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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    False, Pro-Football Reference shows every stat to every player. Even a QB's W/L record before his numbers. He is 2-2 as a starter, he got credited for the wins over Houston and Tennessee because he started and when he left the Colts were ahead in both games. Having said that, after watching AR play in the 1st 4 games it was obvious to me that teams feared him more than Mustache because of his ability to run (he has 4 Rushing TDs) + he has a stronger arm so he at least can throw deep on occasion. AR was also playing much better than I thought he would, despite what his QBR says. He is damn near 3-1, he led a comeback down 23-0 vs the Rams to send it into OT, he never got a chance in OT because they won the coin toss and scored. If that Rams game didn't get you excited about AR then nothing will. 

    Ok 2 and 2 for his 2 1Q wins lol.  A starting pitcher wouldn’t get a win for three innings but I guess FB players officially get wins for that lol.  So false on my part.


    But I stand by the point.


    Sure defenses fear AR more.  

  2. 3 hours ago, Coltsbluefan said:

    I think the Broncos have their 1st round pick in the next  years draft,last years 1st went to Seattle,but as of this week they’re projected to have the 3rd pick.

    Ok then they need to tank.  They gotta get a rookie great QB right away to defray Wilson’s dead whale of a sunken contract.  He doesn’t appear any better.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Coltsbluefan said:

    I might be in the minority on this and I probably am,but I’m not sure if Caleb Williams is the franchise QB everyone seems to think he is.


    I'm not sure of anything when it comes to CFB QBs and their NFL prospects, but he does seem to be the universally most liked prospect at least since Lawrence, and maybe since Luck really.  Thats doesn't mean he's going to pan out and I'm sure he has flaws, but he is well thought of around FB circles to this point.   None of the QBs in last year's draft were thought of as highly as this guy is right now.  Not really close the way I remember it. 

  4. Just now, Superman said:


    Agreed. There's obviously some grey area. Although I think for them to be confident enough for Irsay to go on the record now probably indicates that it's more 80/20 than 50/50.



    Yeah, unless something unexpected happens in the next couple days -- like, a Biblical miracle -- he's having the surgery.


    support joluijten GIF by Squirrel Monkey


  5. Just now, John Waylon said:

    Yeah there’s no light at the end of this tunnel for the Broncos.

    Just Russell Wilson. 


    It's ugly as sin over there.  No 1st or 2nd round talent last year or this year and I think he has north of 100 mill guaranteed coming his way.  That is just as bad a situation as you get.  Unless Wilson has a resurgance, it seems difficult to even fathom how they get out of that mess.  


    Even if you do strike Gold on a QB say in next years' draft in the 3rd or later ala Wilson, Brady, Prescott, you still arent' going to have money to pay anyone with Wilson's money and it will be at least 2025 until they have a real chance to draft their own impact talent.   

  6. 5 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I think the club could probably tell a player that they aren't going to let him play until they think he's 100%. In the old days, that might mean a quick IR designation, because there was no return, so you might as well take the more conservative route and come back next year. Maybe it's a little harder to use that as a hammer with the new rules. But they can still shut him down for the year, and it would probably require some union intervention to change the team's mind.


    Something like, "Well Anthony, since you won't be playing again this year . . ."  The thing I was saying about the other injuries is there really isn't a choice.  You either repair them or you can't play NFL level football in most cases.  With ARs situation, apparently it's not cut and dried. 


    5 minutes ago, Superman said:

    Like you, I don't know much. Just seems like the Colts would be super cautious with their potential franchise QB, especially the way the year has gone so far, knowing the team isn't that good, and knowing how the Luck situation went. 


    Shoulders are complex.  When you use the shouder to throw footballs for a living, then the stakes are pretty hight.


    The risk/reward factor here must be muddled, but I think you and others have said, that surely Ole Jimmy didn't jump the gun on this one.  My guess is that they are prepping him to be worked on. 

  7. 51 minutes ago, Thunderbolt said:

    We can't seem to get a break since Luck's retirement at QB. Should a, Could a, Would a drafted CJ Stroud, had we move up like Carolina did.  Hope for the best Colt fans, maybe AR will change the way he plays and not be running as much.

    Well man the reality we Colts fans are just now waking up to has been one that many franchises have had in their faces for my lifetime.  It's not normal to be a fan of a team with a great QB.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Before the season started, I felt like AR and Mustache could win roughly the same amount of games had they played all 17. Simply because AR was a rookie coming in and would have growing pains, but I thought he would at least be average. Mustache has been a great backup over the years so I was thinking 8 wins either way. 


    After watching AR play in the 4 games I have seen, with AR playing all 17 - I believe this team may have won 10 this year had he stayed healthy. He was playing better than average.


    Why?  He didn't win ANY games lol. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Hoose said:

    Just don’t see it. Browns beat the Niners, for starters. I see at most another 2-3 wins. Minshew was exposed on Sunday. A middling arm and he can be panicked into mistakes unfortunately. If they go 5-12, that’s a Top 10 pick. High enough to nab a top WR (just not Marv Jr). 


    I would just say that GM has never been turnover prone.  His arm strength is the issue.  Sunday he had 25% of his total turnovers for his career.  He has 50 TDs combined v. 20 total TOs for his career which is excellent.  


    Arm talent wise, he's not there and doesn't have the wheels to compensate for it, but Sunday was anamolous in the TO department. 

  10. 4 hours ago, RollerColt said:

    I don't know... 


    There's a lot of suckage going on throughout the NFL this season...


    We're sitting right at 15 at the moment, and I think that's where we end up in January. Too good to lose out, not good enough for playoffs. Mediocrely balanced. 


    It's a very unfavorable spot to be in unless AR develops into being high level NFL QB.  The Hell of mediocrity.  We've been in it for almost a decade now, so we should be used to it. 

  11. 6 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:


    Leonard is healthy and played the majority of snaps Sunday.


    Fact of the matter is, he's an absolute shell of his formal self - whether any of us like it or not. 


    He's also out of position.  He's not big enough to play that position in the NFL.  This is different than playing Flus Will.  

  12. 12 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I don't know anything either, but I'm assuming they think it would be helpful to get it repaired. One of those things where rehab might get you mostly squared away, but there could be lingering effects, versus surgery would correct the defect. But surgery is a longer time frame, and has its own risks and concerns.



    There's a waiver covered in the CBA, and each player has to sign it every season. It's Appendix S in the CBA, and allows disclosure of information for injury reports.


    But in your scenario, I think the player has to make a reasonable and honest effort to recover from injury for any guaranteed money to be paid out. It would probably be covered under the grievance section of the CBA. I don't think the team can require any specific course of action related to injury recovery.


    Interestingly, it's possible for a person to not repair a torn ACL, and the body learns to compensate. DeJuan Blair had a decent college and NBA career with no ACLs in either knee. Just a side thought, since you mentioned ACL specifically. 


    Wow no ACLs.   Just read a little about that.  Don't remember hearing about it.  Article said everything else compensated for it.  


    I doubt that is the preferred way to go about becoming an NBA player though.  Article said they tried to repair them in HS and they deteriorated and his body compensated for it.  


    You can do all kinds of stuff with torn ACLs.  Those really don't need to be repaired in most cases for everyday life, but with the exception of Dejuan Blair apparently, they tend to come in handy for pro athletes. 


    My question really is how much influence is the club allowed on this type of thing?


    In ARs case, he is a young dude and if it's up to him, who knows what he would choose.


    I certainly don't pretend to understand anything about why or why not surgery here, but using basic reasoning skills like you have concluded that the surgery prospect/effectiveness is not clear.



  13. 4 minutes ago, JMichael557 said:

    If you are not seeing it I cannot help you because the evidence is in front of you. In the first Jags game we were in the lead and should have won. Most of that is due to AR's influence on the game and this was his first game.  His play was continuing to improve. 


    In the Jags game we were out of that game almost immediately. We cannot score with GW and the team knows its. this affects the defense as well. 


    AR's affect on defenses is immense.


    We scored 14 points dude on offense and had less than 300 yds.  So his influence wasn't all that immense lol. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I had the same reaction to the intense criticisms of Frank's play calling.  How does anybody know that what we didn't do would have worked out better than what we did?  


    I get conversation, but intense arguing....which is usually prompted by intense opinion......is weird.  How can someone be so convinced that what didn't happen would have been better than what actually happened? 



    Because they say so. 

    • Like 3
  15. 35 minutes ago, Superman said:


    My thinking is he's being told it can heal on its own and would probably be okay with a few weeks of rehab. But it would be better long term to get it fixed, let it heal, and do a more comprehensive rehab. And if he's choosing between 2-3 months without surgery -- which puts us at the tail end of the season -- or 4-6 months with surgery, then there's little reason not to choose the better long term solution.


    That's in the ball park of what I'm speculating.  It's not like a clear cut surgery is necessary type of deal.  Or that it will even be helpful.  


    35 minutes ago, Superman said:


    That's all speculation on my part, from what I've read about the injury, and the various options for a Grade 3-ish sprain. 


    And more speculation on my part is that Richardson, being the never-say-die 21 year old athlete is saying 'I can come back in a month.' Meanwhile, the team is saying 'Andrew Luck played through shoulder pain for two years before he had surgery, you should take the long term approach and get it fixed.'


    I hope he gets it fixed, but I do know shoulder surgeries can be tricky and can be somewhat risky.  That said I know nothing about his specific injury or possible surgery. 


    35 minutes ago, Superman said:


    And every day he wakes up and still doesn't have full range of motion without pain, he's starting to realize that he probably can't come back in a month. He's also hearing more medical professionals give their opinion, which according to Holder's report, are pointing more toward the surgery direction. 


    Irsay saying this after all the yo-yo headlines over the weekend and early Monday is significant, IMO.


    Do you have any idea what the teams' prerogative is on procedures?  Obviously, the patient has rights.  I've wondered there must be a forfeiture of privacy rights with the injury lists etc. 


    But like if you had an MRI that showed a torn ACL, and opted "not to have surgery" knowing that there is now way a torn ACL can spontaneously heal, would  club be obligated to pay any remaining money on the guaranteed portion of the contract.  Or does the club have some legal standing to expect the player get the procedure before being obligated to pay remaining guaranteed money?

  16. 2 minutes ago, JMichael557 said:

    With AR we are even with the jags. Without him you see the result. Same with Lawrence. If he were out the game would change. 


    How do you figure?  We scored 14 offensive points with AR in v. the Jags. 


    I mean we lost by 7 more this week than the first time at their stadium.  


    I'm not seeing what you are suggesting. 

  17. 27 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Before y'all argue over your speculations,  its a moot debate because we will only know one side of it.


    Anybody who thinks we'd have done better or worse with AR is just speculating.


    Now I think you will agree with me, that your post being said now and clearly out in the open . . . Feel free to speculate on this open forum Colts message board dedicated to discussing Colts FB. 


    But yeah when you argue against someone's speculations with speculations, I guess you are speculatively speculating but somehow not really speculating?  I've never really go it lol. 

  18. 29 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Not really, QBR isn't the tell all. AR was still 22nd in QBR rating, far from the worst. Watson, Howell, and Dobbs all have a QBR rating higher than AR and those QB's have looked like doo doo. I go by the whole picture of what I am watching, not 1 stat to fit a narrative. Kirk Cousins is 2nd in the league in passing yards and he isn't even a top 10 QB. If I wanted to make Yards my narrative, I could say Kirk is the 2nd best QB in the league and great, which is far from the truth.


    QBR is quite a lot. 


    It's calculated differently by different sites, but when you look at a list of the QBRs, it seems pretty accurate.

    • Like 1
  19. 18 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    For the Colts sake, I hope @Nickster is right about Minshew increasing our chances. But we have seen this story before, he plays well for a few games on a streak but then teams catch on and his limitations get exposed more over the course of an entire season. The same thing happened with Nick Foles. Caught lightning in a bottle towards the end of the season for the Eagles' SB run, then did a similar thing for the Bears for a playoff game but when asked to play for an extended set of games, he couldn't maintain a high level of play since his limitations were exposed. There was no alternate gear or out of structure ability to overcome his limitations. 


    For the record, I meant only slightly.  I've never really thought of this team as a 500 or so club.  They have had some good results so, so I hope to be wrong about that.  That performance Sunday was statistically the worst of his career, a game in which he accrued 25 percent of his career total in TOs lol.  

    The Jags are really just better than us all over the field though IMO.  Even when they were bad and we were good a couple of years ago in the JT season they ended our season famously, but even the game at Indy before that that I attended, they played better than us and that was during the best spell we've had since the early Luck years.  We were rolling along and they outplayed us badly after the 1st Q.


    We haven't matched well with them in a few years now IMO.  

    • Like 2
  20. 11 minutes ago, JediXMan said:

    Yeah I’m relieved it’s not something more serious than it was. Stafford had the same surgery and he came back stronger.


    Yeah, watch that play again.  He goes down really hard on the point of that shoulder with the full weight of the LB coming down on his top shoulder. 


    Yeah, shoulders are tricky.  Hopefully, the kid will heal and be ready to go at some point.   


    Anyone I've know that has had shoulder surgery has said it really sucks, something about it being above the heart, and blood flow being less causing longer recovery.  I'm sure there are easier surgeries than others, but the 3 guys I personally know had a rough time with it.


    If he is going to have the surgery, I hope they get this thing going. 

    • Like 1
  21. 31 minutes ago, Superman said:


    The owner saying he's probably going to have surgery is pretty reliable. 


    Now this is Jim Irsay we are talking about here though, not just any owner lol.


    It looks like to me that AR is being given options, some which include surgery and some that do not.  It looks like to me it's up to him ie. it's not clear that it will help him or is necessary like it would be for a torn UCL, or ACL, or Achilles.


    Surely though ole Jimmy knows something here.  But dude really likes to tweet or I guess it's X now. 

  22. On 10/11/2023 at 10:33 AM, Chucklez said:

    I think the perception that Minshew gives us a better chance to win games is massively incorrect. He has taken over from Richardson in winning positions twice now to close out the game.


    Yeah, but really?  AR left with a 7 points lead v. Hou and we won by 11 and he left with a 4 point lead v. Tenn and we won by 7 so looking at it from your logic, Minshew increased the leads he was left with both times.  Plus you are talking Minshew coming in during the 1st Q or early 2nd Q.


    Minshew played around 6 of the 8 Qs in those two wins.   The lion's share of the work in both of those wins was from GM.  

  23. 14 hours ago, JediXMan said:

    It’s crazy to me a even after that routine tackle and AR in pain never did I think it’ll eventually be a season ending injury. How can it be anything but just the absolute worst Luck.


    His shoulders stacked and that can be bad.  He looked really bad walking off the field.  Kinda like a guy headed for surgery.

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