess out there, then I’d agree with bringing him along slowly.  But he’s already shown the game is not too big or fast for him, so let him grow his experience beyond 13 college games.  This year is like the Luck rookie year.  Low expectations filled with pleasant surprises.  Being out there also means he continues to learn how protect himself, and he already showed signs of that against the Rams.  Cheers.

    I’m definitely contrarian but I’m not aBSer.  I actually believe the things I say and I’m much less dogamatic than it appears and most of my posts reflect skepticism of my own opinions and possibilities of re assessing.  I do get infights with dogmatic personal attacking posters but I’m going to try to ignore that kind of nonsense.


    the only reason I’d sit AR is load management.  He’s really getting his head beat in.  

    even though I thin GM gives us a little better chance to win games it’s not enough to sit Ar for that reason.  His development is more important than wins


    I dint see us playoff caliber but in the South it might be possible.

  10. 10 minutes ago, smittywerb said:


    good post.


    IMO, I think Shane will have him looking like Jalen 2.0.  Jalen runs, but like I said before, it’s more opportunistic.  I think we’re seeing AR run so much because he has to right now.  His receiving core is not really helping him by dropping balls and not getting open.  Once we put some better talent around him, he’ll have to run less.  

    jalen has two elite receivers for sure but he is a very accurate passer anyway and always was.  Despite the great athletic talent he has he looks like a little old grandma out there next to Anthony.  

    but hurts ran the ball 160 times last year and is averaging 10 runs per this year most of which are called runs  and I strenuously disagree that AR will be a star without running alot.  

  11. 12 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

    Couple notes here so I’ll put them in bullet points:


    - say what you want about Reich, but HE chose Young.  They gave up what they gave to go get HIM.  So if Young is failing, Reich plays a part in that too.  He took on that responsibility to coach him up and so far he’s failing.  Ryans and Shane has their QBs looking like future stars.  And those Reich stats are misleading because anyone can look good with Luck and when comparing his best years to previous years, remember who his coaches were.  You could mention Arians but I didn’t like what he was doing with luck.  He had him launching it taking big hits with a crap oline.  Regarding wentz, we saw what he looked like when the run game was stopped.



    I didn’t like Young but huge grain of salt lol, I don’t judge CFB prospects.  But he was the  front runner from all I heard.  IDK man.  Not a huge Frank fan but I think it takes some mental gymnastics and or a bias not to see that QBs performed well statistically under him.  we might be able to say it was fools gold but statistically it’s astronomical coincidental that all,those guys had great stat years under him if he’s bad at coaching QBs.  Not I will say all those dudes were vets and maybe it takes a while dir rooks with Frank,  hes never developed a rook.  

    Young has played 3 games.  We used to not judge QBs until year 3 lol, and we used to actually go outside and play as kids read about the stats in the newspaper the next morning and walk to school in the snow barefoot uphill both ways.  but statistically it’s not good so far.


    12 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

    - agree about AR staying healthy, I think he’ll learn.  His runs last game weren’t as physical, but moreso opportunistic.  And he got hurt because his +300lb OL stepped on him but he shook it off.  He’ll learn.  



    yeah the lineman was just a 1 off but his head bounced off the turf at Least twice hard I remembered one on a of run 10 or so yards and then just saw the Donald hit that someone here posted.  That’s got to stop happening so frequently.  

    12 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

    - as far as his package, that’s his package.  He’s good because one of his talents is his athletic ability.  You can’t separate his athletic ability from his production or how he looks because that’s what makes him special.  And agree, if the throwing improves he’ll definitely be the better QB out of all 3.



    I’m not separating but some guys are.  Hurts is elite.  Because he runs so well.

    12 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

    - I was definitely on the stroud train before we got Shane, then I was ok with either stroud or AR because I trusted he can develop whoever we pick.  When it comes to Stroud vs AR, I think it’s preference.  While stroud is and will be the better passer, AR can beat you with his arm and legs.  Both will be very good if everything works out, it’s all going to depend on how both teams build.  




  12. 5 minutes ago, smittywerb said:

    Yeah, Stroud and AR will grow to be winners, but they will win in their own respective ways.  It’s exciting to see because they’re both in AFC AND AFC South.  Stroud will most likely beat you with his arm and short runs while AR will be multi-dimensional.  Both are good. 

    As far as Young, I don’t know what to think.  He’s struggling.  I think he has the talent but idk if it’s him adjusting to the game or his coach, or both.  It sucks because I was looking forward to watching these 3 QBs grow this year.  So far it’s just been AR and Stroud wowing people while Young is not having a good time.  I at least thought Stroud would be the one to struggle because he has a defensive HC and the Texans are lacking talent, but he’s actually looked the best.

    I’d only focused on 1 CJ Stroud game, that semi final he was so good in and was just wondering WTH people were talking about.  He looked great under pressure and though

    no burner he ran effectively that game too.


    I didn’t know Bryce Young was a top prospect until watching maybe the last BAMA regular season game when it became clear INdy was going to ahem earn a very high pick.  He looked like a Munchkin and I thought he must have been a burner and my older son who follows BAMA a little said no he’s a pocket guy and passer.  He probably had a million yards and a thousand TDs, but it just looked like any other BAMA game to me ie. Pretty QB friendly with days to throw and do your nails in the pocket and guys coming open with miles of space and just utter BAMA style dominance.


    I’d never even heard of Anthony Richardson until someone here mentioned him when I was talking about the KY mayonnaise eating kids release point reminding me of the pretty girl you can’t stop looking at that might not really be the marrying kind.  Was that you who mentioned him?


    After seeing some tape on him I was thinking this guy is not a 1st rounder with the inaccuracy but thought maybe someone might take a chance mid to late.  He was super hyped at the combine for obvious reasons but I really thought that was hype.


    SS and CB were preaching QB accuracy and then drafted this guy.  
    But that processing test thing really struck me and then I really focused on watching the kid and you could see the calmness and feel for the pocket he shows now.  

    I’m still not sure if he’s going to be a guy that can stay up this league and be a great QB on a great team but I see what they saw in him and and optimistic as long as his brain don’t turn into oatmeal dribbling off the turf.  

    I would consider load management on the dude right now and I wonder if NFL will ever do it.  He might really benefit from 3rd week or so.  Rest the brain and body.  Watch and be involved in hearing and seeing what’s happening from the sideline.  Then he could spend like a whole week not preparing for the opponent but working with whoever his throwing technique guru is on certain subtle techniques.  If he’s going to have a technique overhaul that will obviously need to be in the off season,

    • Like 2
  13. I haven’t seen a single down of Young, but using ESPN, his QBR is 25 which is as bad as it gets and his passer rating is 75.  I don’t know what’s going on over there at all, but the notion that Reich produces bad QB numbers is an untenable position to take statistically.  Luck had the best year of his career under Reich, Wentz had a QBR 20 + points higher than the season before and the season after, Rivers had a major bounce back year with 2 bad ankles, and for a couple months, some deluded media types thought of Jacoby friggin Brissett as an MVP candidate.  Ryan sucked but he sucked way worse under ole Jeff and was clearly washed up.  Not a huge Reich guy but his system historically appears very QB friendly.  Ie.  Young is clearly not ready and or headed for a bust.  Not passing judgement on the little guy but he’s been godawful statistically so far.  That much is clear.


    AR and CJS are multiverses better so far.  AR has a decent QBR of 53.5 but a pedestrian passer rating of 85.4.  Most of his decent QBR is a function of his running and scrambling to avoid big losses.  Some people are having difficulty adjusting to the reality of the dual threat QB in 2023 but AR overall is doing all right.  Not near as well as some people here think but he’s doing OK.  I’ll keep saying it but the dude is going to have to figure out how to get tackled better and help himself prevent his head from bouncing off the turf or he’s not going to last the season.  There are lots of ways to help minimize this but it’s a real issue IMo.  But performance wise he’s doing fine and to me it’s clear he can start in this league while healthy.  

    CJ stroud has a little better QBR than AR at 57.5 and a miles better passer rating at 100.6.  The main reason that his QBR isn’t way better than AR is that he took 11 sacks his first two games.  He’s taken 0 in the last 2 which is almost implausible.  Don’t know what he’s done the last two.  Maybe Tunsil is playing?  He’s been coached up a little? He and the Texans dominated PItt and if TJW played its Uber impressive not to take a single sack.  If not it’s still pretty good.  CJ is making a star out of Nico Collins so far.  Very impressive pocket passing rookie.

    CJ looks like a stud to me.  AR has shown flashes.  The big questions are developing accuracy and to me the bigger issue is the damage he’s accumulating with his playing style.  Every NFL defender is an animal of an athlete and he’s got to learn to protect himself and to realize that these guys are way bigger stronger faster than college guys.  Point being I don’t think ARs brain will be able to sustain the damage it must be taking so far.


    I think that that new test they give prospects that tests spatial processing speed or whatever might take a lot of the guesswork out of prospects.  You can see clearly that AR is able to slow the game down mentally.  To me his college tape does not look like an NFL QB with the throwing issues.  People were wowed by the combine numbers and the deep throws but I was struck by the inaccuracy when throwing to the boundary on air at the combine.  But after hearing about the mental processing number and of course seeing the physical beastness obvious talent, I was more optimistic.  I think all this is playing out.  The athletic talent and processing speed  is allowing him to look decent even though the throwing is erratic.


    I’d definitely rather have CJ and he was my tepid favorite going into the draft.  I don’t make CFB to NFL predictions.  Don’t watch much CFB and it’s hard for everyone including NFL FOs to project that position coming into the league with  all the busts year after year.  I wanted Leaf in 98.


    As long as AR stays healthy it looks like he’s at the least NFL starter level.  If his throwing improves he might be great someday.

    • Like 7
  14. 1 hour ago, Jack86 said:

    Duuude I was thinking the same thing! 

    Hasn’t the league reduced practice time?


    Sure is weird though right!




    I’m talking work out techniques.  High intensity training is probably leading to tendinitis which makes the Achilles more likely to rupture.


    Football practices aren’t the junction boys style any more.  These athletes body and conditioning work is done in the gym.


  15. 4 hours ago, PRnum1 said:

    Ton of Achilles injuries this season. 


    I wonder if it's the artificial turf ?

    I think it might be over training.  Ruptures do appear to be increasing.  It be interested to know if that’s factual.


    one thing is certain though these guys put more pressure on this body part than nature intended.

    • Like 1
  16. 8 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    That's too bad, he was playing pretty good ball. Should be back next season.

    Just before that I think he showed really good closing speed on a ball to the boundary.  We had a roomful.  When they showed the replay we were immediately all like he’s done When a guy goes down like he’s been shot with no one around it’s usually a season ending type of deal

  17. Just now, CR91 said:


    I get what you're saying. I just don't understand why you're discrediting it. It's an incredible throw considering the circumstances. He took a bad play and made it a good one. 

    Man I know it can be taken that way but AR ain’t listening to me.  I’m just saying that was an ill advised throw.  Probably one he needs to protect himself and not make.


    Thats the main thing that is concerning to me with AR.  He’s taking some massive hits and that is a play I’d be shocked if he wasn’t advised to protect himself since the guy wasn’t open.  You got an open guy that’s when it’s worth getting hit in mouth by AD.  That one he’s going to be coached up to eat I should think.


    he’s getting the crap bear out of him



  18. 3 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    So you're disregarding the level of difficulty to make that throw as just reckless? Would you say the same thing if Mahomes made that throw?

    It’s underthrown and was a fortunate completion.  I seriously doubt if SS is going to tell him he wants to see him make that throw there. 

    I don’t remember the down and distance.  If it’s 3rd then taking the chance is OK but it’s UNDERSTANDIBLY underthrown.

  19. No I’m just saying it wasn’t accurate and either hits the defender in the back or if he turns he has a chance to int.  He’s got an incredibly strong arm.


    I can’t load the screen shot cause it says the file is too big but if you freeze at 9 secs or so it will be clear what I’m saying.  



  20. 2 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    The defender fell down holding Pierce. He was never in position to make a play on the ball. The fact AR even got the ball there with pinpoint accuracy is next level

    Just disagree .  Pierce catches this one around Jimmy level.  No chance for the completion if the defender keeps his feet.  It would hit him in the back or if he turned around about shoulder level.  Pierce doesn’t need to jumo

  21. Just now, coltsfan_canada said:

    I was  just seeing the same on youtube and I was surprised why it was not called roughing the passer when he clearly slammed him on the ground and you can see AR hit his head backwards again 

    He hits his head but that’s not roughing.  He was whipped around not slammed down IMO.  Donald doesn’t even follow him to the turf let alone land on him.  Fair hit.  

    I’ve been talking about him bouncing his head that might be the play I’m thinking of.



  22. 2 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Yeah they did. But for hitting pierce not the QB.

    The guy panicked and held down Pierces arm for some reason the way I remember it and got a PI.  Wired play.  Pierce might have played it up by kinda rehooking that defenders arm.

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