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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. 2 hours ago, esmort said:

    I can't believe people are trying to use Dallas again as comparison/justification for us potentially drafting a RB ... it makes no sense. Their roster is equal to or better than ours at every position except for QB, and their OL is the best in the league, which they have invested significant resources in ... which made drafting a RB at least  a reasonable option.  The Colts are in no where near the same situation as the Cowboys when they took Elliott. Some people need to get their RB man love in check ... there will be a "shiny new" RB or two every year to fall in love with.

    Just like  "shiny new"  ER's too. 

  2. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I like Taco too.     I'm just not sure he can play OLB instead of just DE.


    I think Taco is roughly 6'6" and about 275/280.       Now, ask yourself this....    how many OLB's in the NFL are that size?       Seriously?       Are there really many guys who are 6'6" and 280?       Playing someone that big out in space might work.    And it might not.      


    I think if we use Taco right,  he can be a very good player.     I'm just not sure how we should use him best?


    Remember Ted "Mad Stork" Hendricks?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Yeah, I was thinking Cook could be in play. He's basically the only offensive player I think we may take as Fournette should be gone. Pretty sure Cook will be a hit, and it's nice to hit on your 1st rounder, but we do need a defensive stud. As NCF said, the OLB's aren't very good in our range, I'd avoid them altogether. Guys like Myles Garrett, Jonathon Allen, and Rueben Foster won't fall to us (Foster has a slim shot). I'd consider going Jaml Adams if he was there, and get that elite safety. I think CB's are plentiful in the draft. Taco is a reach, TJ Watt I love, but he's a reach. Zach Cunningham is at a position we need, but a reach. The three guys I'm down too for now are Jamal Adams, Solomon Thomas, and Dalvin Cook. I think all three would be great picks for us.

    All we have to do is sign our ER in FA then we don't have to reach for one in our range.   Ballard doesn't strike me as a guy who will reach for a player when there are better players in front of them.  I believe him when he says BPA.   Not to many people wanted a center with our 18th. pick last year.  "Never draft a center that high"  some said.  Wrong.   At least this year people are warming up to the idea of a RB and they should.  The man means what he says.   BPA. 

  4. 57 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    Austin Pasztor. The only fa linemen(his position) with a better grade after week 3 was Kevin Zeitler. Austin could probably be much cheaper. 

    I read that article too.  He is definitely under the radar and worth investigating.  I'm sure Ballard will. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Seems like teams are starting to release players this week.  I'm interested to see if we will be letting anybody go in the next couple of weeks.

    I would think so.  If I remember correctly I thought we did so last year but I could be wrong.  With Ballard being new he might take longer evaluating players and putting together his strategy. 

  6. I see them all as BB's with the exception of Parry and Good who I view as JAG.  Good might still have a chance though since he switched positions last year as well.  Regardless I think there is a strong possibility Ballard acquires a new starting NT and RG. 

  7. 2 hours ago, LockeDown said:

    Loved this interview.  He said this is a passing league, where Pagano always says run the ball and stop the run.  That's interesting.  Loves linemen, always looking.  Analytics guy, which is odd coming from a guy who has a such a homespun feel to him.  Linebackers need to be 1-3 down guys, covering space, which might not bode well for Morrison.  Acts hesitant about Haeg and Clark, maybe because of youth.  Luck needs weapons?  We get a slight window into his brutal honesty, in that he isn't overly bragging and gushing over Anyone, not even Luck.  You can feel his desire to help surround Luck with help.  Finally, he's a people person.   He is a guy that paid his dues, didn't burn bridges and is ready to be a GM.  I just don't think  Grigson was ready.

    Nice assessment.  I can see him being active in FA more than people think.  Luck needs weapons?  That, to me, says RB and his comments on the OL suggest adding a OL in FA.  I believe him when he says draft BPA so I would leave everything on the table when it comes to our 1st. pick.  I think our 1st. pick is anybody's guess and what we do in FA could impact it greatly.  He likes his players tall, big, and fast.  I like this guy.  Can't wait to see him get going. 

  8. 56 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:

    You think it's so easy to be a GM like you can just throw money at players and they'll want to come here ignoring all other factors. Sick of people playing Madden and then thinking we can just sign 3-5 top notch free agents like this is the only place they think about going.


    Grigson's problem probably was that the really good players chose to play somewhere else so he felt obligated to feel the needs by overpaying mediocre players. That is what led to his dismissal. It is not as simple to make a "juggernaut" team as everyone on here is making it.

    Your last paragraph regarding the real good players choosing to play elsewhere is pure conjecture on your part.   We are all entitled to our opinion though.  We will never know. 

  9. I was thinking about a trade of former No.1's.   Dorsett for Shelton.  They are both in their rookie contract and Shelton is 23.  Cleveland is switching to a 4-3 defense so the big NT might become available and Cleveland might be in the market for a WR.   Not sure if it would be even up but it might be worth exploring.  Shelton might be a two down player for the most part where Dorsett would be an every down player. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

    I think a proven pass rushing OLB and NT definitely need to be brought in via FA. I like Nick Perry and Johnathan Hankins. I wouldn't mind Poe if he didn't break the bank. 

     That's my thinking too.  Those two positions are the most critical IMo to improve the defense before the draft.  The good news being a couple of solid NT's should be available giving us a great chance to acquire one.  Perry and maybe Ingram could hit the market too.  Another great opportunity to improve the defense.  If we get those two positions I think we hit a home run and are clearly back in the playoff picture before the draft takes place. 

  11. 1 minute ago, SaturdayAllDay said:

    Yah but if he wouldnt want to be here as a free agent, chances are he wont be here long. Worst case scenario we trade a 1st for him, tag him for a year and then he leaves (or worse yet he holds out). Best case scenario we have a good pass rusher for 4 yrs who costs 5x as much as the good pass rusher we could have drafted. 

    Yes the draft pick is an unknown but they are not any less risky then ingram. Who's to say ingram will be successful in our defense with our supporting cast of players around him. Free agency is risky too, but costs your team WAY more.  

    You are right it wouldn't make sense if he didn't want to be here.   If SD is interested you see what his demands are and see if it's feasible.  You could probably work it out a contract before a trade is done.  Many people were ready to trade a high pick for Moe W. for example.  The only difference he is under contract.  In this case he is a FA but if you can get a deal done then it's pretty much the same thing.  Many people want us to get him in FA so the cost is the same.  The only extra is the pick and all picks are risky.  Dorsett, Werner, just to name a few on our team alone.  You don't know if any pass rusher we draft works out.  Look what happened to Clowney.  Finally after how many years you finally get something out of the guy and he was the overall no.1. Ingram has proven himself just like Moe.  Obviously not a popular idea though. That's okay.  Just throwing out another possibility. 

  12. Melvin Ingram?   Really, It appears the Chargers are going to have a hard time signing him as I have read where he is the one with a real strong chance to hit FA.  The Chargers get our 1st. and we get our opportunity to sign him before FA.  Worse case we franchise him but we most likely sign him.  He is a proven stud ER.  We don't have to worry about a 1st. pick not panning out like so many have in the past.  He's about as close to a sure thing there is.  We have a high pick so I have to think it would be appealing to the Chargers.  I suppose we could sign him in FA but that's not a guarantee.  The trade guarantees he is with us.  Is this a crazy idea or does it have some merit?  What do you guys think? 

  13. I am with you on your selection of Bubba Baker.  I like him a lot and your description of him is perfect. Reminds me a lot of Bob Sanders.  I am surprised he is not mentioned at all. I would love him in the second and I too think Thomas should be our pick in the 1st. if Fournett and Cook are gone.  I am hoping Ballard gets us both Zeitler and Poe. Those two would immediately solidify both lines.  If not Poe than I hope he gets us another solid vet. I think that position alone would help out our backers tremendously. 

  14. Goes to show beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Matt Miller of BR just ranked his top 50 players entering the draft. Fournett at 2, Thomas at 6, Cook at 13.  McCaffrey at 21 ahead of Watson, Peppers, Mckinley, Watt, Anderson and Harris to name a few.  The only board that matters is the one Ballard and his staff put together. BPA means it's anybody's guess and everything is on the table. 

  15. 2 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

    The problem is Berry is going to want to come to a 2017 super bowl prospective team and coach.  he has neither with the Colts....but would Ballard be enough to sway him?  If we have a shot at all, and I call it a VERY slim chance...those factors could kill the deal.  Then again, he could just want the money , I'd say it would take us about 15 mil / yr to sign him  that's 1/4 or our Free Agency money

    I think it's really premature to rule us out as a Super Bowl contender.  After all we finished 8-8 and about half the teams that make the playoffs were not there the previous year.  Look at Dallas this year with their great draft and the Giants with their FA acquisitions. We were in the AFC championship games a few years ago with our coach and we still have Andrew and now we have Ballard. I can easily see Berry or any FA coming here if we want them. They all want the money and for those that want to go to a contender the Colts I'm sure are considered contenders by the players in the league. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

    I don't think we go luxury 1st rd. Ballard has made it clear teams start in the trenches. He may go edge, or OL 1st rd. 

    He could go RB in 1st. if he addresses the trenches in FA: NT, G or T.  Hopefully edge too but I don't consider edge as a true trench position.  To me the trench positions are the big uglies so to speak.  No disrespect. I am in the camp that the true edge rusher in our scheme is an OLB coming in from the edge. That's just me. 

  17. I don't think we have to sign Mewhort this year.  I don't see the need to lock him up now.  I would wait the year especially since he was injured a couple of times this year.   With all the good corners in the draft I would hold off on Johnson and get one in the second.  I would go hard after Ingram or Perry in place of Johnson.  If we lose out I would try for Zeitler.  I would keep Langford.  I definitely see us acquiring a veteran NT in FA or trade. If we get Perry or Ingram I can see Ballard taking one of the two RB's if they are still there with the 1st.  If not then a defensive player and I like the DE from Stanford. 

  18. I have to say I love the FA signings but I am not really familiar with the later round picks.  I don't dig that deep into the draft.  I am familiar with the top rounds as that is all I have the time for.  I think i have to agree with some of the replys concerning Mckinleys availability.  I have seen many mocks showing him gone in the 1st. 20.  But who knows he could be there.  If he's not I would be really tempted for McCaffrey at the end of the 1st.  I have seen him mocked at the back of the 1st. in many drafts and I think he would be a great impact player for us at that spot.  This response should get the RB haters in the 1st. all worked up but so be it.  With two new FA agent starters on defense in your mock you can still get two defensive players in the second round which should go a long way on improving the defense.  Just my opinion of course. 

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