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Posts posted by Nickster

  1. 11 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Yeah, I doubt the saints are watching any film on Downs or Pittman.   :rollseyes:


    Why wouldn't they be?  Don't we play the Saints this week?


    Or did you think they just watch Tyreek Hill and AJ Brown every week even when they aren't playing them?

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Surprisingly. I’ll have to go read the actual IC code as charged, but typically anything over 22 mph over a speed limit is reckless driving, a low level felony, in MOST but NOT all states.  Some states it’s able for arrest at 15 mph over(Indiana for example)

    keep in mind too, prosecutors can always bump it up or down as they see fit. Plus even if it were a felony, it’s a non violent one so he’ll be out on bond or bail soon. It’ll take at least 60 days to go to court on. 

    Bottomline; he’s gonna play Sunday most likely 

    See my above post. 


    Thanks CS.  I looked it up and it said he was weaving in and out of traffic too in a 2 block distance. 


    Slow down kid.  (I wasn't much of a hot rodder, but I understand these young bucks like to hit that gas a time or two.)

  3. 8 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

    It's likely got something to do with more than just points.


    Frank's teams were never prepared at the beginning of the season.

    Frank has a history of very questionable decisions from playcalling to game management.

    Frank was one of the people (if not THE one) who pounded the table for Wentz.

    Frank's team crapped the bed in two win-and-in games in a row - goes back to poor preparation.

    Frank's teams have never won in Jacksonville.


    I'm not saying Steichen is perfect and some people are already calling him out. I'd like for a rookie coach on a team having an evaluation year to have a longer leash than Reich...


    And Frankly (lol get it?), this team seems alot like that one that just missed the post season under Frank.  Just good enough to make it interesting, not good enough to get it done.


    I like some of what I'm seeing, but like others maybe including you, it depends on #5 or if he doesn't pan out, his replacement.


    I really hope that we select a 2nd QB if we get a good enough pick.  You could trade AR for a mint if you wanted to try that right now.  Or you could trade the other guy in a year or two like Belechik did a couple of times. 

    I'm not convinced about AR either from a play or health standpoint.   I don't see a good reason not to buy another lottery ticket here.  There is nothing that AR did in his limited time on the field that made me think he's going to be good enough.  I like some of what I saw, but others looked like the inaccuracy he showed at FL.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Solid84 said:

    It's likely got something to do with more than just points.


    Frank's teams were never prepared at the beginning of the season.

    Frank has a history of very questionable decisions from playcalling to game management.

    Frank was one of the people (if not THE one) who pounded the table for Wentz.

    Frank's team crapped the bed in two win-and-in games in a row - goes back to poor preparation.

    Frank's teams have never won in Jacksonville.


    I'm not saying Steichen is perfect and some people are already calling him out. I'd like for a rookie coach on a team having an evaluation year to have a longer leash than Reich...



    Frank's teams were 40-33-1 while he was here including a year with Jacoby Brisett and Matt Ehlinger Sam Ryan.  That's pretty impressive.


    Someone was talking about the offense's output, but Reich's offenses were better.


    I am not against Shane at all.  I wasn't a Reich fan, thought he was too soft, espicially after watching Hard Knocks, but I think a lot of the specific criticsim is unfounded.  He did pretty well here on offense.   He also made the playoffs 2 out of the 3 times he didn't have Ryan or Brissett at QB and was one overthrown wide open receiver away from making it in the other season.


    He did OK here without stability at the most important position and bad/mediocre defenses. 

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Superman said:


    Getting arrested makes some alarm bells go off. But if he was just speeding, no substances, no damage, no resisting arrest, then it's probably not going to be a big deal.


    The NFL has no interest in this unless there is something else going on.


    Any idea why he was arrested?  There must be more to the story, wouldn't you reckon?

  6. The revisionist history/Reich villification on here is striking.  


    When Frank Reich had someone other than Jacoby Brisett, Matt Ryan, and Sam Ehlinger at QB, his teams put up 27.1 ppg in 2018, 28.2 in 2020, and 26.5 in 2021.


    Shane Steichan's team has put up 25.4 ppg so far this season.


    Can someone please explain to me how putting up 25.4 ppg is so much better than putting up more points in the other seasons like Reich did?  


    I don't understand that equation.  I'm not a math major though. 

  7. 13 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:




    Meh.  No drugs or alchohol?  


    It so, just slow down kid and quit being stupid.  

    12 hours ago, IndyEric07 said:

    I’m sure they will still let him play Sunday since it’s against the Colts😒! Any other team and he’d be sat out!

    For speeding?

  8. 17 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    He's right, the loss was as much on Shane as it was on the officials.  More so.


    Bowen also laid it out in just about the same manner.


    I agree.  The D holding I really think technically is the right call.  That's a spot however, you might want to see the "let them play" thing going on.


    Now the PI was egregiously uncatchable.  But it was PI 100 times out of 100 if the pass was catchable.  

    Point being had Walker thrown it 5 feet lower (lol), it would be a no brainer and doesn't reflect the Colts acutual play on the field.


    ie. the defender doesn't know the throw will be errant.   He played the play like he played it and the result had NOTHING to do with his actions.  


    That being said, that PI call was friggin shockingly wrong on the catchable interpretation. 

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Indyfan4life said:

    Alllllll that aside, the fumble was forced before the “illegal contact” happened. 


    Meh not really.  Even though that dude posted that it wasn't the case, it looks like to me there are hands on before the fumble.  

    That play could easily not have been called but I don't think it's any type of an egregious error.  I think contact was made downfield before the fumble.  There can be debate as to whether the contact was initiated by the defender or not, but unless there is paralax going on, it's cleary just before the fumble when contact is made. 



  10. 17 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:


    The issue is JT is an I formation back, its how he wants to play.   Frank liked shotgun for passes


    We still have a similar issue now, Minshew and AR are very much shotgun qbs


    The Pistol can incorporate that downhill running game.  Are there any teams running I sets with a FB right now?  

    I think you could hurt people with it as long as the FB has the talent catch a few passes out of the backfield and take 4-5 carries a game to keep the LBs honest. 


    17 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:


    JT reminds a bit of Adrian Peterson.  Great players that can win you the game but they make you predictable with formations 


    That's always been my issue with the draft pick, the money, etc.  I'm not sure how valuable JT actually is to the team.   He played well Sunday, but he has been unnecessary offensively up until this point. 



    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Dunk said:

    I am a boomer, saw that in the theater at age 19.

    The Cars tune moving in Stereo always reminds me of this scene.


    I was probably sneaking it about a year later on cable lol after Mom went to bed.  I was about 12 or 13.  Ole Phoebe had a lasting effect on the ole Nickster. 

    • Like 1
  12. 35 minutes ago, Dunk said:

    For clarity, I am laughing at the Fast Times reference.


    I was hoping a fellow Gen Xer would get that one.





    Just substitute the name Garrett for Jefferson and that is what that game looked like on Sunday.



    This pic means a lot to you if you are around my age lol.  Right when cable came out lol.


     fast times at ridgemont high swimming GIF







    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 13 hours ago, bluebombers87 said:

    Technically it’s holding that is taking place outside of the accepted area (between the shoulder pads) so yea it should’ve been a penalty.

    Seems like it should be illegal.  I don’t remember seeing that. I’m wondering if this is commonly done.


    Funny thing is every player that blocks on offense is taught to hold on every play going by the letter of the law by grabbing the breastplate.


    They emphasized defensive holding on Dline a few years ago taking out combo blockers.  I would imagine the league wouldn’t want this to persist.


    Garret looked like Charles Jefferson v. Lincoln all night long after Spicoli fixed his car.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 10 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:




    I don’t have an issue with this play.  Looks like illegal contact per NFL rules.  Possibly could be interpreted as receiver initiating contact, could have been pocketed with the sack.


    The PI was astounding.  Tried to screen shot where the ball was as the receiver is heading OB and then where it lands.  File too big.  But check it out.  

    Catchable they say lol.

  15. 1 hour ago, Zoltan said:

    You really just can’t be a pocket passer these days. Defenses with one elite rusher are just to good at finding the weak link in the line and exploiting it. That’s like when we played the rams and they rarely put Aaron Donald against Nelson and even last game with them putting Garrett against Freeland. The defense will put its best rusher against your worse OL. Now you can add chips and RBs to help but aside from Goff there’s not many pure pocket passers anymore

    Tom Brady was pretty good from the pocket two years ago.  I disagree strongly with this.


    Pat Mahomes basically won the SB being a pocket passer with the ankle.  He moved around like Dan Marino in year 15 last playoffs.

    • Like 2
  16. 5 minutes ago, w87r said:

    Super Troopers Yes GIF by Searchlight Pictures



    Drives me crazy, that and flopping..


    It's so bad now, like 12th-13th roster spot guys are complaining. Like who are you bro, shut up and go play some defense.


    I watch a lot of soccer.  It is by far the worst when it comes to complaining and flopping, etc.   

    • Like 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, Superman said:

    Still, refs absolutely need to be better. But I don't know where the motivation will come from. The NFL is doing fine as it is


    Bad reffing is a water cooler talking point that keeps the NFL in the minds, on the tongues, and on the TVs and phones of consumers and exposes them even more to the NFL brand and sponsers.  


    I don't know if this is part of the decision to have part time refs lol, but it's sure a probably benefit.  There is a lot of NFL buzz generated by bad officiating, if it was great, that buzz wouldn't exist. 

  18. 58 minutes ago, Superman said:

    And I think the PI was not overturned because the NFL standard for "uncatchable" is kind of blatant, even if it's not spelled out in the rule. I think it's obvious that the pass wasn't catchable, and the flag should have been picked up. But I've seen similar plays get flagged on passes that I think are obviously uncatchable.


    Man I've seen a lot of catchable interpretations, but I swear that one takes the cake.  

    We were just waiting for them to confer and overturn and were like WTPH (real loudly too) when they didn't . 


    I cant figure out how to put the screenshots on here BECASUE it says the file is too big, but the ball is at least 5 ft conservatively over the head of the recevier, and lands about 10-12 feet past the End Zone line.

    I don't imagine there have been many worse rulings on catchability than that.  

    But if you haven't rewatched it check it out. 




  19. 1 hour ago, w87r said:

    I wish we could of seen who Minshew was throwing to on that strip sack. What that had potential for.



    While I agree not too much he could do on the fumble in the end zone.



    He still has to know that Myles Garrett is right over there.

    Comedy Wwe GIF by Neesin

    Against a rookie RT.


    Clock needs to be even quicker.



    Probably should of ran the ball, but what do you do?


    Yeah man but no,  You have to assume that your tackles are going to hold off your guy at least long enough to set your back foot on the drop back.  On both plays he's trying to get rid of it.  He just didn't have a chance.


    You have to have your tackles get a hand on the guy around the end rather than have your QB throw before any of the pass catchers have gottn off the line of scrimmage.


    If you watches the blind side fumble, I have no idea how you tink GM can get rid of that.  The EZ fumble, Garett beat 3 guys!  The play by Freeland there is inexcusable getting beat around the edge because he has Fries inside.  Terrible football by Freeland there, PLUS!  Garrett was supposed to be chipped by Ogletree who whiffed too.  


    Gardener Minshew has to be able to assume that a triple teamed EDGE will at least be slowed up long enough to set his feet.  That was all OLINE.   

    • Like 1
  20. 43 minutes ago, PRnum1 said:

    Agree 100%.


    Garrett vs Freeland is a huge mismatch and it showed.


    This Oline still needs alot of work or at least better backups and that falls at the feet of Ballard.


    But all in all a very exciting game.  Lots of scoring and Colts could have won it.

    He ran around Raimann at least once on the sack/fumble too.

    Garrett was a mismatch for the Colts on Sunday, that's for certain.  


    We were really unclucky that we didn't recover any of those fumbles too.  Had chances to. 


    But certainly they got torched on a few plays.  They must have played pretty good as a line overall though becaue we scored 38 pts. and had 450+ yards of Offense.

  21. 4 minutes ago, Zoltan said:

    Greeny this morning, went off on how he felt the Colts had every bad call against them. Which it’s kind of nice to see it’s not just the fans who felt their were bad calls. 


    Ruling that PI catchable without conferring and realizing that it landed a yard past the yellow line which the spectators and camera guys have to stay beind was egregious.


    I don't have a huge issue the the defensive holding before that.  That play was iffy and could have been pocketed, but it's not a terrible call IMO.

    That PI was ridiculous though. 

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