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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. I definitely can see a trade coming.  Pats are trying to trade M. Butler and Rams are trying to trade T. Johnson after franchising him.  And of course there are corners on other teams that could be available.  I too think we will draft a corner but not necessarily with our 1st pick.  I think he has something in the works in this FA period. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, IinD said:

    If Poe has 4 other teams he's talking to he's probably going to command a pretty penny for his services...just saying.

    Not a problem!  No more than Brandon Williams, he set the high bar.  We finally get our NT and 1st. major impact player!  I know I'm jumping the gun but I can't help it.

  3. 2 hours ago, jshipp23 said:

    I would prefer to try to win at ALL costs every year, instead of wasting a couple more years of Andrew Luck's prime....I'm sure the slow process can work IF you hit on draft picks and they avoid injuries, but it's not guaranteed..I think with our offense we should make trades for impact guys if the opportunity is there, and go after playmakers in free agency even if they are expensive.. The thought of going into a season without a Super Bowl as the goal when Andrew Luck is your QB isn't the best strategy in my opinion...Why not go all in now? Pay what it takes to bring in Hightower, Poe, Claiborne, and Barwin..        Draft a franchise RB, OLB, IlB, and G in draft who can make impacts and we would be instant contenders...Instead, it looks like we are gonna go for mid level guys in FA, let 2 of our most reliable defensive players go and hope we nail it in the draft and wait for them to develop for 3 years..                                              Luck will be in his 30's with this strategy..That's what you do when he is 22 not when he is 27 getting ready to hit his prime...I don't understand the attraction to this philosophy?  If we didn't have a QB I'd understand it, but it seems like a flawed plan for our situation..Sure eventually it may payoff, but what about the years we are throwing away?

    I think we will be going all in to win a SB this year.  We just finished 24 hrs. of FA. That's all.  We have plenty of cap space and could free up more.  There are plenty of quality players still available who could be impact players for us.  He already made one trade that caught everyone off guard and he could do it again. And then there's the draft of course.  I think he will use all avenues at his disposal to improve the team significantly this year.  I think he is off to a great start.  I think he could really surprise us when all is said and done.  It's still early and he's still hunting and working the phones.  I'm feeling pretty good right now.  Can't wait to see what his next move will be. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    11th still isn't bad though. 

    I'll say.  Today on NFL live Teddy Bruschi said Williams is the guy he would want his team to sign in FA if they were looking for a NT.  He said a big powerful NT like Williams is the linebackers best friend.  Commanding a double team frees up the LB'ers to make more plays and avoid blocks from the OL. Williams is the player he chose off the FA  DL list. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    He's slated to make $4.5mil, cutting him would be $2.5mil in dead cap. So they'd actually save $2mil by cutting him, but doesn't really make sense to do so. CB isn't exactly a deep position group for the Colts, especially if they re-sign Butler and move him to safety.

    Yes they resign Butler and move him to safety.  Robinson to the slot and Boyue to the other corner.  Perfect!

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