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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. 5 minutes ago, Mr Clueless said:

    Fantastic first impression and I think he will do very well under Irsay who will understand how to help guide him when it comes to tough decisions. As I understand it, Irsay will probably take council from Polian from time to time, so the whole mentor thing is actually set perfectly up for Ballard to succeed.


    It is also interesting to note that Ballard stresses some of the same things that Pagano do. Like team first, work hard, it starts in the trenches, having a solid defense, being accountable etc. Even if Ballard is not totally sold on Pagano, they will work great together I think. 

    Yeah I agree.  I think he is coming in with an open mind and no preconceived conclusions. Chuck can definitely earn his trust and confidence. This pair has the makings of a great and successful combination IMO. 

  2. Liked his approach about you need to win with the guys up front.  I feel confident now that we will finally find a way to acquire a true NT.  FA , Trade whatever I think he will find us an experienced solid NT that will make a difference.  I am also expecting one solid experienced offensive lineman as well.  Probably guard.  Now he's got me jacked!

  3. First off I think the questions that were asked were pretty lame and ordinary.  Nothing insightful or really probing into his approach to the job at hand.  It was almost over after it started.  At one point he couldn't believe there were no more questions.  He had to ask for more.  I was very disappointed in the Indy media to say the least. He probably couldn't believe it either.   The man himself was impressive and I liked what I saw and heard.  I believe every thing he said about Chuck.  It is hard to win in this league and Pagano's record speaks for itself.  He mentioned two years back to back at 8-8 like yeah sometimes that happens when you are attempting to rebuild a team.  But he stated he thought Chuck was a good NFL coach and I believe he meant it. Hard to keep winning when your GM can't provide you with quality starters let alone players than can even make the team i.e.; 2013. No more power plays , all team work and team building from the get go.  I think he will get us the players that we need and I especially liked it when he mentioned acquiring young players in FA to supplest the draft where he believes the roster needs to be built from.  It was a great first impression for me. 

  4. 32 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    Just think he could and should have handled that better. I do want Mixon though, hopefully 4th or 5th round. 

    My take, I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.  Too many other good backs to take before him.  He's a suspension waiting to happen.  Wait until he gets some money in his pocket.  No thanks!   We'll probably take Fournett or Cook in the 1st. anyway.  Ballard is a big believer in BPA regardless of position.  If either one is there and they have them as BPA when there pick comes " welcome to Indy".

  5. 23 minutes ago, masnerj said:

    Yessssss. This is EXACTLY what our franchise needed at this junction. Now we have a new guy (probably one of the best, if not the best, GM prospects in the last couple years) to come in, set the tone, make appropriate changes, and turn this franchise around. 


    And guys, lets just accept the fact that Pagano WILL be our coach for 2017 (it is all but confirmed). No need to argue and argue about it, let's just accept it and hope that it goes well. I actually expect Pagano to be non-pagano like as a coach this coming year. If a season like this doesn't scare you as a head coach, nothing will. I believe he will step up and be atleast a serviceable coach who doesn't hurt us. I still think he will get fired but I am optimistic. 


    Go Colts!

    Agreed.  And if Chuck makes the playoffs I don't think he will get fired. This actually could be the start of a real great run for the Colts.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if this tandem works out perfectly.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    I think Pagano stays this year. 

    And he could stay for many years.  If he's successful there is no way he is being fired.  Jim won't let it happen just for the sake of change.  If Chuck is not a deal breaker than this has the makings of a long term partnership.  If the rumors are true, and we really don't know, his best chance of getting Taub is right now.  Taub could find himself with another team next year.   

  7. 9 hours ago, bertjones7 said:

    I didn't interpret the article that all 6 are coming back for a 2nd interview. I understood it to mean that Ballard is the first of the 6 to be called back for a 2nd interview. 


    "Kansas City Chiefs executive Chris Ballard reportedly will be the first of the six candidates to be called back for a follow up, according to ESPN."

    This quote does not mean all six will be back.

  8. 23 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    I just don't think Ballard would bring Toub over if he didn't think he'd do a great job. I don't really believe this Toub stuff though.. having Pagano for a year shouldn't scare away a candidate.. he's not a terrible coach. 

    I don't think Jim would let him bring Taub over.  After interviewing Gruden and discussing Payton and who knows how many other former head coaches I think it's pretty clear the next coach won't be a 1st. timer.  He has great GM choices to choose from.  He doesn't have to go along with that demand if it's even true.

  9. 10 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    10 days? Ugh, wow , this forum is going to explode.... might need to add a drive to the RAID array

    Who cares about the forum.  Just make the right pick.  BTW any new staff that is assembled is for next year.  He will roll with what information our current staff has assembled PLUS what info he brings over from his old team.  I am sure he already has a solid evaluation of this years draft.  I can't believe people are upset that they are having a sit down meeting with Pagano  It's a courtesy and a common sense move on Jim's part.  After what he just went through with Grigson it just makes sense to meet with the coach and get his take on the team.  IMO it's kind of ridiculous not to do it.  Hire him first then introduce him to the coach.  No thank you. Jim knows what he's doing.  Thank God he's running the team and not some of the crazies on this forum. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    That is not an impressive list though. Kerr is just a rotational guy, Harrison was horrible at center, and Good lost his job to Haeg. I don't expect UDFAs to be pro-bowlers but using those 3 as claims to fame does more harm than good. If anything I want to know who found Jack Doyle and Chester Rodgers. Who was responsible for Swoope?

    Not sure Good lost his job to Haag.  I thought he was injured the last few games.  Could be wrong though. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I don't believe so. Pagano should have no say in who the GM is. He wants someone with familiarity around him. At worst, he wants a buddy for a friendly working enviornment because he didn't have it with Grigson, at worst, he looking out for himself, and wants someone that won't fire him. Al the guys on Grigson's list are qualified, Pagano just wants the one he's familiar with.

    I believe when Jim brought them both back last year Chuck said something to the effect of " I told Jim I wanted to work with Ryan ".  Maybe someone can find the quote.  So it sounds like Chuck gave his opinion on the position for what it's worth. 

  12. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Let's pass on Rex and move on......


    First,  being a DC is his strength,  but he inherited a great defense in Buffalo (I think it was top-5) and they turned it into a bottom 10 ranked defense.    Very poor.       No one knows why,  but that's on Rex.


    Second,  the Colts are not a big personality team.    They like quiet, low key guys....   that doesn't sound like Rex. 


    Third....    I'm not sure Rex is an Indiana kind of guy....    he seems more Big City.     I know, Buffalo doesn't fit that description,   but it gave him a chance to be a head coach and in a division where he could go against the Jets, Dophins and Patriots twice a year.     So, you move to Buffalo.     


    It just seems like a bad fit all the way around.....



    I believe he tried to turn their 4-3 to a 3-4. 

  13. 29 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    Gruden and Payton. Jim seems to be looking for experienced HC's, specifically SB experience.

    Sure does.  Mike Shanahan is out there too and it won't cost us any picks.   I think if he picks a new GM this week and it's not Raye something could still happen. It has been that kind of year.  

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