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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. 53 minutes ago, backshoulderfade said:

    It really isn't another problem though. Run defense is a team effort. It's great having a big strong nose tackles who can lock down both A-gaps. The problem with our defense in the run game is that our linebackers don't play with the prerequisite technique, discipline and strength to properly occupy their gaps. That will make a good NT look bad.


    By no stretch are Williams or Poe better than Harrison as run stuffers. He stops the run at the highest % in the league. He is the best NT in the league by a huge margin.


    Sure, sign BW. But 10 million is excessive. Draft Ruben Foster, Sign one of the better ILBs along with Williams and he will look great. Let me be explicit here. Brandon Williams is not worth 1/16th of 2017s salary cap for what he brings to this team. I apologize to anyone who feels I may have been dismissive of their opinions. It was not intentional. I enjoy the debate.

    No guarantee Rueben Foster and one of the better linebackers will make him look great either.  You are taking a chance.  At least Williams has proven himself Foster hasn't proven anything.  The market and how bad a team wants him will determine his contract.  So who knows where that will end up.  I would rather look into acquiring Dan Shelton if I had my way but regardless if either Poe or Williams comes free they would both be huge upgrades and a major asset to the team. and worth the money. 

  2. 4 hours ago, backshoulderfade said:

    That's not what I am suggesting. But what is the point in adding a 2 down NT for 10 million if he wont perform to that price tag bwcause there isn't the linebackers behind him good enough to make plays. Williams isn't as good as Damon Harrison, IMO. Harrison is on another level and he got around 9.5 last year.

    If the linebackers behind him aren't good enough than that's another problem.  If he does his job then it's up to them to do theirs.  Williams better than Harrison, Poe better than Williams everybody has an opinion.  They are all extremely better than what we have and all are difference makers. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, backshoulderfade said:

    Holes at starter on nearly all front 7 positions. Williams would look bad on this D as it exists right now.

    I respectively disagree. You are not going to improve the defense by constantly adding average players to the rotation.  I think Williams would look great on this defense and he would help and improve the players around him.  Difference makers do make a difference.  That's why they get paid.  Heaven knows we need a few. 

  4. 1 hour ago, rock8591 said:


    Holes are not with the depth players, but with stars - absolutely no difference makers on defense that the opposing offense must account for and/or double-team.


    Signing a proven commodity at NT is far better than signing 2-3 mediocre depth players with the same salary, ala RJF, Laron Landry, Trent Cole, Andre Johnson.

    You can say that again.  We have the cap space.  Time to sign a couple of real difference makers.  Everyone over pays for them.  You pretty much have to if you want anyone who is really in their prime.  The clock is ticking on Grigson and he knows it.  I am expecting two maybe three big time acquisitions through FA or trade.

  5. 8 hours ago, krunk said:

    He'll want Damon Harrison money.   I felt we should have got Damon Harrison last year.

    Me too.  He was out there for a long time before he signed with Giants.  I couldn't believe we didn't go after him.  Either Poe or Williams would be fantastic though.  I tend to lean towards Poe if he even comes free.  I have mentioned him before but Dan Shelton of the Browns will probably be available in a trade and he's only 23.  Have to keep all options on the table.  Maybe offer Dorsett for Shelton to start the talks.  Both No.1 picks for their teams.  It can't hurt to talk. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, SaturdayAllDay said:

    I dont want to go anywhere near Bouye based on what kind of money he will command, if Houston even lets him go. I dont think one season of good play, in a contract year, with two of the fastest pass rushers in the NFL making his job easier will be worth the money he will get. Especially when he would be coming to our terrible pass rushing situation, which would make any DB look bad. 

    Excellent point.  Need to really do the due diligence. 

  7. I am hoping the Chiefs give Berry the big contract and Poe hits the market.  We really need a big NT and he would be perfect. I would love Ingram or Perry too.  Add Zach Brown as an ILB and we've added three starters.  I think we could get three.  Zeitler would be a real bonus.  Too early to tell with FA.  Things change fast. But it's fun to speculate. 

  8. I know we have all come to the conclusion that no changes will be made at the GM and HC positions.  But the fact remains there is still deafening silence from Jim and the front office.  I can only imagine the atmosphere there and everyone walking around whispering and feeling like they are walking on eggs.  As long as there is silence I have to believe there is a chance it is not over.  Unless Jim finally breaks his twitter silence or things start to get back to normal at Colts headquarters, whatever that is, I have a feeling something could still happen. This is just my opinion.   Maybe he breaks his silence tomorrow who knows.  But people can't work efficiently when there is fear and doubt.  Hopefully Jim brings this all to a conclusion soon.  He's a smart man and I think he knows the longer it drags out it doesn't do his franchise any good.  Hopefully we won't have to wait much longer.  One way or the other. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, krunk said:

    All Grigs has to do is knock this draft out the park and the haters will slowly start quieting down. Everything changes in football when you start shifting things in the right direction. Knocking this draft out the park is a very good start.

    Yeah that's right, He needs two home runs now.  FA and the draft.  He has the money for FA and the draft slot. He has the chance to hit it big on both and if he does this fiasco could all go away.  Not to mention we can easily get back to the playoffs if he does. We can only hope it works out well for the team. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, twfish said:

    It was, and Grigs pretty well knocked the draft out of the park

    He did pretty much hit it out of the park but he could have done even better if he didn't go with two projects; Clark and Green.  He could have had another starting guard, the guy who went to the bears and was moved to center and became a fixture on their line.  He should have known he has no time for projects.  The next GM or coach will benefit from those moves.   

  11. No he is not a bust.  But I have to tell you.  The Browns are switching to a 4-3 defense and they are in need of wide receivers.  If they were to call or maybe we should call I would be tempted to trade Dorsett a former 1st. to Cleveland for NT Dan Shelton another former 1st who is no longer needed in a 4-3.  It would be a win for both teams IMO.  Just food for thought. 

  12. 43 minutes ago, Majin Vegeta said:

    Just seen something last night about him saying he wants to re-sign with Houston.

    The FA list is going to shrink dramatically before players even become available. 

    True, but they all say that.  The FA list will shrink but we will still have our chance to add a few impact FA. 

  13. 1 hour ago, jshipp23 said:

    Quarterback killer??? He won 2 Super Bowls with Elway who has the same skill set as Luck to a T, basically Luck is an Elway clone...His offensive blocking schemes always produce good running numbers and balance to the offense.He has taken many running backs late in the draft and made them pro bowlers like Terrell Davis and Alfred Morris. .He went to the playoffs with the likes of Jay Cutler, Jake Plummer, and RG 111...I wouldn't call him a QB killer at all..The situation in Washington was terrible he had a meddling owner forcing RG111 on him and he knew he wasn't gonna work he wanted Cousins...I think he would be a good fit for Luck and we would have a running game as well...He has been a coach in some form on 2 national championship college teams, 10 NFL conference Championships, and 6 Super Bowls so I think the dude can coach and has taught his son Kyle well...He is from the Bill Walsh coaching tree and runs the west coast offense which is what Luck ran in college...I would be fine with him or his son and a good DC like Gus Bradley..

    I have to tell you the more I think about it the more I am beginning to like the Mike Shanahan suggestion as head coach.  He certainly fits the successful experienced HC description.  His son would be a candidate too but I am leaning toward the experienced father instead.  I am still nervous about going the 1st. time HC route, but that's just me.  Maybe his son can do it but I really like the idea of a proven commodity for us and our situation. I think he really wants the experienced and successful coach and Mike fits the bill.  I think he would be great choice. 

  14. I don't, for one minute, believe Grigson staying is absoultely necessary for any change to happen.  Why would he tie their contracts together last year?  This got derailed because he was trying to do two big deals at the same time.  Very hard to do IMO.  It hit the national media and hit a snag.  Lots of pride and egos and money being affected here.  No one really knows where this goes.  Probably not even Jim knows but I bet he is still working it.

  15. Okay fans, I don't see what's so hard here.  This isn't about a desire to keep Grigson or how many vacation or personal days you receive or who reports to who.  This is all about Money!  Big time negotiations even small time  negotiations eventually comes down to money.  You think for one moment Irsay started talks without knowing what his range and demands were.  The problem here is money and who is going to move first if at all.  People at that level can be pretty hard negotiators.  And they can be stubborn.  That's how they became successful in the first place. The Manning thing can be a big factor too.  Hard to do one big deal let alone two at the same time.  Now that it is out ,it could expedite things or it could fall apart altogether.  I'm not rushing to judgement on anything.  As far as I'm concerned it's still a working fire and anything could happen in the coming days.  I won't rule anything out. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, MasterCrief said:

    It doesn't just help the LBs, it help the entire defense. Even if Poe (or whoever our NT is) isn't getting sacks himself, he's opening up opportunities for other guys to get them. If Poe can eat up the center and a guard, our DEs go one on one with a guard and a tackle, then you send an edge rusher at the other tackle. Now you've got 4 guys occupying five blockers, and a blitzing ILB or other edge rusher is going to get a chance to go one on one with a RB or TE, which he should win every single time. By sending one extra rusher (if we assume 4 is the norm), you've forced the offense to keep an extra guy in to block, and can keep 6 guys back to cover 4. 


    Just by adding that one impact player, you've helped every other player on your defense and given yourself a numbers advantage in coverage while increasing your chances of getting to the QB. And that's just in the passing game, you're going to see even more advantages against the run.

    Then you have to ask yourself why is it taking so long for us to address that position?  

  17. 30 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    That is the one thing I hate about this site...Who wants to have to go through a thread that is 100 pages long...Just let the threads die on there own..If people aren't interested they will...Some threads cover a certain aspect of the situation, if it bothers people they don't have to click or comment on them...This is the only forum that does this, and I personally think it is unnecessary. .I dont want to have to look through multiple pages to find new content or refresh myself on previous content...It is called a FAN FORUM, how about letting the fans decide what they choose to talk about and not a few people in control who think they know best..It's the offseason what are people supposed to talk about.?.Lets just merge everything into 1 stupid thread then to keep the site organized...smh

    Count me in!

  18. 1 hour ago, krunk said:

    Wondering why Josh Wison at Stampedeblue isn't putting any of this Gruden stuff on his blog?  He worked directly with Brad Wells for a couple years so I assume he would have a pretty good idea of who Wells sources are.  And I know Wilson wants Pagano fired as well.

    Josh Wilson has really gone downhill IMO.  I liked him at first but he has really gone off the deep end with his hate for Pagano and Grigson.  He has gone on a witch hunt and lost all objectivity.  Too bad for a young kid I thought he had promise.  I rarely visit his site now. 

  19. 10 hours ago, 12to13 said:

    Nobody's saying it's easy to get an elite rb in later rounds, just a good chance at getting a decent one(like you even just said in your post). We have Gore and Turbin and can use a mid rounder on a RB also.

    If our Defense wasn't historically bad, I might be okay with drafting cook/fournette at #15 , but it is. All early picks go to defense this year.

    I think you are going to be disappointed with the draft but happy when it comes to FA.

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